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Children Locked In Well As Expat Businessmen Is Robbed Of All His Property In Phuket

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I still find it somewhat strange.....perhaps the dedicated dad bit seems a tad over done.....perhaps he is, but based on the info and story thus far.....i do not get that impression.

By the sounds he was wealthy, retired as such but wrote books and invested in property...he did not even collect the rents. So by that info....free time should be a plenty.

yet he never picked up his kids from school....they were always taken to the restaurant first.....what kind of life is it for kids going from school to a restaurant every day ??

The Dad never saw his kids in shorts or swimmers ?? he never took them swimming ?? He never saw the girl in a skirt ??

The kids relationship with their Dad was such that they did not feel they could tell him anything and he would protect them ??

He went overseas and left them here ??

All somewhat strange in my opinion.......and my opinion is usually awesome.

Well as I have met the dad with the kids I can assure you there are very strong bonds and affection. The kids were scared to tell how they got the injuries. I really do not think you are qualifed to judge what sort of father he is. One of the housekeepers duties was to take the kids to school and back, is that so unusual. A bus picks my kids up.

Yes he went overseas for a wedding and left them there. I go overseas frequently without my kids. The woman was after all mother to the son.

Edited by andrewdrummond
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Btw foreigners can own 49% property in Thailand through a company providing that company is a genuine working company.

There will however be tens of thousand of foreigners in Thailand who would lose their houses if the country followed its own laws to the letter, and the laws could be excercised at any time, just depends on who they decide to pick on.

You need to add that the majority Thai shareholders need to be genuine shareholders who have invested their own money in the company. Since the famous letter from the Interior Minister to Land Offices of May 2006, the Land Dept has steadily tightened the checks on Thai shareholders of companies applying to register land ownership, if there is any foreign involvement in the company - one foreign shareholder or one foreign director is enough to trigger the checks. The Thai shareholders then need to produce documents to proof they had enough assets or income to make the investment or show loan documents to proof they borrowed the money (not from the foreigner). The company is also required to either show it either had enough paid-up capital to purchase the property or proof it borrowed the money from a third party (not the foreigner). When you have taken all that into account, it is pretty obvious that few Thai investors are going to put their own cash into a company which intends to buy a house for a foreigner to live, even if the company has genuine operations.

Existing companies are not, as far as I know, being subjected to random checks but there is no guarantee that will never happen in future. For those that have them, important things to check are firstly that your company makes a profit, pays tax and really has operating income. This doesn't include rental or other investment income which is classified as "other income" in audited accounts. Another key thing to check is that your auditor has not slyly qualified the accounts without telling you. Accountants, if they translate the accounts for small foreign clients will hardly ever translate the auditor's statement at the beginning. Often the auditor just signs the accounts for a fee without looking at them and to cover himself qualifies the accounts by saying that he was unable to verify the data because management refused to cooperate. Lawyers will definitely declare that companies with these defects are legal. However, a company that persistently makes losses and/or has never generated operating income is liable to be investigated by the Commmerce Ministry with a view to being struck off. Persistent qualification by auditors is another red flag that could lead to scrutiny and, if the Commerce Ministry discovers a violation of the Foreign Business Act, even by accident, it is obliged to prosecute and is also obliged to pass information about a possible violation of the Land Act to the Land Dept for prosecution.

good info on Farangs and 49% of a Thai company, BUT one important addition. Americans can own 100% of a thai company with no need for thai shareholders.

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I am not qualified to know what kind of father he is....i have never met him.

As I say, I am going on information here, in your articles and other news items...that is all we have to base it on and from that info, this is the opinion I get.

What does this wealthy guy do with all his free time then ? he does not seem to have a 9 to 5 job that stipulates his movements.

I take my kids to school and pick them up every day. I would never let my maid do it religiously every day, or any day for that matter now or in the immediate future.

My point is here that he seems to have the time, but it does not say anywhere he does everything with or for them.

They live in a beachside stinking hot tropical location, but he never took them swimming and saw their injuries ? Too busy ?

It seems she did everything for them and he not much....again based on info available only.

An article somewhere stated, as if to highlight the event, that he took the kids out to eat once a week. Well hooley dooley, if that is the pinnacle of his fathering week.

As stated by me several times now, this is based all on info available, nothing personal. I would definitely hope I am wrong.

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Btw foreigners can own 49% property in Thailand through a company providing that company is a genuine working company.

There will however be tens of thousand of foreigners in Thailand who would lose their houses if the country followed its own laws to the letter, and the laws could be excercised at any time, just depends on who they decide to pick on.

You need to add that the majority Thai shareholders need to be genuine shareholders who have invested their own money in the company. Since the famous letter from the Interior Minister to Land Offices of May 2006, the Land Dept has steadily tightened the checks on Thai shareholders of companies applying to register land ownership, if there is any foreign involvement in the company - one foreign shareholder or one foreign director is enough to trigger the checks. The Thai shareholders then need to produce documents to proof they had enough assets or income to make the investment or show loan documents to proof they borrowed the money (not from the foreigner). The company is also required to either show it either had enough paid-up capital to purchase the property or proof it borrowed the money from a third party (not the foreigner). When you have taken all that into account, it is pretty obvious that few Thai investors are going to put their own cash into a company which intends to buy a house for a foreigner to live, even if the company has genuine operations.

Existing companies are not, as far as I know, being subjected to random checks but there is no guarantee that will never happen in future. For those that have them, important things to check are firstly that your company makes a profit, pays tax and really has operating income. This doesn't include rental or other investment income which is classified as "other income" in audited accounts. Another key thing to check is that your auditor has not slyly qualified the accounts without telling you. Accountants, if they translate the accounts for small foreign clients will hardly ever translate the auditor's statement at the beginning. Often the auditor just signs the accounts for a fee without looking at them and to cover himself qualifies the accounts by saying that he was unable to verify the data because management refused to cooperate. Lawyers will definitely declare that companies with these defects are legal. However, a company that persistently makes losses and/or has never generated operating income is liable to be investigated by the Commmerce Ministry with a view to being struck off. Persistent qualification by auditors is another red flag that could lead to scrutiny and, if the Commerce Ministry discovers a violation of the Foreign Business Act, even by accident, it is obliged to prosecute and is also obliged to pass information about a possible violation of the Land Act to the Land Dept for prosecution.

good info on Farangs and 49% of a Thai company, BUT one important addition. Americans can own 100% of a thai company with no need for thai shareholders.

... correct PhuketRichard ... under the American Amity Act ... but to be clear on this, that 100% American-owned Thai company may not own Thai property.

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I too know Colin Vard and he is a highly intelligent and successful business man. His tale is a cautionary one for any foreigner living in Thailand. Gentlemen be smug at your peril. Look at whatever documents you are in possession of and be assured that they are original. The leases, the Chanote's etc etc maybe they are counterfeit? Mr Drummond's story has many gaping holes in it! On arrival in Thailand Mr Vard formed a Thai company with the help of one of the leading International Law Firms. After placing his houses in the company and insuring that he had all the voting rights and was sole signatory with the 2 company stamps he decided to employ another International Law Firm to cover his back and draw up a separate contract with all the shareholders in which they signed away all their interests. He placed his trust in the solicitors and even had translations provided for every thing he signed. It turned out that the translations were bogus and the Solicitor counterfeited and switched his Chanote's. Look at how easy it was to transfer the ownership of his car... How many of you out there at some time leave your blue car book and passport out on view if only for a few minutes? Indeed how many of you have a signed copy of your passport in your desk? Well the housekeeper one afternoon when Mr Vard was out copied his passport and took the blue book to a Thai man who filled out all the transfer forms and virtually within the hour he had forged Mr Vard's signature and the car was transfered into the housekeepers name. Later that day the car was taken to a finance company and used as collateral for a 500,000 loan. This woman was never his girl friend. She lived with him for 10 years without incident. In that period she built up not only his trust but all of his friends and family too. She fooled us all. The problem here in Thailand is that the felons operate in the knowledge that the police will not investigate and charge their own. He was lucky he found 3 or 4 decent policemen who apologised to him for what had happened. The fraud against Mr Vard could not have happened unless she had help from dishonest bank officials, land office employees police men and lawyers. Mr Vard enjoyed his life as a single man in Thailand. He has had many girl friends but never wanted to form a lasting relationship. He erred one night and paid the price. He is guilty of taking on his responsibilities and taking care of this woman. His contribution to her restaurant was just 400K Baht a small sum he argued for a woman who worked for him for 10 years without incident. It also he reasoned took her off his payroll. Finally since Mr Vard's story has come to light it has been discovered that there are up to 12 other similar cases in Phuket at the moment. It is easy to knock others misfortune harder to come together as a force and insure that this can not happen to you. Maybe it all ready has and you just don't realise it yet?

Another example of someone trying to get over Thai laws that clearly state no forang can own land. In some ways i feel sorry for him in others i feel he deserves it but of course his

no way did his children deserve what happened to them if that bit is true. As far as all Thais being scum this is nonsense I know many forang who cheat lie and do whatever to extract

money from the gullible. No one is immune from the con person but lets be honest. Here and in forangland many will take advantage and steal cheat lie and do whatever for money. Its

just here the opportunity is to great with so many forang trying to break thai land laws. rolleyes.gif my Thai wife of 15 years has everything in her name including our assets abroad. That way she

has little incentive to cheat me or worse but then I am one of those stupid forang who actually trust by wife 100% but she is the only one I would trust either amongst Thais or Forang.

Lesson dont try and get around Thai land law. It leads you totally exposed although. I think it would be a bit more difficult if buying a condo since that process is not full of tricks to own

the place.

Absolutely correct - ... "she has no incentive to cheat me or worse" ... Let me dive into my archive to enlighten whomever needs enlighten to show what goes on today has been going on for a long time....

Another for the record, this one from the: Daily Mirror, May 6, 1996, Chief Crime Correspondent, Jeff Edwards.

After nearly 20 years as a constable with the Leicestershire police, Bob Tonkins visited Thailand and fell in love with Pattaya bar girl Lin-Pie in 1994. They wed in Leicester in April 1995 and went to her hometown near Nong Khai to live.

Shortly thereafter, Bob wrote home that he had caught a virus of some sort. Then the letters stopped. In April 1996, Bob scribbled a note to an American Buddhist he happen to meet begging him to phone a friend in Leicester to the effect that he was dying. The call was made and directions to his whereabouts given.

Hairdresser Steve Gilliver alerted Bob’s mother and both flew to Thailand. They traveled overland from Bangkok and found the jungle hut in which Bob was living. If his conditions could be called that. Unable to move, he was lying in his own filth and emaciated. The sores covering him were fly-infested.

At 41, Bob looked much older. He weight less than 60 lb. and was near death. His wife had been giving him a little rice and water every few days. When he told her that he was dying, she said: “Everyone has to die sometime.” He had already authorized her to draw his pension of £462-a-month from an account in Udon Thani.

Mum and Steve managed to get Bob out of the hellhole and, a few weeks later, on a flight to England. He is now in Leicester General Hospital being treated for malnutrition, dehydration and multiple infections. Lin-Pie, 30, the mother of two, will be sued for divorce. Not for attempted murder (Bob is sure that she’d poisoned him).

Consistently starry-eyed farangs are advised not to marry local prostitutes, who certainly don’t reciprocate their affection. Prostitutes are anything but sweet young things, their smiles covering a hard-as-nails nature. They didn’t choose their profession out of necessity. The vast majority of poverty-stricken girls in the provinces refuse to regard prostitution as an option. Those entering the profession do so because they have the requisite callousness.

By no stretch of the imagination did Bob Tonkins deserve the inhuman treatment to which he was subjected. A policeman for the better part of two decades, he must have seen British prostitutes for what they are. What made him believe that their Thai counterparts are any better, a person wonders? If he is blameworthy for anything, it’s a serious lapse of judgment.

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I would not say that it does not all add up.

I would say that what is being stated though may not be entirely the correct case and that the people that know him personally are sticking up for him as mates......yet the information available to us gives a different opinion to what they think and know or think they know.

Friendship can blur things.

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phuket is beautiful,..but rotten to the core, remember the millions of tsunami disaster $$ that went missing after it was left in the "safety" of local police ?, i know so many farangs that have been robbed of money and business there its unreal !! , i am happy to see the decline in tourism from europe and await the outcome of the thais trying to rip off indians , turks, arabs and the chinese, all of whom are a bit more savy with there money , i've lost count of the number of times i've heard thais , in particular bargirls say " mai chop india and arab" mhen mak ,........ but now that they have made their own beds,......... !!! .

While im on the subject of scams and dishonesty,........ is'nt it time the thai government stopped robbing farangs 400b to look at a waterfall and 20b for a thai !!, even if they are rich selfish hi-so creeps who do less to help the average thai than i do on my holidays !!

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Posts and replies which contained a link which could be construed as libellous or defammatory in nature have been removed from view.

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19) Not to post other members' personal details, photos or web site details. Doing so will result in an instant ban.

which i assume is why a post with a link to a well known social web site was removed which before it was removed i used the link as probably did a few others. It is claimed this man is what his friends say and that his housemaid!!! was/is evil and terrible but she is unable to give her version. So surely a link to a open social website which is totally open to the public while maybe being a link to that persons personal details should be permissible. After all the man himself posted openly on the web the information and so should not complain if someone points out what he posted himself on a internet social website

Unless of course it is a forgery but i doubt that it is since im sure the well known social website has huge security to prevent that. The fact is the details he himself posted IMHO disproves or at least severely questions if the facts are true

IMHO jap.gif

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Posts and replies which contained a link which could be construed as libellous or defammatory in nature have been removed from view.

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19) Not to post other members' personal details, photos or web site details. Doing so will result in an instant ban.

which i assume is why a post with a link to a well known social web site was removed which before it was removed i used the link as probably did a few others. It is claimed this man is what his friends say and that his housemaid!!! was/is evil and terrible but she is unable to give her version. So surely a link to a open social website which is totally open to the public while maybe being a link to that persons personal details should be permissible. After all the man himself posted openly on the web the information and so should not complain if someone points out what he posted himself on a internet social website

Unless of course it is a forgery but i doubt that it is since im sure the well known social website has huge security to prevent that. The fact is the details he himself posted IMHO disproves or at least severely questions if the facts are true

IMHO jap.gif

We're some way from the truth here and yes I saw the link. While it proves nothing it does suggest he led a full and...ahem....active life.

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A person need not be a genius to deduce a disturbing trend in the last decade here in Thailand.

Crime has always infected this country, and farang have never been immune to the filthier side of Thailand. But, perhaps not the incidious sort of criminal behavior about which we now read.

I take from the greater reporting of extortions, kidnappings, murders and such, that farang are now identified as the easy target by Thai criminals and their corrupt Royal Thai Police co-conspiritors. The corrupt and criminal Thais know that they can count on little threat of an investigation by the corrupt Royal Thai Police. With a little money, that can be easily guaranteed.

If a Thai criminal learns that you have money and wants to get it, they no longer need to lie, trick and deceive you out of it, as in the past. They can now simply take it. They need only to offer a share of the profits to the local corrupt Royal Thai Police, who will at least obstruct any investigation, assuring that the victim is held defenseless. At worst, the corrupt Royal Thai Police assist in purpetrating the crime. We read about this daily now ... it is pervasive.

Sure, crime is on the rise everywhere, even in the best of countries. Sad. The difference, however, is that there exists no rule of law in Thailand to prevent a freefall.

Is open season on farang at last arrived in Thailand? Do others who have been here a long time sense the same as me?

Edited by swillowbee
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Posts and replies which contained a link which could be construed as libellous or defammatory in nature have been removed from view.

Be aware of this forum rule:

19) Not to post other members' personal details, photos or web site details. Doing so will result in an instant ban.

which i assume is why a post with a link to a well known social web site was removed which before it was removed i used the link as probably did a few others. It is claimed this man is what his friends say and that his housemaid!!! was/is evil and terrible but she is unable to give her version. So surely a link to a open social website which is totally open to the public while maybe being a link to that persons personal details should be permissible. After all the man himself posted openly on the web the information and so should not complain if someone points out what he posted himself on a internet social website

Unless of course it is a forgery but i doubt that it is since im sure the well known social website has huge security to prevent that. The fact is the details he himself posted IMHO disproves or at least severely questions if the facts are true

IMHO jap.gif

Agree completely. Couldn’t have said it better!!

After reading the message stating that he never frequented the Go-go bars, with the goal of misleading the reader that he was leading a saintly life style, I proceeded to do my own research. It was not long before I was able to track down our “Saint” on one of the social websites. When posting on social websites there is no presumption of privacy. On the contrary you are advertising yourself. It does not appear fair to me that his friends have complete immunity in trashing the Thai woman in question, rightly or wrongly, while describing Colin Vard as a pillar of society. In conclusion, I request reposting the URL address.

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I am certain that this guy would have suffered the same fate in the west. You can't walk around with "easy mark" tattooed to your forehead and not expect it.

Thailand is NO DIFFERENT. This guy could have easily changed the outcome with a small amount of vigilence.

Will all of the supposed oversight in the US and our extensive resources we still produced Bernie Madoff and thousands of scam artists.

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Posts and replies which contained a link which could be construed as libellous or defammatory in nature have been removed from view.

Be aware of this forum rule:

19) Not to post other members' personal details, photos or web site details. Doing so will result in an instant ban.

which i assume is why a post with a link to a well known social web site was removed which before it was removed i used the link as probably did a few others. It is claimed this man is what his friends say and that his housemaid!!! was/is evil and terrible but she is unable to give her version. So surely a link to a open social website which is totally open to the public while maybe being a link to that persons personal details should be permissible. After all the man himself posted openly on the web the information and so should not complain if someone points out what he posted himself on a internet social website

Unless of course it is a forgery but i doubt that it is since im sure the well known social website has huge security to prevent that. The fact is the details he himself posted IMHO disproves or at least severely questions if the facts are true

IMHO jap.gif

Agree completely. Couldnt have said it better!!

After reading the message stating that he never frequented the Go-go bars, with the goal of misleading the reader that he was leading a saintly life style, I proceeded to do my own research. It was not long before I was able to track down our Saint on one of the social websites. When posting on social websites there is no presumption of privacy. On the contrary you are advertising yourself. It does not appear fair to me that his friends have complete immunity in trashing the Thai woman in question, rightly or wrongly, while describing Colin Vard as a pillar of society. In conclusion, I request reposting the URL address.

Prior to removing the link in question, I discussed this among the Moderating Team and it was suggested that the link be removed. I would like to remind everybody of the following statement issued previously:

Except for the fact that defamation is a criminal charge in Thailand and if he were so defamed without a news report and chose to pursue it we'd really hate to have to turn personal information over.

So, please report only on what has made the news, cheers.

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We're some way from the truth here and yes I saw the link. While it proves nothing it does suggest he led a full and...ahem....active life.

Can someone send me the link ??

If that is true...then my suspicions were correct.

Also absolutely nothing wrong with a full and active life...social or whatever.....it just depends if that reflected then in other areas, especially with the claims from everyone about the solid relationships with 2 certain individuals.

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A person need not be a genius to deduce a disturbing trend in the last decade here in Thailand.

Crime has always infected this country, and farang have never been immune to the filthier side of Thailand. But, perhaps not the incidious sort of criminal behavior about which we now read.

I take from the greater reporting of extortions, kidnappings, murders and such, that farang are now identified as the easy target by Thai criminals and their corrupt Royal Thai Police co-conspiritors. The corrupt and criminal Thais know that they can count on little threat of an investigation by the corrupt Royal Thai Police. With a little money, that can be easily guaranteed.

If a Thai criminal learns that you have money and wants to get it, they no longer need to lie, trick and deceive you out of it, as in the past. They can now simply take it. They need only to offer a share of the profits to the local corrupt Royal Thai Police, who will at least obstruct any investigation, assuring that the victim is held defenseless. At worst, the corrupt Royal Thai Police assist in purpetrating the crime. We read about this daily now ... it is pervasive.

Sure, crime is on the rise everywhere, even in the best of countries. Sad. The difference, however, is that there exists no rule of law in Thailand to prevent a freefall.

Is open season on farang at last arrived in Thailand? Do others who have been here a long time sense the same as me?

I think this poor guy is very unlucky and that this is a terrible situation that he and the kids are now in. I know from personal experience, just how long it can take to get justice here. I don't think he was stupid, I think he got too complacent . How many of us on this forum alone, have houses, cars and whatever, in the good wife's name? I sure do, but I'm not scared and with good reason. In my experience and that of the many that I know or have met who live here, Thai people are much better natured and more helping, than those in many other countries. Like me, the guys I know, have been many places and so are not ignorant when saying this. I agree that Phuket today (like Pattaya, Koh Samui, etc.) can be a scary, expensive place, but that also depends on where you stay in those places, how you live and on what kind of Thais you know. I see many posts here from guys living in Phuket and Pattaya, who live – and have lived there for many years without a problem. I also hear many expats are leaving those same places as it's too expensive to live for them now. The cost of living here in T/L has sure risen, but I don't pay any more than the Thais do. It helps that I and nearly all the guys that I know here, speak fluent Thai, which many expats either refuse to learn or can't do. Though some Thais are not comfortable with this, in general they respect you for it. I first came out here in 1988 (bungalows by the beach at Koh Samui were 50 bht a night back then) and came back once or twice a year for 2 or 3 months at a time. About 10 years ago, I decided to make it permanent. I too have seen the rise in "crimes against Farangs" but there are a lot more of us living here now, so that would account for some of it – but not all. Back then, I could crash out at a bar and wake up with the same amount of cash in my wallet the next morning, as it had the night before. Greed and jealousy, are part of human nature anywhere in the world and the bad attitude towards Thais, by many tourists, along with the way so many just "show off and throw around" money, led rapidly to higher than normal levels of jealousy. I believe these things, along with the increase in expat population, have contributed in a large degree, to this rise in crime that we see today. But like the post above says, I too am worried that it is now "open season " on us, though I don't think the Laws – corrupt police/officials aside – make it easier to prey on us than the Thais, just that we are in fact easier to prey on, than the Thais. Don't let us forget too, that these days, farang criminals and gangs, though far fewer in numbers, now commit a much higher % of crimes against us than the Thais do. Despite all this, I still love it here. My Thai wife and Thai friends have saved my but more times than I can count. I am not yet thinking of going anywhere else. I Wish Colin Vard and his kids all the best and hope he finds justice soon.

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A person need not be a genius to deduce a disturbing trend in the last decade here in Thailand.

Crime has always infected this country, and farang have never been immune to the filthier side of Thailand. But, perhaps not the incidious sort of criminal behavior about which we now read.

I take from the greater reporting of extortions, kidnappings, murders and such, that farang are now identified as the easy target by Thai criminals and their corrupt Royal Thai Police co-conspiritors. The corrupt and criminal Thais know that they can count on little threat of an investigation by the corrupt Royal Thai Police. With a little money, that can be easily guaranteed.

If a Thai criminal learns that you have money and wants to get it, they no longer need to lie, trick and deceive you out of it, as in the past. They can now simply take it. They need only to offer a share of the profits to the local corrupt Royal Thai Police, who will at least obstruct any investigation, assuring that the victim is held defenseless. At worst, the corrupt Royal Thai Police assist in purpetrating the crime. We read about this daily now ... it is pervasive.

Sure, crime is on the rise everywhere, even in the best of countries. Sad. The difference, however, is that there exists no rule of law in Thailand to prevent a freefall.

Is open season on farang at last arrived in Thailand? Do others who have been here a long time sense the same as me?

I think this poor guy is very unlucky and that this is a terrible situation that he and the kids are now in. I know from personal experience, just how long it can take to get justice here. I don't think he was stupid, I think he got too complacent . How many of us on this forum alone, have houses, cars and whatever, in the good wife's name? I sure do, but I'm not scared and with good reason. In my experience and that of the many that I know or have met who live here, Thai people are much better natured and more helping, than those in many other countries. Like me, the guys I know, have been many places and so are not ignorant when saying this. I agree that Phuket today (like Pattaya, Koh Samui, etc.) can be a scary, expensive place, but that also depends on where you stay in those places, how you live and on what kind of Thais you know. I see many posts here from guys living in Phuket and Pattaya, who live – and have lived there for many years without a problem. I also hear many expats are leaving those same places as it's too expensive to live for them now. The cost of living here in T/L has sure risen, but I don't pay any more than the Thais do. It helps that I and nearly all the guys that I know here, speak fluent Thai, which many expats either refuse to learn or can't do. Though some Thais are not comfortable with this, in general they respect you for it. I first came out here in 1988 (bungalows by the beach at Koh Samui were 50 bht a night back then) and came back once or twice a year for 2 or 3 months at a time. About 10 years ago, I decided to make it permanent. I too have seen the rise in "crimes against Farangs" but there are a lot more of us living here now, so that would account for some of it – but not all. Back then, I could crash out at a bar and wake up with the same amount of cash in my wallet the next morning, as it had the night before. Greed and jealousy, are part of human nature anywhere in the world and the bad attitude towards Thais, by many tourists, along with the way so many just "show off and throw around" money, led rapidly to higher than normal levels of jealousy. I believe these things, along with the increase in expat population, have contributed in a large degree, to this rise in crime that we see today. But like the post above says, I too am worried that it is now "open season " on us, though I don't think the Laws – corrupt police/officials aside – make it easier to prey on us than the Thais, just that we are in fact easier to prey on, than the Thais. Don't let us forget too, that these days, farang criminals and gangs, though far fewer in numbers, now commit a much higher % of crimes against us than the Thais do. Despite all this, I still love it here. My Thai wife and Thai friends have saved my but more times than I can count. I am not yet thinking of going anywhere else. I Wish Colin Vard and his kids all the best and hope he finds justice soon.

... "I too am worried that it is now "open season " on us, though I don't think the Laws – corrupt police/officials aside – make it easier to prey on us than the Thais, just that we are in fact easier to prey on, than the Thais."

... which is exactly my point, newtronbom ... Thais have informal channels through which they can find justice ... even vigilante justice ... you rely upon that ... many farang here are totally defenseless in the face of pervasive Thai corruption ... I worry about the day when the criminal Thais and the corrupt Royal Thai Police come for my money ... extortion? ... blackmail? ... worse?

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