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Bangkok Huai Khwang Police Turned A Blind Eye To Gambling Den

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The missing timeline of the events that occurred in this case is really a mess as described in these reports....

Although the articles don't say it, it seems like what happened in the PACC people were there first and witnessed gambling occurring (and apparently filmed it as well), and then the police arrived at some later point, by which time the customers had bailed out and the machines turned off/unplugged....

The latest news account also is much different from the earlier ones on one pretty key issue... In the prior ones, the PACC guy blamed the Huay Kwang police for not coming to assist with the raid. Now in the latest report, the PACC guy is admitting that his agency didn't make a request/notify Huay Kwang out of fear they'd tip off the owner....

Maybe a week or so from now, the PACC guy, and or The Nation writer, will get their story straight.

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Thanks god other superintendents of other areas are not allowing things like this to happen. Just a one off.


only for a short time....... 3 months and then Back in Business in a different station ....

repeatedly the corruption

Nice shot!!!!!!:whistling:


You're missing the point . . . they don't WANT things to change . . . they like their backhanders, tea money etc and this goes right from the top to the very bottom . . . that is how business, government and LIFE runs in Thailand. Just occasionally they have to make a "show" of doing something about it is all.

Right since a Cop in Thailand gets just a few Thousand Baht a Month it s no wonder...

But to be honest , guess most of us like it they way it is and there is no need to change anyway !!!

How often I got stoped with my Car and...

Maybe I would have lost my Licence all ready if it would not be that way... :ph34r:

The sole reason the cop only gets a few thou a month is he doesn't work, or do proper duties, so therefore does not deserve anymore.

everyone talks about traffic road blocks, and the back handers-tea money-we all forget the checks are 5% of there duties, SO where is the other 95% of their duties ?????? The walking the street-the village care/help-traffic patrols-cig/alcohol shop sale checks-re kids, and drink drive checks.whistling.gif


"slapped a transfer order on the superintendent of Huai Khwang police station for allegedly allowing a gambling den to operate in the area under his jurisdiction." OOH that's gotta hurt!

Legalized gambling the police would never agree to. Talk about cutting off a major source of support. I remember the old adage:"The Catholic church and the mafia both oppose legalized gambling". I this case substitute mafia with police, as we all too well know


You're missing the point . . . they don't WANT things to change . . . they like their backhanders, tea money etc and this goes right from the top to the very bottom . . . that is how business, government and LIFE runs in Thailand. Just occasionally they have to make a "show" of doing something about it is all.

I bet it's something like that. I kept visiting in Thailand for more than 40 years by now, and I am a permanent resident for the last 5 years. Certainly there is sort of that exotic lifestyle in this country. Bad is that, on the long run, they are shooting in their feet and will put on a red list ( they are already for counterfeits ) be shown as outsiders, eventually suffer embargo, and rejection from the International scene. This is quite underway already.

Does not mean, anywhere else, everything would be straight as a pole, even in the so called "advanced " countries. Far not.

It's in those so called, that the levels of corruption would eventually be far higher. But it's arranged for it would look LEGAL, all starting from the top...When you are charged 60% on you Income tax, or got to pay at least 20% VAT on everything, is not that organized ROBBERY ? When a country would arrange a devaluation of its currency in the range of 30 %, it's 30% money robbed to the citizens who MUST use this currency, or am I wrong ?

Last year 1 troy once gold worth 1000 USD$. Today 1500 USD$. You don't NEED to buy gold ? Keep your $. Then the barrel of crude which was 75 $ is now 150 $. I did NOT hear the wages doubled in the US last year, did they ? And not only do you need to buy gasoline. The price of gasoline is scattered all over, as energy is needed to make whatsoever...

Eventually you may have noticed that the THB is PEGGED to the $. On the boards, 1 $ worths always 30 THB. No change. Just that the liter of gasoline which was at 20 THB is now at 45 THB, did you notice ?

So frankly, this gambling den sounds like a very very small school yard babbling...


The National police commissioner, General WicheanPotephosree, yesterday slapped a transfer order on the superintendent of HuaiKhwang police station for allegedly allowing a gambling den to operate in thearea under his jurisdiction.

Police Colonel Boonsong Narmkorn, chief of the Huai Khwangpolice station, said his men were busy on the day of the operation.

Commander of Huai Khwang Police Station Police GeneralBoonsong Namkorn reported development in investigation in connection with therecent raid on a gaming center on the 2nd floor of the Esplanade shoppingcenter.

Not only a transfer but a promotion. Maybe the cheque really was in the post and peeps have acted hastily.


Why don't they grow some balls ( the government ) and kick them out of the force, not just transfer them so they can start somewhere else.

The government are so weak it's like a comedy show.

Proper way of handling things is to sack these corrupted folks. Transferring them is to save them face.

Really? Do you think that's the proper way to handle corrupt police officers? What about jail time? These guys are typically more criminals than the people they arrest.


Commander of Huai Khwang Police Station Police General Boonsong Namkorn reported development in investigation in connection with the recent raid on a gaming center on the 2nd floor of the Esplanade shopping center where inspectors from the Office of the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission seized online baccarat and slot machines yesterday's evening.

i bet there would be traces on that computer.....if somebody would be interested in searching for it


Right since a Cop in Thailand gets just a few Thousand Baht a Month it s no wonder...

IMO that's not an argument.

staff at 7/11 have 28 working days and many times a 12 hours shift. they earn 4000-5000 baht with that.

when i see the blokes in uniform in my area......hanging around, sleeping, walking on the market...drunk like hell, begging bystanders for money, setting up useless checkpoints.....

i think, their salary is way too high

if there would be a proper merit system in thailand.....most of the cops would have to BRING money to the station


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