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Just open your eyes, and turn around for a full turn, slowly: everything you see has been invented and initially produced by the stupid Farangs, OK ? Or name me ONE, thing. Just one...

(This is going to be good, just like the monty python sketch, What have the Romans ever done for us..........)

Er.....Tom Yum

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Well I'm a teacher (6 years - university level), still enjoy the bar scene (although I'm more discerning than I used to be) have had a few Isaan girlfriends (all a lot younger than me) and love most aspects of living in Thailand. Although I'm no fan of Thaksin the man, my sympathies are certainly with the Red shirt cause.

Dude, the red shirt cause IS Thaksin. Come on man!


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!




You're pretty Dagenham mate if you think that those who work hard in boiler rooms should be praised!

Thread delivers etc

6. you have insulted so many people on this site, your membership should be reviewed

7. If they get work as an English teacher or working in boiler rooms, how does someone that works hard like this become a lowlife in ANYONE's opinion?

You are a fool

Go stick your head back into the hole it came out of.


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

0ne of us, forum members

Do we have a member called "failedjournalist" ?

I think we have a few :lol:

Currently 31 years old, married 4 years with my Thai partner of 7 years (from today). Moved here in 2001 working as a software engineer in expat position with work permit throughout. Disappointed I was missed by our newfound budding hack when he interviewed Thaivisa members 101 for this article. Incidentally all but one of the non-Thaivisa-using expat colleagues I've worked with over the years have taken a strong dislike to Thaksin over the past two years - yes, some where supportive and felt he was treated unfairly by the coup (despite him being responsible for closing the farang-orientated dens of inequity early). All that was blown entirely out the water with the events of the previous two Songkran holidays.

When the stats don't work in your favour, smear.

Am contactable via PM btw :)


I think more of the long term expats were here to see the vindictiveness of Thaksin and his clique particularly after he won in 2005. Sure the red villagers up north never saw this, their villages voted TRT lockstep and reaped some small benefits, but to do that, those that didn't LOST benefits, clearly being punished, for not voting the TRT party in their neighborhoods.

That for many of us is the scary part about Thaksins return. He has a reputation, based on FACTS, of vindictive abuse to those are as he doesn't favor. Not simply benign neglect, but actively hammering those that didn't back him. The sense is, if you live in the 'wrong area', he is gonna get you.



An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Hey you,,I'm not a "sex deviate" and i hate Thaksin, so shut your pie hole

and open your eyes...

An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

How competent and respectful are you after making a comment like that about the expts??? follow the suggestion and go back to where you came from.

I suggest some people should first learn how to read and understand a post before commenting on it.


I found the article 'interesting'. Though I hasten to add it is also a little unfair on Thaivisa.com, especially currently. It was definitely true that all kinds of haters could post doctored pictures of Thaksin, call him Toxin and so on, while similar actions referencing his opponents got people warned or banned. This was finally cracked down upon somewhere last year. (Or perhaps the year before, not sure.) Some of the most rabid Thaksin haters even earned themselves a permanent ban.

With a little more accuracy and less hyperbole it would have been a better article. Still, an interesting read and at the core I do indeed also suspect that there is some level of self interest in the way expats approach Thai politics. I think it goes beyond just the social order campaign, which I think was widely misunderstood in expat circles, with scores of people believing it was aimed only at the tourist sex industry where in fact it was of course a much wider campaign aimed primarily at the Thai youth. But I do think that a lot of expats (or sexpats, if you will) really feel they benefit from Thailand remaining as feudal and backward as possible. The things that make Thailand such a happy place for the middle and upper-middle classes also make it a very happy place for expats of similar financial means. This very much includes de-facto exploitation of the underclass.

Anyway, given some of the replies here, at least the article must have hit reasonably close to the mark. ;) So can't have been all bad.

EDIT: Final: Respect to George for posting it!


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Are you really believing this sh..?

He wanted to get the mass of people to vote for him...and these are the poor and not educated (to not say stupid!) people!

You pay them over market prices for their rice or cow and they kiss your ass....not knowing the problem of such stupid handling.

Ok and now they all get credit cards....wow.....you don't need money anymore....why work.

This is like: I'm against nuclear power....in my home power comes out of the wall plug!?


I liked the article. Though it is also a little unfair on Thaivisa.com, especially currenlty. It was definitely true that all kinds of haters could post doctored pictures of Thaksin, call him Toxin and so on. This was finally cracked down upon somewhere last year. (Or perhaps the year before, not sure.)

With a little more accuracy and less wild claims it would have been a better article. Still, an interesting read. It must hit pretty close to the mark for some.

It's a propaganda piece. As pointed out by another reader, the first section warns against making sweeping generalisations thus sending an impression of being reasonable and just. The remainder of the article then uses this thin veneer to make all sorts of sweeping assumptions about ThaiVisa users.

Can't blame Dan though; good money in it, allegedly.


The truth hurts dont it ? lol

Yes, having read all the replies to this article I can see it is a little close to the truth for a lot of people.

Actually this is what he said ...."It’s an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it’s several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it’s also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I’ve described above living in this country. In fact, there are lots"

But if the cap fits....

I have been married to a Thai for 35 years and I spend a lot of time here and it's sooooo true that the dregs of Western society can come here with money and gain some immediate recognition or as they see it "respect".

The bit about women is the absolute truth, just take a walk down any cafe strip in a tourist precinct and see all the old men with young babes, what chance at home? we all know the answer.

As far as Thaksin is concerned, most expats haven't a clue what it's all about, the subtle intricacies of Thai politics would need an insider to know what's really going on, so I put it down to natural conservatism and a reluctance to accept change.


I don't believe he said all expats are sexpats. He said there are a lot of sexpats in Thailand .

If that is the way you choose to read it, ok.


Can't blame Dan though; good money in it, allegedly.

Maybe he had a free Elite card tossed in as well :lol:


Can't be bothered to go through17 pages and check if someone has posted this already, but on his web site it says,

Dan Waites can be contacted via [email protected] or please follow him on twitter @danwaites'

I'm sure he would like to hear a few thousand views from the TV members .


This guy, and the inestimable Jessica Olien deserve each other.

Both have self-inflated, otherwise undistinguished, self-proclaimed careers in 'journalism' (blogging).

The raising of the unfortunately clever 'sexpat' word is just so evocative among their intended audience that they seemingly cannot resist its use. The climate of puritanical hypocrisy has risen to such great pitch mainly because of the rightward drift of Western society, which is led, but only in part, by my home country, the United States of America. There is unbounded enthusiasm for prurient details, and moral outrage alike in the public psyche, and the need to point the finger at 'them', is not unlike the need for Thai society to point the finger at 'them (us)': it allows face to be saved.

Note that there is no such outrage in Buriram's small sois, nor in those of Ban Dung, where Thai men do what they have always done. There is only outrage where there is a ready-made market for it: Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. Focus the eye there, while the other hand is conducting business as usual...

And what baggage we posters bring! A microcosm of all that's wrong with our respective societies, laid bare on ThaiVisa...

The only 'universal truth' I can find in all of this is the apparent schizophrenia in those who, indeed, came here to get laid, and then somehow manage to remove themselves from the category, and turn on everyone else. Those who protest too much, and those who are 'pure' have the same tragic flaw: they seem compelled, at their own peril, to bring with them the very problems they seek to escape...intolerance, and the inability to 'live and let live'.

I think Mr. Waites' photo does, indeed, reveal the glint of rudimentary intelligence in those eyes. The problem is what he chooses to do with it.


Can't be bothered to go through17 pages and check if someone has posted this already, but on his web site it says,

Dan Waites can be contacted via [email protected] or please follow him on twitter @danwaites'

I'm sure he would like to hear a few thousand views from the TV members .

A short response to all previous posters: Did you read this part: "It's an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it's several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it's also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I've described above living in this country." The writer explicit states "it's an ugly stereotype......and it's also wildly inaccurate." So, he never said we are all "sexpats." Personally, I think Thaksin was and continues to be Thailand's worst enemy. After he took power the country went downhill, corruption increased, crime increased, Thailand's reputation worldwide decreased, human-rights abuses increased, the economy went into the toilet for several years, and no doubt the level of mental pain Thais must endure each day increased substantially. Only a tiny minority (a few people at the top of the totem pole) benefited from his elitists and racists policies. I am not sure if Thailand can ever recover from all of the destruction he has caused.


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Well the "observer" of the given article missed the point that this piece of "information" reflects only HIS very own and HUMBLE OPINION!

It neither bears any global truth, any sharp facts, any gleaming evidence, any surprising cross references.... well, take it as it is...not much else than an opinion, none else, and everyone is allowed to have an opinion, so are the sexpats, and incompetent drunkyards, ginshots, womenizer, the misfits who all flock to thailand in droves to do just one thing have fun, living a sinful life, according to what they wish, this is a universal human right, as long as nobody violates the rulez, evrything is fine, at least with me - I hav no objection about others having fun and a political opinion as well.... so com' on let the children play, I would before making a fool out of me in the public eye!


A short response to all previous posters: Did you read this part: "It's an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it's several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it's also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I've described above living in this country." The writer explicit states "it's an ugly stereotype......and it's also wildly inaccurate." So, he never said we are all "sexpats." Personally, I think Thaksin was and continues to be Thailand's worst enemy. After he took power the country went downhill, corruption increased, crime increased, Thailand's reputation worldwide decreased, human-rights abuses increased, the economy went into the toilet for several years, and no doubt the level of mental pain Thais must endure each day increased substantially. Only a tiny minority (a few people at the top of the totem pole) benefited from his elitists and racists policies. I am not sure if Thailand can ever recover from all of the destruction he has caused.

You are quite right that is what he stated, what is pretty disingenuous, is how he has linked those that loathe Thaksin to being Sexpats. Waites has written a poor piece, which may say a lot more about himself, than what it is supposedly saying about others.

Anyway, it will certainly manage to generate a lot of traffic on thaivisa today.


It's one thing to complain about the low quality of expat writers in Thailand, but putting on a demonstration to prove it was over the top. :rolleyes:

So True!!


I think Mr. Waites' photo does, indeed, reveal the glint of rudimentary intelligence in those eyes. The problem is what he chooses to do with it.

It looks like he is in the middle of a vinegar stroke - maybe over a picture of Thaksin. :ph34r:


It's one thing to complain about the low quality of expat writers in Thailand, but putting on a demonstration to prove it was over the top. :rolleyes:

So True!!

What colour shirts are they wearing?

How much are they getting paid?

Is there any free food?

Are petrol and matches supplied?




In every community and in every country there are persons as defined by Mr. Waites as ,,Dan Sexer”.

The writer of this article thinks he does not belong to the group Sexpart, but if you read this article he have work before he came to Thailand as garbage man and have walked behind the garbage truck.

A few notes,

That a large proportion of Thai visas readers would vote against Thaksin has nothing to do with sex.

Mr. Waites forget to mention that there are many exparts ho bring huge sums of money into Thailand, buy expensive houses and maintaining complete Thai families.

The real ,,Dan Sexer” don’t read the thaivisa the are only interested in alcohol and women, but ho is the premier from Thailand not interest them[/size].

If Mr Waites have right all voters on the Democratic Party works as sex workers or the make their money.

No, Mr. Waites have probably itself a problem (no more bribes or something)


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

If you've actually bothered to read the article and not just become apoplectic with rage at the headline, you'd know that your second observation of Dan is blatently untrue. The article is well written, articulate and amusing - three things so many people are incapable of doing.

He also quite clearly states that there are many expats living and working in Thailand that don't fit the stereotype...


This is a petty, mean-spirited article painted with an immensely board brush. Magnificent way the author bends the statistics of the Thai Visa Survey to promote his own narrow-minded, pea-brained agenda. You're a sad, sad individual there Mr. Waits. Perhaps you can move to Cambodia and writes some equally ludicrous articles about all the elderly sexually deviant Expat Westerns over 50 years old preying on young Cambodian maidens by marrying and taking care of them and their families. I'm sure the Cambodian government can hire you on as part of there Anti Over-50 Expat campaign. And feel free to stay in Cambodia. We really don't need our fellow Expats promoting Xenophobia in this county that I and many individuals like me now call home. <_<

Disclaimer: Sorry to disappoint you but I don't drink, I'm married to a wonderful Thai woman almost my own age, I'm putting her son through private school, I financially take care of my family, and unlike many of my male Thai friends, I don't have a Mia Noi or a Gig, and the last time I visited Pattaya, I stayed one day and left because the place disgusted me. And most of my Expat friends pretty much share my story. And, I think Mr. Thaksin should "man-up", come back to Thailand, serve his two years in jail, and get on with his life -- I might personally then develop some respect for him. And I don't have a vote in this country because I'm not a citizen, so I stay out of Thai politics (although I do reserve the right to maintain an opinion that I share with my Expats friends).

And to the editorial staff of the Thai Visa News: What are you people thinking by publishing such a ridiculous opinion piece that should have never found its way beyond a normal Thai Visa Forum post? It's really irresponsible on your part to publish narrow-minded junk like this that really serves no other purpose than to promote disharmony. :ermm:


The truth hurts dont it ? lol


I have been married to a Thai for 35 years and I spend a lot of time here and it's sooooo true that the dregs of Western society can come here with money and gain some immediate recognition or as they see it "respect".

The bit about women is the absolute truth, just take a walk down any cafe strip in a tourist precinct and see all the old men with young babes, what chance at home? we all know the answer.


I guess this begs the question, "So, what?". Why is it your concern if someone who doesn't meet your standards of appearance, temperance, or class chooses to come to Thailand for whatever reason he/she deems compelling? Why should you care if a woman from Isaan finds something about this guy or another attractive? His wallet? The fact that his is not 'old' money, derived from his enhanced social standing?

So glad to know how to identify the 'dregs' of Western society, and that you exclude yourself. As you can see, the self-delusion market has not been cornered by those who imagine themselves 'hansum' men.

George should indeed count himself as fortunate to have tapped into this fountain of disease that so many here have trundled along with. Without it, ThaiVisa would be a series of trip reports, and restaurant reviews. A good afternoon's read...

Just to remove the opportunity to dismiss my point as that of a sexpat, let me just say that I am happily married, although not to a Thai. And I live here.


This is THE most amusing thread I have ever seen. It does seem like the writer's article hit many people who will just not take the truth.

So now all of a sudded many many TV posters have NEVER had sex with a bar girl and are NOT here for our beautiful woman etc etc. Even us Thai's enjoy woman of the night once in awhile so why can't some of you admit it? Most of theese replies are comming from older retired expats who now have a wife, house, car, children etc but can you honestly say that on your first visits to Thailand you all sat in churches drinking coca-cola and reading books?

I agree with the article in many ways but also dissagree in many ways. I do believe that most expats on this forum HATE Thaksin for the reson mentioned because they seem to put to much energy in their HATE rather then putting their energy in their LOVE for Abhisit. Try tto take the middle path and be PRO Abhisit rather then ANTI Thaksin.

Like mother Teresa once said: "I will never attend an anti war rally but if you hold a pro peace rally please invite me."


I would applaud with four hands if I could ! Although I do not like Taksin, he is more a greedy businessman than a humanist, I have to admit that he gave a new start to what should be "modern Thailand". All these sexpats that react with hatred to your article would be supporters of Sarah Palin in the US, their tiny little life is made of hatred and selfishness... the point is that, wherever they would live, they would criticize and exploit other. Their life is nothing but their miserable feeling of power when they treat others with arrogance.

Sorry for my poor english, I am french and not a supporter of DSK !


Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

Really? I hope you spelt Thaksin's name wrong on purpose while belittling the writing standards of Dan Waites... Quite clearly you care as well or you wouldn't have bothered to post about what he's written...


And to the editorial staff of the Thai Visa News: What are you people thinking by publishing such a ridiculous opinion piece that should have never found its way beyond a normal Thai Visa Forum post? It's really irresponsible on your part to publish narrow-minded junk like this that really serves no other purpose than to promote disharmony. :ermm:

Because Tv is going dooown,and they needmore viewers .This is a natural thing when u are "overbooked with everything and nothing really going!

Or ? Freedom of speech .:D


I'm going to differ from the crying and teeth gnashing by saying he hit the nail right on the head. His observations about the Thailand expat "community" and the general views of Thaksin have been mentioned a lot already. I still think the over the top expat grudge has more to do with beer curfew hours and bar hours. I remember when that was first proposed expats went berserk on here threatening everything from leaving (which none did) to hilarious plans for protest and boycotts (which also never happened.)

There's no reason to hate Thaksin that much. He's no worse than the current crop of chuckleheads in government and probably a great deal better in many aspects especially concerning business competency.

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