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I suspect if Dan Waites is following this thread he must be p*ssing himself laughing by now...

He has acheived, what I suspect he intended to do.....create publlicity for himself/blog/website......and you d*ckheads have enabled him to acheive this...

Would have been better to ignore this thread completely and it would have gone away..

Certain posters are making bigger fools of themselves than on the infamous April 1st April fool thread....:whistling:

You can bet your bottom dollar that he is reading this thread. You can also bet that George, who posted the scribblings of Dan Waites with a link to the website where Waites wrote his comment and who, I understand, is some bigshot on ThaiVisa and certainly no fool, knew what he was doing. It is good promotion for ThaiVisa, although Waites probably meant it to have the opposite effect.

But where is the article "Why Thailand’s sexpat community hates Thaksin Shinawatra", on which Waites seems to have commented? It appears to have been written by Andrew Spooner, who joined asiancorrespondent.com as a correspondent on February 23, 2011 according to his biography published on that website. Or are Andrew Spooner and Dan Waites one and the same person? I can't figure it out.


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...I am not a big "taujou"...

What is a "taujou"? I can't find a definition of it on the web.

I guess he means a Thai word for a promiscuous behaviour. And he isn't that big in that, what means that he is not a sexpat but a family man. (like the most members here at Thaivisa)

Thank you, Samurai. (I mistakenly thought it might be a French word) Now I'm left to wonder which of the dozens of different systems for romanisation/transliteration/pronunciation-guide in circulation Vilai used, but let's forget it, it's not important, and I don't want to derail this entertaining topic.

P.S. I posted about it in the Thai Language forum now.


"Social order" = Social Control = Suppression of Basic Human, Political And Social Rights.

Which is what Thaksin sought in the long run, too. Only having him and his family at the helm instead.


Who would give up a good job in the middle east to work in thailand ??? Only three weeks to meet and get married ??? Hmmmm

:unsure: Youve obviously never lived in the Middle east - i worked at Kuwait University for 12 years It is the most repulsive area of the globe i have ever visited - the salary was slightly less than UK - but being tax free helped!! I cringe when I think of ever going back to the Middle east again - not even on a plane stop on the way back to UK!!

As for the "only three weeks to meet and get married???????" thats NOT what I said - I suggest you read my post again and youll see that what I actually said was "MET after three weeks".

Try to read peoples posts before commenting on them in future - it might help prevent you from getting stereotyped in future postings!!

You forgot to mention the free oil there.....:jap:


I suspect if Dan Waites is following this thread he must be p*ssing himself laughing by now...

He has acheived, what I suspect he intended to do.....create publlicity for himself/blog/website......and you d*ckheads have enabled him to acheive this...

Would have been better to ignore this thread completely and it would have gone away..

Certain posters are making bigger fools of themselves than on the infamous April 1st April fool thread....:whistling:

You can bet your bottom dollar that he is reading this thread. You can also bet that George, who posted the scribblings of Dan Waites with a link to the website where Waites wrote his comment and who, I understand, is some bigshot on ThaiVisa and certainly no fool, knew what he was doing. It is good promotion for ThaiVisa, although Waites probably meant it to have the opposite effect.

But where is the article "Why Thailand’s sexpat community hates Thaksin Shinawatra", on which Waites seems to have commented? It appears to have been written by Andrew Spooner, who joined asiancorrespondent.com as a correspondent on February 23, 2011 according to his biography published on that website. Or are Andrew Spooner and Dan Waites one and the same person? I can't figure it out.


The text was written by Dan Waites. Andrew Spooner published it at his blog. I guess its in the nature of the blog software that under the headline appears "By Andrew Spooner" which doesn't indicate the authorship of the following text, but the administrative act to publish a new entry at the blog.

If he would post a picture of Leonardo Mona Lisa, it would also say "By Andrew Spooner"


Frang do not come to Thailand for SEX.

Frankie goes to Hollywood.

Frogs don't jump on each other....:jap:


If I were able to vote here in Thailand I would vote for the "red shirts" but only when they divested themselves of Thaksin.

I believe the "red shirts" have finally worked out that there is a small mumber of people controlling the wealth of Thailand and hence to ensure their continued wealth keep the majority of the people in penury. What they (the "red shrts") don't seem to realise is that despite his jingoistic rhetoric Thaksin is actually one of the small numbers of people controlling Thai wealth so anything he does is only done to his own advantage and not to that of the people.

Apologies for posting in this thread. I mistakenly thought it was for erudite discussions.


If I were able to vote here in Thailand I would vote for the "red shirts" but only when they divested themselves of Thaksin.

I believe the "red shirts" have finally worked out that there is a small mumber of people controlling the wealth of Thailand and hence to ensure their continued wealth keep the majority of the people in penury. What they (the "red shrts") don't seem to realise is that despite his jingoistic rhetoric Thaksin is actually one of the small numbers of people controlling Thai wealth so anything he does is only done to his own advantage and not to that of the people.

Apologies for posting in this thread. I mistakenly thought it was for erudite discussions.

That told yourself.


Good for Thaksin.

And how is defending oneself against Islamic (or any other type) terrorists wrong?

But the remark about bar owners and teachers I agree on the first and on the 2nd he way way off most expat teachers are fine decent people, It is the ones who come here for a year and then go home that Thailand should avoid.


Bl**dy h*ll we now have the Latin Police in addtion to the grammer police.....:blink:

Bloody Romans what have they ever done for us ?....

Cogito sumere potum alterum....;)

coito, ergo sum! :lol:


Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinis alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!

Waste no time. Apply Now.

And now back to our regular program.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

No they dont!! Not in all villages by any means!!! isan and Chiang Mai where hes bought people maybe but Tak Sukhothai and Pitsanalot people CERTAINLY dont feel like that about him.

Thais are NOT stupid!!

Sorry for the late response but I have been doing other things for the last couple of days; of course it is possible that my friends and family live in a vacuum without any contact with non-Thaksin supporters but my point was that it was not my experience that the Thais I know dislike Thaksin as much as Ianbaggie avers.

I know the background to your visceral dislike of Thaksin and the Red Shirt movement and I have deep sympathy for your dreadful experience. I live in Phitsanulok and have family and friends here and in Sukhothai and they all are basically PTP/Thaksin supporters. I personally have no strong feelings for or against either of the power groups which want to have their noses in the trough of Thailand's wealth, so please no accusations from the outraged Democrats out there.

Well couldn't it be that

Thaksin Supporters group together,

and Thaksin haters group together,

and if your wife's family like Thaksin, then most of their friends that you will meet ALSO will like Thaksin. But you are not meeting the others, or they aren't saying it out loud around your circle.

Most Thais tend to avoid confrontation, and not saying they dislike Thaksin around a Pro Thaklsin family, is a good way to NOT have confrontation. But that doesn't mean they don't hate Thaksin


P.S. Please, don't start sentences with conjunctions and especially paragraphs, it suggests to the reader you don't know what you talking about!

P.S.S Please dont be a douche bag and criticize grammar and English usage as it make you seem like a condescending ass hole. But i digress( oops conjuction)

P.S.S...you might want to explain to the poster the difference between slander and libel as well...:rolleyes:

But yes does sound like a condescending ar*ehole

Its P.P.S. not P.S.S.

P.S. stands for the latin "post scriptum" meaning "that which comes after the writing". An addendum written below the main body of a letter/writing(scriptum) or below/after the signature.

A P.P.S. is a "post post scriptum" An addendum that comes after(post) the P.S.


Thank you for that!jap.gifI'm just a recipe writer.


Bl**dy h*ll we now have the Latin Police in addtion to the grammer police.....:blink:

Bloody Romans what have they ever done for us ?....

Cogito sumere potum alterum....;)

coito, ergo sum! :lol:

coitus interuptus!laugh.gif


Bl**dy h*ll we now have the Latin Police in addtion to the grammer police.....:blink:

Bloody Romans what have they ever done for us ?....

Cogito sumere potum alterum....;)

coito, ergo sum! :lol:

coitus interuptus!laugh.gif



Just let me clue you in Mr.Dan Waites. :annoyed:

This sort of stereo typing is ugly demeaning insulting and completely false.

Yes there are a handful like this but not as many as you would want us to believe in your stupid story. :redcard2:

Most of my friends are ex-military, or retired form a successful career in the petroleum business. And worked here for contractors servicing Union Oil Thailand.

We stayed for various reasons. For one our retirement pay would not go very far in our home countries. Second some of us are sick of the politics, over regulation and ignorant liberalism that allow black men to call a white man honky, a Muslim to call us filthy infidels, a mexican to call us white trash. But let one of us call one a negro, a terrorist or a wetback and we go to JAIL and get fined for discrimination. They can burn our flags but we cant burn theirs, they can burn a bible but we can not burn a koran. Just like the spell check in Microsoft bible can be in lower case but koran must be upper case. Stupid liberal crap

Regulation yea the Department of Energy demands and will fine and jail you if you do not install a toilet that saves water and the dang thing does NOT WORK. And this is in more than one country. You must have a % of mexican negro or others in your business if you employ more that 25 people. And if you run a business of call center help, answering service or the like YOU MUST HAVE SPANISH, or they shutdown your business and fine you.


Is that for real or irony?


Not only is he Stereotyping as you say,but it also gives a Talentless blogger,the chance to elude having to produce facts,

anyone can produce an article like his,full of cliches,bigotry,and discrimination,and I also think more than a Tad of jealousy,seeing the older Farangs get the lovely Young Ladies,and he can't,because he's too busy trying to get established,and probably doesn't have 2 Baht to rub together anyway.

Up to now he has not written one word defending his article,my guess is: he is unlikely to either! except,perhaps to keep stirring the publicity pot,of the thoughts of an Angry Young Man,who can't stand seeing Older men having fun.

But why let facts spoil a biased article? his style of writing is common practice in the Worlds Gutter Press! and saves many hours of Factual Research, just crank out the controversial Tripe,and sit back and watch the Fireworks,we have Three Daily Newspapers in the UK (who shall remain nameless,but Brits will know them instantly ) that stir up this kind of crap every day on every page,thats why they are Members of the "Gutter Press"

Pathetic Excuse for Journalism ! and the reason why I don't buy Daily Newspapers any more.


The article is written with gusto, but I disagree!

Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but what really galls me is where there are certain people who get placed into the spotlight, or who step into the spotlight on their own volition, and they really have no business in the spotlight. What the...?

I have a blue PVC pipe under my house, where the sewer runs out; and I often think of the media when I flush!

Most expats I know are decent sorts. I may not agree with most of them, but most of them are doing their best to live their lives in a peaceful and well thought out fashion.

The Thaksin thing is really getting old. It's like a broken record. Try to come up with something more entertaining than knocking around this person. Really!

Life goes on, eh?

Well I'm a teacher (6 years - university level), still enjoy the bar scene (although I'm more discerning than I used to be) have had a few Isaan girlfriends (all a lot younger than me) and love most aspects of living in Thailand. Although I'm no fan of Thaksin the man, my sympathies are certainly with the Red shirt cause.

Actually, the nearest I've seen to 'Bob Sexer' in the various demonstrations has been on the Red side. I think Bob Sexer, if he cares about Thai politics, is probably a red sympathiser.


Bl**dy h*ll we now have the Latin Police in addtion to the grammer police.....:blink:

Bloody Romans what have they ever done for us ?....

Cogito sumere potum alterum....;)

coito, ergo sum! :lol:

coitus interuptus!laugh.gif




Bl**dy h*ll we now have the Latin Police in addtion to the grammer police.....:blink:

Bloody Romans what have they ever done for us ?....

Cogito sumere potum alterum....;)

coito, ergo sum! :lol:

coitus interuptus!laugh.gif


Are you asking what coitus interuptus is ?.....A highly unreliable method of birth control IMHO but fun all the same.....:lol:


Just let me clue you in Mr.Dan Waites. :annoyed:

This sort of stereo typing is ugly demeaning insulting and completely false.

Yes there are a handful like this but not as many as you would want us to believe in your stupid story. :redcard2:

Most of my friends are ex-military, or retired form a successful career in the petroleum business. And worked here for contractors servicing Union Oil Thailand.

We stayed for various reasons. For one our retirement pay would not go very far in our home countries. Second some of us are sick of the politics, over regulation and ignorant liberalism that allow black men to call a white man honky, a Muslim to call us filthy infidels, a mexican to call us white trash. But let one of us call one a negro, a terrorist or a wetback and we go to JAIL and get fined for discrimination. They can burn our flags but we cant burn theirs, they can burn a bible but we can not burn a koran. Just like the spell check in Microsoft bible can be in lower case but koran must be upper case. Stupid liberal crap

Regulation yea the Department of Energy demands and will fine and jail you if you do not install a toilet that saves water and the dang thing does NOT WORK. And this is in more than one country. You must have a % of mexican negro or others in your business if you employ more that 25 people. And if you run a business of call center help, answering service or the like YOU MUST HAVE SPANISH, or they shutdown your business and fine you.


Is that for real or irony?


Not only is he Stereotyping as you say,but it also gives a Talentless blogger,the chance to elude having to produce facts,

anyone can produce an article like his,full of cliches,bigotry,and discrimination,and I also think more than a Tad of jealousy,seeing the older Farangs get the lovely Young Ladies,and he can't,because he's too busy trying to get established,and probably doesn't have 2 Baht to rub together anyway.

Up to now he has not written one word defending his article,my guess is: he is unlikely to either! except,perhaps to keep stirring the publicity pot,of the thoughts of an Angry Young Man,who can't stand seeing Older men having fun.

But why let facts spoil a biased article? his style of writing is common practice in the Worlds Gutter Press! and saves many hours of Factual Research, just crank out the controversial Tripe,and sit back and watch the Fireworks,we have Three Daily Newspapers in the UK (who shall remain nameless,but Brits will know them instantly ) that stir up this kind of crap every day on every page,thats why they are Members of the "Gutter Press"

Pathetic Excuse for Journalism ! and the reason why I don't buy Daily Newspapers any more.

I was puzzled by a comment on Dan Waite's website that Thai Visa is seen by some as Redneck Central.Having read this post I think I'm beginning to understand.

I particularly cherish the delusion that a young well educated man is motivated by the jealousy he feels when seeing overweight foreign oldsters with some young Thai lovely.I would have thought the main motivation would be to avoid throwing up.


Putting aside the Sex-Pat stereotype rant (which the author clearly believes he does not belong to),

I've wondered about this as well.

And the only conclusion I've come up with is that most of the people on this forum get most of their information about Thailand from: a) this forum, B) girls in their lives c) english language newspapers, and d) other expats.

If you get most of your news from the forums here, you only hear childish name calling (the wisdom of the crowd indeed).

If your girlfriend supports the yellowshirts, you will be getting nationalistic blather from the 'intellectual elite' perspective. And keep in mind that if you live in Bangkok, it's more likely that you will be meeting yellows, than in a place like Udonthani, where I haven't heard as much anti-Thaksin rhetoric.

If you read the newspapers you are not getting the full story because they are biased towards the government, which is why they are still in business.

And if you are listening to other expat's opinions after you've both had 5 big bottles of Leo, then you get the quality of information that you deserve.


Most expats don't like Thaksin ... sexpats included. Really no need to break it down further than expats.


Most expats don't like Thaksin ... sexpats included. Really no need to break it down further than expats.

But the reasons WHY they don't like him vary.

The family man community at TV don't like him because of the divorce and that he exploited his kids with sending them to work at the Mac Donalds for his own personal gains.

Why the sexpats hate him answers the article in the first post.


Most expats don't like Thaksin ... sexpats included. Really no need to break it down further than expats.

But the reasons WHY they don't like him vary.

The family man community at TV don't like him because of the divorce and that he exploited his kids with sending them to work at the Mac Donalds for his own personal gains.

Why the sexpats hate him answers the article in the first post.

I doubt that the divorce figures much in why *anyone* hates Thaksin. It was largely ignored by most people.


Inflammatory and name calling posts removed from view also condescending posts from the 'Grammar Police'

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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