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Thailand Goes On Full Terror Alert


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Thailand goes on full terror alert

BANGKOK: -- The Thai prime minister said that he has put Thailand’s major tourist spots on full alert today, hinting of links between Muslim militants in the south of the kingdom and the terrorists who staged the latest Bali bombings.

“We have something (information) that causes us to be very cautious and call a full alert,” Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said in response to a question about how Thailand was reacting to suicide bombs on the Indonesian resort island of Bali that killed 26 people on Saturday.

Except to say that plainclothes security officials would be dispatched into the tourist areas, Thaksin did not provide details of the alert or the information which prompted it.

Key tourist spots in Thailand include the island of Phuket, the seaside resort of Pattaya and several sites in the capital.

Thailand is battling its own militants in southern Thailand and Thaksin has so far characterised it as a domestic issue not tied to regional or international terrorism. More than 1,000 people have died since the separatist insurgency erupted early last year.

But the prime minister changed his tune today.

“By (geography) it seems that they are far apart but actually along sea routes Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are close. These people (terrorists) are commuting and rotating around in the region,” he told reporters.

“These people have been moving among these countries for generations. They have close connections and links. Their linkages come from relatives, friends and they used to go the same schools.”

He said the alert was ordered because of such links.

Last week, a security adviser to Taksin said that Indonesian fighters are involved in the southern insurgency.

“I have warned the authorities concerned several times about Indonesian fighters sneaking into the region but they have ignored it,” Gen. Kitti Rattanachaya said, saying the militants infiltrated from the Indonesian province of Aceh.

In another recent interview, a veteran Thai rebel leader warned that militants from Indonesia and Arab nations might join the Thai fight for a separate Muslim homeland if the government continued a crackdown against the southern Muslims that is provoking a new generation of fighters.

Lukman Lima said that the 21-month-old insurgency is getting moral and financial support from abroad, especially from Islamic sympathisers in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. But he said weapons are being obtained locally and wielded by Thai Muslims.

--Reuters, TV New Zealand, IOL 2005-10-03

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Breaking News (The Nation):

Thai major tourist sites on full alert after Bali bombing

BANGKOK: -- The prime minister said he put Thailand's major tourist spots on full alert Monday, hinting of links between Muslim militants in the south of the kingdom and the terrorists who staged the latest Bali bombings.

We have information that makes us very cautious and on full alert, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said in response to a question about how Thailand was reacting to suicide bombs on the Indonesian resort island of Bali that killed 26 people on Saturday.

Major tourist venues include the island of Phuket, the seaside resort of Pattaya and several sites in the capital.

Thailand is tackling its own militants in southern Thailand and Thaksin has so far characterized it as a domestic issue not tied to regional, or international terrorism. However, the prime minister changed his tune on Monday.

By geography it seems that they are far apart, but actually along sea routes Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are quite close. These terrorists are commuting and rotating around in the region, he told reporters. They have close connections and links. The full alert was ordered due to such links.

Last week, a security adviser to Thaksin said that Indonesian fighters are involved in the southern insurgency.

--The Nation 2005-10-03

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A follow up on the reasons behind the whole campaign.....from

The Times October 03, 2005

remember baby face.. :o

The campaign that began 50 years before bin Laden

By Daniel McGrory

Jemaah Islamiyah claims that al-Qaeda copied its terror network, not the other way around

BEFORE he was sentenced to death last year for orchestrating the Bali nightclub bombings in 2002, Mukhlas Imron boasted of his friendship with Osama bin Laden but fiercely denied that al-Qaeda had played any role in the attacks.

From the dock of an Indonesian court, the 43-year-old religious teacher insisted this was a homegrown operation by Jemaah Islamiyah which, he said, was capable of staging more atrocities.

The baby-faced Mukhlas ranted at the judges about JI’s ambition to create a single, fundamentalist Islamic state in South-East Asia which would embrace Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines and have a population of more than 400 million.

The leadership of JI has long argued that its campaign began more than 50 years ago, long before the world had heard of bin Laden.

Rohan Gunaratna, of the Singapore-based Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, said: “They chose Bali again to humiliate Indonesia, who claimed to have dismantled JI. This shows they are still in business and it will encourage more to join them.”

In about 1969 two clerics, Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Bashir, JI’s present spiritual leader, revived the Darul Islam movement and its conservative strain of Islam. They began modestly enough with a pirate radio station preaching to the poor and a boarding school set up in Java by the charismatic Bashir.

He chose as a school motto, “Death in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration”.

Teenagers in Indonesia hostile to the religious repression of President Suharto’s regime in the 1970s began supporting the efforts of local Muslim groups, who became collectively known as Jemaah Islamiyah, which literally means “Islamic community”. These small groups agreed to live by Islamic law and were blamed for arson attacks on churches, nightclubs and cinemas.

Bashir and other ringleaders were rounded up by Suharto’s forces as part of a crackdown on militants, though in 1982 the cleric escaped prison and fled to Malaysia.

From there Bashir began recruiting followers for his organisation. Among the most enthusiastic volunteers was another young teenage exile to Malaysia, Riduan Isamuddin, better known as “Hambali”. Dubbed by the CIA as “The bin Laden of South- East Asia”, Hambali would become the group’s main link to al-Qaeda.

Hambali claims credit for giving JI its local muscle. He would also put in practice lessons he learnt from al-Qaeda, including the formation of bogus companies to launder money for terror operations. Hambali was so trusted by al-Qaeda that he attended a terror summit in 1995 where the plan was first devised to turn hijacked planes into flying bombs.

After Suharto’s downfall in 1998, the leading figures in JI returned to Indonesia. Hambali went underground to plot terror operations, while the frail, white-haired Bashir toured mosques and schools preaching jihad in his own country.

The group produced a bomb manual for affiliates in the region and sent emissaries to Thailand, Singapore and as far as Australia to instruct local organisers how to set up their cell structures.

Some governments, like Thailand’s, have refused to acknowledge JI’s influence on their own local insurgency. The authorities blame “thugs and gangsters” for the spate of bombings and murders of security forces in southern Thailand even though several JI figures have been arrested there.

Among them was Hambali who, when he was picked up 60 miles from Bangkok in August 2003, was named by the CIA as the operational commander of Jemaah Islamiyah’s military wing.

The 42-year-old is among a handful of terror detainees regarded as so valuable to the CIA that the US Government refuses to say where he is held.

His alleged confessions led some security agencies to claim JI was beaten.

The misery seen in Bali suggests otherwise.


with thanks..


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We're finally getting there...

Actually I'm amazed how long Thailand has been spared of terrorist bombs, considering the amount of Muslims that are "visiting" here.

I really hope it doesn't happen but my feelings tell me differently; tourist spots are not safe anymore in TH.

Its pretty weird how they've hit Bali a second time. Usually they (the terrorists) move on to another location, but at least it wasn't as deadly as the previous Bali bombing. Still, every death is a death too much...


Edited by dezeure
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Last week, a security adviser to Taksin said that Indonesian fighters are involved in the southern insurgency.

“I have warned the authorities concerned several times about Indonesian fighters sneaking into the region but they have ignored it,” Gen. Kitti Rattanachaya said, saying the militants infiltrated from the Indonesian province of Aceh.

That's hard to believe. I recall being assured repeatedly by Mr. Big and his band of lackeys that the unrest in the south was caused by business conflicts, drug dealers and such.

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Its pretty weird how they've hit Bali a second time.  Usually they (the terrorists) move on to another location, but at least it wasn't as deadly as the previous Bali bombing.  Still, every death is a death too much...

Why are you surprised with Bali ? It's a perfect choice, the "weak point" of Indonesia (large media repercussion in the world). Much more efficient if I may say than an attack in Djakarta.

And it's a "camouflet" to the police forces. We know from experience, that it's virtually impossible to stop a suicide bomber (look in Israel).

1 or 2 attacks again in Bali, and tourism will come to a complete stand still, with large media and economic effects.

As for Thailand, I agree with you : it's a matter of time. When the hate will become too strong in the south (in a tragic game of actions/reactions between insurgents and police), then the fight will arrive in the north.

The best sign of this escalation will the be the first suicide attack in the south. Until now, they kill and bomb, but without putting their life at risk.

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We're finally getting there...

Actually I'm amazed how long Thailand has been spared of terrorist bombs, considering the amount of Muslims that are "visiting" here.

I really hope it doesn't happen but my feelings tell me differently; tourist spots are not safe anymore in TH.


"We're finally getting there..."! It reads as though some form of success is about to be achieved! Surely you do not really mean to imply that? :o

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How does Thaksin KNOWS that “…terrorists are commuting and rotating around the region…” That’s a pretty bold statement and one that could impact tourism harder than the other types of hysteria promote (such as bird flu). If this is true, Thaksin should keep this a secret. By printing this, The media is letting the bad guys know what the good guys are up to.

The media is the best tool that terrorist could possibly have. They obviously want to keep people scared and the media is doing their best to aid them. I believe in freedom of press, unless it compromises national security.

What would happen if a terrorist blew something up and no one heard about it?

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Its pretty weird how they've hit Bali a second time. 

Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

If these guys would just start bombing politicians instead of the populace, they would all go from being hated to loved overnight. This would go much further to promote their agenda. I wouldn't mind seeing a few neo-cons in the obit column.

Oh well... if wishes were fishes and all that.

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I find it astonishing ... hang on, I take that back ... I don't find it at all surprising that the Thai government reacts every time something happens elsewhere. Bearing in mind that trouble could happen anytime here due to the unrest in the south, it's funny how security measures are only stepped up when something happens in another country.

For a while everyone arriving at the departure terminal at Don Muang had their bags checked by soldiers as they went through one of the entrance doors. A good idea except you could enter from the arrivals terminal downstairs where there was no such security measure! Do they think terrorists are stupid?

There was then a period where bags didn't appear to be checked unless you looked like you might be a terrorist :o and just the other day I went through a door and didn't even see a soldier ... there were a couple standing around listening to music on their MP3 players at the far end of the terminal but they were hardly in a position to react to a machine gun toting terrorist or suicide bomber.

Everyone who has lived in Bangkok for a reasonable period of time knows that once terrorists have their bombs assembled and their targets set, it will be quite easy for them to achieve their objectives. It could be tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. Whenever it happens, it will not be a shock. Most of us know just how poor security here really is.

Thaksin's warnings are about as much security as we can hope for. The only surprise is that there haven't been any bomb attacks on Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket yet.

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

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to galong

I believe in the press freedom, but I believe too, the media is the best tool the terrorist have.

but we should be careful about your idea, in Italia they did the same 20 years ago,

during some months any terrorist attack was mainly informed by the media, until after some small terrorist actions, they did a big one, i dont remember where now, and it was imposible to hide it

dificult days for the safe places as thailand


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Everyone who has lived in Bangkok for a reasonable period of time knows that once terrorists have their bombs assembled and their targets set, it will be quite easy for them to achieve their objectives. It could be tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. Whenever it happens, it will not be a shock. Most of us know just how poor security here really is.

Unfortunately you are right Sunderland, surely it's just a matter of time...




Khao San...?


Full Moon Party...?

Any of these have to be potential targets. Thankfully I'm living away from these areas but do go there regularly for work...

...we'll know soon enough!

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

Balinese are mostly Hindus but Balinese Hinduism is a world away from that of India.

At one time Hinduism was the predominant religion in Indonesia (witness the many great Hindu monuments in Java) but it died out with the spread of Islam through the archipelago.

The final great Hindu Kingdom, that of the Majapahits, virtually evacuated to Bali, taking not only their religion and its rituals but also their art, literature, music and culture.

Religion in Bali has two overwhelming features, it's absolutely everywhere and it's good fun!

You can't get away from religion in Bali: there are temples in every village, shrines in every field, offerings being made at every corner.

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

Balinese are mostly Hindus but Balinese Hinduism is a world away from that of India. They are not muslim

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

Not Christian - Hindu! Which is one reason that Bali is so popular with tourists. As the Balinese are not Muslim they don't have issues with alcohal or with their women dating foreigners.

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

What is sad is that the tourist industry is supporting the local muslim population. What is amazing to me is that the main line muslim's are good god fearing people and deplore such actions.

I do think its about time for the truly God fearing Muslims to condem the radical right vocally with no mercy. They need an International vocal leader to stand up for their rights and cause.

The idea of a beautiful heaven with all honors for they who die in the name of jahad is insulting to all thinking peoples. This mis-interpetation of their own Prophets words should be insulting to the General Muslim population.

The Bible, the first book, states that the causinge of another persons death is forbiden. To say that God supports their cause is insulting to God himself.

I do hope and pray that this will be the last straw and the Muslim's of Mohammand will come forth.

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

Actually, most Balinese are Hindu, believe it or not (Bali Tourism Authority).

According to Wikipedia, about 93% of Bali's residents are Hindu, 5.2% are Muslim and the other 1.8% are Christian or Buddhist.

Wikipedia - Bali

That is one of the reasons the bombs are going off there and not elsewhere on the Indonesian mainland. Less chance of killing any "true believers", lots of infidel tourists and residents, better press coverage and so on.

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

The Balinese people are predominantly Hindu (or rather, their own varsion of Hinduism) with only a slight minority being Muslim.

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:o OK, lets just move the boarder, we can loose say 75 tp 100 kms, and pass the problem to malaysia, any Thais who want to keep there passport will have to move, (sorry about that) the rest who stay, well they can take a rest and become either stateless or Malaysian. At least this way we could cut down on the loss of life>
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