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Infants At Restaurants


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And to get back on topic, I am sure most Thais would be amused at some and appalled at other comments here since very few Thais in my extensive experience of living here, mind children out in public, much less in restaurants.

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The original post referred to infants. I would not expect to find infants in a nice restaurant in the evening.

Children are a different matter. They eat quickly then want to run round the restaurant. Some restaurants have an outside play area which is fine. For those that don't the parents/guardians have a duty to keep the kids in check so that they do not disturb other diners.

Equally annoying are tables full of drunks who are very noisy.

I believe it is for the restaurant owner/manager to deal with these problems when they occur. He has a business to run, and needs repeat custom. Noisy and unruly children and drunks will prevent repeat business from regular diners

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Edited by sbk
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There's really no single answer to this issue. There are places where you can take kids, and places you probably shouldn't. If its a restaurant where families eat I don't have any qualms with it. Babies are part of life so suck it up and get over it.

On the other hand if it's the kind of restaurant where people go for a quiet dinner away from the kids than yes you may have every right to take your baby in there, but you probably shouldn't. In a year or two when that baby is with a sitter and you and your other half are out for a quiet dinner alone, you will appreciate why.

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The one thing I keep seeing in this thread that makes me curious is about baby sitters. The Thais I know who have kids say that getting a baby sitter is not at all common (in fact never heard of by many) in Thailand. If somebody has a live-in nanny that is a different story but it is my understanding Thais rarely leave their babies with anybody when they are "babies" and when they get a bit older it is only family members. The thought of having the 14-year old neighbor girl watch your kids for the night isn't the norm as it is in the west.

But please correct me if I am wrong.

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The one thing I keep seeing in this thread that makes me curious is about baby sitters. The Thais I know who have kids say that getting a baby sitter is not at all common (in fact never heard of by many) in Thailand. If somebody has a live-in nanny that is a different story but it is my understanding Thais rarely leave their babies with anybody when they are "babies" and when they get a bit older it is only family members. The thought of having the 14-year old neighbor girl watch your kids for the night isn't the norm as it is in the west.

But please correct me if I am wrong.

yes it's true, there are many cases of abuse by hired sitters. so i 've been told ( not farang babies, thai babies by thai sitters ). also there is cultural differences too, it's not taking about care of the baby , but taking care of the baby "how mommy " likes it." like over-feeding, overbathing ( in cold water ) & swaddling , it's so ingrained in their minds that , that's what the baby needs, nevermind his screaming and crying and sweating ......... it's good for the baby

as a parent I have had my difficulties finding someone to care for my young child, I do however have a lady who comes by to watch him , then I take the heat for "not loving" my baby to let someone else "care" for him . I get heat for taking him out with us too, for " exposing him " too soon . you can't win sad.gif

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So everybody that's against having babies / kids in restaurants were such well behaved kids themselves... I don't think so! We seem to forget we were all children once... We always take our baby out with us when we eat out in a restaurant but I always have consideration for other patrons. If the wee one starts to cry etc I will take her for a wander and let my partner and others eat in peace then when my partner is finished she takes care of the wee one then I eat. Although I do respect the ambience other diners wish to dine in I have still received the occasional dirty look which really pisses me off, to the extent I will tell my partner to pay for the meal once she has finished and leave the restaurant leaving my meal untouched. I have gone as far as boycotting a certain local where I used to enjoy a nice pint of Guinness due to 3-4 dirty looks I received once when I took the family there for something to eat. As for those that suggest that we parents should get someone to babysit and go out to eat ourselves well I'm afraid that's just not an option. In this day and age I don't trust anybody else to take care of my baby you just have to look at recent headlines.

To be honest I think some people who live / holiday in Pattaya have left their manners back home and behave worse than children.

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The original post referred to infants. I would not expect to find infants in a nice restaurant in the evening.

Children are a different matter. They eat quickly then want to run round the restaurant. Some restaurants have an outside play area which is fine. For those that don't the parents/guardians have a duty to keep the kids in check so that they do not disturb other diners.

Equally annoying are tables full of drunks who are very noisy.

I believe it is for the restaurant owner/manager to deal with these problems when they occur. He has a business to run, and needs repeat custom. Noisy and unruly children and drunks will prevent repeat business from regular diners

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The noisy and unruly children and drunks might just be the regular diners, especially in Pattaya where there's so many tourists, the restaurant would want to keep regular unruly or drunk customers over the tourist that will never be back.

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My little one is born next month...Of course we'll take him along to upscale and down-scale restaurants....Besides in Thailand everybody loves babies and infants....

I think you will very quickly discover that is not necessarily the case.....................

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My little one is born next month...Of course we'll take him along to upscale and down-scale restaurants....Besides in Thailand everybody loves babies and infants....

I think you will very quickly discover that is not necessarily the case.....................

95% of them do Debothai... It's just the 5% grumpy ones who don't!

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My little one is born next month...Of course we'll take him along to upscale and down-scale restaurants....Besides in Thailand everybody loves babies and infants....

I think you will very quickly discover that is not necessarily the case.....................

Can you not accept that not everyone loves babies - especially in restaurants ?

At least 5% of us anyway :ph34r:

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I love the attention thais give to babies...My wife especially, even here in dubai, likes to talk to and make funny gestures to various babies, almost always that we see in restaurants in UAE and also in thailand...:jap:

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