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Thailand KFC Faces Employee Lawsuit For Unfair Practices

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I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

The employees may not be brain surgeons but they may well be educated enough to read your bigoted and ignorant comments.

Toyota do not supply a free car but as with all car manufacturers they will give a discount and pay more than 5000 baht a month.

If the shift finishes at 1am, it would not cost much to assist them to get home.

Food does not become leftover until the shift has finished. 1 meal a day should be provided.

The people that run KFC in Thailand only bought a franchise, that is different to starting a business. Yes they are entitled to make a profit but not at the expense of the employees welfare.

Too many employers in Thailand treat employees as disposable chattels.

Kuffki, I don't know where you come from but I presume you are a Farang. Maybe you you should go to a village and work a 28 day month for 4/5000 baht. From this income pay for house, food and scooter (so you can ride home at 1am)

We all know that the pay in Thailand is low but your attitude stinks.

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WELL SAID,, if the thais was not in such a BIG RUSH TO BE LIKE SOME WESTERN COUNTRY'S they would appreciate the Extra Monies to help their families... but their a greatest GREED level is at the very bottom of the economic latter.. I call it BAR GIRL FEVER.. a lot of people think the west is SO rich... they dint realize KFC in USA is designed for High School and college Kid living at home with parents..Thais think of it as a High paying Fortune 500 company...LOL.. all they want is a NEW Home an a Stupid Foreigner to buy it.. CASE CLOSE!!

I know the "Case" was "Close", but I feel compelled to contribute... "Extra Monies to help their families" ? This isn't extra "monies", this is the main income. Hmmm, now why would the people at the bottom of the economic ladder be the most "greedy"? Funny how hunger, living in a hovel and constant fear over the future can make people want more money - how incredibly greedy of them - makes my blood boil just thinking of it. The rich people here aren't greedy at all of course... the avarice of a man with four Mercedes in his driveway is nothing compared to those who want to make 7,000 baht a month instead of 5,000.

I am inclined to think that anyone who would call this desire to make a decent living "BAR GIRL FEVER" has probably gathered most of their insights into Thai people by hanging out in bars full of prostitutes (of course, I'm just guessing). I'm not sure this is the best setting in which to come to firm conclusions on the mass psychology of Thailand's working classes. It also, I would venture, doesn't help one's English language skills or punctuation either. Further, I would suggest that it isn't the girls who suffer from "BAR GIRL FEVER".

Oh yes, and KFC is a Fortune 500 company. From their own website:

"KFC is part of Yum! Brands, Inc., the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system restaurants, with more than 36,000 locations around the world. The company is ranked #239 on the Fortune 500 List, with revenues in excess of $11 billion in 2008."

Revenue does not equate to profit. Business 101 deduct the cost of doing business " labor, locations, supplies, franchise fees, advertising etc..." Most fortune 500 companies operate between 1-6% profit margins only" Which is better - a low paying consistant job or a high paying short lived career due to bankrupting the company?


Minimum wahe in Bkk since April 2009 is 220 baht per day. As per working hours read the following:

Working Hours and Leave

The maximum number of working hours of employees is fixed at eight hours a day

and 48 hours a week in total. In some types of works, as stipulated by law, the

employer and the employee may agree to arrange the period of working hours but the

working hours in any case must not exceed 48 hours a week. In establishments in

which the work is deemed injurious to health or personal safety, as stipulated by law,

working hours must not exceed seven hours a day and 42 hours a week in total.

About as adhered to as prostitution being illegal.


Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

I wonder where many of these workers being paid so pitifully come from? I'll bet many of them come from the countryside where there is practically no work whatsoever. They have to go to Bangkok to earn a living. If they are lucky enough to get a job (after competing with Burmese refugees) it is an absolute scandal that they are only being paid 27baht an hour. I'll bet they all vote for the red shirts on July 3rd.


Yes this is true! In my experience after the first warning you better glue the chairs down and god forbid that you accuse them of theft. Not to mention that the first warning was for theft as they were never told not to steal or get drunk on the job. So since you cant fire them for that you must wait until they do this again. If not pay up! Farang cant win in employment office!. Released a Thai "Chef" after many no shows and burning everything he touched. Chef that can't cook? Terminated, pay up! Bar manager stealing high end liquor, being suspended for 2 weeks pending investigation and when final termination occured wanted 2 weeks pay during suspension.Farang cant win in employment officeI Pay up! This is the reality


Minimum wahe in Bkk since April 2009 is 220 baht per day. As per working hours read the following:

Working Hours and Leave

The maximum number of working hours of employees is fixed at eight hours a day

and 48 hours a week in total. In some types of works, as stipulated by law, the

employer and the employee may agree to arrange the period of working hours but the

working hours in any case must not exceed 48 hours a week. In establishments in

which the work is deemed injurious to health or personal safety, as stipulated by law,

working hours must not exceed seven hours a day and 42 hours a week in total.

About as adhered to as prostitution being illegal.

Isn't 27 baht per hour for 8 hours 216 baht + all the free food too, Wow sounds like KFC is paying right in line with nation average plus all that yummy food. I think maybe the real complaint should the countries minimum wage law, but then again that might affect exports and we couldn't have that for sure.


Can you name a country where students are NOT poor and country where majority of people are wealthy.

Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

No, that's savage capitalism as we described earlier. The obscene gap between western income (KFC prices) and Asian expenses (Thai worker's salaries). The gap between the Bangkok elite and the poor student or upcountry migrant who slaves away in their businesses is getting wider every day. Another reason (among many) for the current social unrest.

One of my former students slaving away at comparable wages, got word last January that there would be no annual bonus this year. The boss drove up in his new Mercedes that day to announce it. The seething workers call his new vehicle, under their breaths, "The Bonus Mercedes." The pot boils ever so more violently with each passing year.


Capitalism at its worst.

The salaries and conditions suck, but the employees are probably still dong better than they would at most Thai restaurants or businesses. :huh:

Nah 7k is the normal salary in a restaurant and free food(better than KFC)

Even at central today i saw 7000 for pizza company and some nice soup restaurant. It also said something about benefits in thai and a 500baht bonus

You may want to go back and check again, but this time take someone Thai speaking with you.

Ok so advertising at 7000 means they offer really 5000 right?

Im white so that is why my restaurant we offer 7000 and pay 7000 ?


Forced to live on instant noodles and leftover fried chicken

They don't have to eat leftovers do they? Is it shoved down their throats?

OK, so they aren't paid much, but I'm sure there are a few people in Thailand that would love to eat the left over chicken.

It's chicken that hasn't been bought by the customers. It isn't chicken that has been half eaten.


I think corporations(which are more like monopolies now) should be spreading the wealth. They are the reasons the world is in such a dilemma to begin with. Criminals allowed to operate as if they are respectable citizens making an honest living. Nauseating. Share the wealth to benefit the people and the world or be crushed out of economic existence.

Share the wealth? With who? Employees who have no loyalty? Employees who are risking none of their own money? Employees who would rather steal than put in a good days work? Perhaps companies should just put up their own money and share the profits with you huh? Duh

I wonder where many of these workers being paid so pitifully come from? I'll bet many of them come from the countryside where there is practically no work whatsoever. They have to go to Bangkok to earn a living. If they are lucky enough to get a job (after competing with Burmese refugees) it is an absolute scandal that they are only being paid 27baht an hour. I'll bet they all vote for the red shirts on July 3rd.

I unfortunately agree that the above is the case in many regions in Thailand....not just Bangkok.

We need to look at the bigger picture as well (by all means not condoning 27 baht an hour min wage)...

My Thai friend once said to me with reference to subway and min wages....

"which is the worse of 2 evils...paying someone a low but consistent wage or seeing that person have nothing at all?"

It was in reference to a lot in Chiang Mai who work as fruit pickers or farm hands and may get 2000 or 3000 per month when there is work, with an uncertain future?

I do agree that we need to increase minimum wages but I disagree that min wage jobs should go.

In the US some 15 to 20 years ago a lot of corporations were outsourcing their call centers not due to lower wages (although for some this would of been the reason) but the simple fact that unemployment was low in the US and nobody wanted to do those jobs.

At the time many joked about those 'undesirable jobs going overseas.

Now that unemployment is at 9.5% some of those same people are crying 'China, India, etc. are taking all our jobs'...when in fact they haven't had them for years!

Again not condoning unfair wages but do support a 'fair' minimum wage for unskilled work here in Thailand...and the jobs it creates.


why company SHOULD do anything????

Please enlighten me.....

Why company should provide free meal??

Why company should even think how you get to and from work??

Why your personal problems have anything to do with a company?

You have a link to what factory workers at Toyota get paid??? I doubt it. Because they are on a minimum wage! And in the province where minimum wage is lower then bkk or any central location .

Again for the 10th time, employees get paid legal salary , not forced to perform any duty for free and food is a bonus!

You or they are NOT doing any favor for company, IRS actually other way around!

Do not like it, resign and go work in rice fields! Or in un-air factory for half the salary.

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

The employees may not be brain surgeons but they may well be educated enough to read your bigoted and ignorant comments.

Toyota do not supply a free car but as with all car manufacturers they will give a discount and pay more than 5000 baht a month.

If the shift finishes at 1am, it would not cost much to assist them to get home.

Food does not become leftover until the shift has finished. 1 meal a day should be provided.

The people that run KFC in Thailand only bought a franchise, that is different to starting a business. Yes they are entitled to make a profit but not at the expense of the employees welfare.

Too many employers in Thailand treat employees as disposable chattels.

Kuffki, I don't know where you come from but I presume you are a Farang. Maybe you you should go to a village and work a 28 day month for 4/5000 baht. From this income pay for house, food and scooter (so you can ride home at 1am)

We all know that the pay in Thailand is low but your attitude stinks.


Can you name a country where students are NOT poor and country where majority of people are wealthy.

Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

No, that's savage capitalism as we described earlier. The obscene gap between western income (KFC prices) and Asian expenses (Thai worker's salaries). The gap between the Bangkok elite and the poor student or upcountry migrant who slaves away in their businesses is getting wider every day. Another reason (among many) for the current social unrest.

One of my former students slaving away at comparable wages, got word last January that there would be no annual bonus this year. The boss drove up in his new Mercedes that day to announce it. The seething workers call his new vehicle, under their breaths, "The Bonus Mercedes." The pot boils ever so more violently with each passing year.

Monaco, Some emirates states,...

It was just for the game...no intention to say those place are the standards


Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

I wonder where many of these workers being paid so pitifully come from? I'll bet many of them come from the countryside where there is practically no work whatsoever. They have to go to Bangkok to earn a living. If they are lucky enough to get a job (after competing with Burmese refugees) it is an absolute scandal that they are only being paid 27baht an hour. I'll bet they all vote for the red shirts on July 3rd.

Agreed. This attitude that they have "choices" is nonsense. Yes, they can go down the road to the next exploiter, for the same crap wages as if this is an inherently fair system. The playing field is not level, andit is the height of arrogance and stupidity to pretend it is. A single prospective employee cannot force the hand of a multinational - they make the rules. This is why collective bargaining got started. Of course companies complain that it is "bad for business" not to be able to bully employees at their leisure, but I would content that it is bad for humanity to live hand to mouth. Just pay people enough to live and they will generally be happy, but keep them under constant stress and they will rebel eventually. And sometimes they rebel in a big way. It is a cycle of human history that as usual we refuse to learn from.


Revenue does not equate to profit. Business 101 deduct the cost of doing business " labor, locations, supplies, franchise fees, advertising etc..." Most fortune 500 companies operate between 1-6% profit margins only" Which is better - a low paying consistant job or a high paying short lived career due to bankrupting the company?

how did you arrive with that of 1-6% margins ? - cos i know nothing ... please. i'm curious then

KFC is the subject and in this case there is no way of goin' "bankruptcy".


why company SHOULD do anything????

Please enlighten me.....

Why company should provide free meal??

Why company should even think how you get to and from work??

Why your personal problems have anything to do with a company?

You have a link to what factory workers at Toyota get paid??? I doubt it. Because they are on a minimum wage! And in the province where minimum wage is lower then bkk or any central location .

Again for the 10th time, employees get paid legal salary , not forced to perform any duty for free and food is a bonus!

You or they are NOT doing any favor for company, IRS actually other way around!

Do not like it, resign and go work in rice fields! Or in un-air factory for half the salary.

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

The employees may not be brain surgeons but they may well be educated enough to read your bigoted and ignorant comments.

Toyota do not supply a free car but as with all car manufacturers they will give a discount and pay more than 5000 baht a month.

If the shift finishes at 1am, it would not cost much to assist them to get home.

Food does not become leftover until the shift has finished. 1 meal a day should be provided.

The people that run KFC in Thailand only bought a franchise, that is different to starting a business. Yes they are entitled to make a profit but not at the expense of the employees welfare.

Too many employers in Thailand treat employees as disposable chattels.

Kuffki, I don't know where you come from but I presume you are a Farang. Maybe you you should go to a village and work a 28 day month for 4/5000 baht. From this income pay for house, food and scooter (so you can ride home at 1am)

We all know that the pay in Thailand is low but your attitude stinks.

This is certainly why you think workers are cheaters, liars, laziest....

If the company give more benefits than the minimal the workers will work better

You will say that s wrong but you re wrong : with better benefits more people will want to have this job, then the company may ask better service to the employee. As the employee is happy of his job, and he knows this job provides more benefits than any other he can have regarding his education or capacity, he will tends to try to keep this work and work better, even more if he knows many people waits for a position outside and there is more demands than offer....

Now fast food turn over is monstruous, why? because they pay the minimum, there is more offer than demand, etc....

Strange that posters here thinks in term of easy, short term profit for the company and does not bet on perenity....


Reallly Oz min wage is $15??? Got a link for that?

Gee I only owned 1 company with 150 staff there and min wage for young ones was $6.20

Day time security guards is around $11, so please do tell what industry in Oz pays min wage of $15??

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

wow ... impressively inhuman .... somewhere I PITY YOU FOR BEING SO COLD HEARTED.

What is cold hearted? this is nothing but normal regular wage and life in Thailand. You want cold hearted, see what salary Burmese get working in Thailand. 5000 baht per month for 12-14 hour days, 7 days per week.

KFC being paid normal minimum wage, just like KFC pays in any other country in the world.

If minimum wage in Thailand is 27 baht, this is what they get. If minimum wage in Oz $6 this is what they get there.

Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

Also keep in mind that while in the West they need 5 people per shift, in Thailand they have 25.

PS. I do not need pity, better save your pity for the animals in Thailand

Australian minimum wage is $15.00 an hour

if worker is causal then times that by 1.25

still very poor wages for anyone that lives here


Reallly Oz min wage is $15??? Got a link for that?

true... i have been there a few times.

don't need an external link.

anything in general ..... trust me Kuffki


why company SHOULD do anything????

Please enlighten me.....

Why company should provide free meal??

Why company should even think how you get to and from work??

Why your personal problems have anything to do with a company?

You have a link to what factory workers at Toyota get paid??? I doubt it. Because they are on a minimum wage! And in the province where minimum wage is lower then bkk or any central location .

Again for the 10th time, employees get paid legal salary , not forced to perform any duty for free and food is a bonus!

You or they are NOT doing any favor for company, IRS actually other way around!

Do not like it, resign and go work in rice fields! Or in un-air factory for half the salary.

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

The employees may not be brain surgeons but they may well be educated enough to read your bigoted and ignorant comments.

Toyota do not supply a free car but as with all car manufacturers they will give a discount and pay more than 5000 baht a month.

If the shift finishes at 1am, it would not cost much to assist them to get home.

Food does not become leftover until the shift has finished. 1 meal a day should be provided.

The people that run KFC in Thailand only bought a franchise, that is different to starting a business. Yes they are entitled to make a profit but not at the expense of the employees welfare.

Too many employers in Thailand treat employees as disposable chattels.

Kuffki, I don't know where you come from but I presume you are a Farang. Maybe you you should go to a village and work a 28 day month for 4/5000 baht. From this income pay for house, food and scooter (so you can ride home at 1am)

We all know that the pay in Thailand is low but your attitude stinks.

Why SHOULD they? Because their employees are human beings who have to eat and get around and live. They are not cattle. And also, this may be hard for you to grasp Kuffki, but it is a two way street. The labour of the employees makes money for the owners - maybe the owners could show their workers some gratitude. You seem to feel that the workers should be licking the rich man's boots grateful to be paid a wage that is barely enough to eat and live in a slum. The problem with taking the side of power - might makes right - as you seem to do, is that power can shift. The formerly merciless are rarely shown any mercy. How about we work towards a world where people get some breathing room and are reasonably happy? Where there is mutual caring between employers and employees - that each needs the other - rather than just exploitation? The world you propose sir, is one of cruelty and human misery. But then you don't come across as a barrel of laughs yourself.

Oh yes, and do you really think the LEGAL salary is fair? How do you think they arrived at that level? Who would you imagine had more influence on that law? Rich factory owners or workers? Just because it is legal doesn't mean it's fair.


Reallly Oz min wage is $15??? Got a link for that?

true... i have there a few times.

don't need an external link.

Yes i confirm...maybe 6,50 was in the seventies....

<br>Wow,  1 free meal a day and transportation allowance.  wonder if they are  hiring farangs?  Forced to eat noodles, how many Thai's you know that  DON'T eat noodles 2 or 3 times a day.  They will go way out of their way  to find a noodle stall.  Any job that brings in more than 5,000 baht a  month is a durn good job.<br>
<br><br><b>transportation allowance</b> is not provided for the OP.<br>i'm so sick of this sort of <b>scrupulous</b>. too correct and exact<br>30/meal x 3 times/day(BF,L,S) = 90x 30 days = 2,700B<br>still 5,000-2,700=2,300B left for saving but wait a sec.<br>accommodation and transport expenses have not been considered yet.   <br>It's hard... very hard, too hard .....<br>
<br><br>Come on.. Are you that ignorant? Since when is any fast food restaurant supposed to pay all your bills? Try working at KFC in Boston, Massachusetts; You would make roughly $8.50/hr x 40= $1360/month BEFORE TAXES, or $1068 after.... How could you possibly pay, using your equation: $7/meal x 3 times/day(BF,L,S) = $21x 30 days = $630<br><br>PLUS, the mandatory health insurance we have to pay in Massachusetts, Rent, utilities etc.<br><br>Cannot and does not happen...<br><br>Fast food restaurants are for entry-level jobs, or for students living with family.<br><br>If you think for one minute, that working in any fast food restaurant grants you the amenities in life... You are blind.<br><br>Don't like the wages, or working conditions? Pay attention in school and go to college.<br><br><br><br><table class="CalcSubTable" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="CalcSubTableBold" width="50%" nowrap="nowrap"><br></td>

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Can you name a country where students are NOT poor and country where majority of people are wealthy.

Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

No, that's savage capitalism as we described earlier. The obscene gap between western income (KFC prices) and Asian expenses (Thai worker's salaries). The gap between the Bangkok elite and the poor student or upcountry migrant who slaves away in their businesses is getting wider every day. Another reason (among many) for the current social unrest.

One of my former students slaving away at comparable wages, got word last January that there would be no annual bonus this year. The boss drove up in his new Mercedes that day to announce it. The seething workers call his new vehicle, under their breaths, "The Bonus Mercedes." The pot boils ever so more violently with each passing year.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Kuffki is a big fan of Bill O'Reilly?


The minimum wage in Oz went to $15 per hour late last year.

Sorry mid last year.....http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/06/03/2917094.htm

Not sure if you can post links on here...if not...apologies


:lol: Thai's thinking it's a High paying Fortune 500 company, I love it. Would you like me to send some photos of the people working at KFC here in the U.S... I guarantee, they all are almost to a person under 20.

Hi K.

There is a reason for this phenomena.

  • Adults attract higher wages.
  • Junior staff on lower pay assist the company's bottom line.

There are a number of subtle techniques which are employed.

These might include unfavorable shifts, forcing staff to move on.

Free market forces are the way, but there must be a level playing field when it comes to basic human rights.

If protection doesn't come from within, then perhaps through the "Declaration of Human Rights" and the "General Assembly" which oversights this.


Try late 90's

Reallly Oz min wage is $15??? Got a link for that?

true... i have there a few times.

don't need an external link.

Yes i confirm...maybe 6,50 was in the seventies....


Dear friends,

And with that money they have to pay for their accommodation, food, clothes, shoes, educate their children and have some fun once a week.

Good idea but I can't make the right calculation.

On the other side, no one will give them a rise if they do not fight.

If they don't fight they will live worse and worse.

If they lift the boycott on KFC food I am gonna support them.

Try imagine being on BHT 27 a week.

A bottle of Leo beer is 48 baht.

So sad :(

Dope... Who works at KFC and expects to be able to support a family? Thats not the targeted employee they strive for, because it's simply not feasible.


The minimum wage in Oz went to $15 per hour late last year.

That is for adults in general industries. There is a special award for the Fast food industry and hotels especially for juniors.



% of adult rate

16 years and under


17 years


18 years


19 years


20 years


so the rate for a junior is often $7.50 an hour


Reallly Oz min wage is $15??? Got a link for that?

true... i have there a few times.

don't need an external link.

Yes i confirm...maybe 6,50 was in the seventies....

thanks and more info.

they pay huge income tax and super...


what is the minimum wage in thailand? i believe its about 185b depending on what province you live, ....what is unclear to me is how many hours your expected to work for,

and as soon as some workers try and get some justice {ie a fair wage} they are shot down in flames ! ....... up the workers ! demand your rights ! my wife works as a teacher in a training school for hairstylists..., she gets 6,500b pm and is expected to work 6 days a week from 8 am to 7 pm ........66 hours pw for 1,650b ,............is that legal ?????????? PLEASE RESPOND ;

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