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Israel rejects U.S. call for 1967 borders


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This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

Interesting that the Washington Post editorial board seems to think was is likely coming and most of the blame can be placed on Palestinian leader Abbas.

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I worked under a contract with the U.S. Department of State for a time. There are a large and verbal number of pro-Israeli employees and there were various references to the Department suggesting the same, at least at that time. I very much doubt that you will find a link to it.

I don't believe, however, that foreign policy per se is set by these people and I don't believe that is the subject of the thread.

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Its probably not going to happen with the power Jews have in American politics, but its the right thing to do.

If this Arab Awakening brings Democracy to the Arab world it will have a far greater impact on the Israel/Palestinian conflict than American foreign policy.

I find your comment offensive. Typical its the Jews fault rhetoric, as old as the hills and just as dirty. Jews don't control American politics and they are only a tiny minority there. That fact is that a large majority of Americans remain strongly pro Israel, mostly non-Jews, and also being for the 1967 borders is not a reflection of being anti-Israel. I consider Obama to be pro Israel as was GW Bush. They both support the 1967 borders (as do I). How that is to come about and how it can happen without WAR; now that is a serious question and if there is war, don't think for a second it is only Israels or America's fault.

Please do not feel offended if someone states the obvious truth, people of the Jewish faith are if fact well represented in the State Department.

You write "Jews don't control American politics and they are only a tiny minority there"

The truth is, while less than 2% of the US population is of the Jewish faith, more than half of the top officials in the State Department is either Jewish or has a Jewish spouse, this is not a "tiny minority":

"Of the sixty-one (61) top officials in the U.S. State Department, thirty-two (32) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 52%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the top officials of the U.S. State Department by a factor of 26 times, or 2,600 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the top officials of the U.S. State Department cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the highest levels of the U.S. State Department."


Johna is also right to presume that it is not going to happen, there will never be a Palestinian state, it is more likely that the Palestinian population will either be exterminated or expelled to Jordan.

Edited by Renbe
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The wheels of justice are grinding slowly but surely. Sooner or later justice will prevail, and Israel has to give back what it stole decades ago. Sooner or later the Palestinians will get what is rightfully theirs. Israel has been fooling the world for too long a time now, I am pleasantly surprised to finally see an American President telling like it is, instead of appeasing the Zionist Israel lobbyists of the AIPAC and other Anti-American organizations. Israel has made itself a burden to the USA and a disgrace to the world, it is time that it is put in its place!

Total Garbage! Israel for all its faults is the only democracy in the middle east. The Arab states routinely oppress their own people far worse than Israel has ever done to the Palestinians. The only disgrace to the world is that it does not condemn the genocidal acts of sundry Muslim leaders against their own people and their appalling human rights records. Israel would be a burden on nobody if their right to exist was recognised and they didn't have to plough so much money into defence spending.

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The USA showing support for 1967 borders. Nothing new about this at all. Nothing radical about this at all. Nothing extreme left wing about this at all. It's a mainstream American position and has been for many years. The republican right wing is already ACTING like this is a huge policy change, but they are just lying as usual for political purposes.

This has been the basic idea for at least 12 years. This is what Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat were talking about at Camp David, and later, at Taba. This is what George W. Bush was talking about with Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert. So what’s the huge deal here? Is there any non-delusional Israeli who doesn’t think that the 1967 border won’t serve as the rough outline of the new Palestinian state?


Next ...

President Bush acknowledged the need for Israel to have defensible borders this is a big difference from 1967 borders as scrutiny of historical maps will tell you. There was a recent piece in the Jerusalem post investigating the nightmarish logistics of dividing up Jerusalem from a security point of view. The Palestinians have never accepted a two state solution and will take any land given to them as a platform to launch fresh attacks from - they will cynically hide behind other factions to carry out such attacks as and when it suits them.

It is not the principle of land for peace which is the problem but the inherent racism within Islam which means you can't make peace with an Islamic theocracy. Obama cutting loose Mubarak shows his faulty judgement here and any security guarantee he gives Israel should be viewed in this light. Besides which in house to house street by street fighting Isael is at a huge numerical disadvantage and this is what would result from Israel not having troops in the Golan and along the Jordan river. I doubt Obama or any other U.S president would have the stomach to intervene with large numbers of ground troops in such a scenario, even if they did they would possibly lose as they did in Vietnam.

Netanyahu should cancel his visit to Washington as there is nothing to talk about after Obama's last statement.

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The wheels of justice are grinding slowly but surely. Sooner or later justice will prevail, and Israel has to give back what it stole decades ago. Sooner or later the Palestinians will get what is rightfully theirs. Israel has been fooling the world for too long a time now, I am pleasantly surprised to finally see an American President telling like it is, instead of appeasing the Zionist Israel lobbyists of the AIPAC and other Anti-American organizations. Israel has made itself a burden to the USA and a disgrace to the world, it is time that it is put in its place!

Total Garbage! Israel for all its faults is the only democracy in the middle east. The Arab states routinely oppress their own people far worse than Israel has ever done to the Palestinians. The only disgrace to the world is that it does not condemn the genocidal acts of sundry Muslim leaders against their own people and their appalling human rights records. Israel would be a burden on nobody if their right to exist was recognised and they didn't have to plough so much money into defence spending.

Which other country ever had their "right to exist" recognized? Why is Israel so anxious to become the first country in the world to have it's right to exist put into a document? Could it be because :


By Alan Hart - 2010

The question is: How can you de-legitimize something which it is NOT legitimate?

Leaving aside the fairy story of God's promise, (which even if true would have no bearing on the matter because the Jews who "returned" in answer to Zionism's call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews), the Zionist state's assertion of legitimacy rests on the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the UN General Assembly's partition plan resolution of 1947.

The only real relevance of the Balfour Declaration is in the fact that it was an expression of both the willingness of a British government to use Jews for imperial purposes and the willingness of Zionist Jews to be used. The truth is that Britain had no right whatsoever to promise Zionism a place in Palestine, territory the British not possess. (Palestine at the time was controlled and effectively owned by Ottoman Turkey). The Balfour Declaration did allow Zionism to say that its claim to Palestine had been recognized by a major power, and then to assert that the Zionist enterprise was therefore a legitimate one. But the legitimacy Britain conveyed by implication was entirely spurious, meaning not genuine, false, a sham.

Zionism's assertion that Israel was given its birth certificate and thus legitimacy by the UN General Assembly partition resolution of 29 November 1947 is pure propaganda nonsense, as demonstrated by an honest examination of the record of what actually happened.

In the first place the UN without the consent of the majority of the people of Palestine did not have the right to decide to partition Palestine or assign any part of its territory to a minority of alien immigrants in order for them to establish a state of their own.

Despite that, by the narrowest of margins, and only after a rigged vote, the UN General Assembly did pass a resolution to partition Palestine and create two states, one Arab, one Jewish, with Jerusalem not part of either. But the General Assembly resolution was only a non-binding proposal - meaning that it could have no effect, would not become binding, until and unless it was approved by the Security Council.

The truth is that the General Assembly's partition proposal never went to the Security Council for consideration. Why not? Because the US knew that, if approved, and because of Arab and other Muslim opposition, it could only be implemented by force; and President Truman was not prepared to use force to partition Palestine.

So the partition plan was vitiated (became invalid) and the question of what the hell to do about Palestine - after Britain had made a mess of it and walked away - was taken back to the General Assembly for more discussion. The option favored and proposed by the US was temporary UN Trusteeship. It was while the General Assembly was debating what do that Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence - actually in defiance of the will of the organized international community, including the Truman administration.

The truth of the time was that Israel, which came into being mainly as a consequence of Zionist terrorism and pre-planned ethnic cleansing, had no right to exist and, more to the point, could have no right to exist unless ….. Unless it was recognized and legitimized by those who were dispossessed of their land and their rights during the creation of the Zionist state.

In international law only the Palestinians could give Israel the legitimacy it craved. As it was put to me many years ago by Khalad al-Hassan, Fatah's intellectual giant on the right, that legitimacy was "the only thing the Zionists could not take from us by force."

The truth of history as summarized briefly above is the explanation of why, really, Zionism has always insisted that its absolute pre-condition for negotiations with more than a snowball's chance in hell of a successful outcome (an acceptable measure of justice for the Palestinians and peace for all) is recognition of Israel's right to exist. A right, it knows, it does not have and will never have unless the Palestinians grant it.

It can be said without fear of contradiction (except by Zionists) that what de-legitimizes Israel is the truth of history. And that is why Zionism has worked so hard, today with less success than in the past and therefore with increasing desperation, to have the truth suppressed.


Not to mention the question when Israel is going to acknowledge the Palestinian's right to exist within safe borders....


And isn't it the USA that pays some 3 billion US dollar per year to Israel's defense, as well as shipping immeasurable amounts of military hardware to Israel, which keeps it "in store" for the US, just in case Israel is attacked and the US army needs to come to the rescue, the US weaponry is already there...

"Altogether, since 1949, Israel has received more than $106 billion in assistance":


But not to worry, Israel will never allow a Palestinian state in any shape or form, and the USA will keep pumping those billions to Israel, no matter how many millions of Americans become homeless and have to survive on food stamps.

Edited by Renbe
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Alan Hart - Well known anti-zionist (antisemite) and official tinfoil hat wearer who believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories.

By the way how do you work out that the Palestinians are the ones who could give Israel legitimacy as they were never a nation but Arabs who moved to British mandate Palestine in order to take advantage of the economic activity resulting from Jewish settlement.

Besides which the 1967 borders are only under discussion because of Arab wars of agression, which they lost, since when more Jews have been displaced from Arab lands than so called Palestinians were displaced, many of these settled in Israel and started again from nothing the facts on the ground now bear no resemblance to 1967.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I have put simple questions for you.

One does not need Gov clearance to present a simple plan.

If you do not know the answer , simply say so! Do not try to answer question with a question or go off subject!

Now back to the question put to you!

Palestine pressumably wants 68 borders, what is the plan for policing borders and providing security for Jews living there?

What is Palestinian plan in dividing Jerusalem and plan for control and security ?

Since Hamas already stated they will not recognize Israel what is the guarantee for peace should 68 borders be accepted?

Since Hamas already stated they want 48 borders, what's the point of 68 borders?

Since both Hamas and PA have not denounced violence, why should Israel do anything at all?

Israels's tactic has not worked?

Who is doing all the whining?and making unrealistic demands being well aware it's not going to happen.

Not to mention, not even one word or mention of a plan on how to implement.

I wonder why that is? Perhaps you can tell me! Or we can always wait for the usual quartet to come and post some useless links, instead of the actual plan

Seems Obama is copping the brunt of critisism for what the international community believes is the right thing to do. Israel is slowly but inevitably becoming the pariah and the usual suspects will blame anyone and everyone but Israel. Obviously Israel's tactics have not worked and it is time they changed their tune to come into line with the international community.

Israel resumed settlement constructions even though they were labeled as a violation of international law by the international community.

No, Israel's tactics have not worked. If it worked then you wouldn't be on here crying about it.

I don't know why you concern yourself with how this will all happen, unless of course you have a high enough government clearance and the 'need to know'. Just accept that the tide has turned against Israel because of its policies and no amount of bleating by the minority will change it.

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I worked under a contract with the U.S. Department of State for a time. There are a large and verbal number of pro-Israeli employees and there were various references to the Department suggesting the same, at least at that time. I very much doubt that you will find a link to it.

I don't believe, however, that foreign policy per se is set by these people and I don't believe that is the subject of the thread.

In what capacity were you employed.....? The "large and verbal" number; spot on. "Foreign policy"; heavily influenced at least. A link; :lol: "Subject of the thread"; no.

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I have put simple questions for you.

One does not need Gov clearance to present a simple plan.

If you do not know the answer , simply say so! Do not try to answer question with a question or go off subject!

Now back to the question put to you!

Palestine pressumably wants 68 borders, what is the plan for policing borders and providing security for Jews living there?

What is Palestinian plan in dividing Jerusalem and plan for control and security ?

Since Hamas already stated they will not recognize Israel what is the guarantee for peace should 68 borders be accepted?

Since Hamas already stated they want 48 borders, what's the point of 68 borders?

Since both Hamas and PA have not denounced violence, why should Israel do anything at all?

No need to put any questions to me. Put them to you the US govt and the ever growing number of govt's of the world that are sick and tired of Israel's antics.

Just accept it going to happen regardless of the concerns of the minority.

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So you do not know and instead of acknowledging the fact , you prefer to support any idea no matter how ridiculous or unrealustic it is , as long as it's either agaist Israel or making Israel look bad?



I have put simple questions for you.

One does not need Gov clearance to present a simple plan.

If you do not know the answer , simply say so! Do not try to answer question with a question or go off subject!

Now back to the question put to you!

Palestine pressumably wants 68 borders, what is the plan for policing borders and providing security for Jews living there?

What is Palestinian plan in dividing Jerusalem and plan for control and security ?

Since Hamas already stated they will not recognize Israel what is the guarantee for peace should 68 borders be accepted?

Since Hamas already stated they want 48 borders, what's the point of 68 borders?

Since both Hamas and PA have not denounced violence, why should Israel do anything at all?

No need to put any questions to me. Put them to you the US govt and the ever growing number of govt's of the world that are sick and tired of Israel's antics.

Just accept it going to happen regardless of the concerns of the minority.

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Horse manure. All the polls say that Americans support Israel over the "Palestinians".

No, that's not the point. America has supported Israel unconditionally for decades. What do they have to show for it?

Let's watch this play out.

No different than the "War on Drugs". Years of doing the same thing with no victory in sight. Time for re-evaluation of the situation. The ideologues are incapable of believing that any other viewpoint is valid.

Your correct of course, supporting israel has gotten us no where. I'm so proud of Obama for even stepping out as far as he did. Father than anyone else had the balls to since I can remember. I'll be voting for him, and donating to his campaign, again in 2012. Even if he doesn't demand that israel return the additional land it stole since 67'. Just on general principle. Because what he is doing now is starting to set the president that America is no longer blindly 110% in the pocket of israel, and further, that it's ok not to support them. This is the beginning of a gradual decline of common support for them and I'm very happy to it heading in this direction.

Obama 2012! clap2.gif

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At least some in the U.S are prepared to call Hussein Obama's policies dangerous and deluded.


In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the world's 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.

America should never negotiate with the Palestinian Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people

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The USA showing support for 1967 borders. Nothing new about this at all. Nothing radical about this at all :huh: . Nothing extreme left wing about this at all. It's a mainstream American position and has been for many years. The republican right wing is already ACTING like this is a huge policy change, but they are just lying as usual for political purposes.

This has been the basic idea for at least 12 years. This is what Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat were talking about at Camp David, and later, at Taba. This is what George W. Bush was talking about with Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert. So what’s the huge deal here? Is there any non-delusional Israeli who doesn’t think that the 1967 border won’t serve as the rough outline of the new Palestinian state?


Next ...

Jingthing i really think you are backing the wrong party :giggle:

" Netanyahu said he would urge Obama to endorse a 2004 American commitment, made by then President George W. Bush, to Israel. In a letter at the time, Bush said a full withdrawal to the 1967 lines was "unrealistic" and a future peace agreement would have to recognize "new realities on the ground."


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At least some in the U.S are prepared to call Hussein Obama's policies dangerous and deluded.


In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the world's 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.

America should never negotiate with the Palestinian Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people

Congressman Allen West is the Tea Party, need I say more?rolleyes.gif

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At least some in the U.S are prepared to call Hussein Obama's policies dangerous and deluded.


In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the world's 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.

America should never negotiate with the Palestinian Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people

This guy tells it like it is.

There is hope that Obama will back down on this like he does pretty much every other screwy policy. He is going to lose the election otherwise :thumbsup:

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So you do not know and instead of acknowledging the fact , you prefer to support any idea no matter how ridiculous or unrealustic it is , as long as it's either agaist Israel or making Israel look bad?

The majority of the world are against your views. I'm quite happy to be with the majority.

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Alan Hart - Well known anti-zionist (antisemite) and official tinfoil hat wearer who believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories.

By the way how do you work out that the Palestinians are the ones who could give Israel legitimacy as they were never a nation but Arabs who moved to British mandate Palestine in order to take advantage of the economic activity resulting from Jewish settlement.

Besides which the 1967 borders are only under discussion because of Arab wars of agression, which they lost, since when more Jews have been displaced from Arab lands than so called Palestinians were displaced, many of these settled in Israel and started again from nothing the facts on the ground now bear no resemblance to 1967.

Normally, land grabs are a result of offensive action, not defensive.

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according to whom? Source of your statistics please?


So you do not know and instead of acknowledging the fact , you prefer to support any idea no matter how ridiculous or unrealustic it is , as long as it's either agaist Israel or making Israel look bad?

The majority of the world are against your views. I'm quite happy to be with the majority.

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Arab world joined together already 3 times and thanks to that happy reunion each time Israel got bigger.

Perhaps it's time for Arabs to realize Israel is here to stay and is most prosper and democratic nation in the region .

Rather than running around and crying , perhaps IRS also tine for PA to come up with realistic plan of action instead of making UN realistic demands.

This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

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Tough love.

The usual supporters of "Israel right or wrong" will of course be having conniptions.

The American people are ready to endorse this strategy. Not one American who I have spoken to in person about this issue will have a problem with this.

I am an American, and I don't have a problem with this--provided that the Palestinian side also compromises with items such as recognition and a pledge to halt all violence.

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Wonder why they picked the 67 borders & not the 47 UN partition? Jerusalem?


That map says it all. Incursions,land grabs whatever you want to call it, is an invasion.If this was any other country in the world they would be fighting a war over it for sure. And the Israeli government is wondering why some people in Palestine hate them and fire rockets into thier backyards.

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Arab world joined together already 3 times and thanks to that happy reunion each time Israel got bigger.

Perhaps it's time for Arabs to realize Israel is here to stay and is most prosper and democratic nation in the region .

Rather than running around and crying , perhaps IRS also tine for PA to come up with realistic plan of action instead of making UN realistic demands.

This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

And now it is time to hand that land back. Hahaha. :lol: Enjoy your dinner!!!

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Wonder why they picked the 67 borders & not the 47 UN partition? Jerusalem?


That map says it all. Incursions,land grabs whatever you want to call it, is an invasion.If this was any other country in the world they would be fighting a war over it for sure. And the Israeli government is wondering why some people in Palestine hate them and fire rockets into thier backyards.

That is misguided, in my opinion. Israel was invaded twice, won twice, and gained land. This is the history of the world. Just look at Germany's shifting borders gaining and losing land.

There would be war on this if anyone on the Palestinian or Arab side thought they could win. Egypt realized that they could not defeat Israel, so they made the best out of the deal. And if Egypt couldn't win, just who else was there with the ability to not only start, but finish said war?

However, if it can bring lasting peace, I really think Israel should consider the '67 borders. But the Palestinians must go along with that as a permanent solution for it to be feasible.

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At least some in the U.S are prepared to call Hussein Obama's policies dangerous and deluded.


In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the world's 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.

America should never negotiate with the Palestinian Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people

Congressman Allen West is the Tea Party, need I say more?rolleyes.gif

Roman Emperor Hadrian was born 76 AD, reigned 117 - 138 AD need I say more?

America should never make foreign policy based on (false dated) declarations by a Roman Emperor.

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At least some in the U.S are prepared to call Hussein Obama's policies dangerous and deluded.


In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by President Obama would be devastating to Israel and the world's 13.3 million Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.

America should never negotiate with the Palestinian Authority- which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people are the Jewish people

Congressman Allen West is the Tea Party, need I say more?rolleyes.gif

Roman Emperor Hadrian was born 76 AD, reigned 117 - 138 AD need I say more?

America should never make foreign policy based on (false dated) declarations by a Roman Emperor.

Shame for America that they happen to have a modern day Emperor Nero at the helm. I note as usual the leftards are prescriptive and sanctimonious in their oppinions as to what should happen but never for a second look at centuries of history to conclude that Islamists are supremacists who never accept a slice of the cake, only the whole thing. Obama it would appear does not even intend to give them a tricky moment when they have to lie about their intentions - some negotiator. :ermm:

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it's not democratic, it's a racist aphartied state, if it were democratic 4 million palestinians would be voting in every election since 1967; if they don't want to 'give back' the west bank they can call their country israel-palestine and just be a 1 state democracy where you don't discriminate based on religion, or atleast give them equal rights until they figure out how to solve this issue sometime in the next 50 years, israel's right wing supporters on this forum advocate a kukluxklan/south african aphartied type state and they try to hide that fact with garbage like 'churchhill appeasement' or whatever.. ok since your so supportive of democracy and hamas is like the nazi's then surly you guys support citizenship and equal rights for all like in america, nows about the time they start saying the Palestinians should move to jordan.. so like if there was a civil rights issue in southern california we should tell the blacks and hipanics if they don't like it they should go back to mexico and africa.. you know same ol crap as the other threads on this forum

Arab world joined together already 3 times and thanks to that happy reunion each time Israel got bigger.

Perhaps it's time for Arabs to realize Israel is here to stay and is most prosper and democratic nation in the region .

Rather than running around and crying , perhaps IRS also tine for PA to come up with realistic plan of action instead of making UN realistic demands.

This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

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Wonder why they picked the 67 borders & not the 47 UN partition? Jerusalem?


As usual the Devil is in the detail :

“Obama has granted Netanyahu a major diplomatic victory,” the Israeli daily Haaretz commented. It noted that the US president had invoked the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders “without defining the size of these lands” and providing for “swaps” that would allow Israel to retain control of the vast settlements in the West Bank, rendering any new state unviable

The report also noted that Obama made no condemnation of the illegal settlements nor did he demand a freeze on settlement activity, which is sharply accelerating with plans unveiled Thursday for building 1,550 new homes in the occupied territories around Jerusalem.


So nothing to worry about, Israel will keep building more and more in settlements in occupied territories and the Palestinians will have to do with the left-overs.

President Obama is firmly in the pocket of Israel, and I can't wait to hear and see him grovel and snivel at the upcoming AIPAC meeting.

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Was not aware Palestinians were Israeli citizens, perhaps in country of your origin non citizens get to vote.

Ps. Israeli Arabs do vote and have the right to demonstrate peacefully without being beaten or tortured or shot in the head

it's not democratic, it's a racist aphartied state, if it were democratic 4 million palestinians would be voting in every election since 1967; if they don't want to 'give back' the west bank they can call their country israel-palestine and just be a 1 state democracy where you don't discriminate based on religion, or atleast give them equal rights until they figure out how to solve this issue sometime in the next 50 years, israel's right wing supporters on this forum advocate a kukluxklan/south african aphartied type state and they try to hide that fact with garbage like 'churchhill appeasement' or whatever.. ok since your so supportive of democracy and hamas is like the nazi's then surly you guys support citizenship and equal rights for all like in america, nows about the time they start saying the Palestinians should move to jordan.. so like if there was a civil rights issue in southern california we should tell the blacks and hipanics if they don't like it they should go back to mexico and africa.. you know same ol crap as the other threads on this forum

Arab world joined together already 3 times and thanks to that happy reunion each time Israel got bigger.

Perhaps it's time for Arabs to realize Israel is here to stay and is most prosper and democratic nation in the region .

Rather than running around and crying , perhaps IRS also tine for PA to come up with realistic plan of action instead of making UN realistic demands.

This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

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