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Thaksin's Sister Yingluck Declares Her Pheu Thai Candidacy

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I dont think the Thai Elites want their country run by a woman. Especially a Shiniwatra. There will be Anarchy if she wins.

The daughters are good enough to take care of their parents and receive the education in LOS.Why is that?

I answer it for you. Most of the men are here are irresponsible. I think it is a great idea.

I know most of you be complaining about her name. There thousands of other women here that are more qualified then any man.

I myself would welcome any women. There been many great Women leaders in the past and what is wrong of Merkel of Germany

and Rousseff of Brazil now and their countries economies are still a dream in Thailand.

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So the question is,will Chalerm leave PTP once again after Yingluck is officially declared PM candidate?

What made him retire on his previous decision to quit.Was it the (false) promise that he still made a chance?


How could Thailand elect the siser of a wanted man who is trying to rule Thailand for another country? If she is elected, what happens to Thaksin.


She has got nothing to offer Thailand. What experience does she have in politics? If she winslaugh.gif it will be for the worst


I dont think the Thai Elites want their country run by a woman. Especially a Shiniwatra. There will be Anarchy if she wins.

The daughters are good enough to take care of their parents and receive the education in LOS.Why is that?

I answer it for you. Most of the men are here are irresponsible. I think it is a great idea.

I know most of you be complaining about her name. There thousands of other women here that are more qualified then any man.

I myself would welcome any women. There been many great Women leaders in the past and what is wrong of Merkel of Germany

and Rousseff of Brazil now and their countries economies are still a dream in Thailand.

I believe you are right about the men in this country, and there is nothing wrong with a woman doing the PM job. What is wrong with Yingluck is she is running in this election to help get her brothers money back and to keep him out of jail. She has nothing to offer the people of Thailand that live on or under the poverty line. It will be tragedy if she wins the PM seat


I dont think the Thai Elites want their country run by a woman. Especially a Shiniwatra. There will be Anarchy if she wins.

Yeah, she'll be the cause. It's not like there was an elected government thrown out of power after illegal protests by yellow shirts a few years ago or anything. :)


I dont think the Thai Elites want their country run by a woman. Especially a Shiniwatra. There will be Anarchy if she wins.

The daughters are good enough to take care of their parents and receive the education in LOS.Why is that?

I answer it for you. Most of the men are here are irresponsible. I think it is a great idea.

I know most of you be complaining about her name. There thousands of other women here that are more qualified then any man.

I myself would welcome any women. There been many great Women leaders in the past and what is wrong of Merkel of Germany

and Rousseff of Brazil now and their countries economies are still a dream in Thailand.

The issue isn't her sex. The issue is that she's a PUPPET for you know who.

Absolutely. :thumbsup:


So the question is,will Chalerm leave PTP once again after Yingluck is officially declared PM candidate?

What made him retire on his previous decision to quit.Was it the (false) promise that he still made a chance?

Two reasons why Chalerm wouldn't quit again over Yingluck.

1. His son, Wan AKA Mr. Happy Toilet, has also made the Pheu Thai Party roster... (along with yet another Shinawatra in this article, this time, its his cousin)...

Pheu Thai Party yesterday unveiled General Chaiyasit Shinawatra, cousin of former premier Thaksin, as its MP candidate for Ratchaburi constituency 1.

In Bangkok, Deputy Spokesman Jirayu Huangsap introduced two new MP candidates for the capital: Wan Yoobamrung and Anuttama Amornwiwat. Wan is the son of veteran politician and former Pheu Thai MP Chalerm

2. Chalerm was an early proponent of Yingluck, he's backed the Shinawatra clan all along. He's also been against her main opponent for the PM position, Mingkwan, all along...

Chalerm prefers Yingluck Shinawatra to lead Pheu Thai's assault on the premiership. Thaksin, however, has kept everyone guessing on the possibility. The ousted leader is known to love his younger sister very much, so sending her into the lion's cage that is Thai politics will be a last, desperate measure. This is why Mingkwan, despite an unimpressive censure debut last week, remains on top of the Pheu Thai list of prime-ministerial candidates.

Obviously, many things happening at the Pheu Thai Party now are intertwined, and what transpires will answer the question of the hour: if Pheu Thai wins the general election, who will be the prime minister? Chalerm will fight tooth and nail if Mingkwan is on the threshold of being officially endorsed by Thaksin. The Bangkok MP recently invited several Pheu Thai MPs to his house, and sources said his grudges against Mingkwan were apparent at that meeting.


Wait a second here. This is the same woman who declared she would not and could not join or lead a political party as she was not ready. Correct?


Wait a second here. This is the same woman who declared she would not and could not join or lead a political party as she was not ready. Correct?

Correct, but don't forget: Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does.

(Which also means that Pheua Thai does NOT think and Thaksin does NOT do anything.)


Wait a second here. This is the same woman who declared she would not and could not join or lead a political party as she was not ready. Correct?

Yes, it is and she did, but that was a long, long, long time ago...

three months... :ermm:

Thought I read in yesterday's other national English language daily (not to be named here) that she has said she wanted to concentrate on her buiness interests and it was not her time to enter politics yet (read: she will only enter politics when its certain she will win).


Nothing political here...just got to say ..what a honey

Are we in luv now? :D

She's single! Not holding out much (...any) hope though. Oh well if she can't be my girlfriend i hope she can be PM.

Of course she is single, Who could afford Sinsod for her ? Apart from her own family ha ha ha


How could Thailand elect the sister of a wanted man who is trying to rule Thailand for another country? If she is elected, what happens to Thaksin.

1. Returns to Thailand

2. Is exonerated of his conviction

3. Has still-pending charges squashed

4. Has his seized 43 Billion Baht returned to him

5. Has his banned-from-politics status lifted

6. Constitutional amendment removing 8 year limitation for PM is passed

7. Resumes premiership

8. Resumes consolidation of control removing all traces of separation of power


If she were to become PM, I would start watching Thai political broadcasts on TV. I still wouldn't understand anything but the viewing would be more pleasing to the eye.

Very watch-able :rolleyes:


How could Thailand elect the sister of a wanted man who is trying to rule Thailand for another country? If she is elected, what happens to Thaksin.

1. Returns to Thailand

2. Is exonerated of his conviction

3. Has still-pending charges squashed

4. Has his seized 43 Billion Baht returned to him

5. Has his banned-from-politics status lifted

6. Constitutional amendment removing 8 year limitation for PM is passed

7. Resumes premiership

8. Resumes consolidation of control removing all traces of separation of power

Number 9 another coup


How could Thailand elect the sister of a wanted man who is trying to rule Thailand for another country? If she is elected, what happens to Thaksin.

1. Returns to Thailand

2. Is exonerated of his conviction

3. Has still-pending charges squashed

4. Has his seized 43 Billion Baht returned to him

5. Has his banned-from-politics status lifted

6. Constitutional amendment removing 8 year limitation for PM is passed

7. Resumes premiership

8. Resumes consolidation of control removing all traces of separation of power

Number 9 another coup

Not if he crafty-ably realigns the Army between 1 and 8 to install his generals.


some of you guys are such shallow hypocrites

so who cares about the future of Thailand as long as its leader is attractive to look at?

some of you would be the same people that gave Palin any credibility...........


Does she have a political platform? Does she worship anything other than money? Did she pay any taxes on all the billions of baht of stock transfers to and from her family members over the years? Does Puea Thai have a political platform? Does PT stand for anything other than getting one of more Shinawatres back in the power seat? What is her stance on environmental issues? What is her stance on whether Thailand should go nuclear? What is her stance on whether the richest Thais should continue to pay zero taxes on their vast property holdings? Are any of these the type of questions Thai voters want answers to? (answer: no).

Yingluck gets my vote

Why because she has physically nice features? OBL was a good looking guy, would he get your vote also? Dick Cheney was handsome in his salad days, would you have hired him to be a babysitter for your kids - perhaps to give them a shower in the bathroom where you store the ironing board?


Wait a second here. This is the same woman who declared she would not and could not join or lead a political party as she was not ready. Correct?

Let's put it in context: If she's anything like her "I'm through with politics" brother, she can't avoid telling lies. If you look at the long littany of declarations make by Thaksin in the past 10 years, you'll find that: the more emphatically he stated something, the more likely it was a lie.


Has she released her birth certificate? How about her college transcripts?

"Kentucky State University is the traditionally and predominantly Black University of Kentucky" (University's description). I only bring this up as I am impressed at Ms. Y's openness to cultural awareness and experience! I would not have expected that. She's got a little soul in her- you go girl!

(do i need to add the sarcasm smiley?)


Does she have a political platform? Does she worship anything other than money? Did she pay any taxes on all the billions of baht of stock transfers to and from her family members over the years? Does Puea Thai have a political platform? Does PT stand for anything other than getting one of more Shinawatres back in the power seat? What is her stance on environmental issues? What is her stance on whether Thailand should go nuclear? What is her stance on whether the richest Thais should continue to pay zero taxes on their vast property holdings? Are any of these the type of questions Thai voters want answers to? (answer: no).

The Pheu Thai Party does have a political platform.

Unsurprisingly, the platform polices for Thailand were announced from 4,970 kilometers away.

Thaksin, Pheu Thai Will Unveil Its Policies On April 24

With zero prior political experience, Yingluck's position on any issue is unknown, but one can presume her own personal positions, if she has any, are immaterial to what her brother's wishes are.


Last one out, switch of the lights.

The dynasty (or should I say din nasty) is preparing itself for supreme power (they hope) along the lines of Marcos, Hussain, Gadhaffi et al. They just have one or two people to remove first. God help Thailand!

The poor and ignorant masses are being duped. If these fascists win there really is no future and Burma will look like a tea party. Perhaps I won't sell my house in France after all.

Does anyone know the legal/moral/ethical issues about serving alcohol on election day in Thailand?

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