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Rubber Trees

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Claus never stored for more than 8 or 9 weeks, would like to keep the rubber longer until prices improve, but wife and kids, workers and their families seem to want to eat everyday. Need the money to live.

As to the question on transporting, it can be done, but can't see it being viable , that would be a 6 or 8 hour round trip, lots of fuel, wear and tear on the truck and a wage for the driver.

A better idea may be set up a small rolling shop on one plantation, make sheet and sun dry. when you have a truck load, transport to the smoking shed on the main plantation. Sun dried will keep a long time and if it starts to grow fungi you can just wash it off, before smoking.

A small rolling set up will not cost that much to build and will certianly workout much cheaper in the long run. Jim

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Claus never stored for more than 8 or 9 weeks, would like to keep the rubber longer until prices improve, but wife and kids, workers and their families seem to want to eat everyday. Need the money to live.

As to the question on transporting, it can be done, but can't see it being viable , that would be a 6 or 8 hour round trip, lots of fuel, wear and tear on the truck and a wage for the driver.

A better idea may be set up a small rolling shop on one plantation, make sheet and sun dry. when you have a truck load, transport to the smoking shed on the main plantation. Sun dried will keep a long time and if it starts to grow fungi you can just wash it off, before smoking.

A small rolling set up will not cost that much to build and will certianly workout much cheaper in the long run. Jim

that is a great idea Jim, in this way i will not need to transport the, about, 50% water in the fresh latex.

Thanks for your always great responses, you are for sure a great / experienced help to many of us here on the forum.

I have still not fully understood the reason for making smoked sheets as fresh latex is paid about 50 bath / kg, to make smoked sheets you will get about 50% less KG compared to fresh latex as during the drying process 50% water will be dried out, and smoked sheets is about 100 bath / KG. so same same but different????


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Claus never stored for more than 8 or 9 weeks, would like to keep the rubber longer until prices improve, but wife and kids, workers and their families seem to want to eat everyday. Need the money to live.

As to the question on transporting, it can be done, but can't see it being viable , that would be a 6 or 8 hour round trip, lots of fuel, wear and tear on the truck and a wage for the driver.

A better idea may be set up a small rolling shop on one plantation, make sheet and sun dry. when you have a truck load, transport to the smoking shed on the main plantation. Sun dried will keep a long time and if it starts to grow fungi you can just wash it off, before smoking.

A small rolling set up will not cost that much to build and will certianly workout much cheaper in the long run. Jim

that is a great idea Jim, in this way i will not need to transport the, about, 50% water in the fresh latex.

Thanks for your always great responses, you are for sure a great / experienced help to many of us here on the forum.

I have still not fully understood the reason for making smoked sheets as fresh latex is paid about 50 bath / kg, to make smoked sheets you will get about 50% less KG compared to fresh latex as during the drying process 50% water will be dried out, and smoked sheets is about 100 bath / KG. so same same but different????


Claus that is the question that has been bothering me of late. Think last time we sold Government buyers were paying 53 Baht a kilo dry weight for cup and 87 Baht for sheet or 34 Baht a kilo more for sheet, same same dry weight. Much better money for sheet, but this year for the first time wet cup buyers have appeared. They are buying for crepe makers, they are paying over 40 Baht a kilo for wet weight, think one guy got 47 Baht once. Can't see where there is any profit in these prices, really would think you would losing money. Only thing I can think off is the crepe makers are in fact the end users [shoe makers or something ] and they are not interested in making a profit at the rubber end, but on the final product end and are securing their supply while rubber prices are low [Chinese maybe ] Jim
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Claus never stored for more than 8 or 9 weeks, would like to keep the rubber longer until prices improve, but wife and kids, workers and their families seem to want to eat everyday. Need the money to live.

As to the question on transporting, it can be done, but can't see it being viable , that would be a 6 or 8 hour round trip, lots of fuel, wear and tear on the truck and a wage for the driver.

A better idea may be set up a small rolling shop on one plantation, make sheet and sun dry. when you have a truck load, transport to the smoking shed on the main plantation. Sun dried will keep a long time and if it starts to grow fungi you can just wash it off, before smoking.

A small rolling set up will not cost that much to build and will certianly workout much cheaper in the long run. Jim

that is a great idea Jim, in this way i will not need to transport the, about, 50% water in the fresh latex.

Thanks for your always great responses, you are for sure a great / experienced help to many of us here on the forum.

I have still not fully understood the reason for making smoked sheets as fresh latex is paid about 50 bath / kg, to make smoked sheets you will get about 50% less KG compared to fresh latex as during the drying process 50% water will be dried out, and smoked sheets is about 100 bath / KG. so same same but different????


Claus that is the question that has been bothering me of late. Think last time we sold Government buyers were paying 53 Baht a kilo dry weight for cup and 87 Baht for sheet or 34 Baht a kilo more for sheet, same same dry weight. Much better money for sheet, but this year for the first time wet cup buyers have appeared. They are buying for crepe makers, they are paying over 40 Baht a kilo for wet weight, think one guy got 47 Baht once. Can't see where there is any profit in these prices, really would think you would losing money. Only thing I can think off is the crepe makers are in fact the end users [shoe makers or something ] and they are not interested in making a profit at the rubber end, but on the final product end and are securing their supply while rubber prices are low [Chinese maybe ] Jim

Jim correct me if i am wrong...

100 KG fresh latex will give you 100 KG at 40 baht = 4000 baht (If one can find the buyer that are willing to buy wet weight)

100 KG fresh latex will give you about 60 KG dry weight cup at 53 baht = 3180 baht

100 KG fresh latex will give you about 50 KG smoked sheet at 87 baht = 4350 baht

so you get 1170 baht more to do the drying (in other words about 27% more)

For me that sounds like a good idea to make smoked sheets, with smoked sheets you also have the possibility to store and sell later on.

In a earlier post you mentioned in general 1 tree will give about 4 to 5 KG / year, when you say that do you mean wet cup, dry cup or sheets KG???


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Must be my day for the net, wife's in town having her face done,[ beauty shop] and I am all alone.

Anyway Claus your numbers are out.

First Dry rubber content in fresh latex [ liquid ] is about 35% now if you have 100 kilos of liquid latex it will make about 35 kilos of dry sheet. If you poured that into cups and allowed it to dry it will still be 35% DRC and will produce 35 kilos of dry cup.

On the buying of wet cup, I don;t know how they do it From the moment the latex leaves the tree it starts to dry at what point it turns from liquid to solid percentage wise I am not sure, but I know it keeps getting drier. One guy told me that on the 60 km drive to where he takes the wet cup he loses up to 200 kilos of weight and I can believe it. Have seen the pickups full of wet cup driving down the road with water running out the back. Love to know what the deal is, but no one seems to know what's going on. Jim

Think the average producing tree will put out 3 to 5 kilos a year of solid rubber, sheet or dry cup. If your trees are good well mantained you will get more. Jim


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Must be my day for the net, wife's in town having her face done,[ beauty shop] and I am all alone.

Anyway Claus your numbers are out.

First Dry rubber content in fresh latex [ liquid ] is about 35% now if you have 100 kilos of liquid latex it will make about 35 kilos of dry sheet. If you poured that into cups and allowed it to dry it will still be 35% DRC and will produce 35 kilos of dry cup.

On the buying of wet cup, I don;t know how they do it From the moment the latex leaves the tree it starts to dry at what point it turns from liquid to solid percentage wise I am not sure, but I know it keeps getting drier. One guy told me that on the 60 km drive to where he takes the wet cup he loses up to 200 kilos of weight and I can believe it. Have seen the pickups full of wet cup driving down the road with water running out the back. Love to know what the deal is, but no one seems to know what's going on. Jim

Think the average producing tree will put out 3 to 5 kilos a year of solid rubber, sheet or dry cup. If your trees are good well mantained you will get more. Jim


Well here in Beijing not so many beauty shop's, thanks for that other vise my wife would do the same...

Any way the calculation will look like below with your updated information.

100 KG fresh latex will give you 100 KG at 40 baht = 4000 baht (If one can find the buyer that are willing to buy wet weight)

100 KG fresh latex will give you about 35 KG dry weight cup at 53 baht = 1855 baht

100 KG fresh latex will give you about 35 KG smoked sheet at 87 baht = 3045 baht

so you get 1190 baht more to do the drying (in other words about 39% more)

so very clear for me is to go for sheets. so why is it that some suggest not to do sheets the first 1 or 2 years of tapping???


Edited by ClausGS
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Must be my day for the net, wife's in town having her face done,[ beauty shop] and I am all alone.

Anyway Claus your numbers are out.

First Dry rubber content in fresh latex [ liquid ] is about 35% now if you have 100 kilos of liquid latex it will make about 35 kilos of dry sheet. If you poured that into cups and allowed it to dry it will still be 35% DRC and will produce 35 kilos of dry cup.

On the buying of wet cup, I don;t know how they do it From the moment the latex leaves the tree it starts to dry at what point it turns from liquid to solid percentage wise I am not sure, but I know it keeps getting drier. One guy told me that on the 60 km drive to where he takes the wet cup he loses up to 200 kilos of weight and I can believe it. Have seen the pickups full of wet cup driving down the road with water running out the back. Love to know what the deal is, but no one seems to know what's going on. Jim

Think the average producing tree will put out 3 to 5 kilos a year of solid rubber, sheet or dry cup. If your trees are good well mantained you will get more. Jim


Well here in Beijing not so many beauty shop's, thanks for that other vise my wife would do the same...

Any way the calculation will look like below with your updated information.

100 KG fresh latex will give you 100 KG at 40 baht = 4000 baht (If one can find the buyer that are willing to buy wet weight)

100 KG fresh latex will give you about 35 KG dry weight cup at 53 baht = 1855 baht

100 KG fresh latex will give you about 35 KG smoked sheet at 87 baht = 3045 baht

so you get 1190 baht more to do the drying (in other words about 39% more)

so very clear for me is to go for sheets. so why is it that some suggest not to do sheets the first 1 or 2 years of tapping???


People who say don't do sheet for the first few years are listening to the locals. Local take very poor care of their trees and it maybe years or never until the trees produce usable amount of latex. To make sheet you really need a good latex output, a dribble in the cup is no good and a lot of work for a very limited return.

As soon as the trees start giving up a nice cup load go to sheet. End of last year and now we are replacing our cups with the biggest ones they have, the smaller ones were overflowing. Jim

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thanks for the info guys its been a great read , any chance we can get some real details on the smoking /drying process ... ie shed size , fire , firing time ... from the tree to the sale i guess is my query ...


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thanks for the info guys its been a great read , any chance we can get some real details on the smoking /drying process ... ie shed size , fire , firing time ... from the tree to the sale i guess is my query ...


Well I am still on line waiting for the wife who is no doubt spending big to come home to cook.

Time line for sheet a few variables, weather, hot. dry wet. Smoking shed design, but nothing big as in time period.

Trees tapped in the night, rubber collected sometime after dawn. Transported to your shed and rollers. Sheets made and hung to dry in the sun, or undercover if raining. Next day if dry taken to the shed for smoking. Now we don't fire up the smoker everyday, it would use just too much wood. So we hang the rubber in the shed and about a week before we sell we get the fires going. It takes about 3 days in the smoke to cure them. After 3 days they are ready to sell.

Guess if you had a small shed and smoked all the time it would be a 5 or 6 day turn around from tapping to selling. Jim

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cheers Jim ..seems valuing adding is the way

Thing to remember in all of this is the trees. I see people write that they have tappers that do over 1000 trees a night. That tapper will die of exhaustion if he has to tap then collect, transport, make sheet, move rubber from sun to sheds, pack stack and 100 and one other things. You need more workers with less trees, but if the trees are not good producers, your tappers will not make the money and will leave. It is a balancing act, tappers are people and that makes them greedy. They will try to do more to get more money, that makes them tap fast, but not well, not good for the trees in the long term.

If you think that growing the trees in the first place gave you headaches, wait till you are trying to keep the tappers happy. We have 2 sets of workers 5 on a big plantation and 7 from 3 smaller plantations. There are 2 smoking sheds, each can smoke over 20,000 kilos a month, but we only produce a bit over 3,000 kilos a month. They will and never will use just one shed, they don't trust each other. They refuse to work as a team, even if it makes things easier. Each plantation supplies there own wood for smoking, they will only load or unload their rubber and I can not push them as they would and have done just walked out. Jim

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i know 2 felangs well in Nong Khai and Bung Khan, both cutting over 100 rai, 7-9 year old trees, one sells at auction 2500kg of wet cup rubber per fortnight. Both tried sheet last year for about a month, when the price of cup was 55-60 baht/kilo, gave up and went back to wet cup. Said it was'nt worth it. Now both guys are like me, we need our money weekly (or fortnightly), and if they did sheet, they'd still sell asap, and ca'nt hang on to it till prices (always) go up in jan/feb. What gives ?



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i know 2 felangs well in Nong Khai and Bung Khan, both cutting over 100 rai, 7-9 year old trees, one sells at auction 2500kg of wet cup rubber per fortnight. Both tried sheet last year for about a month, when the price of cup was 55-60 baht/kilo, gave up and went back to wet cup. Said it was'nt worth it. Now both guys are like me, we need our money weekly (or fortnightly), and if they did sheet, they'd still sell asap, and ca'nt hang on to it till prices (always) go up in jan/feb. What gives ?



Prices go up as a rule on supply, Jan and Fed trees are getting ready for the dormant period. Rubber out put goes down and then stops. So as the biggest rubber producer in the world, buyers know there will be less rubber around until after Song Kran [ the rains ], but the biggest problem with rubber prices is the world banks. They are not loaning money, so the speculators can't buy, same as oil. They buy today at a price hoping for floods, droughts or anything that will cause a short fall of rubber. This drives prices up, it's a mad world and I just hope that those in power in the west can sort it out one day and we can get back to $5 US a kilo.

Pity your friends are not near me, I would buy there latex [liquid ] and pay them 15 to 20 Baht a kilo more then they get for their cup. Jim

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Go figure ,while everybody else is getting 82 baht per kilo ,our area is buying sheet at 86 per kilo,Other times we are behind.

My wife told me 1 reason for the price being down so low is because.According to a bigwig in the rubber industry who is on 1 thai channel talking a lot.Some politition signed a contract last year with china to sell Thai rubber for 100 baht per kilo.How long this contract goes for I'm not sure,But it makes it impossible to get more than 90 baht per kilo from the middle man while this contract is in place.

He said ''the ppolitition didn't consult any of the yang industry while doing this deal..I asked was it because he wasn't game to ask a higher price for fear of losing the contract to Myanmar or another country. ,She said no He just did it so he would gain points for getting the contract.

Cheers Cobbler

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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Yep mate that's it .It's same with anything live.You get achievers and non achievers.post-4641-1156694083.gif
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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Well Jim, it might just be that you have taken really good care of the trees as you earlier said,,,, well done.

Just a little China note.: China are producing latex by them self in the south west part. But labor prices here in China have increased a lot in recent years. Now a days a normal factory worker will get at least 12000 bath / month ( no education at all) and after 3 to 4 month experience 15000 bath / month, i think this is higher than Thailand ,,, would like to have your comments on the salary level in Thailand.


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Claus -

we have 2 plots of land with yang, both about 50 rai each. They are about 3 to 4 hours car dive from each-other,

Jeez - now that is what i call logistics !

I thought 15 kms up the road was too far ! My furthest plot is 1.1 kms away, the rest is all around my house, ie, walk out the door and i'm there.

Jim -

1 nights cut and you've got a D2 cup brimming full ? Wow! Fan#*ckingtastic! How old are those trees ? It takes us 6-7 cuts to get a D2 brimful with wet cup.



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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Well Jim, it might just be that you have taken really good care of the trees as you earlier said,,,, well done.

Just a little China note.: China are producing latex by them self in the south west part. But labor prices here in China have increased a lot in recent years. Now a days a normal factory worker will get at least 12000 bath / month ( no education at all) and after 3 to 4 month experience 15000 bath / month, i think this is higher than Thailand ,,, would like to have your comments on the salary level in Thailand.


I had a business before I came here importing from Thailand ,and would make 3 to 4 trips a year to Thailand to buy my products.Not trying to start a war,but ,if what you say is true about China having higher paid factory workers than Thailand.Much higher.Why could I always see many products products made in China ,sold in wholesale markets in Thailand.Thais wouldn't be buying them if they could buy it cheaper ,made in Thai.??????????
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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Mate ''senf#c&ingsational .You need to do what I've seen many farmers do around here.Go get yourself some 4 or 5 liter oil containers and use them to collect your Yang.That should keep you out of troublecheesy.gif
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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Mate ''senf#c&ingsational .You need to do what I've seen many farmers do around here.Go get yourself some 4 or 5 liter oil containers and use them to collect your Yang.That should keep you out of troublecheesy.gif

Really James,on a more serious note.You are probably aware of this but I'll mention it anyway.If you are getting an unusually high flow,just be careful .The cutters could be putting acid on your trees to maximise there income.Another trick is to wipe a hormone on the knife before cutting every tree.Both of these things will increase income but will surely kill your trees1 way to be sure is sneak around at night .carry binoculars and watch from a distance.Or just sit and watch ,as they go right past you.They wont even know you are there.especially since it's so very dark under your canopy.I've done this many times.Better safe than sorry.

Cheers Cobbbler

Edited by cobbler
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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Well Jim, it might just be that you have taken really good care of the trees as you earlier said,,,, well done.

Just a little China note.: China are producing latex by them self in the south west part. But labor prices here in China have increased a lot in recent years. Now a days a normal factory worker will get at least 12000 bath / month ( no education at all) and after 3 to 4 month experience 15000 bath / month, i think this is higher than Thailand ,,, would like to have your comments on the salary level in Thailand.


I had a business before I came here importing from Thailand ,and would make 3 to 4 trips a year to Thailand to buy my products.Not trying to start a war,but ,if what you say is true about China having higher paid factory workers than Thailand.Much higher.Why could I always see many products products made in China ,sold in wholesale markets in Thailand.Thais wouldn't be buying them if they could buy it cheaper ,made in Thai.??????????

Well, there is still a lot of products exported from China for sure. In my company we buy furniture's and sell to retailers all over the world. In recent years we have stopped buying from China and started to buy from south east Asia instead, but only for very labor intensive products the main reason is price. So this is a direct effect of the increased labor cost in China. Trust me the 12000 to 15000 bath / month is a fact at-least for furniture factory workers. When i started the little china note in this forum I just wanted to inform all of you that we should not be too afraid of the competition from China's own Latex production. And with salary levels like this a lot more people can afford to buy cars in China. You can get a new mini car at 150000 bath, so this will for sure push the need for rubber up, what is good for us yang growers in Thailand.


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On the output number should have said those trees are 251s, book says they can produce 15 kilos a year.

On the wages front, it's not a monthly wage, November, best month for rubber here husband/ wife team can make 40,000 for the month, but they make nothing during the dormant period, but still have to cut grass, fertilize and take care of the plantation. Jim

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  • 2 weeks later...

We feed our tapper our surplus food. Sopha always cooks too much, you'd think she was feeding the village 555

Had to share this cos it's so damned cute. Our tapper husband and wife team were out tapping, they have a son who is about 3. The lad likes to go with them, but if he's asleep, the leave him. If he wakes up and see's they are not there, he puts his lamp on, and his little boots, and goes up into the trees looking for them. I'll miss him next year. They are sending him to his grandparents in Myanmar. His dad wants him at least to have a chance of an education, other than only to have rubber tapping as an option.

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We feed our tapper our surplus food. Sopha always cooks too much, you'd think she was feeding the village 555

Had to share this cos it's so damned cute. Our tapper husband and wife team were out tapping, they have a son who is about 3. The lad likes to go with them, but if he's asleep, the leave him. If he wakes up and see's they are not there, he puts his lamp on, and his little boots, and goes up into the trees looking for them. I'll miss him next year. They are sending him to his grandparents in Myanmar. His dad wants him at least to have a chance of an education, other than only to have rubber tapping as an option.

Most of my tappers have kids , usually little ones around the same age as mine. They play together and you feel an obligation to do a bit more for them if you can, most look to me as an Uncle. So a bike or some other toys on special occasions is called for. Money is good, but the smile on a little kids face when they get something is worth more.

As I believe do as little harm as you can and if you can do a little bit of good all the better. Jim

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Economic Cabinet talks rubber price

BANGKOK, 25 July 2012 (NNT) - The Economic Cabinet on Wednesday discussed the rubber price situation in an effort to assist rubber farmers affected by the price drop.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Natthawut Saikua said after the Economic Cabinet meeting at Government House that the Euro’s lowest value in 12 years and Spain’s increasing economic crisis had caused rubber prices in Thailand and foreign markets to drop by three baht. Mr. Natthawut assured that the ministry would continue with a project to develop farmer institutions in a bid to stabilize rubber price.

The deputy minister added that he had discussed with the governors of 47 provinces with rubber plantations about the project and requested their cooperation. He has also instructed the Department of Agricultural Extension and relevant units to further educate farmers about the project.

According to Mr. Natthawut, joint rubber measures between Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are expected to be concluded within this week. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255507250025 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : suwit

News Date : 25 July 2012


Politicians talk, this joint agreement was supposed to have been done years ago, that was why the 5 Baht a kilo tax was for. They can say what they want, but in the end it is the buyers and demand that sets the price. As for some deal with the Chinese, that's a Government deal and if private buyers are paying more I will sell to them and not to the Government.

On a much brighter note, went and got another 100 cups [big ones] took then to the plantation. While walking around looking at how full the cups where. Now if someone else posted this I would be thinking BS. , but a few of the 750 mil cups were almost full from the nights tap. That would mean over the season, I have a few trees that will put out around 20 kilos of solid sheet rubber. Seems too good to me so I will have to go and see if it is a once in awhile occurrence or a continuous high output from some trees. Made my day though. Jim

Good one James!! Did you have a LOOOONNNNNG rest period for the trees this year? We did and just started tapping again yesterday. Hope this rings true for our plantations!!!

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