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I Need A Lil Advise :-)

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hi everyone :o

I ehmm don't know what to do, i think i need some advises from people here.

It's My bf . He's from The Netherlands and would love to come live in Thailand and work here. Would it be possible?? He doesn't get a job or apply for any jobs here yet. But he has a few yrs of working experiences in Holland. Could anybody help me out bout this? like hmmm what kinds of things he need to do to get a visa that makes him able to stay here in BKK and work?

.... Thank you for every advises in advance :D



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1. He wants to live/work in Thailand because? You or some other reason(s)? :o

2. If in love with you the normal thing would be for you to live in his home country where he can has more opportunity to earn a living.

3. For him to be legal here, without marriage, would require him finding a job. This is not an easy task for someone without special knowledge or abilities that are currently in demand. The job comes first - then the visa.

4. Good luck.

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Guest IT Manager

I would have thought the attitude of the Dutch to such issues made it less of a problem than perhaps for some other places, but it's a good question.

For Australia the rules are the same for either relationship, or they were once upon a time. Doc could tell you.

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Thank you :o

I'm a gal. Yes im thai and he's 24. He has skills in computer-multi media designing. And was a co-web designer for companies in Holland before, now he's working in an Energy company there in the position of call center ppl, but also in the information organising team of the company.

What i'm wondering is .. if he has to get a job 1st then a visa. Does that means he can come here and get a job by using a tourist visa?

or what can be done?



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He can come here on a tourist visa and look for a job. When he finds one that provides a work permit he can then take the paperwork to Penang or other consulate to obtain a non immigrant visa. He can also try to obtain a non immigrant visa from a Thai Consulate in his home country to shortcut the process but that may or may not be granted. But to work he will need a work permit and that will be closely tied to a job.

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Ok :o

Means the work permit is ..sth the company have to issue for him 1st rite?

Thank you very much for the advises , everyone :D

I guess there will be much more problems to come and gonna need you guys' help again hehe so ummm thank you!



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