fatfather Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ... BUT AT LEAST HE HELPED THE "LITTLE" THAI PEOPLE !!! The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !! Please be so kind as to list the benefits the "Little Thai People" have received from him. Healthcare and Mobile Network (In the far upcountry)to name important ones. Sure he pushed for the mobile network, in was in his pockets. Have you ever seen how many public phone boxes had been installed on the country side, but the development of landlines had been blocked, so that these boxes never worked? How serious do the hospitals take the 30Baht care? How many times you hear in small hospitals on the country side that nothing can be done? How many Thai women claim money for their ill relatives from their falang husband? Don't speak about "...there is light..." if you are blind. fatfather
DtemJai Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDjUZO6tRSY&feature=player_embedded#at=65
dumpling Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 I will dignify this article with a response ........ooops
EirikJohannesen Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Taksin was the first real hope for Thailand to become a real democracy as opposed to the mock democracy it is now and always has been. 1. Taksin rose from the non-elite to the elite by forming his own political party and winning the popular vote. 2. Taksin was the longest serving elected prime minister in the history of Thailand. 3. It was up to the voters to get rid of Taksin, not the army. The army once again killed any hope for a real democracy. I am not pro-Taksin but I do support some of his populist initiatives to improve the lives of the working poor. More work needs to be done in this area. Good post and my sentiments exactly. By the way, is there anything wrong about meeting your girlfriend/wife in a bar? Or is it veiled snobbery that makes posters feel they have to state that they didn't meet their girlfriend/wife that way? Why is someone's background so important? In my opinion it is not quite normal to marry a whore. Think it's a fetish thing two do. And she's probably full of trauma and other mental disorders.
timekeeper Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 wow George i have been out all day and this was a pissy little thread supposedly penned by some spotty student type, who you would have thought would have had better things to do with his hands when thinking about sex in Thailand in my absence its turned out to be a bigger joke than the April Fool about old men marrying young girls the google revenues must have really spiked today on the back of the hits attracted to this one so who is Dan? is it you George, you wily old fox? you sure know your marketplace well........
devaram Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 I dont think Taksin is out to get the customers of Thailands biggest and most famous industry which is sex. I do think possibly hes out to get foreigners who don't support the 5 star hotel industry and would just as soon see all the backpackers go away as they dont support the rich hotels.Backpackers are not sexpats and they are mostly college students and half are women. I dont think sexpats are the only foreigners who dont like Taksin. I think 90% of foreigners dont like him because foreigners have an education even if its only from high school its still superior to a college degree in Thailand. Unlike the red shirts who are ignorant country people educated thais and foreigners tend to not like him. It doesnt seem to be about sex its about the difference between education and ignorance. Thai college professors dont like Taksin. Thai journalists dont like Taksin. Thai college students dont like Taksin. Almost everybody who is educated dont like Taksin. Personally I dont like him because he looks like a weasel. Im mean he has the face of a liar. He does not have a kind face. A human face. He has an evil looking face. Perhaps he is a demon? Regarding the problem if there is one of sexpats: Please dont complain about the flies when there is shit all over the place. First clean up the shit then the flies will go away.
kandahar Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Absolutely a terrible, inflammatory article, apparently allowed just to get hits on this site. Where did this guy learn to put together a written argument? And why would TV give him the platform to express his ignorance? Today isn't April 1. His premise of the stigma and stereotype of the western Expat in Thailand is correct. That is about as far as he gets in his argument. Fortunately, the stigma and stereotype is based on the few bad examples, which are often flaunted on television news during arrests and news stories and, unfortunately, by a very few foolish ThaiVisa forum posters who insist on exercising their rights to voice their opinions. The majority of posters here do not bother to feed into this crapfest. There are lots of Expats living here who do not live in those traditional "sex areas". LOTS. The author would lead us to believe that the Expat group overall hates Thailand and enjoys posting criticisms of it. Fallacy. Almost everyone here has a bad story, a bad experience, a bad day that they can relate on a thread. Most of us run into things from time to time that are just incomprehensible and some of us write about those instances. That does not mean we hate the place. It may mean only that we need to vent, that we may need to express our own disbelief at how something happened or didn't happen, just the same as we would in our home countries. What nut would take those posts as a general display of how the majority feel about living here? And yes, now and then you can find a post where someone has just flat out had it with his or her misfortune here. Why would those posters be credited with representing how we all feel? This fool, with his bad choices and poorly informed perceptions is really painting a grotesque picture of Thai Visa posters in general. Does this fool of an author think that those few loudly publicized idiots represent the majority? Does this fool of an author really even think that the majority of Expats in this country is represented by Thai Visa posters and members? Most Expats I know do not even read TV and a lot of them have never heard of it. So is a survey of TV members significant? No, it isn't. And it becomes less significant when you stop and think about who would feel strongly enough about the issues polled to even respond. Lots of people feel strongly about Thaksin because lots of people have family here who were, and are affected and impacted by Thaksin. For a person to express an opinion either way does not mean that the person is tied to the sex trade. He or she could still have very strong feelings on the subject, if only because they care about their family. The survey is even less significant when you look at how many people responded: 4,424, out of a total of, at this time, 119,694 registered users and not all of the respondents even answered all of the questions. 73.3% of HOW MANY respondents answered this question? He doesn't bother to tell us that. How many respondents answered the survey only to say "Go to hell! I don't want to see another survey on here"? And yet we are led to believe it is 73.3% giving that particular answer. What idiot would use such a low number of even the registered users to make an assumption that would support such an attack as this? There are lots of other glaring errors in this nut's premise. But the most glaring OTHER error is assuming that "sexpats" would suffer at all if Thaksin returned. The sex trade flourished before his time, during his time and after his time and will continue for a long time, regardless of who is in power. Poverty, lack of opportunity and corruption would have to be successfully addressed to even begin to slow the sex trade here. Thaksin was not smart enough, powerful enough, selfless enough and would never live long enough (decades) to fix these problems. Almost everyone knows that. Even the sexpats know that. It seems that maybe the only person who does not know that is the author. If ever there was a good thread to delete, (not just close) it is this one. It is a slap in the face to HUGE majority of people who come to this forum in good faith and abide by the norms that govern decent behavior, on and off of the forum. ThaiVisa has stooped to a new, appalling and embarrassing low, apparently just to up their numbers.
Zombienation Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 The irony of the piece is that most of the Thaksin supporters I know are older farang guys, living in Isaan with Thai wives that they met in a bar. Most of the Thaksin haters I know are well educated, well to do professional people. Maybe i am just lucky. Anyway, lazy journalism from Dan Waites. I guess he just wants to get more attention. Stir up a bit of controversy.
rixalex Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Absolutely a terrible, inflammatory article, apparently allowed just to get hits on this site. Where did this guy learn to put together a written argument? And why would TV give him the platform to express his ignorance? Today isn't April 1. If ever there was a good thread to delete, (not just close) it is this one. It is a slap in the face to HUGE majority of people who come to this forum in good faith and abide by the norms that govern decent behavior, on and off of the forum. ThaiVisa has stooped to a new, appalling and embarrassing low, apparently just to up their numbers. Agree with all of kandahar's points, but especially with the two paragraphs above. Really don't know what was going through George's mind when he decided to post this trash. I thought Thaivisa was better than this. Apparently not.
Soutpeel Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 But okay, I'll admit. I am a raging sexpat who can't get a job anywhere and am here for the cheap ladies. There we go....doesnt that feel better ....a bit of honesty goes a long way....
brianb1944 Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ... BUT AT LEAST HE HELPED THE "LITTLE" THAI PEOPLE !!! The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !! Why do you feel the need to shout? do you feel that, in some way this validates your propaganda?
Soutpeel Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Really don't know what was going through George's mind when he decided to post this trash. I thought Thaivisa was better than this. Apparently not. I suspect George has achieved exactly what he intended by posting this.... I have visions of this thread going further than the famous Apil 1st thread related to banning 50 year olds + from marrying Thai women... Well done George...
maewrocks Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Well that's one explanation for all of the Thaksin haters on TV, but I think over exposure to government/ military/... propaganda is more likely the cause.
dunkin2012 Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Absolutely a terrible, inflammatory article, apparently allowed just to get hits on this site. Where did this guy learn to put together a written argument? And why would TV give him the platform to express his ignorance? Today isn't April 1. it's a long article/post i ever read on the forum. wonder how much time you spend composing it. but good taste though. So we will be expecting some more of Dan's writing to show up here? Next crappy piece of writing will be??????????????????????
Ponbkk Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 The NATION is a disgrace for printing this article, that's all there is too it. It's not worth arguing. The writer is an insult to Thailand.
rixalex Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Really don't know what was going through George's mind when he decided to post this trash. I thought Thaivisa was better than this. Apparently not. I suspect George has achieved exactly what he intended by posting this.... I suspect so too. He intended to troll and that is exactly what he has done. Yes, well done George.
TAWP Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Taksin was the first real hope for Thailand to become a real democracy as opposed to the mock democracy it is now and always has been. 1. Taksin rose from the non-elite to the elite by forming his own political party and winning the popular vote. 2. Taksin was the longest serving elected prime minister in the history of Thailand. 3. It was up to the voters to get rid of Taksin, not the army. The army once again killed any hope for a real democracy. I am not pro-Taksin but I do support some of his populist initiatives to improve the lives of the working poor. More work needs to be done in this area. Good post and my sentiments exactly. By the way, is there anything wrong about meeting your girlfriend/wife in a bar? Or is it veiled snobbery that makes posters feel they have to state that they didn't meet their girlfriend/wife that way? Why is someone's background so important? In my opinion it is not quite normal to marry a whore. Think it's a fetish thing two do. And she's probably full of trauma and other mental disorders. He wrote 'meet in a bar' not 'gogo bar' or 'bargirl' -- very different.
rubl Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Having worked my way through at least 10 of the 320 responses, I really feel the urge to say the following: No comment
newermonkey Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Taksin like all people is some good and some bad. I do think his time is over and I don't think his sister will get elected. The Thai people are not stupid and they can see that. They know what needs to be done and it has to be done intelligently. The red shirts have a legitimate case. I completely disagree with the violence and if they are smart they will stick to a nonviolent challenge to the status quo. Their voice is necessary to pressure the government to change, but sustainable change comes from intelligent political maneuvering. The Thai people are fed up with the identification as a home for sexpats and I have no doubt that it will be phased out over the coming years. They are establishing themselves as producers of quality goods and like other developing countries will allow their seedy side to go away. "The Thai people are not stupid" oh?
TAWP Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 The NATION is a disgrace for printing this article, that's all there is too it. It's not worth arguing. The writer is an insult to Thailand. It was not written in/published by in the Nation. It was posted on a known [pro-red] 'everyone-can-pretend-to-be-a-journalist' site (called asiancorrespondent.com), this specific entry as a 'guest post' under the red propaganda tool Andrew Spooner's section. (He also known under the pseudonym 'asiaprovocateur'.) You be the judge how much value the post has.
rixalex Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Well that's one explanation for all of the Thaksin haters on TV, but I think over exposure to government/ military/... propaganda is more likely the cause. I think you'll find a lot of those who post here and who don't like Thaksin, were actually here when he was in power, and this is when their dislike began. Thaksin's own propaganda machine was arguably at its most powerful at this time - certainly more than a match for any other type of propaganda. And of course he was doing a good job of silencing dissenting views with million baht lawsuits. I'm afraid the truth is, Mr maewrocks, no propaganda is necessary to take a dislike to Thaksin. The facts are enough.
SteeleJoe Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Maybe the next thread he will run is "Why Thailands Expat Community hates reading comprehension" Seriously. Get a grip people. 1) I'm not here to say the guy is a great writer (though his writing doesn't seem all that bad to me). 2) I'm not a sexpat and never was and I stopped going to bars years before Thaksin came to rule. Yet I loathe Thaksin adn alwasy have (before he became PM) and the reasons are many and just. 3) I'm not too happy about the way he goes to such lengtts to, cosnsciously or not, soldify and perpetuate the expat = sexpat stereotype. BUT: This guy did NOT say all expats are sexpats and he did NOT say all people who dislike Thaksin are sexpats.
NovaBlue05 Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 good choice of topic George this will bring lots of google rewarded traffic to TV Spot on. Management instituted trolling but we've all taken the bait.... UG's comment about sums it up - what stereotypes do exist almost certainly don't know or care about Thai, or possibly any other politics, and 90% probably weren't even around during his tenure. I doubt the sexpats give a rats derrier about Thai politics in general. I believe they would feel pretty strongly about the policys that Thaksin promoted which negatively (in their view) impacted the sexpat experience. Isn't that what the article was about?
SteeleJoe Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Well that's one explanation for all of the Thaksin haters on TV, but I think over exposure to government/ military/... propaganda is more likely the cause. I think you'll find a lot of those who post here and who don't like Thaksin, were actually here when he was in power, and this is when their dislike began. Thaksin's own propaganda machine was arguably at its most powerful at this time - certainly more than a match for any other type of propaganda. And of course he was doing a good job of silencing dissenting views with million baht lawsuits. I'm afraid the truth is, Mr maewrocks, no propaganda is necessary to take a dislike to Thaksin. The facts are enough. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FACT.
sushi5734 Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 "Bob Sexer doesn’t care about good governance or the functioning of Thailand’s democratic institutions." I suppose extra judicial executions the environmental devestation of Thailands natural resourses and theft of $2bn are good governance? They guy is a crook but he did throw some small change to the poor, thus garnering some support in the rural regions. The problem is that each party is just as self serving as each other just in different ways. As for the assumption that bob sexer feels threatened by any potential return of Thaksin or a puppet I quite frankly don't think they give a toss! The idea that dealing with any sexpat issues would be anywhere near the top 99.9% of his list is obsurd. If the author wanted to have a go at sexpats then by all means, fill your boots, as the stereotype doesn't come from thin air, but I find the article offensive I and most of the people I know do not fit the sexpat profile however a few do. I'm in my mid thirties I'm in a stable relationshi my girlfriend has her own business, I don't hang out in go go bars or karaoke bars I have a good job here although I could earn far more in the UK. There is whole world beyond Pattaya, Phuket and a handful of streets in Bangkok, perhaps on his next trip he should travel a little further afield.
SteeleJoe Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 that's quite a serious accusation against the Demsthey could be dissolved for vote buying if you can put some meat on the bone so is it just you saying it for propaganda purposes for the reds or can you prove it? Are joking?! I'm certainly more in favor of the Dems than Thaksin. But no one, foreign or Thai (including scholars and analysts of every stripe in Thailand or out), who knows anything about Thai politics is unaware of this fact or that it's been the norm for aboout 80 years.
Nisa Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 What an idiotic perspective. The only thing I saw in the article that could be tied to the article title is that Thaksin cracked down on entertainment venues not closing at 2:00am or does having a work permit also classify you as a sexpat. But truth be told maybe sexpats simply think a corrupt fugitive from justice isn't good for Thailand nor is his extremely unqualified sister he wants to use as a puppet.
nottocus Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Gotta agree. Too many western scum here paying for sex with young ladies and even children. I hope Thaksin comes back and starts a war on sexpats...extrajudicial cutting off of manhoods would be a start.
NovaBlue05 Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 westerners who abuse the country's friendliness and hospitality are the main drag here for all the other peace-seeking, decent foreigners. Have actually lived in Thailand for any length of time...?.... and <deleted> has peace seeking got to do with sexpats or Taksin... Perhaps he meant "piece" seeking
EirikJohannesen Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Taksin was the first real hope for Thailand to become a real democracy as opposed to the mock democracy it is now and always has been. 1. Taksin rose from the non-elite to the elite by forming his own political party and winning the popular vote. 2. Taksin was the longest serving elected prime minister in the history of Thailand. 3. It was up to the voters to get rid of Taksin, not the army. The army once again killed any hope for a real democracy. I am not pro-Taksin but I do support some of his populist initiatives to improve the lives of the working poor. More work needs to be done in this area. Good post and my sentiments exactly. By the way, is there anything wrong about meeting your girlfriend/wife in a bar? Or is it veiled snobbery that makes posters feel they have to state that they didn't meet their girlfriend/wife that way? Why is someone's background so important? In my opinion it is not quite normal to marry a whore. Think it's a fetish thing two do. And she's probably full of trauma and other mental disorders. He wrote 'meet in a bar' not 'gogo bar' or 'bargirl' -- very different. Not at all......... Dont tell me that Thai girls sitting in front of a bar is not a hocker..... regular Thai girls do not go to bars, especially farang bars.
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