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Hyper-Hidrosis To Much Sweating In Tropical Region


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Hello!since 2 year i have the hyper hidrosisi loose to much water in hot region,when i walk in thailand on 30 degrees temperature i looose within a distance of 2 km around 1 liter water! thyoid tgland, i allready check in my homecountry the doctor says everything okay here!i have cp cerepral parese from birth on when i walk i need more energy then other person,but this year sweating getting more and more strong docotors say it comes from the wrong controll of the vegitate nerv system in the small bringe,that controll this fuction,now i looking for a threatment,based on homophatic medicinei never drink or smoke,in the internet i read i should not drink coffee or spicy food,now the problem i dont know the name in thai of medicine i need for a threatment here in thailand,are the any homopatics Here in samui,around have year ago i have little bit high blood preasure,this now better in the meantime,in a doctor book i read i should it salt a teespoon every day to replace what i loose;The salt made from ocean should be better then the cooking salt,but iam not sure about this other source on internet says diffrent and says salt not good,hope i good some advice thank you!!

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Afraid I cannot advise you regarding anything homeopathic (and I seriously doubt there is anything of that sort that would help) but your problem is a very common one and not really one of "hyperhydriosis", rather your body is doing exactly what it needs to in order to maintain its temperature.

If you are at all overweight, losing weight will help a great deal. (it will also help with blood pressure). This plus generally larger body frame is one of the reasons we westerners sweat so much more than Thais do. Another reason is that we tend not to adapt our activities as well as they do, for example, staying out of the sun between say 10 AM - 4 PM and certainly not walking a lot or otherwise exerting oneself physically during those hours.

If you must exert during hot part of the day, so it in small bursts and then take a bath to cool off, or a break in an air conditioned place. Try not to let it get to the point where you lose a liter in sweat in a short period of time.

Aside from these measures, all you can do is stay hydrated. luckily for you Samui abounds in the best possible rehydration fluid, which is coconut water. It is perfectly balanced in electrolytes.

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I'm not sure about the rest...but what I do know is that if you sweat excessively you will lose salt (Sodium Chloride) with your sweat. This results in your body electolytes, especially Sodium, being out of balance. If this continues the result will be that you will feel very weak and tired. Sodium is a critical part of your body's metabolisim, and without your cells can not absorb nutrients (i.e. food) and that's why you feel weak when you are very low on Sodium.

The cure is simple, you take a small amount of Salt (Sodium Chloride)dissolved in a class of water. A teasponful in a glass of water is usually all you need.

I know Salt pills are available in Pharmacys in Thailand. Take one after sweating heavily and take a lot of water with it to help the salt get into your body quicker. Then sit in the shade or in front of a fan to let your body cool down naturally.

If you want to take "Sea salt" go ahead. It will cost more and usually insn't required...the normal salt from a salt shaker is usually enough for most people. But the "Sea Salt" won't hurt you, so if that's what makes you feel good, and you can afford the extra cost...go right ahead and take it.

The "test" of whether you need extra salt is easy. If you have been sweating heavily, and you feel tired, just put a couple of shakes of salt from the salt shaker into a small glass of water. Then drink the water. If that salty water tastes really good to you, you didn't know before that salt in water tasted so good, then your body is trying to tell you that you need Salt. If that's the case, then drink a large glass of cool water with 6 or 7 shakes of salt from the salt shaker dissolved in it. If you start to feel better in 15 minutes or so...then that's your body saying "thank you" for the Salt you needed.

Sodium and Potassium levels are CRITICAL for the proper metabolisim of the cells in your body and how they absorb nutrients in the blood.If you sweat excessively you need to do something to replace the Sodium you lose in your sweat.

That may not be the whole answer to your problems...but it is worth a try. And it's cheap, all you really need is a little table salt and a glass of water.

But FIRST, see a doctor, and get his/her opinion on why you sweat so much and feel weak and tired.


P.S. As the previous responder said, Coconut juice, especially fresh pure Coconut juice, is nature's best hydrator. Besides that it tastes good to most people. So drink a tall glass of Coconut juice.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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