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Witness History As Prince William Ties The Knot With Kate Middleton

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You've got a good point because the UK is a drab place even with the pomp.

That 2 billion worldwide viewers estimate has got to be the most exaggerated nonsense I've ever heard. 29% of the current world population watching it on TV....please!

These are not my figures, they were official estimates. If China was tuned in, and India with the rest the Russians, Europeans, Africas, Colonies--why should you want to dispute a reality. I couldn.t care less how many viewed, only it'le bring a bit of revenue in, and in return will make the pound stronger hopefully, why knock the tourism we need. The Thais are in need of that now. If you don't like the colour and occasion fine, I'm happy for all the old folks back home, something for them to smile about, suppose your against the millions who enjoyed the street parties, with the kids having a great day.

I'm well aware they are not your figures. They were touted over and over by BBC. 2 billion is absurd and you come back with "why should you want to dispute a reality".

It's merely propaganda to pump up the occasion...or wishful thinking.

May well be as you said, but all "companies" push their products don't they, and whats the matter with that, it's business for U.K. so lets have some more, there's too much competition out there in this world, gotta take it when you can. They are guessing the numbers,you are, and I,m saying good but never mind. The Americans were crazy about the wedding, as they have a non royal roll there, but the people would prefer one, They envy U.K. saw the big spread all over the States, Most people said on the lines of " It's the history they love" like Westminster Abbey, 1,000 years old. I believe not many countries could match that day, let alone organise it. !!


I watched it but couldn't for the life of me see anything in the slightest comical about it. To most mature adults with the slightest bit of intelligence it would of come across as something that an immature adolescent had knocked together in their free school time.

Best wishes to William and Kate.

It's pretty obvious you'll jump on anyone who disparages Kate or the Prince in any way, even in humour...hence your immediate assumption that I'm a sexpat with low moral standards.

I've had the royal family jammed down my throat for the whole of my life first in NZ and then Australia and have a healthy dislike for them....but how does this make me a sexpat?

I wonder about the mental health of anyone who is a genuine fan...especially to the point of spending days on the streets of London to get a good spot to view them.

Keep wondering, because quite frankly most Brits do'nt give a monkies about what you or any other foreigner thinks about our Royals.

I would never descibe my Mum or sister as staunch royalists but both (of sound mind!) went down to London for Diana's funeral and Queen Mum lying in state.


I watched it but couldn't for the life of me see anything in the slightest comical about it. To most mature adults with the slightest bit of intelligence it would of come across as something that an immature adolescent had knocked together in their free school time.

Best wishes to William and Kate.

It's pretty obvious you'll jump on anyone who disparages Kate or the Prince in any way, even in humour...hence your immediate assumption that I'm a sexpat with low moral standards.

I've had the royal family jammed down my throat for the whole of my life first in NZ and then Australia and have a healthy dislike for them....but how does this make me a sexpat?

I wonder about the mental health of anyone who is a genuine fan...especially to the point of spending days on the streets of London to get a good spot to view them.

Keep wondering, because quite frankly most Brits do'nt give a monkies about what you or any other foreigner thinks about our Royals.

I would never descibe my Mum or sister as staunch royalists but both (of sound mind!) went down to London for Diana's funeral and Queen Mum lying in state.

Well said, why this tropo has got this attitude about the royals, the people who 'Rammed it down your throat over the years" are the people who are a bit mental, you didn't have to believe their brainwashing when you got older. Maybe you prefer the Libya's--or Zimbabwe, type of thing ?? if you don't like it don't worry about it. "rammed down your throat for years" amazing ???


Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

In short, if your life is so empty it needs filling with celebrity pap, mindless dross, sugar coated fawning, adoration and psychofantic action - then try twisting the top off a large bottle of valium along with that of scotch, taking a razor to a vein or a step off the balcony ala Pattaya style . Better to end it then.

Succinctly put mate. You are not the only one who finds the whole thing totally boring.

What does succinct mean?....clear, precise expression in few words

His words were neither few nor precise. More like the ramblings of a bitter, envious, twisted individual who can do nothing but pour scorn on things he is actually merely jealous of. Jealous that the royal couple are more popular than he, jealous that there are people out there who can spell, jealous that people have lives bereft of vitriol, ad infinitum ad nauseum

Best wishes to the couple. What a marvelous spectacle. Makes one proud to be British and compensates somewhat for the meandering thoughts of mentally decrepit ex-pats.


Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

In short, if your life is so empty it needs filling with celebrity pap, mindless dross, sugar coated fawning, adoration and psychofantic action - then try twisting the top off a large bottle of valium along with that of scotch, taking a razor to a vein or a step off the balcony ala Pattaya style . Better to end it then.

Succinctly put mate. You are not the only one who finds the whole thing totally boring.

What does succinct mean?....clear, precise expression in few words

His words were neither few nor precise. More like the ramblings of a bitter, envious, twisted individual who can do nothing but pour scorn on things he is actually merely jealous of. Jealous that the royal couple are more popular than he, jealous that there are people out there who can spell, jealous that people have lives bereft of vitriol, ad infinitum ad nauseum

Best wishes to the couple. What a marvelous spectacle. Makes one proud to be British and compensates somewhat for the meandering thoughts of mentally decrepit ex-pats.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Good stuff mate, there are some miserable folks around, Bet some of these are super company on an evening out ?

When all were on the balcony, and the 60 year old Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitty roared over, thought that was brill, but it's cause I'm an oldster and I remember the old days, and treasure them. No one rammed this down MY throat when I was young. Nostalga, pride, There are a lot of people moaning out there who want to think back why we Brits are like this, we along with millions more fought for this. BUT up to you!


Just heard a funny one - "Why did the Queen come dressed as Pac Man?"

Made me laugh,anyway.

Bless the old lass, she's had a good innings. If her transport and the palace were painted yellow, she would have been another "Predator" as in the movie.B)


Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

To borrow a line .................................. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. Rusty ones with barbs.

Get the picture?

Where do you live? I'd like to help you if its OK?


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

So up to the non royalists on forum that moan about everything anyway, The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp, I'd rather watch the country alive like this brill day, than Cameron/ Clegg and the like.

Britain gets more money in from having the royals than it spends on them for sure, The immediate royals are o.k.--it's the royal "hangers on" that I object to, the ones that do NOT work to get tourists in.

They are a tourist attraction nothing more, they do more for England than they do for Australia and they are suppose to be the Australian Royal family also. Basically they couldn't care less for the Aussies and that is why Aussies don't really care for them.


Well said, why this tropo has got this attitude about the royals, the people who 'Rammed it down your throat over the years" are the people who are a bit mental, you didn't have to believe their brainwashing when you got older. Maybe you prefer the Libya's--or Zimbabwe, type of thing ?? if you don't like it don't worry about it. "rammed down your throat for years" amazing ???

I don't have an attitude about the royals, I just don't like them and find the whole institution very, very dull. They are rammed down everyone's throat in Commonwealth nations. For some reason you're unaware of that. I spent the first 6 years in school singing "God save the Queen" everyday in NZ.

A history lesson for you:

"God Save The Queen" WAS New Zealand's only national anthem until November 1977. Now it shares equal status with "God Defend New Zealand" after gaining permission from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Australians were a bit more sensible and officially changed the national anthem from "God Save the Queen" to "Advance Australia Fair" in 1984 after conducting a referendum in 1977. Interestingly "God Save the Queen" obtained only 18.78% of the votes and Australia Fair 43.29%. That was 34 years ago. Anyone who believes that the majority of Australians now embrace the idea of Australia remaining a constitutional monarchy are dreaming.

To say I've had it up to my ears with the British Royal Family is an understatement.

Now would you prefer a thread where everybody praised your royal family?


Well said, why this tropo has got this attitude about the royals, the people who 'Rammed it down your throat over the years" are the people who are a bit mental, you didn't have to believe their brainwashing when you got older. Maybe you prefer the Libya's--or Zimbabwe, type of thing ?? if you don't like it don't worry about it. "rammed down your throat for years" amazing ???

I don't have an attitude about the royals, I just don't like them and find the whole institution very, very dull. They are rammed down everyone's throat in Commonwealth nations. For some reason you're unaware of that. I spent the first 6 years in school singing "God save the Queen" everyday in NZ.

A history lesson for you:

"God Save The Queen" WAS New Zealand's only national anthem until November 1977. Now it shares equal status with "God Defend New Zealand" after gaining permission from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Australians were a bit more sensible and officially changed the national anthem from "God Save the Queen" to "Advance Australia Fair" in 1984 after conducting a referendum in 1977. Interestingly "God Save the Queen" obtained only 18.78% of the votes and Australia Fair 43.29%. That was 34 years ago. Anyone who believes that the majority of Australians now embrace the idea of Australia remaining a constitutional monarchy are dreaming.

To say I've had it up to my ears with the British Royal Family is an understatement.

Now would you prefer a thread where everybody praised your royal family?

I respect others feelings, and yours, but you do have an attitude about it all, and is deeper than the norm, up to the Aussies and Kiwi"s-- I really don"t care that much either way, I love N.Z. esp., rugby--and Aussie rules Footie , Cut the union flag off all your flags, Have another vote then and get rid of them if they get at you that much. """"""" My royal family""""":lol: :lol: :lol: Happy Easter smiler,,,, oh --maybe you don"t like easter B) Chear up-could do with a bit of the royals money though eh ?


I """"""" My royal family""""":lol: :lol: :lol: Happy Easter smiler,,,, oh --maybe you don"t like easter B) Chear up-could do with a bit of the royals money though eh ?

You're right, I don't like Easter, but did you not realise that Easter was one week ago? ...and that didn't matter either because it's not celebrated in Thailand.

...but could you explain what was funny about me calling them YOUR Royal Family? Are they not?


Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

In short, if your life is so empty it needs filling with celebrity pap, mindless dross, sugar coated fawning, adoration and psychofantic action - then try twisting the top off a large bottle of valium along with that of scotch, taking a razor to a vein or a step off the balcony ala Pattaya style . Better to end it then.

Succinctly put mate. You are not the only one who finds the whole thing totally boring.

What does succinct mean?....clear, precise expression in few words

His words were neither few nor precise. More like the ramblings of a bitter, envious, twisted individual who can do nothing but pour scorn on things he is actually merely jealous of. Jealous that the royal couple are more popular than he, jealous that there are people out there who can spell, jealous that people have lives bereft of vitriol, ad infinitum ad nauseum

Best wishes to the couple. What a marvelous spectacle. Makes one proud to be British and compensates somewhat for the meandering thoughts of mentally decrepit ex-pats.

Pot, kettle, black, anyone ? :whistling:


As the dust settles, this is a very interesting article, from the UK's Independent Newspaper, especially about Blair's non-invite:

Royal revenge: 'We had to draw the line somewhere'

John Rentoul: The snub to Tony Blair makes a nonsense of claims that Friday's wedding has modernised a fundamentally Conservative institution.



I """"""" My royal family""""":lol: :lol: :lol: Happy Easter smiler,,,, oh --maybe you don"t like easter B) Chear up-could do with a bit of the royals money though eh ?

You're right, I don't like Easter, but did you not realise that Easter was one week ago? ...and that didn't matter either because it's not celebrated in Thailand.

...but could you explain what was funny about me calling them YOUR Royal Family? Are they not?

I thought it was funny because the way you were talking as I was defending them (in your eyes) it came accross to me as though they belonged to me. They happen to be there, and as I said if they bring needed revenue in to keep paying my pension I prefer them to be around. Thanks for pointing out about Easter- I would never have known it was last week. Sorry I couldn't cheer you up. May day today suppose you don"t like the day off (bank holiday).


I thought it was funny because the way you were talking as I was defending them (in your eyes) it came accross to me as though they belonged to me. They happen to be there, and as I said if they bring needed revenue in to keep paying my pension I prefer them to be around. Thanks for pointing out about Easter- I would never have known it was last week. Sorry I couldn't cheer you up. May day today suppose you don"t like the day off (bank holiday).

Here you go again ---- making silly assumptions. Why does it follow that someone who dislikes the Royal Family is short of cheer?


Well said, why this tropo has got this attitude about the royals, the people who 'Rammed it down your throat over the years" are the people who are a bit mental, you didn't have to believe their brainwashing when you got older. Maybe you prefer the Libya's--or Zimbabwe, type of thing ?? if you don't like it don't worry about it. "rammed down your throat for years" amazing ???

I don't have an attitude about the royals, I just don't like them and find the whole institution very, very dull. They are rammed down everyone's throat in Commonwealth nations. For some reason you're unaware of that. I spent the first 6 years in school singing "God save the Queen" everyday in NZ.

A history lesson for you:

"God Save The Queen" WAS New Zealand's only national anthem until November 1977. Now it shares equal status with "God Defend New Zealand" after gaining permission from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Australians were a bit more sensible and officially changed the national anthem from "God Save the Queen" to "Advance Australia Fair" in 1984 after conducting a referendum in 1977. Interestingly "God Save the Queen" obtained only 18.78% of the votes and Australia Fair 43.29%. That was 34 years ago. Anyone who believes that the majority of Australians now embrace the idea of Australia remaining a constitutional monarchy are dreaming.

To say I've had it up to my ears with the British Royal Family is an understatement.

Now would you prefer a thread where everybody praised your royal family?


I think it would be safe to say that by far the vast majority of the British People would have no objection whatsoever to Australia becoming a Republic,or whatever they eventually decide,

and the remainder wouldn't lose any sleep over it either!


I thought it was funny because the way you were talking as I was defending them (in your eyes) it came accross to me as though they belonged to me. They happen to be there, and as I said if they bring needed revenue in to keep paying my pension I prefer them to be around. Thanks for pointing out about Easter- I would never have known it was last week. Sorry I couldn't cheer you up. May day today suppose you don"t like the day off (bank holiday).

Here you go again ---- making silly assumptions. Why does it follow that someone who dislikes the Royal Family is short of cheer?

Lets stop this now, I can see you are not wanting to enjoy the topic. My assumptions were what your points stated.

Hate the Royals ---don:t like Easter---no comment on May day holiday--bitterness you having to sing the anthem for years--others making you dislike them---you see they were NOT silly Assumptions were they ??? why are you short of cheer ??? did you post anything to make me believe different.


And that,I think is enough of that. tropo is entitled to his distaste (or whatever he chooses to call it) for the British royals but hijacking this thread which, believe it or not, is actually about a wedding and NOT about New Zealand or Australia wishing to remove the Queen as head of state is going to stop.

Yes shocking, I know but its true, the thread is actually about a wedding, so lets head it back towards that topic, thanks


Don't know if this was posted yet. Saw these pics on another forum of Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at the wedding.



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