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British Ecstasy Dealer Sentenced To 7 Years Jail

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You're cold hearted then. Why don't you read a little about ecstacy? Its only dangerous if you forget to drink water. Go back to your black label and Chang.

When I'd finished rolling around the floor laughing :D:D That's as good as saying that speeding in a car is not dangerous, only if you forget to break for the concrete pylon :o

What a ridiculous comparison. It couldn't be more dissimilar - crashing into a concrete pylon would happen as a complete accident and, in all likelihood, would happen just the once. Drinking water, on the other hand, is just about the most natural thing that we all do, countless times each day.

Why don't you read a little about ecstacy? Its only dangerous if you forget to drink water. Go back to your black label and Chang.

If Hoffmann and Leary are your only sources you are a poor sod.

Why don´t YOU read a little more about extasy and all the other designer drugs instead of posting such a rubbish.

15 years ago a lot of people I know very, very well started doing extasy,speed etc.

As kids by the age of 15 or 16, they believed such a sh..t also.There were no long term studies available at that time as it was still a "new" rediscovered drug with increasing numbers of users.Bl**dy cheap it was also.

Now it´s evidenced that xtc does severe damages to your brain.It makes mentally ill and some people now would be glad it rather killed them than living insane and suffer from depressions.Psychotrophic drugs like Ecstasy,Speed etc. work directly to the brain,intoxication of the brain with later scars over the neurones.

If someone sells or produces drugs he does not only damage the health of the user, he does harm to the society in many varieties also.

The abuse of alcohol does harm to your body and brain,too.The ABUSE!

But the body can recover from reasonable amounts of alcohol!

If you do drugs like xtc stop now and get yourself professional help immediatly

Now it´s evidenced that xtc does severe damages to your brain.It makes mentally ill and some people now would be glad it rather killed them than living insane and suffer from depressions.Psychotrophic drugs like Ecstasy,Speed etc. work directly to the brain,intoxication of the brain with later scars over the neurones.

I am not quoteing Hoffman or Leary (though Leary had squat to do with MDMA) I am quoting actual real experience of myself and the majority of the people I grew up with who took massive amounts for years..

Some are wasters, some are drop outs, some are businessmen, some are active in their community, a couple have been police and firemen..

As someone who has taken into the 1000's of doses I will happily take an IQ test against you, winner takes all ?? Or discuss and debate subjects ?? Or any other test of relative intelligence to look for damage..

Studies have been done.. the overwhealming evidence it it is less damaging than asprin if used in a sensible manner.. Much like drink it can be abused and continual over use will probably effect your work and lifestyle.

You obviously know not of which you speak.


I do have certain knowledge and that´s why I had to make a comment about what you were saying,event this forum is Thai- and not drug-related.

As someone who has taken into the 1000's of doses I will happily take an IQ test against you, winner takes all ?? Or discuss and debate subjects ?? Or any other test of relative intelligence to look for damage..

And megalomania is one side effect. :o

I´m out of this.....

Prof. A. Parrott,University of London has published some very interesting workings

on this subject and so do other scientists

15 years ago a lot of people I know very, very well started doing extasy,speed etc.

As kids by the age of 15 or 16, they believed such a sh..t also.There were no long term studies available at that time as it was still a "new" rediscovered drug with increasing numbers of users.Bl**dy cheap it was also.

Now it´s evidenced that xtc does severe damages to your brain.It makes mentally ill and some people now would be glad it rather killed them than living insane and suffer from depressions.Psychotrophic drugs like Ecstasy,Speed etc. work directly to the brain,intoxication of the brain with later scars over the neurones.

If you do drugs like xtc stop now and get yourself professional help immediatly

So you're saying that close friends of yours have gone insane from taking ecstasy? Are you being serious? If so then I'm, very sorry to hear about that, but if you're just exaggerating to prove a point, then I'm afraid you're way off the mark. From my experience and knowledge I agree wholeheartedly with LivinLOS and he seems to be the only person here with extensive evidence, both personal and quoted, about the relative harmlessness of ecstasy.

I and many of my friends have taken ecstasy on numerous occasions and we're all fit, sane and intelligent. Some of my close friends still dabble occasionally now (I personally don't) and there's no way any of them are going to "professional help immediately". I can't imagine why anyone would suddenly stop and think "Oh, hang on, I took some pills recently, better call a psychiatrist...".

So you're saying that close friends of yours have gone insane from taking ecstasy? Are you being serious? If so then I'm, very sorry to hear about that, but if you're just exaggerating to prove a point, then I'm afraid you're way off the mark. From my experience and knowledge I agree wholeheartedly with LivinLOS and he seems to be the only person here with extensive evidence, both personal and quoted, about the relative harmlessness of ecstasy.

I and many of my friends have taken ecstasy on numerous occasions and we're all fit, sane and intelligent. Some of my close friends still dabble occasionally now (I personally don't) and there's no way any of them are going to "professional help immediately". I can't imagine why anyone would suddenly stop and think "Oh, hang on, I took some pills recently, better call a psychiatrist...".

I think you have lost the reality of the situation. Thai law enforcement and judges don't care whether ecstasy will kill you or make you the healthiest, most intelligent person there is. In the Kingdom of Thailand it is classified as an illegal substance.

The punishment for possession is severe and intent to sell even more severe.

I am very doubtful that in our lifetimes the the Thai government will make it a legal drug. So, until then there is really no argument. If you would like to compare countries, take a look at the case of the Australian fashion model who was caught with two ecstasy pills (not two-hundred, but two) in Bali. She is going up for 10-15

years. The man in the original post was clearly sellling, not a casual user, and he is getting seven? Lucky man I say.

15 years ago a lot of people I know very, very well started doing extasy,speed etc.

As kids by the age of 15 or 16, they believed such a sh..t also.There were no long term studies available at that time as it was still a "new" rediscovered drug with increasing numbers of users.Bl**dy cheap it was also.

Now it´s evidenced that xtc does severe damages to your brain.It makes mentally ill and some people now would be glad it rather killed them than living insane and suffer from depressions.Psychotrophic drugs like Ecstasy,Speed etc. work directly to the brain,intoxication of the brain with later scars over the neurones.

If you do drugs like xtc stop now and get yourself professional help immediatly

So you're saying that close friends of yours have gone insane from taking ecstasy? Are you being serious? If so then I'm, very sorry to hear about that, but if you're just exaggerating to prove a point, then I'm afraid you're way off the mark. From my experience and knowledge I agree wholeheartedly with LivinLOS and he seems to be the only person here with extensive evidence, both personal and quoted, about the relative harmlessness of ecstasy.

I and many of my friends have taken ecstasy on numerous occasions and we're all fit, sane and intelligent. Some of my close friends still dabble occasionally now (I personally don't) and there's no way any of them are going to "professional help immediately". I can't imagine why anyone would suddenly stop and think "Oh, hang on, I took some pills recently, better call a psychiatrist...".

Not claiming to be an expert of any kind, but I have seen what seemed to be rather compelling evidence that ecstasy, if used excessively, severely drains out your brain's supply of natural happy chems, which in turn can cause anything from dysthemia to severe depression, to panic attacks. This draining out of happy chems is a general problem occurring with most drugs we use to intoxicate ourselves (and the explanation for the common hangover after alcohol), but from the report I saw, it appeared to be the case that MDMA is even more detrimental in depleting your 'happiness' reserves than most other drugs. Simply put, you will have highly concentrated good times (=euphoria) when taking e, but your happiness sensations in the long term will be less intense, and you may even hit serious lows which would not have occurred if you had not taken the drug in the first place.

Laws aside, if this analysis is correct, I would think more than once before starting to use heavily.

When it comes to laws, I think mbkudu is 100% correct. He took a huge risk, did something most people would classify as immoral, and should have informed himself of the consequences beforehand.


Some of you guys are on another planet, this dude sold a few pills, to make a bit of cash so what?!

The guys who are saying he is scum for ruining peoples lives just proves to show how IGNORENT you really are.

Ecstasy is NOT addictive and considerd by many a soft drug, its taken by people for the same reason people go out drinking.

Ecstasy has killed a handfull of people in its time, whereas SMOKING and DRINKING wrecks millions of lives but lets turn a blind eh because they are nice and taxable.

Heres the stats for the year 2000

Tobacco (435,000 deaths; ******18.1% of total US deaths)**********

Poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000 deaths; 16.6%)

Alcohol consumption (85,000 deaths; 3.5%)


Whereas a million pills are being eaten every weekend with a handful of deaths a year, statiscly you are safer taking ecstasy than you are horse riding.

Give this guy a break, hes absolutly no worse than the cashier in 7-11 selling you booze and fags


from page 3 -

Would the people saying his punishment is too harsh complain if his drugs killed a 16 year old girl at a party? Would they blame the girl for taking the drug or the dealer who sold it?

if the girl bought the drug, whatever her age its her own responsibility, would anyone blame the tobacco companies if she died of lung cancer?


Hopeless - an appropriate nick!!! :o

Anyways I agree the law is the law regardless of how you personally feel. You get caught - you'll do the time in SEA. If alcohol had the same consequences I'd be drinking no alcohol - freedom vs prison. (very simple choice unfortunately their are a few muppets that dont get it)


I really dont agree with some of these ridiculas responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks, I highly doubt he expected to get caught, smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey, the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

So you guys say thats the law and serves him right, let me ask you a question,

If your mother/father/brother/etc had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt?

Have some understanding for the poor bloke.



He probably was blind and dumb not seeing,reading or understanding the dirty great signs over the baggage claim when he arrived.

I really dont agree with some of these ridiculas responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


I really dont agree with some of these ridiculas responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


Unfortunately my reles aren't stupid - always wear a seatbelt!!! :o

I really dont agree with some ofs responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

these ridicula

So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


Now what is there to understand. I'm fairly certain the country of his origin has drug laws that make this drug illegal. The degree of illegallity is irrevelant. As its illegal there as well as in Thailand, that means theres a profit to be made by selling his illegal product, and the seller is aware of this in his country as well as in Thailand. In Thailand theres as greater degree of illegallity making it more profitable than selling it at home.

As in any business theres a risk to the entreprenuer, generally loss of monentary gain, but in this occasion, its a loss of time.

I'm not argueing the safety or risk of using the drug. His sountry might slap him on the wrist, Thailand has a dimmer view of those breaking their laws, which he broke believing it a way of turning a good profit for very little work in a short period of time. I don't have much sympathy, and cannot fathom those saying "have some understanding for the bloke" Just because one thinks they can snort pop smoke deal in their country with a feeling that noone cares, doesn't make that a true statement. In my country the prisons are crowded with those who felt the same way.

A couple of days ago in a nice house in my neighborhood the DEA, FBI came in mass to arrest all within and sieze the property, cars etc This was one of 16 houses that were treated suchly that night, gaining the goverment millions in cash, and a large stash as well as all those properties. Those gentlemen will spend less time than the bloke in Thailand, but someone does care that snorting smoking etc takes place, and enforces those laws.

Irregardless of my Darwinian views about drug use it gets back to that same point. The drugs were illegal, quit crying for him

Some of you guys are on another planet,  this dude sold a few pills, to make a bit of cash so what?! 

The guys who are saying he is scum for ruining peoples lives just proves to show how IGNORENT you really are.

Give this guy a break, hes absolutly no worse than the cashier in 7-11 selling you booze and fags

If you are going to start accusing people of being ignorant then at least spell the word correctly.

The fact is that dealing in a controlled substance is illegal. It is not the job of the police or the judicial service to debate whether it should be. Their role is to arrest offenders and sentence them appropriately.

As far as I am aware alcohol is legal and that is why your comparion between him and the 7-11 cashier is wrong from a legal point of view. Maybe there is an argument when looking at it from a moral standpoint.

Finally you are being extremely naive and ignorant if you believe that drugs do not ruin some peoples lives. I am not talking about the end users who, in the vast majority of cases suffer no ill effects. I am talking about criminals who control the manufacture and supply at source. These guys ruin many peoples lives. You only have to look at the power some of the large drug gangs have here and the influence they command. I have seen the effects of turf wars over who controls the drug trade in certain areas in the UK. It is not pretty and it does ruin lives.

I really dont agree with some of these ridiculas responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


Is that your best defence for the guy? He was unfamiliar with Thai ways and did not expect to get caught? If that is the case then he is a total muppet.

Firstly, no-one smuggles drugs into a country (which he has allegedly admitted to doing), especially one like Thailand, without having checked things out first and without expecting serious consequences. I too have never been searched coming into Thailand, but that does not mean I do not think it is risky smuggling. What about Michael Connell, caught at Don Muang smuggling 3400 pills in?

Secondly, if I was going to sell drugs in Thailand, the absolute last thing I would do is sell to a Thai person. That is just stupid. Either you will be selling to an undercover copper as in this case, or you are opening yourself wide open to be grassed on. If the person you are selling to gets caught do you think he will have any hesitation in naming the farang he bought them off, if it means he gets a reduced sentence. If you dont then you are very naive and should stay at home.

Which country do you live in where you can DEAL, pop, snort and smoke what you want and no-one gives a ######. Yeah right. The myth about honour among thieves is complete bull, at least in the UK. Criminals tell tales about each other all the time. Some registered informant make fairly good money telling tales on others.

Your final 'argument' about the seat belt is fundamentally flawed. We are discussing breaking the law and the legal consequences of that. Hence if someone got fined for not wearing a seatbelt (as per the LEGAL consequences) the i would certainly say som nam na. Same as selling drugs and getting jailed (the LEGAL consequence)

Not wearing a seat belt and dying in a car crash is more akin to selling drugs and getting shot by a rival dealer. Would I say som nam na in these situations? Of course not.

I really dont agree with some of these ridiculas responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


I would be devastated to see any of my relatives die in a traffic accident, but ultimately: yes, if they weren't wearing a seatbelt I would still think them to be stupid.

Most first graders know it is not ok to sell illicit substances. That he thought he would not get caught is not a valid excuse or ameliorating circumstance for anything IMO.

Also, for being a frequent flyer you seem to have a bit to learn about the West still - not all Western countries allow you to drop whatever drugs you like, and secondly, Thailand is not 'a nation of grasses' any more than any other country I have visited.

In fact, the friendship code here in my experience is a lot stronger than what I thought it to be back home. From what I have seen and learned, it would be much more likely with a Swede grassing his mate than a Thai. Ultimately such statements are rather inadequate anyways, because there are always so many exceptions.

As for your comparison of statistics, I am not so sure it says that much about the problem. Considerably more people consume alcohol and cigarettes than ecstasy, their numbers are much more easy to verify and keep record of. Also, use of ecstasy is relatively new in comparison, and the research conducted so far incomplete, especially when compared to how well researched the effects of alcohol and cigarettes are. People who kill themselves because of a depression ultimately triggered by excessive MDMA use would hardly show up in the figures for 'e' deaths, would they?

I think you have lost the reality of the situation. Thai law enforcement and judges don't care whether ecstasy will kill you or make you the healthiest, most intelligent person there is. In the Kingdom of Thailand it is classified as an illegal substance.

The punishment for possession is severe and intent to sell even more severe.

I am very doubtful that in our lifetimes the the Thai government will make it a legal drug. So, until then there is really no argument. If you would like to compare countries, take a look at the case of the Australian fashion model who was caught with two ecstasy pills (not two-hundred, but two) in Bali. She is going up for 10-15

years. The man in the original post was clearly sellling, not a casual user, and he is getting seven? Lucky man I say.

You are absolutely right - I'm not disputing in any way the stupidity of the guy for selling drugs in Thailand. You have to live by the laws of the country you are residing in and you have to pay the consequences of you don't do that.

I was actually discussing the (admittedly slightly off topic) subject of the effects of ecstasy and really just responding to the over-the top and sensationalist post by MikeRay.


This has gone way off topic, Yes, I understand he knew the consiquences (sp?), maybe he was a party animal back home, WHERE PEOPLE CAN FREELY TAKE DRUGS IN CLUBS as I have done and witnessed many doing so without any threat of getting caught.

He probably thought Thai people were the same, obviosly he was wrong.

I have seen COUNTLESS times thai people getting caught with drugs due to a 'tip off', My girls friends house got searched as one of her FRIENDS told them she was holding yaba. Fortunatly for her she wasnt in possesion of them and they found nothing.

For those of you who dont think thai people are grasses switch on Pattaya People News for the latest gambling bust or drug bust, 9 times out of 10 you will be told "tip off".

I heard a story where a Thai man sold a farang yaba in bangkok bus station, farang gets on the bus for pattaya and gets busted as soon as he gets off the bus.

And PLEASE lets make it clear he was selling ECSTASY, not heroin or crack, some of you are just catagorising by saying drugs wreck lives etc, HEROIN wrecks lives COCAINE wrecks lives ECSTASY, like anything if used sensibly will not reck your life.

Comparing E and smack is like comparing a kitchen knife to a handgun.

This has gone way off topic, Yes, I understand he knew the consiquences (sp?),  maybe he was a party animal back home,  WHERE PEOPLE CAN FREELY TAKE DRUGS IN CLUBS as I have done and witnessed many doing so without any threat of getting caught.

And PLEASE lets make it clear he was selling ECSTASY,  not heroin or crack, some of you are just catagorising by saying drugs wreck lives etc,  HEROIN wrecks lives COCAINE wrecks lives ECSTASY, like anything if used sensibly will not reck your life.

Comparing E and smack is like comparing a kitchen knife to a handgun.

Stop acting as if you are some sort of cool kid because you have taken drugs. It does not make you big or clever. Yet again you come back with weak arguments. Exactly what country do you come from where you can take drugs freely in clubs without any threat of getting caught. Pure bullsh*t. I worked in a club where drugs were taken by a majorty of customers, yet no-one did it freely, because there were always security, members of staff and possibly undercover police/licensing officers around. Those clubs where it is taken freely and obviously, soon lose their licence. And what exactly is your point here anyway. I can buy alcohol easily here without any threat of getting caught, but you can bet I wont try selling alcohol in certain Arab or Muslim countries because I know what would happen.

You claim heroin and crack wrecks lives, but ecstacy LIKE ANYTHING IF USED SENSIBLY, will not wreck your life. Are you not contradicting yourself there? Does heroin wreck lives or, if used sensibly, not.

Comparing E and smack is like comparing a kitchen knife to a handgun is it? So you agree that both CAN be dangerous and have the potential to kill.


Any drug used not sensibly can produce bad results, no one can argue with that. And of course any drug used sensibly will not be as dangerous as many people here seem to think.

This guy did get what he deserved, it is unbelievably stupid to have brought drugs into Thailand and started selling, the profit to be made and risk just doesn't equate, he would have been better off selling drugs in the UK.

The fact that he didn't get the 1.5 yrs off the time he was sentenced for is out of order though. If he was not sentenced to that time then he shouldn't have to serve it.

Considering he admitted to smuggling as well it has to be said he got off lightly.

Personally I don't see a problem with people selling E, I would much prefer the government took control of the trade though so it could be made safer for users.

Though its doubtful Thailand will ever make Ecstasy a legal drug here and there will always be harsh penalties for it in this country. Unfortunate really, might improve the nightlife. :o

BKK - got to admit you had a chuckle about the 1.5 yrs. (no credit is mak mak funny) :o

Nope, I think thats pretty shitty actually. I imagine if someone you knew, a friend or family or perhaps even yourself would sing a different tune if you was given time in prison that you was not sentenced to.

BKK - got to admit you had a chuckle about the 1.5 yrs. (no credit is mak mak funny) :D

Nope, I think thats pretty shitty actually. I imagine if someone you knew, a friend or family or perhaps even yourself would sing a different tune if you was given time in prison that you was not sentenced to.

Well no worries all my mates and reles walk the straight line!!! :o


Yeeesh! You guys still arguing on this thread :D

Seems to be a lot of interest about E and other drugs (as defined by law) :D

Even from the kill 'em all crowd. One would think they have very little interest in it. :o

Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll


Will be forever be popular



There's another Aussie girl on trial in Indonesia now for drug smuggling.

She is overweight and unattractive, and, as a result, I wonder if she will receive the same media support as Schappelle Corby did. We'll see.

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