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Concern Over Raunchy Thai Soap Opera's Child Viewers

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Concern over raunchy soap opera's child viewers

By The Nation


Young viewers of the controversial soap opera Golden Orange Flower- some as young as six - say in an Abac opinion poll they enjoy watching love scenes featuring cuddling and "the main female character looking for men to sleep with."

The selected interviews were with young viewers who watched the show together with their parents, among 2,160 respondents living in 17 provinces. A number of children, the youngest aged six, complained about being asked to turn away from the scenes, to stop watching them, or being sent to bed during certain scenes not suitable for children, despite their "+18" rating.

Asked to describe "enjoyable scenes", the children cited cuddling, noisy quarrels, and attempts by the female villain to look for men to sleep with, said the survey, which found that 21 per cent of viewers were under 13 years of age.

PM's Office Minister Ong-ark Klampaiboon met with Channel 3 to discuss provocative content in Golden Orange Flower, now six episodes from its conclusion. The only measure worked out from the meeting was that parents should give advice to teenage children when watching the show, while preventing younger kids from watching it.

Ong-ark said he suggested Channel 3 feature running captions saying viewer discretion was advised, but Channel 3 had not yet responded to this idea.


-- The Nation 2011-05-05

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Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Bed time is when the soap operas have finished. Put the soap operas on at 1am, and the kids (and parents) will stay up to watch them at 1am.


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

But when is bedtime ???


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

"Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution." Really?????? How do you know this?


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

But when is bedtime ???

Exactly. Thais let their kids run the streets at all hours of the night with Zero discipline and supervision. You get what you deserve, Thailand. Time to grow up?


Each channel can put up its own devoted soap channel, and the main channel has to carry documentaries in place of the soaps. They are all a variation of a theme that is excruciatingly repeated over and over again. It really is a case of opium for the masses. A little bit of fantasy is ok, but 1 1/2 to 2 hour hour shows every night on every channel is taking the p**s. No wonder the men are all out on the razz chasing girls, they actually know that watching this nonsense will fry their brain.

If there is one thing any politician can do for the country it would be to ban this nonsense from TV forever. I know there is an element of people who say that constitutes censorship, but I take this crap to almost be a threat to the national psyche.



Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Bed time is when the soap operas have finished. Put the soap operas on at 1am, and the kids (and parents) will stay up to watch them at 1am.

You are right, and I've observed first hand the problems caused by the lack of sleep of Thai kids. The best students in every classes I taught were always the ones having 10-12 hours of sleep (which is what is recommended for kids from 5 to 10). Primary school kids should go to bed around 2-3 hours before their parents (considering they wil lwake up at the same time).

Oh, and the hypocrisy of this "concern" is disgusting.

They are concerned about people cuddling and loving each other... but obviously they don't care about all the abuse women are subjected to in these soaps. This is to me far more disturbing and damaging to children.

The "promiscuity leading to prostitution" argument is one of the dumbest I've heard recently.

Girls prostitute themselves in Thailand because it is seen as normal for a man to use such services and because "success" in Thailand is judged only by how big your house and your cars are, regardless of the morality of the way you earned it.

This is yet another attempt at saving face and "morality" without any consideration for reality.


Each channel can put up its own devoted soap channel, and the main channel has to carry documentaries in place of the soaps. They are all a variation of a theme that is excruciatingly repeated over and over again. It really is a case of opium for the masses. A little bit of fantasy is ok, but 1 1/2 to 2 hour hour shows every night on every channel is taking the p**s. No wonder the men are all out on the razz chasing girls, they actually know that watching this nonsense will fry their brain.

If there is one thing any politician can do for the country it would be to ban this nonsense from TV forever. I know there is an element of people who say that constitutes censorship, but I take this crap to almost be a threat to the national psyche.


Spot ON! IT IS NONSENSE and I've seen some Thai women watch this dribble religiously and worse point is that they somehow think it's for real! It becomes part of their activity in how they interact with others. Don't tell me everyone here has enough common-sense to know this is complete rubbish, otherwise why would so many people watch it?

Simply there is nothing else on for Thais to watch at prime time except this rot, channel after channel, which DOES ultimately influence the national psyche. As one poster said "Grow up Thailand"! Start producing better shows, go beyond just soap operas; oh but that would require CREATIVITY! Unfortunately Channel 3 as with the rest of the country sadly is incredibly poor with being creative. A nation of copiers!

Please TV executives, choose some writers and producers with a brain to create good TV not this absolute c*#p!!!


I think psychologists call it 'conditioning'.He does have a point though as subjecting any juvenile to soap operas (especially a minor)which portray characters in scenes on a regular basis this way can certainly influence a child into accepting this behaviour as normality...Freud used this in his stages of Psychosexual Development(The Latent Period)highlighting this stage of a childs development where a childs sexual energy can be influenced by peers and other social interactions impacting on later behaviour in adult life!

Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

"Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution." Really?????? How do you know this?


"... Oh, and the hypocrisy of this "concern" is disgusting. They are concerned about people cuddling and loving each other... but obviously they don't care about all the abuse women are subjected to in these soaps"

Well said - this country of giks, meanois, gender confusion, sex industry that blows (away) every one on contact and denial of hugs and content on TV? By the picture, of stuffy do-gooders sprouting morals as the issue, I doubt anyone of intelligence will take any notice, least of al Channel 3 who air the same mindless brain deadening soaps night in and out. Double standards and no one gives a hoot.


Each channel can put up its own devoted soap channel, and the main channel has to carry documentaries in place of the soaps. They are all a variation of a theme that is excruciatingly repeated over and over again. It really is a case of opium for the masses. A little bit of fantasy is ok, but 1 1/2 to 2 hour hour shows every night on every channel is taking the p**s. No wonder the men are all out on the razz chasing girls, they actually know that watching this nonsense will fry their brain.

If there is one thing any politician can do for the country it would be to ban this nonsense from TV forever. I know there is an element of people who say that constitutes censorship, but I take this crap to almost be a threat to the national psyche.


Spot ON! IT IS NONSENSE and I've seen some Thai women watch this dribble religiously and worse point is that they somehow think it's for real! It becomes part of their activity in how they interact with others. Don't tell me everyone here has enough common-sense to know this is complete rubbish, otherwise why would so many people watch it?

Simply there is nothing else on for Thais to watch at prime time except this rot, channel after channel, which DOES ultimately influence the national psyche. As one poster said "Grow up Thailand"! Start producing better shows, go beyond just soap operas; oh but that would require CREATIVITY! Unfortunately Channel 3 as with the rest of the country sadly is incredibly poor with being creative. A nation of copiers!

Please TV executives, choose some writers and producers with a brain to create good TV not this absolute c*#p!!!

It isn't even that I object to these soaps being around. They have been on TV in other parts of the world forever. But, it is when it becomes a 2 hour escapade from 7.30 to 9.30. These are not soap operas, they are full length feature films, that run and run. They take up an entire evening of watching, and I believe actively dissuade husbands from being at home.

30 minutes per evening even 5 days a week is more than enough of a given soap opera. Get rid of the 2 hour length episodes so at least the family can draw breath and talk to each other, and watch something else. These soap operas are part of the ongoing 100 year old social conditioning of Thailand.


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

But when is bedtime ???

Exactly. Thais let their kids run the streets at all hours of the night with Zero discipline and supervision. You get what you deserve, Thailand. Time to grow up?

I'm not correcting you I'm agreeing with you, "YOUV'E GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED," Thailand===is I think even better. And for sure ZERO discipline.

Someone earlier said about the abuse of WOMEN in the soaps, HaHaHa 5555, more like the abuse women dish out to everyone, the venom that comes out of their mouths, the attitude problem they give out to copy, it is complete CR#P. It is discusting, no wonder there's an educational problem here in LOS, the powers that be are screaming everyday about the problem of the kids. GET REAL cabinet, get these shizen programmes of the air and teach your kids from the box, cause most are NOT learning at school.

What time do they have at school, nearly everyday is a holiday for them or the teacher. Who the dickens wants shouting angry silly young women shoved in your face at all hours, it's bound to have a great impact on the behavior of the kids--and adults.


The Mia Noi in this soap is different than most shown in the soaps. She is outspoken, knows what she wants, is ambitious and not the typical meek type that the ministry prefers. My god, what if the real Mia Nois used her as a role model? Big problems for the philandering husbands. This cannot be tolerated.

I suggest a new reality tv show for Thailand: "The Real Mia Nois of Chonburi" (or some alternate location).


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Like your post..Keep it up...so Awesome Comment...thanks for posting.


I was under the impression that very few rural Thai kids grow up without their slumbers being regularly disturbed by their parents enjoying (or not in the lady's case) a bit of rumpty-tumpty. Most of the bar ladies that I used to talk with admitted that this was so. Turn off the TV and watch the real thing?


The topless Silom show is the consequence of Thai soaps. In all these depict Good lookin' , elite and violent.

the girls and guys have flashy cars, nice mansions. the ending simple plot is similar to one another.

can't stand watching 'em.... !!!! ........

haven't they seen CSI, X-files, ER and Andromeda stain?


The Mia Noi in this soap is different than most shown in the soaps. She is outspoken, knows what she wants, is ambitious and not the typical meek type that the ministry prefers. My god, what if the real Mia Nois used her as a role model? Big problems for the philandering husbands. This cannot be tolerated.

I suggest a new reality tv show for Thailand: "The Real Mia Nois of Chonburi" (or some alternate location).

Spot on. I think she breaks the mold of most mia nois.

Having discussed this soap with the g/f and with several other women, they are fascinated by the show but not like they want to emulate it, but as a reflection of the ills of the wealthy section of society. Sort of "how not to live your life."

For me, the thing sucks. Lots of crying and angry women yelling at guys who stand there and look lost. I can't wait until it is over each time it airs and I can get back to Discovery or Fox or whatever. (But she puts up with my UFC watching for two hours at a time, so I guess turn-about is fair play.)


There is more BS in the posts here than a soap! Wish folks can tell difference between TV n real life - My 17 yr old beauty has been doing daily soap in country nearby for years no harm done


The topless Silom show is the consequence of Thai soaps. In all these depict Good lookin' , elite and violent.

the girls and guys have flashy cars, nice mansions. the ending simple plot is similar to one another.

can't stand watching 'em.... !!!! ........

haven't they seen CSI, X-files, ER and Andromeda stain?

A Thai version of CSI wouldnt work here as it's about hard working dedicated criminal investigators who use their skills and training to methodically collect evidence, analysis and draw scientifical conclusions based on repeatably testable systems.

60 minutes of witnesses pointing at: pixilated dead bodies; crashed cars/bikes; bullet holes; cut padlocks; blood on the floor; ect ect ect. Would be fairly boring. Although the BIB conclusion methods would make you think you are watching the X files


Everything here seems to be governmental accountability and never the parents. Because of a non-credited poll says so, the ministry has to come out and save his own face. What about all the pay for shower prostituting parlours that Thailand are well known for in the global community? Where is the data supporting this and the analyst is not interpreting the data incorrectly? I don't think a 6 year old can understand what the difference between cuddle and hugs, further to interpret that she's looking for guys. What a CROCK!!!


ahahah, thai version of CSI : the farang commited suicide, every time (hanging himself in a closet, jumping out of a building - pattaya style, accidental shot in the head while cleaning gun, fell on his knife while tiding his shoelaces, ....)



"... Oh, and the hypocrisy of this "concern" is disgusting. They are concerned about people cuddling and loving each other... but obviously they don't care about all the abuse women are subjected to in these soaps"

Well said - this country of giks, meanois, gender confusion, sex industry that blows (away) every one on contact and denial of hugs and content on TV? By the picture, of stuffy do-gooders sprouting morals as the issue, I doubt anyone of intelligence will take any notice, least of al Channel 3 who air the same mindless brain deadening soaps night in and out. Double standards and no one gives a hoot.

nope .... not only Ch#3.................... have you watched anything on Ch#7?

helluva sh**************T


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Where can I report my wife for for subjecting me to crappy Thai soap opera's? I am subject to this abuse everyday pls help me.


Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Where can I report my wife for for subjecting me to crappy Thai soap opera's? I am subject to this abuse everyday pls help me.

Have you Meer Noi? report her about your wife.... being such a way.

most of Thai soaps has "Meer Noi". ......................... True.

I just realize that



I'm amazed at all the strong feelings expressed about how terrible these programs are - and I fully agree - but no one mentions the solution? I mean what's the point of being the "rich farang boss", in a country where the man of the house is supposed to be the boss anyway, if you don't control what's going on in your own house?

I've been the head of three households involved with raising children, and haven't allowed broadcast television in any of them. We have a monitor hooked up to play recorded videos, so that the adults can control what the children see. The only choices presented for the children to select from are more or less educational, and certainly don't feature violence or traumatic drama.

I have occasionally permitted staff/girlfriend/wives to have their own TV hookup, but only in a private room, nowhere I or the children would be exposed to it, and the bill's paid for out of their own personal spending money/wages and only to be viewed when they're off the clock.

And the kids are in bed with the lights out by 7:30pm

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