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Thai Police Arrest UAE Man With Bear, Panthers In Case

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Thai police arrest UAE man with bear, panthers in case

BANGKOK, May 13, 2011 (AFP) - A man whose luggage contained a baby bear, a pair of panthers, two leopards and some monkeys was arrested as he tried to smuggle the live animals out of Thailand, police said Friday.

Noor Mahmoodr, a 36-year-old citizen of the United Arab Emirates, was detained soon after midnight by undercover officers at a Bangkok airport with the animals -- all aged under two months -- in his cases.

The man, who was trying to get the creatures onto a first-class flight to Dubai from Suvarnabhumi airport, was charged with smuggling endangered species out of Thailand, Colonel Kiattipong Khawsamang of the Nature Crime Police told AFP.

He said one of the bags had been abandoned in an airport lounge because the animals were being too noisy.

"This is a very unusual case and a very large one so we really applaud the Thai police for going after them as strongly as they did," said Roy Schlieben of wildlife protection group FREELAND, whose staff were present at the arrest.

Several people were thought to be involved and police investigations are under way into a wider network of traffickers, Schlieben said. The animals were taken into the care of local veterinarians.

"There's a pretty strong likelihood that some of them wouldn't have survived the flight in the condition they were in," he told AFP.

"The fact they were transported alive would indicate the person at the other end wanted to keep them in their residence or some sort of zoo, or maybe even breed them," he said.

If convicted, Mahmoodr could face up to four years in jail and a 40,000 baht ($1,300) fine, Kiattipong said.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-05-13

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Trafficker smuggling live leopards nabbed at Bangkok airport

Police arrested a suspected wildlife trafficker early Friday who attempted to smuggle live endangered animals, among them leopards and panthers, out of the country in his suitcases, an wildlife protection group said.

Noor Mahmoodr, 36, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates, was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport as he prepared to fly first class to Dubai.

Police found in his luggage two leopard cubs, two panther cubs, one Asiatic black bear cub and two macaque monkeys, all of which were still alive and put in the care of Thai veterinarians.

"The trafficker was stunned," said Steven Galster, director of the FREELAND Foundation. "It was a perfect undercover operation by the Thai Police Task Force."


-- The Nation 2011-05-13


Someone needs to send Noor back to the desert or the institution he escaped from. I am trying to visualize getting the monkeys in the suitcase with the panthers, the bear, or the leopards. he may had had a chance if they were checked luggage, with the explanation that they were personal pets. Just when you think, you could not make up anything this crazy, someone does it.


Someone needs to send Noor back to the desert or the institution he escaped from. I am trying to visualize getting the monkeys in the suitcase with the panthers, the bear, or the leopards. he may had had a chance if they were checked luggage, with the explanation that they were personal pets. Just when you think, you could not make up anything this crazy, someone does it.

It's no wonder they were being noisy, they were having a party in the bag!!

But the most amazing part of the story is the $1,300 fine!! Where's the nearest ATM?


Even a baby leopard, panther or bear are comparatively large and one wonders how huge the crook's luggage must have been.

How good he didn't contemplate to smuggle a baby elephant.

A 40,000 Baht maximum fine? That probably is much, much less than what he would have received for a single one of the animals. Hope he receives the maximum jail term of 4 years, if convicted.

It's about time for an update of the cash penalties in Thailand's criminal code. They are hopelessly outdated. The often ridiculous maximum amounts stated are no deterrent and are easily paid by well-heeled culprits who rarely get slapped with jail terms.

If convicted, Mahmoodr could face up to four years in jail and a 40,000 baht ($1,300) fine, Kiattipong said.

Thats a harsh punishment. No wonder these crimes are always learnt and never repeated...


There is some footage at the BBC site, but I couldn't access it an hour ago.

The report on their site said undercover officers were tracking him. So if they knew who he was buying from, can't they be charged, or is it not illegal to sell any of these animals in Thailand?

Also said some of the animals were endangered and they were sedated in the luggage.

There should be a mandatory 4 year sentence for trying to transport wild life like this never mind endangered species.


A new level of absurdity at Swampy.

So how did he expect to keep them all quiet?

Not to mention the smell...

He gave them all a cookie and warm milk to put them into sleep?


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...

Well....Obviously a thorough investigation will show that the animals were trying to sneak out of the country without a visa and will be severely punished. Noor will be commended for stopping them

at the airport and contacting the police.


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...

Unbelievable! Or perhaps not surprising at all... same, same, but different. Sigh.


Had to laugh at the unintended humour in this;

"This is a very unusual case and a very large one ..........," said Roy Schlieben of wildlife protection group FREELAND

It would have to be with a baby bear, a pair of panthers, two leopards and some monkeys in it................


Daily mail has some photos of the poor creatures and the BBC has some footage.

Saw them just on THAI TV. Really young and tiny little cute creatures. Each would fit into a smaller shoe box, his luggage didn't had to be that big at all.


What an idiot!!! Amazing that he got through security and into the lounge area where he left some of them. Maybe first class is more lenient on what you can take through security.............


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...

Well connected and not short of money - he intended to travel first class. Money talks in this country.


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...

Well connected and not short of money - he intended to travel first class. Money talks in this country.

Whats wrong with released on bail?


The would-be smuggled animals...


Malayan Sun Bear


White-Cheeked Gibbon




the other Leopard


Panther (no available photo for the other Panther)


Black-Tufted Marmoset


CNN did an investigation into endangered animal trading in Bangkok.

They secretly filmed the shops at the weekend market selling these animals.

After they had proof, they naturally went to the police and reported this.

The police played along, then telegraphed their arrival before the "raid". Of course the animal traders were gone when they showed up with CNN.

Nobody busted.


I would like to administer the justice in this case. :angry:

So would I. My retaliation would be to drug him, put him into a suitcase and transport him to U.A.E. Some one suggested "whats wrong with bail" ? another said the punishment was harsh. 55555555555. so I gather you hate young animals.

Just another thought, try him in the cage with the mothers :lol::lol:


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...

Unbelievable! Or perhaps not surprising at all... same, same, but different. Sigh.

As surely are the sellers of the animals....doubtful these animals were taken from the wild. Surely ther is a large breeding camp here in "land of smiles". Hmm. wonder who might be running that.

In the US for a 1st ofense DUI the fines can be as much as 5 times the 40,000 baht fine for taking the lives of these rare creatures.

Were these all indigenous species for the area? Or were they, if not bred here transported from elsewhere?

Amd once again as it seems is always the case in thai busts, the seller and the buyers never seem to be found. Only the low level low life half-wit mules ever seem to be charged.I wonder what else went out the same flight while police were distracted with this bust.


I just heard on Aljazeera that the man was well connected and was released on bail. Big surprise! Nothing will happen to him...

Well connected and not short of money - he intended to travel first class. Money talks in this country.

Whats wrong with released on bail?

well, nothing wrong with bail if it was for not wearing a helmet ,........OMG, are you serious ? he could have killed them all ! some of them were endangered species , so i read, unlike arabs,.. plenty of them , and i've yet to read anything good about them in the thai news,.......sure , they are sometimes the victims, {usually of ladyboys} , not exactly shinning examples of their beliefs,.......and i wonder if this culprit would have survived the journey in a suitcase ,......instead of first class !, .......... does thailand care how such a petty fine will reflect on the nation ????????


It is common for well to do arabs to have such animals as pets....However, where they buy them from is never revealed.


Even a baby leopard, panther or bear are comparatively large and one wonders how huge the crook's luggage must have been.

How good he didn't contemplate to smuggle a baby elephant.

A 40,000 Baht maximum fine? That probably is much, much less than what he would have received for a single one of the animals. Hope he receives the maximum jail term of 4 years, if convicted.

It's about time for an update of the cash penalties in Thailand's criminal code. They are hopelessly outdated. The often ridiculous maximum amounts stated are no deterrent and are easily paid by well-heeled culprits who rarely get slapped with jail terms.

Yes outdated is correct.

Like the Prostitute fine of 500 Baht.

This was set years ago when a prostitute got 300 Baht for a trick

So the 500 Baht was 200 Baht more than she had made for the trick.

I think now a prostitute doesn’t go for anything less than 1,000 Baht.

I’m not sure because I’m not interested in that type of entertainment that farangs flock to Thailand for by the thousands.

While on the job correcting the fines, they also must fine the dick having sex with the prostitute, after all, no dick looking for sex, then there is no prostitution.

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