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Thaksin Offers Easy Credit, Credit Cards For Taxi Drivers

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credit breeds dependent poor people. sure Taksin will give out credit cards, I'm sure it's financed by his company, he's going to make more money off the poor Thai working class and hang them out to dry. They need to wake up, spread the word! :annoyed:

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Vote buying disguised as credit.

Things Taxin failed to mention:

1) high interest of course

2) late payment fees

3) higher cash advance fees

4) annual fee

5) direct bill pay from bank account, so there is no escape.

And putting Thai banks in the same position as the other banks in the world with few exceptions.


credit breeds dependent poor people. sure Taksin will give out credit cards, I'm sure it's financed by his company, he's going to make more money off the poor Thai working class and hang them out to dry. They need to wake up, spread the word! :annoyed:

I know a few rice farmers, who once the rice is in the barn a drying, go and borrow from the bank on the rice. I know many others who in desperation go to loan sharks who charge a little above credit card rates.........

Lesser of two evils perhaps........open credit.....as opposed to underground unregulated credit?


Same old crap...promise and give things to buy votes when in reality the people are too stupid to know that he's just digging a hole for them that they can't climb out of.


keep it up Thaksin,

EC is watching a 5 year banned politician campaigning for Phua Thai

if you were to win, the party will be dissolved because of you and you will have hung yourself with your own rope.................


and free ice cream for every child


Same old crap...promise and give things to buy votes when in reality the people are too stupid to know that he's just digging a hole for them that they can't climb out of.

And the alternative is just to stay in the hole they are already in?


In denial.........popularity of hot discussion topics are obviously attractive to forums.....as you continue to post and keep Thaksin 'to the forefront'.........in the headlines of the news(Thaivisa) you keep the Thaksin threads at the top end of the lists, and in general (Thaivisa) you keep the Thaksin threads at the top of the lists...........do not belittle your input the continuing resurgence of Thaksin saga gentlemen......:) .

Yahoo search

150,000 results for

Thaksin - Thaivisa


Defending or siding with the indefensible will always provoke a reaction. That's what keeps these topics so hot. Don't underestimate your own role, or that of any of the others here who use "Thaksin hater" as if it were a derogatory and insulting term with which to label.


... how about he abolishes the les majeste laws completely so people can speak up without fear of being banged up.

Thaksin didn't change it while he was in power and his puppet PPP didn't change it while they were in power. What's the chance of them doing it if they win the next election?


Vote buying disguised as credit.

Things Taxin failed to mention:

1) high interest of course

2) late payment fees

3) higher cash advance fees

4) annual fee

5) direct bill pay from bank account, so there is no escape.

He also failed to mention that the credit cards will be usuable for cash advances at illegal casinos and other businesses owned by senior Phuea Thai politicians. A great scheme to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.


keep it up Thaksin,

EC is watching a 5 year banned politician campaigning for Phua Thai

if you were to win, the party will be dissolved because of you and you will have hung yourself with your own rope.................

They have already registered another party and the executives of PT (all 17 of them) are insignificant people in the party who will be paid to take the hit if the party is dissolved. So this law has no teeth any more.


In denial.........popularity of hot discussion topics are obviously attractive to forums.....as you continue to post and keep Thaksin 'to the forefront'.........in the headlines of the news(Thaivisa) you keep the Thaksin threads at the top end of the lists, and in general (Thaivisa) you keep the Thaksin threads at the top of the lists...........do not belittle your input the continuing resurgence of Thaksin saga gentlemen......:) .

Yahoo search

150,000 results for

Thaksin - Thaivisa


Defending or siding with the indefensible will always provoke a reaction. That's what keeps these topics so hot. Don't underestimate your own role, or that of any of the others here who use "Thaksin hater" as if it were a derogatory and insulting term with which to label.

Role....my role...:) ..I'm but an unlearned clerk, compared to the barrister, almost attorney like, posters on Tvisa............'Thaksin hater' admitted by some in their posts, so not an uncalled for description......I guess if the cap fits......:) .


Thaksin has to be the one of the most greedy animals ever born with a human form. He just makes me puke with all his absurd promises to the gullible. Sadly the fools here will probably vote for him regardless. The politics everywhere is sick, and Thailand is ghastly politically.


LOL....ever been approached for a loan from low income earner ?....... generally fat chance of getting it back (from my experience) unless its linked solidly to some assets.



Vote buying disguised as credit.

Things Taxin failed to mention:

1) high interest of course

2) late payment fees

3) higher cash advance fees

4) annual fee

5) direct bill pay from bank account, so there is no escape.

He also failed to mention that the credit cards will be usuable for cash advances at illegal casinos and other businesses owned by senior Phuea Thai politicians. A great scheme to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

When at the moment the chanote is held and half the rice crop goes to the holder to pay the 'interest'.....do you know who the main money lenders are in Thailand?


Thaksin has to be the one of the most greedy animals ever born with a human form. He just makes me puke with all his absurd promises to the gullible. Sadly the fools here will probably vote for him regardless. The politics everywhere is sick, and Thailand is ghastly politically.

Not a very pleasant comment about Thai people, surely the current government has made enough radical and sweeping changes to enhance the lives of the proletariat, while in office, to ensure re-election.......


When at the moment the chanote is held and half the rice crop goes to the holder to pay the 'interest'.....do you know who the main money lenders are in Thailand?

Most of them are rich upcountry businessmen, aren't they?


Thaksin's preaching to the converted here. A bilingual friend of mine was in a taxi the other day and when it started to rain the driver shook his fist at the sky & said "why doesn't he just leave us alone". I have heard even more explicit remarks that I obviously can't repeat here.<_<

I wonder if Thaksin is such a megalomaniac that he thinks that he has to campaign in order to win or if he has a deeper strategy. As others have pointed out, having Thaksin campaign for them so openly might very well lead to the PT's party dissolution. This would obviously bring the Reds out into the street again and, coupled with accusations of an unfair or rigged election, could raise the level of conflict from civil disobedience to civil war.:blink:


When at the moment the chanote is held and half the rice crop goes to the holder to pay the 'interest'.....do you know who the main money lenders are in Thailand?

Most of them are rich upcountry businessmen, aren't they?

You are of course entiltled to have an opinion based on your experience......it appears to differ slightly from mine..........:)


Thaksins Taxi Brigade is a bunch of hardened criminals with religous crap painted in their cars to ease the customers pain while being screwed on every ride that the Meter is not used.

Most drivers smell of whiskey and are lazy and hate farang.

Yes...Most...Not ALL!

but look at Din Deng they had 1000s of taxis to block the police and army during the fires and riots.

So Thaksin owes them for their criminal acts and future Vote stuffing.


When at the moment the chanote is held and half the rice crop goes to the holder to pay the 'interest'.....do you know who the main money lenders are in Thailand?

Most of them are rich upcountry businessmen, aren't they?

You are of course entiltled to have an opinion based on your experience......it appears to differ slightly from mine..........:)

It was a question. If it's not the upcountry businessmen, who is it?

Do the rice farmers come down to Bangkok whenever they need a loan?


Thaksins Taxi Brigade is a bunch of hardened criminals with religous crap painted in their cars to ease the customers pain while being screwed on every ride that the Meter is not used.

Most drivers smell of whiskey and are lazy and hate farang.

Yes...Most...Not ALL!

but look at Din Deng they had 1000s of taxis to block the police and army during the fires and riots.

So Thaksin owes them for their criminal acts and future Vote stuffing.

Would you care to name a group of workers who have everyday contact and conversation with many members of the public...........

Would you prefer this group of people to be telling everybody what a good man you are?

every little helps.....right?


Having Taxi Drivers onside is a plus in any election campaign. They have an opportunity to talk to so many people and if a person is undecided, then they might influence them to vote a certain way. Its a plus for Thaksin. How ultimately they are affected is irrelevant if they believe they will be better off. I believe that 'buying' the Taxi Vote has a flow on effect. Every vote counts. Smart move Thaksin.

5555555 Of course, everybody knows that the only people in the World who keep their fingers on the pulse and should be in charge of everything are barbers (oops, hairdressers er um creative hair stylists and artistes) and taxi drivers. Their views are known to carry great weight with the general populace. Of course the cynical might ask, if these people are so brilliantly talented and should be listened to, why are they following their present occupations? I have trouble finding a BKK taxi driver who can drive a car well (and who doesn't tell me that the meter is broken), so why their political views should merit even a nanosecond of my attention, or anybody else's for that matter, escapes me. The nice, but mainly dim, ladies working at 711 meet a lot of people too. Why doesn't Thaksin target them? Or isn't that a smart move?

I am amongst those who despair for the average Thai whose ability to think straight and logically is less than it should be. I do not think badly of them, nor consider them stupid, but I do recognise that they are ignorant. and that few tools and/or mechanisms have been provided for them to overcome this. That given, many have had their eyes opened to the reality of the megalomaniac Thaksin, his poisonous family and his low life acolytes and hangers on. The volume of the masses who have reached this plateau has grown substantially and I hope continues to grow. The adage that you can only fool all of the people (or enough of them anyway) all of the time is coming true.

If I were Abhisit , or whoever is charged with putting the message across I would use the following as I did in my village quite a few years ago . Thaksin sold AIS to Singapore for 73 billion baht. The daily interest on that at 10% is 20 million baht - and his publicity machine shows him occasionally, very occasionally, giving some poor widow or deserving cause 3000 baht from his own pocket. (Anybody want to bet it didn't come from there?) Thaksin the Benevolent? Get real folks. What does he want with all that money? He can't spend it all can he, not even on 30 year old Swiss tanks or submersibles? Did it ever cross his avaricious rat like mind that he might well stay in power for eternity if he used those resources in building decent hospitals staffed with competent people, cleaned up the scandalous education system and established a police force to replace the mafiosi currently posing as guardians of the law. It is early days yet in the run up to a General Erection but please God that somebody with balls and intelligence is given the job of putting the Democrats policies before the electorate and picking apart the proposed products of a demented despotic mind disposed to fantasy and blatant lies.


From my admittedly narrow vantage point here, I don't see any semblance of a campaign by the Democrats.... Is there one? Where to find it?

On the other hand, the PT haven't even said who their PM candidate will be yet? Have they? Or did I miss it?

The only person who seems to be publicly campaigning is Thaksin... And he's not even in the same country!


Have read about half the responses on here - and as usual the vast majority are from the right-wing farang brigade. Not a pleasant bunch.

So what's so terribly wrong with offering credit to generally poorer sections of society, such as those that most taxi drivers are from?

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