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IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigns amid alleged sexual assault


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Since when does her background mean her allegations are incorrect?

Her allegations may be incorrect, but for a jury to convict, she needs to be credible. Two things effect her credibility 1. the allegation of a gang rape in her asylum application and 2. She cleaned another room before she reported the incident.

It boils down to 'he said, she said'. He says consensual sex; she says rape. She has credibility problems. It's difficult to get a jury to agree to the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.

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The housekeeper admitted to prosecutors that she had lied about what happened after the encounter on the 28th floor of the hotel, the Sofitel New York. She initially said that after she had been attacked she waited in a hallway until Mr. Strauss-Kahn left the room. She now admits that after the episode, she cleaned a nearby room, then returned to Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s suite to clean there. Only after that did she report to her supervisor that she had been attacked.


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Since when does her background mean her allegations are incorrect?

When it turns out there is a distinct possibility that she was a prostitute and tried to use the tryst as an extortion attempt.

"the accuser was unmasked as a pathological liar and scam artist by prosecutors whose rape case has unraveled".

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/maid_cleaning_up_as_hooker_0mMd759PLuYGYYJyA0RNbI#ixzz1Qy4XYc83

The New York City hotel maid who accused former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique-Strauss Kahn of sexual assault has allegedly worked as a prostitute, the New York Post reports.

A source close to the defense investigation told the Post that the Sofitel Hotel housekeeper would have sex with male guests at the hotel for money.

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Phone conversation has been translated from her native tongue which has people questioning the whole case. Apparently her boy fiend is in the immigration prison to whom she made this call. Sounds like a set up, possibly maybe.

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The appeal of a little strange, oh how it can bring down the rich and mighty. I don't know if even France can overlook his dalliance with all of the other fems that have come out of the woodwork dumping on the guy.

A maid! Gee. I'm more of a cocktail waitress and occasional front desk clerk or catering director kind of guy.

A maid would normally be pretty far down on the pecking order of available women in the average hotel.

My acquaintance with the NYC Police department comes from frequent watching of Law and Order Special Victims Unit on TV and I only watch that because I have a thing for Jayne Mansfield's daughter the female lead. The whole story is a natural for a show; I expect to see it soon.

You have to feel a little sorry for the cops and DA. On one hand the entire diplomatic and international community and the other the women's rights and minority advocates. I can see a cop getting up a little hung over on a dreary NY morning and telling his wife, “you aren't going to believe what I have to do today.” All and all NYC comes off like big dummies. No winners in this one except maybe Sarkozy and Lagarde.

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Since when does her background mean her allegations are incorrect?

When it turns out there is a distinct possibility that she was a prostitute and tried to use the tryst as an extortion attempt.

"the accuser was unmasked as a pathological liar and scam artist by prosecutors whose rape case has unraveled".

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/maid_cleaning_up_as_hooker_0mMd759PLuYGYYJyA0RNbI#ixzz1Qy4XYc83

The New York City hotel maid who accused former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique-Strauss Kahn of sexual assault has allegedly worked as a prostitute, the New York Post reports.

A source close to the defense investigation told the Post that the Sofitel Hotel housekeeper would have sex with male guests at the hotel for money.

A prostitute cannot be raped?

More and more of your male chauvinistic side is coming through here.

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Let's exercise care in our references to other posters.

Prostitutes can certainly be raped and they can press charges of rape against an alleged perpetrator.

The case against DSK has not been dropped. The action and behavior of the alleged victim and some of her statements have cast doubt on her credibility.

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A prostitute cannot be raped?

More and more of your male chauvinistic side is coming through here.

Yes, a prostitute can be raped. It occurs when there is non consensual intercourse. it is wrong.

DSK was not accused of rape, nor was he charged with rape. You do realize that right?

DSK was charged with sexual assault and attempted rape based upon the allegations of a witness that is no longer credible and that has a history of presenting a false claim of rape in the past. There was no allegation, no charge of rape. Charging someone with rape does not make the accused guilty.

The issue here is the case against DSK. Please read the letter from the prosecutor Cyrus Vance Jr. to DSK's defense counsel. You may find it disturbing to read as it basically is an admission that the allegations are groundless.


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You may find it disturbing to read as it basically is an admission that the allegations are groundless.

Uh, no, nothing of the kind is proposed in the letter.

It is a full disclosure, as mandated for ADA's, of newly attained facts in the case.

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You may find it disturbing to read as it basically is an admission that the allegations are groundless.

Uh, no, nothing of the kind is proposed in the letter.

It is a full disclosure, as mandated for ADA's, of newly attained facts in the case.

Yes, the letter contains facts that the prosecutor's office was oblliged to declare. They were not "new", but were the result of the investigation. DSK was charged before the investigation had occurred. Usually, the investigation occurs prior to charges being laid. There was a rush to judgement.

The letter is basically an acknowledgement that the complainant has a history of lying. She is not credible because she previously lied about rape, she lied about her financial status so that she could exploit a non profit organization that provides housing for the impoverished and she lied on her taxes. She is also reported to have associated with a known drug trafficer and to have sought advice from the incarcerated drug trafficer on how best to make money from her allegations. She also had a large amount of money in her bank account that she neither declared nor was able to explain how it was deposited. The fact that she had received this money from alleged illegal activities and exploited a cash strapped charity intended to help women in difficult circumstances speaks volumes.

Basically, what we now have is a woman that has engaged in criminal activities, with a lengthy record of lying and making false statements claiming that she was forced into performing oral sex. There is no evidence to support her allegations. In fact, the evidence indicates that she was attempting to extort money from DSK. If you read this differently, then I will just have to accept that. However, I think that anyone approaching this from an unbiased perspective will see that the complainant is not neither truthful nor a victim.I believe that she was attempting to take advantage of people that want to help victims of crime and the poor. To me she is more dangerous than DSK as she makes it more difficult for the poor to obtain help and for sexual assault victims to be believed.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Do you want an IMF leader that allows himself to get into a position to be blackmailed by any women that offers him a hummer?

Regarding the case, I hope the truth comes out and justice is served, whatever it might be.

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Do you want an IMF leader that allows himself to get into a position to be blackmailed by any women that offers him a hummer?

Regarding the case, I hope the truth comes out and justice is served, whatever it might be.

I certainly don't want to be governed by people who don't enjoy some head from time to time.

Why would you want uptight people to lead your country or institutions?

To have more stupid laws?

And what's really to be questioned here is the system: how can a maid with a bit of semen on her blouse just throw some accusations and bring down the head of the IMF???

This case should serve as an example and opportunity to change the system and allow for full investigation before throwing mud.

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The New York Post is reporting, "The so-called victim, whose web of lies has crippled the Manhattan DA's case against the former International Monetary Fund boss, played host to a parade of paying male visitors in the weeks after Strauss-Kahn's arrest, a prosecution source said."

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Do you want an IMF leader that allows himself to get into a position to be blackmailed by any women that offers him a hummer?

Regarding the case, I hope the truth comes out and justice is served, whatever it might be.

I certainly don't want to be governed by people who don't enjoy some head from time to time.

Why would you want uptight people to lead your country or institutions?

To have more stupid laws?

And what's really to be questioned here is the system: how can a maid with a bit of semen on her blouse just throw some accusations and bring down the head of the IMF???

This case should serve as an example and opportunity to change the system and allow for full investigation before throwing mud.

Well one with a bit on a blue dress brought down a US President.

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The New York Post is reporting, "The so-called victim, whose web of lies has crippled the Manhattan DA's case against the former International Monetary Fund boss, played host to a parade of paying male visitors in the weeks after Strauss-Kahn's arrest, a prosecution source said."

It really is starting to look like the guy was set up. 100,000 dollars paid into her bank. By whom? Now revelations that she was a prostitute. Maybe she will end up in the dock herself. Could make for an interesting scenario.

Prosecution: " When did you realise you had been raped?"

Defendant: "When the cheque bounced"!

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Another rich and powerful guy getting off the hook due to his wealth and connections ?

Unless you think the all this latest information is fabricated as part of some conspiracy, it would seem not.

Remember O.J. ?

Facile comparison. OJ didn't get off because of his wealth and power (he had little of the latter) -- other than the fact that his wealth afforded him top rate legal representation (which was and should be his right); essentially he got off because his lawyers did a better job than the prosecution.

A jury acquitted him -- do you think they did so because he was 'wealthy and powerful'?

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it's getting better and better all the time, showing the white collar crime mobsters, their "high morale and standards" in HD ... and I really wonder who failed here so badly and who gave the orders for this frame up, for what?

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Another rich and powerful guy getting off the hook due to his wealth and connections ?

Remember O.J. ?


Ya I remember OJ. Simpson was sentenced to a total of 33 years in prison with the possibility of parole in about 9 years. He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada as Inmate #1027820.

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Another rich and powerful guy getting off the hook due to his wealth and connections ?

Remember O.J. ?


Ya I remember OJ. Simpson was sentenced to a total of 33 years in prison with the possibility of parole in about 9 years. He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada as Inmate #1027820.

''In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman after a lengthy, internationally publicized criminal trial.''

This was what I meant and you knew what I had meant, I am sure :)

So...I just feel that this might also be a case of a guilty guy getting off the hook due to money and power. Notice I am saying 'might'.

I actually wish this incident hadn't happened and that DSK would have challenged that right-wing, war-loving idiot Sarkozy and possibly would have defeated him.


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Some brilliant people have that "fatal flaw" gene...

Personally, I think DSK's latest peccadillo was stupid (DSK being the head of the IMF) but the victim's motives are all about money. As I understand it, the incident occured, the victim dutifully cleaned another room, then she decided to report the attack to her supervisor.


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Another rich and powerful guy getting off the hook due to his wealth and connections ?

Remember O.J. ?


Ya I remember OJ. Simpson was sentenced to a total of 33 years in prison with the possibility of parole in about 9 years. He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada as Inmate #1027820.

''In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman after a lengthy, internationally publicized criminal trial.''

This was what I meant and you knew what I had meant, I am sure :)


I knew what you what you meant. You meant that the rich and powerful always get off. You are obviously wrong as OJ is now in jail.

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DSK's own lawyers defense for what DSK was doing is...he hired the prostitute, performed the act and left without paying her the agreed sum.

So I ask again: Is this the man the left in France want to see as the President?

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