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Bin Laden Killing: Phuket Reacts

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Bin Laden killing: Phuket reacts


CLOCKWISE: Nasid Prasongpol, Watit Huabcharoen and Jaran Saetan and Gowit Jantira.

PHUKET: The announcement by the US government that its military force had assassinated Al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden on May 2 was greeted with celebrations in the US and Europe.

But what was the reaction of the man in the street half the world away in Phuket?

The Phuket Gazette set out earlier this week to see what Phuketians thought of the killing of the man who masterminded the destruction of the World Trade Center and the deaths of the thousands of office workers in it, on September 11, 2001.

Nasid Prasongpol, a 24-year-old drinks vendor from Krabi: There should have been some proof that he is dead, such as showing his body. And it is quite suspicious that they buried him at sea. They should have buried him properly.

I wonder why they didn’t take him alive. They should have caught him alive and interrogated him, which could have yielded important information about other members of his organization.

In my opinion, it is also related to the upcoming election campaign for the presidency of the US.

Supak Sae-Wien, 29, a Phuket native and officer at Phuket City Municipality: I only “half believe” that bin Laden is dead. We have to wait for bin Laden’s relatives or subordinates to confirm his death. [This has since been confirmed by one of his wives and relatives.]

I think it’s about the votes. From what I have seen on the news, the popularity of Obama was decreasing.

Prasha Sarating, a 53-year-old company employee from Phang Nga: I am a Muslim and I feel a little sad about his death. The US government should not have captured him and killed him like this. It’s not quite right.

They should have caught him alive and imprisoned him or punished him, or whatever. Then they could have asked him who else was in his organization.

Kulapak Towas, a 53-year-old building contractor from Bangkok: I think this will have no effect in Thailand. At most, it may affect the safety of the US Embassy in Bangkok. However, terrorism will not be gone. Even if the leader is dead, there will be someone else to continue their organization. But I think this will affect the price of oil, making it higher.

Watit Huabcharoen, a 21-year-old university student from Ang Thong: The death of bin Laden has no direct effect on us. The stock market is getting better because this news has brought confidence back, but terrorism is still there.

Even though bin Laden is dead, other members [of Al Qaeda] will take over as head. I expect Al Qaeda will seek revenge because their leader is dead. I think Al Qaeda will remain. It will not disappear easily.

Gowit Jantira, 67, sewing equipment vendor: From the news, I do not think bin Laden has been killed that easily. And I still wonder about the attacks on September 11, 2001 and other terrorist attacks, whether bin Laden was responsible or not. I think if bin Laden were dead, terrorism may stop because they will have no leader or someone to do the planning or money to support the organization.

Peerasit Jantira, 36, Phuket, sewing equipment vendor: President Obama would definitely lose credibility if it turned out bin Laden were still alive, so I do not think President Obama would risk his reputation on the announcement [unless he was sure].

If the US Government is trying to take the credit for killing bin Laden in order to seek approval from the international community, I can say as a member of that community that I do not feel anything or any increase in trust in the US government at all.

I think the terrorist organization will not end with bin Laden. There will be someone to carry on the tasks of the organization.

Jaran Saetan, a 52-year-old Phuket native employed by a Chinese shrine: I think if the news is true, American people should be more wary wherever they go. I think some of them may not want to travel into some Muslim countries for safety reasons.


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-05-07

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I believed he was dead until Al Qaeda confirmed it.

I've been looking for that woman I have seen with the Bin Laden T-shirt so I can taunt her. I was bummed Thaivisa thought a "Bin Laden is Dead" party was inappropriate.

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No surprise to me Thaivisa thinks an "OBL is dead party" is inappropriate. Now, if there was some party to condemn the US, Thaivisa would be all for it. Thai people and the Holier Than Thou, Sacrosanct and Moral Above All Others on this board have no clue about how US military presence in SE Asia has benefited them. But God forbid if the US makes a mistake, then it's all condemnation. I am personally sick and tired of listening to it.

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I believed he was dead until Al Qaeda confirmed it.

I've been looking for that woman I have seen with the Bin Laden T-shirt so I can taunt her. I was bummed Thaivisa thought a "Bin Laden is Dead" party was inappropriate.

You think it is worthy of celebration of a cold blooded assasination of a guy who your very own CIA and ISI supported,trained armed and gave full support to in "Operation Cyclone" in another of the warmonging u s of a's covert ops against foreign powers in other countries.:ph34r:

Where is the oft called 'Innocent until proven guilty"" ??? No way , just send the elite squad of nameless unidentifiable cannon fodder in and shoot to kill.

Not the guys blame at all... just following orders!, but totally wrong IMO.

uncle sam used bin laden in their covert ops against the soviet Union in Afghanistan...set him up and then later pulled the rug from under and left them to fight the blowback of guns, drugs ,and extremism that followed.

In other words you yanks got all you asked for...you trained a pitbull in your methods and then kicked the pitbull in the guts....The pitbull came back and bit you on your collective backsides.....wonder why???

Immagine if it all got to court and Bin Laden stared telling all he knows of CIA american involvement using Al quaeda to do their dirty work openly in many african countries, old soviet countries and south america to name but a few, all the while publicly calling them THE ENEMY!!..joke ,right?

You yanks can come out screaming denial as much as you like, but the facts are well known to the world [places that aren't brainwashed by the CIA whitehouse that is.

And you wonder why america is probably the most hated country in the world???:realangry:

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I believed he was dead until Al Qaeda confirmed it.

I've been looking for that woman I have seen with the Bin Laden T-shirt so I can taunt her. I was bummed Thaivisa thought a "Bin Laden is Dead" party was inappropriate.

You think it is worthy of celebration of a cold blooded assasination of a guy who your very own CIA and ISI supported,trained armed and gave full support to in "Operation Cyclone" in another of the warmonging u s of a's covert ops against foreign powers in other countries.:ph34r:

Where is the oft called 'Innocent until proven guilty"" ??? No way , just send the elite squad of nameless unidentifiable cannon fodder in and shoot to kill.

Not the guys blame at all... just following orders!, but totally wrong IMO.

uncle sam used bin laden in their covert ops against the soviet Union in Afghanistan...set him up and then later pulled the rug from under and left them to fight the blowback of guns, drugs ,and extremism that followed.

In other words you yanks got all you asked for...you trained a pitbull in your methods and then kicked the pitbull in the guts....The pitbull came back and bit you on your collective backsides.....wonder why???

Immagine if it all got to court and Bin Laden stared telling all he knows of CIA american involvement using Al quaeda to do their dirty work openly in many african countries, old soviet countries and south america to name but a few, all the while publicly calling them THE ENEMY!!..joke ,right?

You yanks can come out screaming denial as much as you like, but the facts are well known to the world [places that aren't brainwashed by the CIA whitehouse that is.

And you wonder why america is probably the most hated country in the world???:realangry:

Do you honestly believe that other countries Special Forces have NOT taken people ''out '', that only the USA does it. If you do, your daft. :rolleyes:.

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Yeah your right. He's an OK guy I guess.

Good thing you put a strike-through "CIA". Make it harder for their computers to find you. :)

Knock knock.

Who's there?

Seal Team 6.


First of all SB..I never said he was an OK guy...right? I said everyone is entitled to a fair trial...not assasination by a nation!!

And yeh i'm really really worried that by posting the truth on a forum will have the seals come over and take me out....you need a reality check son :D lol...Everything i have said is readily available on every search engine!!

You poor americans are fed so much bullshite by your government that you dont know the truth anymore [ doubt that you ever did ]

You and the the trans guy can only come back with blah,blah.blah...You can not dispute the fact that your country used and abused binladen and he came back at you..FACT!!

Also you can not deny that he deserved a trial...guilty until proven innocent is not the way its done and you know that, or did you as an ex copper also reverse the practice?

Look at all the distortion of the truth that is already comming out about this murder...your polititions and CIA spokesmen can' t even get the same basic story together...:D :D Just wait till wiki leaks or someone else gets hold of the real story...ooooppppssss :whistling:

America...the laughing stock of the world!

Whether or not he is a good guy, or even if he was guilty of anything or not, i don't know,and i haven't said that, but there is due process to follow, especially from the country that calls itself the ''Police of the world""lol..

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First of all SB..I never said he was an OK guy...right? I said everyone is entitled to a fair trial...not assasination by a nation!!

And yeh i'm really really worried that by posting the truth on a forum will have the seals come over and take me out....you need a reality check son :D lol...Everything i have said is readily available on every search engine!!

You poor americans are fed so much bullshite by your government that you dont know the truth anymore [ doubt that you ever did ]

You and the the trans guy can only come back with blah,blah.blah...You can not dispute the fact that your country used and abused binladen and he came back at you..FACT!!

Also you can not deny that he deserved a trial...guilty until proven innocent is not the way its done and you know that, or did you as an ex copper also reverse the practice?

Look at all the distortion of the truth that is already comming out about this murder...your polititions and CIA spokesmen can' t even get the same basic story together...:D :D Just wait till wiki leaks or someone else gets hold of the real story...ooooppppssss :whistling:

America...the laughing stock of the world!

Whether or not he is a good guy, or even if he was guilty of anything or not, i don't know,and i haven't said that, but there is due process to follow, especially from the country that calls itself the ''Police of the world""lol..

So you would have said no to the assassination attempt on Hitler. Yes/No.

If it wasn't for the persuasive manner of Churchill in WW11 with the USA there would be no England .

The European Jews will no longer exist,

Bosnia would be a grave yard of women and children and Kuwait would have natives hung from every lamp post.

Your view about the USA really makes me sick.

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Ok - starting to get way off topic into other controversial areas. Keep to the topic of Bin Laden or this topic will be closed. Final and only warning.

If you want to debate then go here ---> http://www.thaivisa....a-has-his-body/

Yes indeed LK thanks for the link..i suggest transam go take a look....

FYI my view of america that makes you sick, is in fact the view of most intelligent people around the world...only americans believe the hype that they are ''gods own country ''and can do what they like when they like to whomever they like...

The facts are out there to see for yourself if you take your blinkers off for a while.

Keep your eyes open and watch the <deleted> really hit the fan when the truth is finally wrestled out ...heads will roll in usa as the CIA and government agencies twist the facts and dive for cover....:ph34r:

Even your staunchest ally..Great Britain has openly said that there was no evidence to convict Bin Laden of the 9/11 horror act and it over this attack that obama ordered the murder of him.

Apart from the very obvious likelyhood of not only outside revenge attacks, your good ol usa has huge numbers of homegrown terrorists waiting for an excuse to cause further termoil in their own country.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, as usual we will all pay for the follies of usa in their quest to be NO1..Murdering an old ally who turned on you wont solve the big overall problem.

Edited by brieno1955
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