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How Do You Like Thai Males?


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musclebound men are unattractive, don't like "manboobs"

One can have manbreasts without being muscular or having any pecs whatsoever.

My own mantitties are like two floppy camels' humps shifted round to the chestal area.

That's not to talk about the third tit: the one that starts growing just above the crown jewels and whose size is directly related to the number of hours spent sitting at the computer.

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Is this the women's section? How many of the 36 replies were from women or straight men?

Anyway, I'm not that picky. Some muscle is fine. I've gone with Thais ranging in stature from 4 feet 10, to 6 feet 1 (which is taller than me). One weighed 40 kilos!

Personally, I prefer androgynous looks, without the soprano voice.

IJWT: I have never seen a Thai as big as you!

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Is this the women's section?  How many of the 36 replies were from women or straight men?

Anyway, I'm not that picky.  Some muscle is fine.  I've gone with Thais ranging in stature from 4 feet 10, to 6 feet 1 (which is taller than me).  One weighed 40 kilos! 

Personally, I prefer androgynous looks, without the soprano voice.

IJWT: I have never seen a Thai as big as you!

// post edited. Off topic and abusive.

Member warned and suspended.

ChrisP Moderator

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I am told I LOOK like Pierce Brosnan...!   :o

(Well maybe after a couple of beer Chang..)


emm REALLY?? ... wanna go out with me sometime? :D:D

kri kri

ps .. worry , when the end up of our date ..we chase a same guy ...and slap each other badly :D:D:D

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for me ... , i think ... guys who have muscle like these re sexy

(pics from TH forum, puntip.com)

ps... i have no prob with guy who is more chubby or skinny alil than these pics ... but too big muscle can't turn me on





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Hey! I am new here so please be nice to me :o

I like Thai men with smooth skin, expressive eyes and a decent hair cut. I don't like men with long hair or funky hair styles.

Body odor is very important to me, but I've found that Thai men are usually very clean so no problems with that.

Oh! white teeth is a must as well.

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I'm not fussy about height, weight, skin colour, endowment-size etc., but re. hair...

I like short head hair, no chest hair and completely hairless "down there". Shaved pubic hair drives me wild.

// edited for content.

Chris P Mod.

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  • 1 month later...

Ditto Dds. Tho I strongly suggest that shaving is not the way to go. Causes too many ingrown hairs, rashes and the always next day pricklies. Plucking by using tweezers (gold tipped the best) is far better. Shaving lasts for a day, plucking lasts for up to two weeks before any maintenance needs to be done. Do web searches on this subject and you'll be amazed how simple the process is. Provides long lasting results and a far smoother feeling. Also, when plucking by tweezers, you'll also find that simple pulling by hand can get many of those hairs and cut down the time of plucking. Plucking with your partner is always fun too.

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I was thinking about editing JungleBoy's remarks, but the punster in me laughed too loudly at "Plucking with your partner is always fun, too." :D:D If Chris P wants to edit after he wakes up - go ahead.

Not too much detail. Besides, shaved pubes tends to get us off topic. It surely distracts me! But I'm easily distracted. :o

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Thanks PeaceBlondie for at least not intially editing my post. Ditto DdS was much too short.

Quote by DdS..."I like short head hair, no chest hair and completely hairless "down there". Shaved pubic hair drives me wild.", dittos my feeling except replace Shaved with Plucked. Also, body stature a tad smaller than me, larger than life nipples, soft hands, short fingernails, and one something that makes the person unique, like a scar or a mole or a physical feature that is not common. Weird, I know, but it's like the Navajo Indians of America where they weave in one flaw in their art works (blankets) to show that they are human and not above making mistakes (or something like that).


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Toptuan, yeah, I saw that post after I had posted. :o

Another thing that I do like, in any male, not just Thais, is the cut look. Yes, finding a cut Thai is very difficult if not impossible. (is this correct?) Does anyone know of a Thai that is cut? Or have I just not been around that much?

This may be off topic but, here goes. I have only had one experience with an uncut guy. So, having so little experience, I'm going to ask some stupid/redundant questions. What is a way to make sure of cleanliness with an uncut person? A way that doesn't take away from the 'moment'. Or do you just accept cleaning before sex a part of foreplay? I can imagine it would be fun tho. Kinda like make a game of it and continue on from there.

Am I making a bigger problem out of it than I should? Probably so.


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Toptuan, yeah, I saw that post after I had posted.   :D

Another thing that I do like, in any male, not just Thais, is the cut look.  Yes, finding a cut Thai is very difficult if not impossible.  (is this correct?) Does anyone know of a Thai that is cut?  Or have I just not been around that much?

This may be off topic but, here goes.  I have only had one experience with an uncut guy.  So, having so little experience, I'm going to ask some stupid/redundant questions.  What is a way to make sure of cleanliness with an uncut person?  A way that doesn't take away from the 'moment'. Or do you just accept cleaning before sex a part of foreplay?  I can imagine it would be fun tho.  Kinda like make a game of it and continue on from there.  cleaning, I can still see it in my minds eye.

Am I making a bigger problem out of it than I should?  Probably so. 


Last time I checked, something like 10% of the Thai population was Muslim. There ought to be at least one that is gay. :o

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Unless you're in one of the southern, predominantly Muslim provinces, there's a 99% chance that your partner will be uncut. Have them take a shower before you do the do. If they're not too shy (after the first time), shower with them.

It's not a big issue. I can barely recall the last time I was with a cut guy (like, maybe the only cut guy in Mexico). I prefer uncut, anyway. Not to worry. Or as the uncut guys say, "Mai bpen rai."

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Most Thais I know have better personal hygiene than most westerners, when it comes to personal bodily cleanliness. I don't know any westerners who take 2 and 3 baths/showers a day. Most Thai guys I know, do. Chances are, when they wash that often, their uncut thingy gets the benefit as well.

IMHO you should know a guy at least well enough to get a feel for his personal hygiene habits before you jump in bed with him.

Consequently, unless you're picking up homeless guys on some back soi, or cruising construction sites, I wouldn't worry.

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