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Obama says he will not release Bin Laden pictures


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I don't think they NEED to show the photos to prove his death, his family are saying things about his death, that should be enough.

Though the photos will come out on the internet one way or the other. If the photos that come out on the net aren't real it wouldn't matter too much, those that supported him will still use them to incite hatred.

Whether the US releases the photos or not won't really matter.

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Americans think that coca cola is health food so let them believe that Ben Laden is dead

BTW some kid in USA has proved on you tube that Obama's birth certificate has been doctored

Also Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan et al are doing USA a favour by bankrupting the economy

God bless America

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What is there to celebrate about the death of Bin Laden?

Nothing much changes with his death anyway.

In fact it only perpetuates the cycle of violence.

Anyway it is US foreign policy which is mostly responsible for the like of Bin Laden with its insatiable appetite for cheap oil to drive is economy.

The US has been meddling in the Middle East swapping and changing horses in a bid to keep the cheap oil flowing never afraid to support corrupt regimes and tinpot dictators thereby giving fuel tol the likes of Bin Laden to harness anti US sentiment.

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The Geneva convention protocols do not apply to non-state combatants, and Al-quaeda have committed many acts in contravention of the protocols which negates any claim they may make to their application.

IMHO the western states are in a low-speed religious war with terrorism eroding the liberties that we enjoy, and immigration with rapid breeding as invasion. Western govts go to great lengths not to offend the enemy, who are the most easily offended and yet the most offensive people on this planet. It would be better to use their ignorance and belief in myth against them, drive them into a frenzy so that they will break from cover to be shot down like rabid dogs. a good start would have been to feed OBL's body to pigs, tape it, and broadcast to every TV capable of receiving it.

Agreed, the 'offence' they take, be it to Quran burning, cartoon drawing or any other manifestation of a free society is nothing but a control tantrum designed to make people curtail freedoms in deference to their demands. The implication being that they are unable to curb their violent reaction to anything they don't agree with. Yes we are fighting a war for the values of secular democratic law as oppose to 7th century religious bigotry no need to beat about the bush and pretend this is not the case in order to feel safer.

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IMHO that is the right choice. There is nothing to gained by releasing these pictures. They would only serve as fuel for the nut cases.

I feel much better that the President Obama and his cabinets will not release the pictures of Bin Laden. Thanks for posting and I agree with your opinion...100%.

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"John Penta the CIA chief said other day it was incompetence or negligence of ISI (Pak Spy Agency) that it failed to detect the presence of Osama who was hiding next door."

Pineta should know because he heads the largest, most expensive incompetent orgainization in the world. I don't have enough years in my life to point out the many failures of the CIA. They failed to stop 911 even though they had been listening to the phone conversations of the plotters at the Yemen safe house for years. They failed to capture or kill OBN when they had him cornered in tora bora. They freely coorperated whith the gathering of false intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq, How many secret wars? how many failed missions? It's no surprise that Pakistan has been harboring OBL and the CIA didn't know it.

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The Geneva convention protocols do not apply to non-state combatants, and Al-quaeda have committed many acts in contravention of the protocols which negates any claim they may make to their application.

IMHO the western states are in a low-speed religious war with terrorism eroding the liberties that we enjoy, and immigration with rapid breeding as invasion. Western govts go to great lengths not to offend the enemy, who are the most easily offended and yet the most offensive people on this planet. It would be better to use their ignorance and belief in myth against them, drive them into a frenzy so that they will break from cover to be shot down like rabid dogs. a good start would have been to feed OBL's body to pigs, tape it, and broadcast to every TV capable of receiving it.

Agreed, the 'offence' they take, be it to Quran burning, cartoon drawing or any other manifestation of a free society is nothing but a control tantrum designed to make people curtail freedoms in deference to their demands. The implication being that they are unable to curb their violent reaction to anything they don't agree with. Yes we are fighting a war for the values of secular democratic law as oppose to 7th century religious bigotry no need to beat about the bush and pretend this is not the case in order to feel safer.

I really don't give a dam_n what they do in their own country, that is up to them, burn the country to the ground if they like. But if they are in another country then they must abide by the laws there, any jumping up and down and threats of murder should result in the harshest penalty.

I do also think it not wise to be going around burning the koran or things like that. What is there to gain from such things, it is just inciteful, there is no need for it.

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" Western govts go to great lengths not to offend the enemy,"

I don't know what "great lengths" you might be talking about. My view is that invading Iraq and killing over a million people might be considered offensive to the families of those killed. Continuing a war in Afganistan beyond the original objective and killing 10's of thousands might be considered offensive. I could go on; but I suspect that most won't get it anyway.

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I could go on; but I suspect that most won't get it anyway.

totally agree your toughts.

thats how they operating ..!

the sad thing is that they not even try to make a cover up .. instead "dump a sack with rocks in the ocean and later "refuse" to deliver pictures"

either the general public IQ is droped to a negative value .. or goverment are more in a hurry than ever to get to World-Order up and running.

glad to be in thailand .. since thai's not give a ..... about anything going on, the chances thailand will be left aside are great, so its a good place to be ;)

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IMHO that is the right choice. There is nothing to gained by releasing these pictures. They would only serve as fuel for the nut cases.

While that may have been true with the pictures which they did not release of the detainees at Guantanamo bay....in this case they cannot release that which they do not have. :jap:

As you seem to be privy to info or is it more aptly described as a hallucination on what is and what is not, I guess we can accept your response in the way it is presented.

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The US is not coming out of this smelling like roses.

After all they effectively assassinated Bin Laden when he could have easily been taken alive.

And of course footage of many in the US yahooing and celebrating Bin Laden's death like a football victory hardly seem like the appropriate response to his death.

I think when the dust settles it may well emerge that Bin Laden was unarmed when he was killed, but frankly I don't care. As for people celebrating Bin Laden's death, cast your mind back to 9/11 when groups of people in Gaza were dancing on the rooftops celebrating the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people. You give football celebrations as an analogy, well frankly there is some truth in that, this is a clash of civilisations, though that word should be used in the loosest sense for the Islamic fundamentalists on the opposing 'team'. War, unlike football does not have a referree so there's no point screaming for an offside flag if you don't like the tactics used by your opponents, that's the unpalatable truth of the matter.

so funny how people can be manipulated... the dancing muslims that day, they did not even have tv or anything... taken out of context from another event...

FOX media show this to you and you gully americans believe

I believe that many officials everywhere in the US new about the crisis that we all knew that started in 2008 where the banks stole our money with gambling out of own intrest...

the government knew and warned, but they de-regulated the market so bankers could destroy the economy... but all of them kept their hundreds of millions of profit, and the people responsible are now in the OBAMA government...

that is what I believe

building 7 was destroyed, not because a plane crashed in it, but because it had proof of what would become the 2008 crisis in making...

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only winner is obama = re-elected with this fake news

the only Winners are the (very ) Western-Goverments !!

with establishing total control covered with "anti terror measures"

obama did the US a great favor ... (actually too great to just accept like this it is coincidental)

since 9/11 .. the governments know everything we do, go, wear, plan, write, read, watch .. and totally legally too .. all covered up as anti terror measurements ..

the only reason for fighting in the east are Natural Reccources and the New World Order!

(not Terrorism or dictators beeing not nice to each others) thats just nice talk for the hillbillies to keep voting and spend money in the right directions.

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As you seem to be privy to info or is it more aptly described as a hallucination on what is and what is not

I guess we can accept your response in the way it is presented.

You have the same choice you always have when presented with an opinion

1) Accept it

2) reject it

3) respond like a child

It is clear which one you have chosen

Edited by flying
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The US is not coming out of this smelling like roses.

After all they effectively assassinated Bin Laden when he could have easily been taken alive.

And of course footage of many in the US yahooing and celebrating Bin Laden's death like a football victory hardly seem like the appropriate response to his death.

I think when the dust settles it may well emerge that Bin Laden was unarmed when he was killed, but frankly I don't care. As for people celebrating Bin Laden's death, cast your mind back to 9/11 when groups of people in Gaza were dancing on the rooftops celebrating the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people. You give football celebrations as an analogy, well frankly there is some truth in that, this is a clash of civilisations, though that word should be used in the loosest sense for the Islamic fundamentalists on the opposing 'team'. War, unlike football does not have a referree so there's no point screaming for an offside flag if you don't like the tactics used by your opponents, that's the unpalatable truth of the matter.

so funny how people can be manipulated... the dancing muslims that day, they did not even have tv or anything... taken out of context from another event...

FOX media show this to you and you gully americans believe

I believe that many officials everywhere in the US new about the crisis that we all knew that started in 2008 where the banks stole our money with gambling out of own intrest...

the government knew and warned, but they de-regulated the market so bankers could destroy the economy... but all of them kept their hundreds of millions of profit, and the people responsible are now in the OBAMA government...

that is what I believe

building 7 was destroyed, not because a plane crashed in it, but because it had proof of what would become the 2008 crisis in making...

What I love about the Tinfoil Hat Brigade is that they take the most outlandish, most difficult to pull off "explanation" for any event, then believe it wholeheartedly.

Palestinians were not dancing in the streets? If that was so, don't you think that any Hamas or Fatah leader might have mentioned that since then?

Bin Laden not dead? Don't you think that al Qeda leaders, or his wife who confirmed the death, would speak out and rub the US' nose in this whole affair?

Building 7? So there was "evidence" that there was a super-duper plot to wreck the economy in 2008 there? They keep that stuff on file, under "W" for "Wrecking the Economy?" And we can ignore the planes hitting the towers? And seeing how long is takes a demolition crew to set up bringing a building down, with all the prep work and placing of charges, that somehow, unseen workers were able to secretly and quickly rig Building 7 to come down?

At least Oliver Stone makes money from his conspiracy theories.

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People who don't believe that bin Laden is dead will not believe photos showing that he is dead. So there is no point releasing any photos.

Why do you believe he is dead?

I have no reason not to believe that he is dead.

Does it really matter either way?

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Someone please explaine to me why we didn't bomb Pensylvania when we were searching for Timothy McVeigh? Didn't break down any doors and didn't shoot him in the face and then try to lie about it. Using your hateful logic and lack of respect for the rule of law anyone now has permission to kill anyone that wrongs us.

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Someone please explaine to me why we didn't bomb Pensylvania when we were searching for Timothy McVeigh? Didn't break down any doors and didn't shoot him in the face and then try to lie about it. Using your hateful logic and lack of respect for the rule of law anyone now has permission to kill anyone that wrongs us.

Wow, that is pretty silly.

We didn't bomb Pennsylvania because we didn't have to. Last I knew, the governor of Pennsylvania was not harboring terrorists and thumbing his nose at the rest of the country.

While not surprising that they didn't offer, but if the Taliban declared bin Laden a criminal and handed him over or invited the US forces to come find him, well, no bombs would have been dropped there, either.

And "rule of law?" Well, bin Laden was an avowed enemy of the US, who was a proven combatant of known repute. He had declared his intentions over and over. We kill enemy soldiers all the time, even when they are not in the process of firing at us. Snipers take out soldiers from long distance. We bomb training camps. We kill them when they are eating, sleeping, taking a dump, whatever.

I would have liked to see him captured and paraded around, taken down a notch or two, but to say his killing was not in the "rule of law" is rather fanciful.

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FAKE FAKE FAKE... the death, the rumours, the pictures, the president

only winner is obama = re-elected with this fake news

100% agree!

... no pictures of Bin Laden, because there was no Bin Laden. Period!

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will not benefit anyone by releasing pictures - Mr Boatman if you think there is no threat, you im affraid are living in another world to the rest of us - what about all our boys and girls in Afghanistan etc - im sure they think there is a threat - DAILY! and not just because they are in a foreign land - The threat is very real and will always be real!

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Someone please explaine to me why we didn't bomb Pensylvania when we were searching for Timothy McVeigh?

Because we did not need to We did a job on Waco though. ;)

I think the people in Waco pretty much self destructed. I do think there is a lot of Wacko material on this thread though - present company excepted of course. :lol:

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If they had kept their mouths shut about the wounds to the head, they could have photoshopped him up a treat to look like he was sleeping peacefully with eye and skull intact before being fed to the fishes.

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Someone please explaine to me why we didn't bomb Pensylvania when we were searching for Timothy McVeigh?

Because we did not need to We did a job on Waco though. ;)

You sure did a job on Waco, shame you weren't around in the 7th century to save the world from no end of trouble. :ph34r:

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