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Chop Shops N Town- Surgery To Look 'Pretty'


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Misses wishing to see doctor to fill in smile lines and thin nose. Who is good in town, as afraid she will end up in a chop shop. Then be butchered.

She wants as a birthday present... talked her out of breasts as far too expensive- she can save for herself if want big noms. As I not a big nom fan....

Cheers Jay

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Save your money. They go over-board here and make them look like Korean cartoon characters with way over-done features.

I never understood why so many of them in Thailand like that look with the long square chin. I think it makes them look like freaks. They showed the operation on Thai television one night and they cut open the bottom of the mouth and pound a plastic wedge (implant) in there with a hammer!

Edited by elektrified
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Drt clinic in Bangkok is where my missus went. (Drt-clinic.com) Good quality, reasonabley priced and the doctor speaks English. He stuck to his word and didn't overdo it (I was a bit nervous about the above mentioned tendency some seem to have at making noses too big etc) . Alot of rresearch went in to finding this place; there are so many horror stories of these things going wrong it's worth chosing the right place and not just plumping for the cheapest local chopshop

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Dr Lee who is a Chinese cosmetic specilist and has been in practise for donkeys years. speaks fluent English.

OK, how to explain where he is?

Turn into the road where the Pandora soapy massage is located.

As you turn into that road, Dr Lee`s clinic is on the right hand side.

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One of the problems is that you can not predict how any one person's body will react. We had two women friends come over from the U.S. and had face work done by the same excellent surgeon. #1 had several things done, #2 had only bags under her eyes "removed". #1 recovered quickly and was fine 1 month later. #2 is still having problems 6 months later; her body just ....something or other.... She heals normally from cuts and what have you, so there was no previous history to make her wary.

Dreams are hard to make come real.

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I think it makes them look like freaks.

I have seen very few Thai women that looked good after plastic surgery of their faces. Go for the giant hooters as they can not help but be an improvement. :w00t:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Jay,

Well, it may be cheaper to alter your perceptions of her perceptions ? And, we always recommend removal of mirrors from one's house, in any case, since they are unpredictable psychopathic liars incarnate.

A strange thing about 'cosmetic' plastic surgery: the person may not, psychologically, feel, after the surgery, that they have changed: there's a tremendous kind of "psychic inertia" in our "body-image." Body-image is, on one level, a mask we have a tremendous investment in, consciously, and subconsciously.

In the case of female breast-enlargement, yes, perhaps a dramatic change in the feedback, verbal and non-verbal, coming towards the woman in the environment (given the lust-immediately-after-everything-hair-triggers present in many testosterone-saturated males), particularly if she proudly displays her altered steaks, may be quite tangible.

As sometwo who have spent a lot of time in our past working with disabled and/or congenitally deformed people, who were, in terms of the western cultural norms for beauty, quite "distorted," we can say we believe there is such a thing as "inner beauty" independent of the exterior.

There is an interesting psychological syndrome in some wealthy males: they want to be "Cinderella makers" (if you're English: use the "Pygmalion" meme here, please): they, apparently, "get off" by the whole idea of literally sculpting the trophy-wife's body.

By the way, if you could loan us a small amount, we'd like to get our ears (which lie disgustingly flat next to our human meat-package's head) pinned so they would stick out more from our head, thanks. You have no idea how hurtful it is when we go to the Chiang Mai zoo and all the other primates mock our ears :)

best, ~o:37;

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I mean this in no way to offend and I do apologise in advance if you think Im insulting but chopping your face up is psychopathic. If you did it yourself you would be sectioned, even if your reasoning was the same.

I dont mean to single you out but no matter how much surgery people have it never looks right. The only way its accepted as looking right is when its compared to other surgeries, not normal looking people. They have created the look which is the apparent "youthful norm" but its so far from it.

Age catches up with everyone in the end. Might aswell just stay healthy and enjoy your life securely.

Once again this is not an attack, just please have a think about it.

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Thanks for the directions for Dr Lee and the BKK Clinic. Hopefully not Chop Shops that will butcher her looks.

As Oran37 sort of advised- more compliments would make her think less of surgery and feel more confident\happy. Would be my cheapest option in her beginning her pursuit of perfection. Ultimately surgery seekers (cosmetic) people are searching for a solution to their insecurities (Feel more confident\happy in their own skin)- we all insecure at times. Unless you perfect ot simply no longer care about the outside appearance of yourself. Which is your freedom of choice, as well.

Debating whether or not to go to a Chop Shop then stating the people are psychos makes Hollywood all Psychos. Yet they are followed by many as are Gods of our time.

Also most of the wealthy and well over 30 Million per year worldwide are Psychos. You see some Hollywood after shots and they would have no career left without it. Some look like they been to a Chop Shop and it makes them appear freakish. I feel that a person can do whatever they wish to themselves as long as they not hurting anyone else. Whether the surgery is to feel happy, confident and\or more sexy. All wish to feel a bit better about outward appearance... we live in a superficial world, this is a fact. In Asia the cartoon look is in.... Super stars in Asia look like cartoon characters to me.... who cares it great a middle class person has freedom of choice to select.

Farangs generally want tans only because in the 1930-40s the Hollywood stars came back from beach holidays with perfect tans. Before then they all wanted a perfect white flawless look like the Asian stars of today. A writer in BKK Post suggested one day the stars in Asia will do the same then goodbye to the whitening creams and hello self tanners. It is a superficial world accept it, naturally you do not need to follow the Hollywood trends that is now surgery for the middle classes.

Superficial world- accept it or not.

Thanks again for the referrals- we will check them out.

Cheers JAY

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I mean this in no way to offend and I do apologise in advance if you think Im insulting but chopping your face up is psychopathic. If you did it yourself you would be sectioned, even if your reasoning was the same.

I dont mean to single you out but no matter how much surgery people have it never looks right. The only way its accepted as looking right is when its compared to other surgeries, not normal looking people. They have created the look which is the apparent "youthful norm" but its so far from it.

Age catches up with everyone in the end. Might aswell just stay healthy and enjoy your life securely.

Once again this is not an attack, just please have a think about it.

I mean this in no way to offend and I do apologise in advance if you think Im insulting, but you are a highly opinionated, misinformed prig.

You say surgery never looks right. Have a look at the sites and mags that speculate about which stars may or may not have had "work" done. They try to figure it out by comparing

the persons current photos to past ones - not because it doesn't look right.

Once again this is not an attack, (I'm not calling you psychopathic) just please have a think about it.

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I mean this in no way to offend and I do apologise in advance if you think Im insulting but chopping your face up is psychopathic. If you did it yourself you would be sectioned, even if your reasoning was the same.

I dont mean to single you out but no matter how much surgery people have it never looks right. The only way its accepted as looking right is when its compared to other surgeries, not normal looking people. They have created the look which is the apparent "youthful norm" but its so far from it.

Age catches up with everyone in the end. Might aswell just stay healthy and enjoy your life securely.

Once again this is not an attack, just please have a think about it.

I mean this in no way to offend and I do apologise in advance if you think Im insulting, but you are a highly opinionated, misinformed prig.

You say surgery never looks right. Have a look at the sites and mags that speculate about which stars may or may not have had "work" done. They try to figure it out by comparing

the persons current photos to past ones - not because it doesn't look right.

Once again this is not an attack, (I'm not calling you psychopathic) just please have a think about it.

Misinformed...and how would you know...??? I think you should look up the difference between misinformed and disagreeing with an opinion. Also learn to spell your insults properly

If youre trying to act like Berty big b...cks on an internet forum, that can only mean two things. One, you're too much of a wuss to talk like that in the real world, or two, you havent been laid in a long time, and in Thailand that must be hard to live with.

If you think Im one of those people that looks at hose types of magazines or even those websites then you are very much mistaken. I have no interest in celebrity culture etc, why, because I have a life and there's alot more interesting things to do in the day then compare magazines and see who's had and not had work done, I guess not for you though.

To the OP, unlike this girl I wasnt being sarcastic towards you in any way

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This is really all part of a continum of desire in wanting to look one's best. I don't think this forum is the place to ask this question. Perhaps in the Ladies forum.

Actually, the best advice would come from your honey's friends and casual acquaintences. There's nothing the matter with her stopping strangers, complimenting their looks and asking if they could share the source of their alterations. Strangers have asked me where I get my hair cut or the source of some clothing. This isn't much different. Women can do this with other women. I think nothing of it if a woman of about my age and hair type asks who does my hair. I'd think it really odd if a man, especially from another culture, stopped me and asked the same question.

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Michael Jackson

One would think that that would, once and for all, close the discussion on cosmetic surgery. Yet still women want to go. I understand they like to look pretty but even if it "works" - which is far from a given - the consequence seems to be either turning into a freak a few years down the road, or continuing to have surgery every few years and turning into a freak 20 years later.

See Stallone for another good example. Jeez why would you ever???

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A strange thing about 'cosmetic' plastic surgery: the person may not, psychologically, feel, after the surgery, that they have changed: there's a tremendous kind of "psychic inertia" in our "body-image." Body-image is, on one level, a mask we have a tremendous investment in, consciously, and subconsciously.

Great observation.

It's been said by a much wiser man than myself that the investment in the body image is the greatest for those who are the most beautiful. Likewise, those people then tend to suffer the most when the aging process takes its inevitable toll. Cosmetic surgery to remove signs of aging is just an expression of this suffering - an attempt to be younger again, a refusal to age.

The interesting thing of course is that inner beauty comes naturally to those at peace with themselves. Which includes being at peace with your own aging process.

By the way that's not why I am against it - I am against it solely because it doesn't work. The results are always only temporary. I am convinced that most people are unaware of the consequences. Even though one look at Sylvester Stallone should tell them all they need to know...

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I suppose the haters think tattoos are only for sadomasochists lunatics aswell?

There's a big difference between a little enhancement and going totally overboard like wacko or stalone.

My missus actualy went for tummy and breasts, which I was all for; having 2 kids does things to the body that the gym can't fix. Nothing wrong with wanting to look good, just an extention of going to the gym or piercing ears, etc.

I wasn't keen on the nose part at all. Personally I think you shouldn't mess about with your face. She decided to do it anyway , )her money so not much I could do about it) and i was glad at least that I could have confidence in this doctor. I swear if u met her for the first time you'd never think she'd had it done. Several people I know have had it and I didn't realise until later. Sutlety. I expect lots of people don't Notice most surgery, just think the person look naturally good. It's only the ones that go overboard with huge boobs or never-ending youngness treatments that really stand out and they're the ones your getting these crazy ideas from.

Forming an addiction to surgery affects sum people just like other mental compulsions form over allsorts of things and is a sad affliction; but to suggest everyone partaking in such an activity is afflicted like this is completely wrong.

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A cheap nose will set the Misses back around 12000 Bt, though she will surely have friends who know someone cheaper. That is not a price range I would trust. Higher quality work through a hospital came in at 35k the last time my friend priced it. Dermal fillers such as Restylane can run 10,000 if genuine, with emphasis on the if, and will last for maybe a year if the patient is lucky. Caveat emptor.

I'm rather fond of Thai noses myself, but that could just be a sign of mental illness.

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Yes she been quoted from 4500bt to 15000bt for a new nose in CMai.... so she looking a price to save a few bucks. Hope this does not bite her in the butt... after surgery.

I am sure Chiang Mai Ram etc will be 25000+ bt if clinics this price. Also they put her to sleep... now I would be afraid to never wake up again- Lol.

Filler wise she does not need as young lady but she feel she needs for smile lines. Approx 10-12000bt for 1 year lasting filler...yet 10+ year alternatives around for a bit more- Aquamid, etc. They call them permanent fillers... filling in scars to lines, etc.

Anyway all up as much a a new motorbike.

As quoted by Joan Collins (Another freak of nature at 75yo).... 'Would you prefer to have an old car and step out of the car in a new face OR a new car with an older looking face'. Everyones freedom of choice.

Cheers JAY

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