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Farang Wearing Lining Trousers..

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Ok somebody enlighten me, does the OP mean linen trousers!

Now I understand.

They look good on a woman with a good arse and legs.

Most things look good on a woman with a good arse and legs.

Yeah, like me; and my arse and legs are incredible :D

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Sandals with knee-high socks...now that's cool.

What about being shirtless with you beer gut hanging out; now, that's soooo sexy, isn't it?

Well a guy has to have SOMEWHERE to put his beach towel. I told my grand daughter that he has a big zipper on it for extra storage. :whistling:


But some people don't CARE what they wear or how they look... and neither should we.


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I think they're called fisherman pants right? They certainly look comfortable but also look too much like excess curtain material.

Yeah, reminds me of mc hammer; hammer time :lol:

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(S)EXPAT FASHION POLICE, now I've truly seen it all!! Half the codgers I see walking around with shorts that barely cover their unshapely bleach white legs, topped with a singlet stretched to its limit should be the target. I am no backpacker, but just like anything, I wear the fisherman's pants every now and then, they're comfy enough, but no pockets. You will also find me walking around in a Kimono....another entirely comfortable piece of clothing.... Your saying I should trade in for a Chang singlet?


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Let me give you some sage advice OS......all too soo you'll be a codger also.....so best you respect those that know more than you and always will.

I know a transvestite that had her kimono stolen.....

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op:just wonder if anyone wears lining trousers in thailand.. or is it just a backpacker thing?? see it alot in khao san etc.. but people say its part of the culture?? just i dont see many thai people wear it??

here at the Southern coastal areas many locals wear it as well.

BTW young backpackers wear it because it is cheap and comfortable. Actually more comfortable in that heat than shorts, not to mention protection. They also wear mostly sandals, which can be closed, which are also better than standard slippers.

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I wear them around the house. They dry quick and they're lightweight...helps a lot on stifling days.

Agreed that I wouldn't wear them "out" on the town, though.

I see older Thais wearing them at the markets and in more rural areas.

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They have little choice, it's part of the required uniform. It would be uncool of they didn't, the other non-conformists would shun them.


Even after all these years I can't help but snicker at the sight of white people with dreadlocks, it's as ridiculous as these white kids trying to pass themselves off as ghetto rappers.

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Now lets discuss socks with sandals. There ARE reasons to do so. :)

No Ian, because that is not the topic. You can start another one about this. :rolleyes:

I like wearing Thai fisherman pants. Real comfy and not hot. I wore them all last week while on the beach in Koh Phangan.

I wear them around the house in Bangkok, but prefer to go commando. I do not wear them outside the house in town. That would be silly :whistling: Could you imagine the looks of disapproval from the local decency committee headed by OP?

[stereotype rant mode]

But why do people profess to know what backpackers on KSR are doing/saying? Has any one ever been there and heard them talk?

Aren't most TV poster old and bald f*cks with beer guts chasing p*ssy in bars? Why even bother posting something about this?

By the way, it is spelled LINNEN! You illiterates. Not lining or linen. If you are going to complain about something, at least learn how to spell it. Why does the OP care at all about what people on KSR wear? If you don't like the look, don't go there!

[stereotype rant mode/]

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By the way, it is spelled LINNEN! You illiterates. Not lining or linen. If you are going to complain about something, at least learn how to spell it.

[stereotype rant mode/]

It's spelt linen in English. I think linnen is the German spelling. Perhaps you should check your 'facts' before ranting.

Anyway, as with other posters, I wear them about the house, because they're cool and comfortable. Outside, no.

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Deffo linen!, or maybe with two n's, new world spelling?.

On the motoring forum we have licence and license which I find irritating also.

Oh you would have to pay me to wear what ever we are discussing.

V Meldrew

Grammar & Spelling Police


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  • 3 months later...

No one can tell if your pants have lining unless you take them off and let them see it.

You need to be selective of who you drop your trousers in front of.

Or maybe not.

The khaki safari outfit and pith helmet, now that's cool! And a swagger stick to hold back the bloody heathens!

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