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Children Locked In Well As Expat Businessmen Is Robbed Of All His Property In Phuket

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I find it amazing that the most important and interesting point of this story hasn't been mentioned yet.

If somebody wants to invest his hard earned money into property in order to generate rental income why not do it in a country where you can actually own the property legally, e.g. in your home country ? Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to condone or excuse the evil behavior of this woman and her helpers in any way. But would you not agree that the fact to try and circumvent existing laws by some semi-legal constructions (forming a Thai company, 30 year lease etc.) makes one vulnerable for exactly these kind of rip-off ? Moreover, would you not agree that such a situation makes some shady Thai characters actually believing that they are entitled to 'defend the Thai law' and part the foreigner from his illegal investments ?

The first lesson any foreigner who wants to live in Thailand in relative peace and ease of mind should learn is to never invest into something you can't legally own. Leave your money where it is safe and always only send exactly that much as you really need.

YES 100% :thumbsup:

Dont play with fire and you wont get your fingers burned.

This can be summed up in one word, greed.

Som nam na.


There is a lot of confusion here and a lot of ill informed comments. I am saddened to see some here who are happy to beat upon a decent guy who has been duped, scammed and conned beyond belief. I just hope this will never, ever happen to any of you. There for the grace of God go I....always my favourite motto rather that kick a guy that's down...but thankfully not out.

Colin was/is not flash. He did not meet Nit in a bar. She was not a bar girl. It was he who drove his 11 year old 4 x 4 or his 6 year old Honda motorbike and it was Nit who drove the new Honda. He never ever let on to anyone of what he had. Never did I see him flash the cash as eloquently put here. He loved his odd Chang and didn't, as some believe, drink champagne with the girls. His house was large and that was his choice to put his money into whatever he choose. He choose to provide a very comfortable home for Nit and the 2 children. He earned his money the hard way..by years of hard and honest work.

His son was found in pretty desperate and awful conditions on the Laos border. They were on the move constantly which involved many dangerous trips across the Mekong in small boats at night. She did not resist arrest and came quietly. She repeatedly offered her sisters name when asked who she was.

The children lived in a reign of fear under Nit who was vicious and violent towards them. Maybe he should have seen this...but then it was always Nit who insisted she put them to bed every night. Colin for the record went out every week with his family for dinner, took care of any medical need with the best available facilities and went regularly on family holidays. The 2 kids genuinely adore their father.

His son is now with his father and his sister.

Colin did not dump Nit. She got herself into this mess, got deeper and deeper and fraudulently converted his assets to pay off the loan sharks. At no time ever was Nit treated badly by Colin. By any standards she had it all. She walked out on him, absconded with his son and then demanded, twice, a 5m baht ransom for Colin to see his son again.

What was stolen were his properties, bank accounts, car, furniture etc. Even the contents of the restaurant went North East. He is now in court (adjourned on Friday) to show fraud and to get his properties back. He has custody of his son...legal custody.

He has been helped by Pitchy, a fine lawyer who was appalled by the whole incident, and her BF an honourable detective who will ride rough shod over anyone trying to cover up. They were/are tireless. The Irish consul has been there for Colin....I am not familiar first hand about the embassy.

If I had to check every lodgement, every letter, every single task that I entrust someone with ...then I would have to give up. It can't be done with a lot of possessions. You have to trust people.

As said I am off in a few hours time and so just wanted to clear any issues as best I can.


I don't know what channeling is.

Its about a link to the subject matter being discused. I would like someone of authority to review the content of the link before posting. Is there someone I can send a private message with the link?

Just pick a moderator and pm him/her and run it by them.

Gone through the tool bar a couple of times and its not evident to me how to find a moderator and send a private message. Any instructions for the technically challenged?


I don't know what channeling is.

Its about a link to the subject matter being discused. I would like someone of authority to review the content of the link before posting. Is there someone I can send a private message with the link?

Just pick a moderator and pm him/her and run it by them.

Gone through the tool bar a couple of times and its not evident to me how to find a moderator and send a private message. Any instructions for the technically challenged?

Just pick a topic on here any topic and scroll to the bottom you will see a name in red amongst those viewing the topic they are the moderators If that doesn't help try saying something rude or nasty and they will come to you.


Back home I have bought perhaps 10 houses with solicitors and never once were the title deeds in my possession. Now consider if your trusted solicitor unknowns to you transfered your properties into his name and sold them on. You would know bugger all until thes*it hit the fan. That is what happened here.

The difference being that 'back home' the chances of this happening are fairly remote, and if it did happen, the solicitor would be struck-off for life and jailed, and the victim of his fraudulent actions statutorily compensated from the Solicitors' Compensation Fund (or whatever it is nowadays called). I am not for one moment suggesting that the UK is bereft of dishonest and even downright criminal lawyers, however the principal difference lies in regulation, policing and enforcement. Despite popular myths to the contrary, the courts and regulatory authorities take an extremely dim view of fraudulent or criminal activity by members of the legal profession, who are likely (and quite rightly) to be punished more severely than other such offenders for their breach of professional trust.


I don't know what channeling is.

Its about a link to the subject matter being discused. I would like someone of authority to review the content of the link before posting. Is there someone I can send a private message with the link?

Just pick a moderator and pm him/her and run it by them.

Gone through the tool bar a couple of times and its not evident to me how to find a moderator and send a private message. Any instructions for the technically challenged?

Just pick a topic on here any topic and scroll to the bottom you will see a name in red amongst those viewing the topic they are the moderators If that doesn't help try saying something rude or nasty and they will come to you.

Thanks, I sent an email to the moderator looking after the "news" thread. Knowing my luck saying something rude or nasty would get me banned ... lol.


Moral of the story Rent keep whatever money you have offshore, invest in Hong Kong or Singapore, and never tell anyone how much you have, the majority of people go funny when it comes to money! Here there is very little law to protect you!


hmmmm, evrey male travelling to Thailand,should pass a compulsary idiot test before his country let's him depart.Maybe harsh,but krikey, how many times do you hear this stuff? sorry for the innocents involved!:lol: :lol:


his choice to put his money into whatever he choose. He choose to provide a very comfortable home for Nit and the 2 children

thats whole point im making he gave this woman a very comfortable house she drove new car and probably had many luxuries. <deleted> was she meant to think im just maid. Theirs a lot more to this story than appears. What is being hidden. Had he decided to properly settle with someone else ??? did he tell her she was no longer needed ???? and sorry i don't believe if he was such a doting father and if she beat up kids he was so stupid not to notice something was wrong. Its claimed she always took children to bed. What normal father never takes his children to bed. It just does not ring true. Of course she hoped to get him and when it was obvious she would not then maybe things happened.

its does not wash just saying he was to trusting and as others have pointed out a lot is missing.

If even part of this mans total stupidity lack of proper care deceit in trying to overcome land laws are correct he is not fit to be a father and i truly feel really sorry for his children. For him for many reasons pointed out by other posters I cannot sum up much sympathy having thought about it and reread article and comments several times

I have been coned a few times in my life by being to trusting , who has not but being taken in for 10 years and we are meant to believe she beat the kids up for that time and he saw no warning signs. No one who has managed to accumulate that amount of money unless it was inherited can be that stupid can they ???


Many newbie farangs come to Thailand believing that Thailand is some sort of Disney type paradise wonderland, the streets are paved with gold and that all Thai people love and respect the great white Ghana.

Those of wealth also believe that by throwing money and gifts around they can purchase the loyalty of women, have everything a Thai woman wants, can buy themselves best friends and have those which provide services jumping about for them because the philosophy is; those who hold the gold, determine the rules.

A person cannot own people or buy true friendship and respect. As a matter of fact this can have the opposite effect. Thai people can come to resent the presence of these foreigners in their land, the love and respect can quickly turn to hate.

In Thailand farangs are tolerated but not necessarily liked. I know that some of the opinions of the locals in my area are, farangs can live in Thailand because they can enjoy a better lifestyle and have all the benefits of Thailand far cheaper than in the home countries at the expense and labours of the working class Thais.

This is how many of them feel, probably the majority and there is no reasoning with some of these people.


We are second class citizens over here, whether we have truckloads of cash or not, but this is not strictly true in most cases we are not even allowed to become citizens of this country.

Farangs who decide to lay their hats in Thailand should realise these facts and live over here accordingly by not taking too many risks or gambles and not putting too much trust in Thai people. Not because Thai people are bad, but because we are a people living in an alien land with virtually no statutory rights and extremely vulnerable.

Thailand is still a wonderful country to live, but just be realistic, aware and stay safe.


The statements hold so much water. Thailand is the Land of Smiles, but you stay on that main path man! DO NOT stray from the path. Do not! There are a hell of a lot of dark alleys and side streets in Thailand where all manner of stuff take place. If you are into the darker side of Thai society, go wild! Just take care!

It amazes me that there are so many crimes perpetrated against farangs that go unsolved or unreported or... I do not know another place that has as many unsolved-brushed under the carpet cases of crimes against farangs as in LOS. Thailand, its amazing! <-New TOT solgan?



I find it amazing that the most important and interesting point of this story hasn't been mentioned yet.

If somebody wants to invest his hard earned money into property in order to generate rental income why not do it in a country where you can actually own the property legally, e.g. in your home country ? Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to condone or excuse the evil behavior of this woman and her helpers in any way. But would you not agree that the fact to try and circumvent existing laws by some semi-legal constructions (forming a Thai company, 30 year lease etc.) makes one vulnerable for exactly these kind of rip-off ? Moreover, would you not agree that such a situation makes some shady Thai characters actually believing that they are entitled to 'defend the Thai law' and part the foreigner from his illegal investments ?

The first lesson any foreigner who wants to live in Thailand in relative peace and ease of mind should learn is to never invest into something you can't legally own. Leave your money where it is safe and always only send exactly that much as you really need.

Or as is said time and time again... never invest what you cannot walk away from....


I have known Colin Vard for over 30 years. I have been in near daily contact with him trying my best to help him as he faced and dealt with (still dealing with) this horrendous ordeal, which started last July. I got a text from a very shocked and disbelieving Colin the day she disappeared. I met Nit on many many occasions, know his 2 children as an uncle and know every detail about this story.

He did not have any relationship whatsoever with Nit for 9 years. They did live separate lives in the same house on different floors...by agreement.

Then why Drummond states in his article that Nit got pregnant very quickly from him?


his choice to put his money into whatever he choose. He choose to provide a very comfortable home for Nit and the 2 children

thats whole point im making he gave this woman a very comfortable house she drove new car and probably had many luxuries. &lt;deleted&gt; was she meant to think im just maid. Theirs a lot more to this story than appears. What is being hidden. Had he decided to properly settle with someone else ??? did he tell her she was no longer needed ???? and sorry i don't believe if he was such a doting father and if she beat up kids he was so stupid not to notice something was wrong. Its claimed she always took children to bed. What normal father never takes his children to bed. It just does not ring true. Of course she hoped to get him and when it was obvious she would not then maybe things happened.

its does not wash just saying he was to trusting and as others have pointed out a lot is missing.

If even part of this mans total stupidity lack of proper care deceit in trying to overcome land laws are correct he is not fit to be a father and i truly feel really sorry for his children. For him for many reasons pointed out by other posters I cannot sum up much sympathy having thought about it and reread article and comments several times

I have been coned a few times in my life by being to trusting , who has not but being taken in for 10 years and we are meant to believe she beat the kids up for that time and he saw no warning signs. No one who has managed to accumulate that amount of money unless it was inherited can be that stupid can they ???

My feelings entirely. What was this guy doing all that time??


Just when I come to terms with Thai people and start to feel a little more love for them, I read a story like this and I am right back to square one again. I hate them. I hate thyem with an incredible passion and the vast majority of them in my opinion are complete and utter smiling assasin cum bags.

GRRRRR it makes my blood boil.........

I hear where you are coming from. You need to split the polite saving face side of things from the reality. Nod your head and agree, BUT do all the checks yourself. If you are still hearing the incorrect answers, ask again and check via another route.

I really don't know what it is about Thais, but they never want to answer difficult questions. We farangs need the truth and answers. Thais only want to tell you good things.

Eventually you become so independent living in Thailand, probably because you rarely hear the truth? I pretty much do everything myself now. The old adage: if you want it doing properly do it yourself? Ditto: GRRRR

It would really be great to see justice done with the court case. The Thai middle class are pretty decent people.


I find it amazing that the most important and interesting point of this story hasn't been mentioned yet.

If somebody wants to invest his hard earned money into property in order to generate rental income why not do it in a country where you can actually own the property legally, e.g. in your home country ? Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to condone or excuse the evil behavior of this woman and her helpers in any way. But would you not agree that the fact to try and circumvent existing laws by some semi-legal constructions (forming a Thai company, 30 year lease etc.) makes one vulnerable for exactly these kind of rip-off ? Moreover, would you not agree that such a situation makes some shady Thai characters actually believing that they are entitled to 'defend the Thai law' and part the foreigner from his illegal investments ?

The first lesson any foreigner who wants to live in Thailand in relative peace and ease of mind should learn is to never invest into something you can't legally own. Leave your money where it is safe and always only send exactly that much as you really need.

exactly right and much better put that my reply further down written before reading yours. People listen you cant own land here period so dont try and use some tricks to do so. Its Karma in a way. But then i do feel sorry for guy particularly since he seemed to do right things but then Thai women when jilted can cause havoc and its likely she thought he should love her and care for her for life

Then she's stupid as well as a violent criminal and should rot in jail for kidnapping and 2 counts of attempted homicide! Pulease! This chick had the good life and then the ever so present Thai feeling of entitlement kicked in, time to kidnap the baby and kill the kids. Where do you people get off! This guy did everything within Thai law at least what i know about it. You see my wife is a lawyer here and his property arrangement is legal! Their are loop holes in every countries real estate laws. I know as i am a licensed realtor in the states and when their are those loop holes they can legally be taken advantage of, which he did. There are tens of thousand of these exact situations in the kingdom. So in all of these situations the people can be rogered in the rectum by the Thai lawyers who have absolutely no shame? Judges thought that this was normal without any questions, what judge in his right mind would not question this? Thailand loses face once more but have you any face left is my question. The only face i see is quite ugly! Put the laws in place to stop this situation from happening, but to defend her actions ? Horse shit! They did the wild thing for 2 nights 8-9 years ago. Psycho get over it! On a side note, my wife and her staff have found many children who are kidnapped by their Thai wives for ransom and we are talking millions of baht that they ask for. They care nothing for the child and the conditions that they find these children in are horrid! You speak of karma,well sometime it's faster than a slippery turd after pappaya bok bok, baby. Rot like a good smelly cheese ! FYI i'm with the foreigner on this one.cowboy.gif(tip of the hat)


Firstly, I think that he is kinda retarded to have invested so much real estate in Thailand. Stocks or other investments would have been fat more prudent.

Farangs getting scammed and murdered in Thailand (Deaths at Downtown Inn, Chaing Mai,- two Canadians shot by a cop outside Chiang Mai, one died, no charges) Then you come across sex offenders in LOS and you think "isn't karma a bitch?"B)

Thai police officer charged in Calgarian's death

Charges were brought!


Thanks mate, i wanted the emphasis on the K.... Didn't take the test, but would have failed in many areas, other wise i wouldn't be here ...:lol: :lol:

Did you pass it Blab ??

Its spelt 'crikey'


Wow, this is better than a Stephen Leather novel because it's real. Frankly it scares the shit out of me because I have a house under a company which I vetted through two different lawyers, but it is at the least not completly legal. I'm going down to my lawyer today and make sure that my paperwork is ok. This is one area of living in Thailand that is worrysome for sure. I know that there are tens of thousands of companies circumventing the property laws using nomine companies and I've always assumed that there was safety in numbers and I do have a exit plan in case it it all goes tits up, but who can be 100% sure? Yes, I can walk away, but it will hurt.

One point I want to make; this is not a Thai thing, it is a human thing. It happens every day, everywhere. I had a best friend for almost 20 years who was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. He was a pillar of the community and his kids grew up with mine. Long story short he fell off the wagon and used the good will he had accumulated to rip off every friend he had (except me) I got to see a very ugly transformation and it was unsettling to learn that his charactor flaws were there all the time. The lesson here is beware of the people around you and pay attention to who has drug or gambling issues.

I hear what those of you who are saying "don't bring your money here" but I think your missing the point. Of course I could live a nice safe life back in the states. I wouldn't have to worry every time I go out of the house that I'm going to be robbed or scammed or wrecked, but isn't that the point of coming here? I like the drama and excitement of navigating these stormy waters. I do agree that vigilance is necessary and that's where people come off the rails; by underestimating the danger that surrounds us. When I sail a boat off shore I know I have to be "on" every second. One little mistake can kill me and it is a good rule to follow in life.

This guy is lucky to have friends like harlleyclarkey, but the guy does seem to have issues. I too have problems with his not noticing issues with his kids and why, if the mafia is after him is he still here exposing his kids to further danger? Sounds pretty selfish to me. He clearly has brought a lot of this on himself and while he does not deserve to be ripped off this way it is kind of the price we pay for walking around blind.

I hope we learn....the rest of the story?


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this would have been so much better if Drumond had done a proper job reporting things, As i have said before, every time he writes an "expose'" there are more questions that answers.

I am sure he was a good guy and wanted the best but one does not <snip> a thai girl, have a kid with her, move her to a seperate section of his house and then call her his "maid", to much loss of face.

but then it was always Nit who insisted she put them to bed every night.
Why would he allow the "maid" to insist anything??

Just to many unanswered questions.


"No country for old men." Living here for 10 years has shown me that none of the bar girl/ farlang relationships has lasted long."

I personally know 100+ of these couples doing fine.

How many foreigners got married a few times, before they actually get married to a Thai girl?

Dunno, answer for me zero and zero and live happily with a Thai live-in for 10 years.


Btw foreigners can own 49% property in Thailand through a company providing that company is a genuine working company.

There will however be tens of thousand of foreigners in Thailand who would lose their houses if the country followed its own laws to the letter, and the laws could be excercised at any time, just depends on who they decide to pick on.

You need to add that the majority Thai shareholders need to be genuine shareholders who have invested their own money in the company. Since the famous letter from the Interior Minister to Land Offices of May 2006, the Land Dept has steadily tightened the checks on Thai shareholders of companies applying to register land ownership, if there is any foreign involvement in the company - one foreign shareholder or one foreign director is enough to trigger the checks. The Thai shareholders then need to produce documents to proof they had enough assets or income to make the investment or show loan documents to proof they borrowed the money (not from the foreigner). The company is also required to either show it either had enough paid-up capital to purchase the property or proof it borrowed the money from a third party (not the foreigner). When you have taken all that into account, it is pretty obvious that few Thai investors are going to put their own cash into a company which intends to buy a house for a foreigner to live, even if the company has genuine operations.

Existing companies are not, as far as I know, being subjected to random checks but there is no guarantee that will never happen in future. For those that have them, important things to check are firstly that your company makes a profit, pays tax and really has operating income. This doesn't include rental or other investment income which is classified as "other income" in audited accounts. Another key thing to check is that your auditor has not slyly qualified the accounts without telling you. Accountants, if they translate the accounts for small foreign clients will hardly ever translate the auditor's statement at the beginning. Often the auditor just signs the accounts for a fee without looking at them and to cover himself qualifies the accounts by saying that he was unable to verify the data because management refused to cooperate. Lawyers will definitely declare that companies with these defects are legal. However, a company that persistently makes losses and/or has never generated operating income is liable to be investigated by the Commmerce Ministry with a view to being struck off. Persistent qualification by auditors is another red flag that could lead to scrutiny and, if the Commerce Ministry discovers a violation of the Foreign Business Act, even by accident, it is obliged to prosecute and is also obliged to pass information about a possible violation of the Land Act to the Land Dept for prosecution.


Btw foreigners can own 49% property in Thailand through a company providing that company is a genuine working company.

There will however be tens of thousand of foreigners in Thailand who would lose their houses if the country followed its own laws to the letter, and the laws could be excercised at any time, just depends on who they decide to pick on.

You need to add that the majority Thai shareholders need to be genuine shareholders who have invested their own money in the company. Since the famous letter from the Interior Minister to Land Offices of May 2006, the Land Dept has steadily tightened the checks on Thai shareholders of companies applying to register land ownership, if there is any foreign involvement in the company - one foreign shareholder or one foreign director is enough to trigger the checks. The Thai shareholders then need to produce documents to proof they had enough assets or income to make the investment or show loan documents to proof they borrowed the money (not from the foreigner). The company is also required to either show it either had enough paid-up capital to purchase the property or proof it borrowed the money from a third party (not the foreigner). When you have taken all that into account, it is pretty obvious that few Thai investors are going to put their own cash into a company which intends to buy a house for a foreigner to live, even if the company has genuine operations.

Existing companies are not, as far as I know, being subjected to random checks but there is no guarantee that will never happen in future. For those that have them, important things to check are firstly that your company makes a profit, pays tax and really has operating income. This doesn't include rental or other investment income which is classified as "other income" in audited accounts. Another key thing to check is that your auditor has not slyly qualified the accounts without telling you. Accountants, if they translate the accounts for small foreign clients will hardly ever translate the auditor's statement at the beginning. Often the auditor just signs the accounts for a fee without looking at them and to cover himself qualifies the accounts by saying that he was unable to verify the data because management refused to cooperate. Lawyers will definitely declare that companies with these defects are legal. However, a company that persistently makes losses and/or has never generated operating income is liable to be investigated by the Commmerce Ministry with a view to being struck off. Persistent qualification by auditors is another red flag that could lead to scrutiny and, if the Commerce Ministry discovers a violation of the Foreign Business Act, even by accident, it is obliged to prosecute and is also obliged to pass information about a possible violation of the Land Act to the Land Dept for prosecution.

Nice info.


Look no further than Mr Drummond incorrect interpretation of what happened! The woman was never his girl friend. She was employed from day one as a housekeeper and child minder and thats how it remained until she ran. .She got into debt borrowed money from the Mafia who then used her to defraud Mr Vard. She lived with him for over 10 years without a single incident. Never took as much as 100 Baht without asking.

I recently read of another similar story where a successful Englishman in Phuket was fleeced of 10's of millions of baht via his wife of 9yrs. The interesting thing,the wife was loyal they had 3-boys and life was happy,happy..... until he bought her a restaurant as a "hobby" project. As time went by in the business He said her behavior changed and she was staying out later until the late nights became early mornings.... suspecting she got hooked-up with a new crowd of Thais that involved gambling.

Before he knew it she took a copy of his passport and changed the chanots from his company to her name then used the property to leverage a loan..... and disappeared.

Could it be that these two women were 'used' by a highly manipulative and cunning 'sting'organization to get on the 'inside' of wealthy resident Farang?

Of course all this would never happen without endorsement from a string of key players in places where rule of law and legal interests are supposed to be observed.

The most evasive thing it seems for Farang to understand about Thailand in relation to themselves is that - where they come from 1+1= 2...... but in Thailand, 1+1= "whatever you want it to be" blink.gif


this would have been so much better if Drumond had done a proper job reporting things, As i have said before, every time he writes an "expose'" there are more questions that answers.

I am sure he was a good guy and wanted the best but one does not <snip> a thai girl, have a kid with her, move her to a seperate section of his house and then call her his "maid", to much loss of face.

but then it was always Nit who insisted she put them to bed every night.
Why would he allow the "maid" to insist anything??

Just to many unanswered questions.

False assumptions. While I did not write the phrase you quoted Nit was and is the mother of Daire so why should she not put the kids to bed at night.

Its also false to assume that a rejected lover/girlfriend/wife will rip you off. I had a house in a girlfriend's name for years long after the relationship ended without any acrimony. When she herself got into trouble with a bank loan she had the decency to warn me so I /we removed the house from her name. Keeping the house would have solved all her problems.

What did you not undersand btw?


They traced her to Nong Khai and his son was returned to him.

I thought he was found in a well by the gardener.Or did I misunderstand something.

The daughter and son were found in the well.

Perhaps some clarifcation is needed as only one in three persons has clicked on the link and read the story. Quite clearly some are commenting without the basic facts. These incidents happened over a period of time. Nittaya Sukumpa had been the family housekeeper for ten years. The brief fling happened in the first year. It did not develop into a relationship but Colin Vard continued to pay her, gave her a restaurant so she could be independent and allowed her to stay in a different part of the house so she could be close to her son. For the best part of nine years this appeared to work out. Thing changes when Nittaya got involved with a ladyboy. It appears it was then that she set about to defraud Colin Vard and the children were hit by both he ladyboy and Sukumpa.

For most of the nine years Sukumpa had also been banking Mr. Vards rents but not latterly. To all intents and purposes she earned a position of trust. Colin is a dedicated father.

He did miss the injuries to his children but they were not on his face and by the children got home (picked up by Sukumpa first and taken to her restautant, the kids had changed into jeans and trousers.


I still find it somewhat strange.....perhaps the dedicated dad bit seems a tad over done.....perhaps he is, but based on the info and story thus far.....i do not get that impression.

By the sounds he was wealthy, retired as such but wrote books and invested in property...he did not even collect the rents. So by that info....free time should be a plenty.

yet he never picked up his kids from school....they were always taken to the restaurant first.....what kind of life is it for kids going from school to a restaurant every day ??

The Dad never saw his kids in shorts or swimmers ?? he never took them swimming ?? He never saw the girl in a skirt ??

The kids relationship with their Dad was such that they did not feel they could tell him anything and he would protect them ??

He went overseas and left them here ??

All somewhat strange in my opinion.......and my opinion is usually awesome.

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