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Truevision Tv Service Down...Every Bloody Day!


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This is beyond a joke now. Every day we get rain around 4pm, and every day same time Truevision goes off, "no signal" and despite attempts to reformat etc by taking the plug out etc it stays off until the next morning around 8am, I assume when the engineers come back to work to flick a switch or whatever.

Is this also others experience in Chiang Mai? or is it only me? I live towards Hangdong end of Town, and have now been without a service virtually for three days from approx 4pm til 8am the next morning. Normally dont care too much, have plenty of downloads to watch, but Saturday is live Football day!!

Anyone elses experiences welcome....dont know if this is a problem only at my house or across Chiang Mai in general?

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No problems with true here with a small orange dish.

I did have some trouble before though during rain which was attributed to my dish not being pointed at the satellite correctly.... check yours out.

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Hope it all works out, Pat.


I m not addicted, more annoyed at paying this crappy outfit 1500 a month for such a terrible service!!

I know the feeling. We have problem with channel 6 (that's the number on the remote) and there is no sound on this channel.

And this has been going on for 2 weeks now. So come Monday, and I will bee the first one in the que, when TRUE opens their doors.

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Hope it all works out, Pat.


I m not addicted, more annoyed at paying this crappy outfit 1500 a month for such a terrible service!!

I didn't come to Thailand to sit around and watch TV. But I did ditch True and got WETV on a promotion for 99 Baht/month for 3 months and I couldn't be happier. 99 Baht vs. 1500 for something I seldom ever watch.

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Hope it all works out, Pat.


I m not addicted, more annoyed at paying this crappy outfit 1500 a month for such a terrible service!!

I didn't come to Thailand to sit around and watch TV. But I did ditch True and got WETV on a promotion for 99 Baht/month for 3 months and I couldn't be happier. 99 Baht vs. 1500 for something I seldom ever watch.

So what did you come to Thailand to do? Sit in bars and watch hookers? Visit Temples? Plant rice? Get real, pal, we all rely on TV etc for a part of our lives. By the way, WETV is absolute crap unless of course you are happy watching last years Mongolian Wind surfing Championships, or the Chinese Left Handed Blind Persons Table Tennis Competition!!

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Postman, it's not just you. I'm having the same problem. Constant "low signal" or "searching for signal." Seems to be a recent phenomenon as I hadn't had this problem before (at least not as frequently). Not sure if it's the rain or what because reception was usually fine during inclement weather. Just hoping this is a temporary problem. But yes, it has been very annoying.

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Hey you guys, get used to it... UBC goes off whenever the rain clouds block the signal. Sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes an hour...

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Satellite TV goes out when there is too much rain or storm cloud interference. This is not just a TrueVision or Thai phenomenon. I had satellite TV in the U.S. and it is the nature of the beast. I believe there were extensive posts on this before.

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Although I agree UBC True is 90% crap it's the only crap in town, tolerated it for over 8 years now and only get outages during the worst of cloud cover.

Anyway a little bit of self help is needed by some of you people:-

Goto >>> MENU,SETUP,RECEIVER INFO, SIGNAL VALUE it should read 255

If it is below this figure on a reasonably clear day your dish needs realignment, right now I have a thunder storm building to the WEST with heavy clouds and my signal is still at 255.

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Pattaya,same same................

four drops of rainwater or one ( 1 ) flash of lightning and pfttt....screen goes black !!

If one goes downstairs to complain one just gets a shrug of the shoulders and the old...'no spikka da english' routine............

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I have 3 UBC dishes ( because I own a resort) in Maerim and apart from outage for a few minutes in very heavy rain storms I have no trouble. If yours is worse you need to get someone to check the position evena small piece of tree will mess it up in windy weather

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evena small piece of tree will mess it up in windy weather

Very true. I have some very tall, slender trees right in line with the dish. When it rains they of course get quite wet acting as a block to the signal. Cut them down some and the problem was reduced significantly.

Always had the signal loss problem in Chiang Mai, also out near Hang Dong when it rained. The problem is now fixed as I dumped True and have WETV cable now. :D I never watched it enough to warrant the cost. With WETV I can add a line to the other TVs without extra equipment and cost which have made the ladies of the house happy. ;)

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