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Yingluck Puts Chalerm In Charge Of Amnesty Move

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I was wondering who the goofy young guy with sunglasses is. Then it occurred to me it is probably her little cousin Panthongtae, ready to step into a high paying job in The Ministry of Corruption.

Talk about a family business. :rolleyes:

Does he ever not wear shades?

Thaksin's son, Panthongtae Shinawatra, so he is Yingluck's nephew.

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When you have an infestation of any kind of parasite you must get rid of the culprit, the young and the eggs from which they hatched.

In Democracies you hold elections.

My gf and I voted on how to get rid of our ant infestation. Once we had voted, the ants were still there.

So you are more a *free fire zone* and *kill them all* style problem solver when it comes to politics?

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Is this a Democrat supporters chat room? :lol:

It is an anti PTP chat room... :ph34r:

Anyone can participate, that includes farangs who cannot even vote in Thailand and of course some fools and other idiots. We're quiet democratic in that aspect :)

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When you have an infestation of any kind of parasite you must get rid of the culprit, the young and the eggs from which they hatched.

In Democracies you hold elections.

My gf and I voted on how to get rid of our ant infestation. Once we had voted, the ants were still there.

So you are more a *free fire zone* and *kill them all* style problem solver when it comes to politics?

You got that from an ant problem?

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i have two Thai friends living in America, they have opposing views on the Obama administration, they get quite vitriolic with their exchanges. Just like here on the topic of Thaksin.

It seems that even if one cannot vote or have any influence, people just cannot refrain for taking sides, no matter which country you are in.

For a while I was a poll clerk in West London, more Asians would turn out to vote than locals, mind you most of the locals WERE Asians :lol:

Just remember one thing, people usually get the government they deserve, not the government they need.

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Is this a Democrat supporters chat room? :lol:

No, it's a forum where Dem supporters and Thaksin supporters verbally slug it out in a gentlemanly fashion. Many interesting viewpoints and I think most members are gobsmacked that her platform is based solely on amnesty for her fugitive criminal older brother.

This is all she's about; policies re education, the finances of Thailand, helping the poor etc are secondary to her main task as a poppet, and she really is,and that is the whitewashing of Big Brother's crimes and sins and then pestering an 84 year old gentleman in the process. :jap:

Well if she is truly a puppet for big brother she does not really need a platform, it will be a continuation of her brother's, a platform which has its supporters and detractors and which most Thais know. What is interesting is that many of Thaksin's ideas have been seized upon and enhanced by the Democrats, education, health, war on drugs etc. Not that either seem to have made any real inroads into the main problem underlying all else, corruption and inefficiency.

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I was wondering who the goofy young guy with sunglasses is. Then it occurred to me it is probably her little cousin Panthongtae, ready to step into a high paying job in The Ministry of Corruption.

Talk about a family business. :rolleyes:

Does he ever not wear shades?

Even to Court when he tried to convince people that the 40 Billion Baht worth of Shin stock was his and his alone and that it was not under the control of anyone else. He failed at that.


I did find a shot though without shades.... shopping in Dubai


Edit to add clarification.

He's Yingluck's nephew, not cousin. :wai:

Nevermind. I see it was noted earlier.


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I wonder what the details are of this amnesty bill. Will the various sides do some dealing with each other to balance things out? Will the UDD suddenly cease all calls for "answers" to the deaths? Will Amsterdam's application to the International Criminal Court for the investigation of crimes against humanity be canceled? Will Amsterdam's web site be cleaned of all criticism against the Democrat-led government? It's a pity though that the dead people who sacrificed their life for Thaksin (and who may have been deceived into thinking that they were actually fighting for democracy) cannot be brought back to life in this amnesty bill.

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Does anyone else see the irony in the choice of Chalerm to be in charge of Amnesty

He certainly knows everything about cleaning up messes left by his sons

Wait a minute,

I thought this guy Chalerm announced a while ago that he was finished with politics.

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Speaking of lies, I was reading the other paper toady which has an article about Yingluck's absurd duplication of her cloner's boastful claim from 2003 to remove all drugs from Thailand within 12 months of her becoming PM.


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So, is there anyone out there that STILL doesn't believe "Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts"?

How soon we forget. "Thaksin = PTP = UDD = Red Shirts = Black Shirts".

Black shirts? A bit behind the times as they were 1930;s AD, Not seen any black shirts here.

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So, is there anyone out there that STILL doesn't believe "Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts"?

How soon we forget. "Thaksin = PTP = UDD = Red Shirts = Black Shirts".

And the sum of the hypocritical is equal to the sum of the square heads on the other two sides.

Dammit, there's only one square head, so that equation doesn't hold water, but he can be in two places at the same time, like an election, sorry, electron....................... ballots.

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So, is there anyone out there that STILL doesn't believe "Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts"?

How soon we forget. "Thaksin = PTP = UDD = Red Shirts = Black Shirts".

Black shirts? A bit behind the times as they were 1930;s AD, Not seen any black shirts here.

!930s I think they were the brown shirts. The black shirts being refered to where some hired killers attacking oppsition to the red shirts last year.

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Chalerm is, and always has been, a very nasty piece of Thai political work. His sons are far worse, in particular Duangchalerm, the youngest, who escaped a murder charge in 2001 largely through his father's influence. It defies belief how this scum is elected again and again to blot the landscape with his filth.

I think you forgot to mention that the father boasted afterwards that he had been in contact and assisting his son to stay on the run until all witnesses disappeared or changed their initial statements for the Club 20 murder via disposable cellphone; which is in itself aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Also, you might want to point out that Thaksin's wealth stems principally from being granted 2 major monopolies; for cellphone, and for sattelite; pagers a more minor player.

You will find both Chalerm and Chavalit's hands filthy with the grease provided to ensure that Thaksin was the one granted the most favourable terms and for the most favourable frequency around 20 years ago.

How do you think Chalerm escaped going to jail for helping his son? And was able to return to politics?

How did Thaksin know that the baht was going to drop like a stone, and only AIS managed to avoid having any USD debt before the tom yum goong crisis?

So....no surprise that either of these two have their best mate's back. As one hand scratches the back of the other, the only blood spilled is the blood of every real Thai wanting democracy, accountable government and a fair opportunity for social mobility.

In the same way, we see the red shirt leaders moving lockstep with the political faction; the reason to create the red shirts as a stand alone entity sharing the same branding is:

1. If PT cannot help themselves and cheat AGAIN they the movement stays alive

2. To get around multiple political restrictions in party campaigning (e.g. completely destroy BJT's campaigning is ok....if it is done by the red shirts)

3. To provide multiple angles for PR to appeal to the public to provide amnesty (the red shirts are out of control, the yellow shirts are out of control...let's be the big person here and forgiv everyone...oh which includes a guilty former PM)

4. The red shirt leaders see this as as way to jump up the political goodwill trail into prime positions in list and cabinet, without having ever served as an MP or needing to fund a political campaign in their seat

It's all rather incestuous; the only thing missing really, out of the whole thing, is anyone who actually knows how to run a country; let's remember the Samak/Somchai debacles, well they vaguely knew what they were doing, imagine what it might be like this time around with a completely inept leader who has never run anything without outside interference in her life?

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Pheu Thai Threatens to Transfer Chiang Mai Governor if Elected

A key member of the Pheu Thai Party has threatened to discipline Chiang Mai provincial governor for his biased behavior if his Party is elected into office.

Pheu Thai MP candidate Chalerm Yoobumrung has threatened to reshuffle Chiang Mai provincial Governor M.L. Panadda Ditsakul if the pro-Thaksin party is elected into office.

Chalerm explained that the governor has not been acting neutrally.

According to Chalerm, the governor has been calling meetings with local village headmen and district chiefs in Chiang Mai province.

Chalerm asserted that other northern provincial governors have already realized which party voters are going to cast their ballots for, and only the Chiang Mai provincial governor has failed to fall in line.


-- Tan Network 2011-05-23


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Chalerm asserted that other northern provincial governors have already realized which party voters are going to cast their ballots for, and only the Chiang Mai provincial governor has failed to fall in line.
From post 56 ------

"failed to fall in line"? Threatening transfer?

We can see here, that PTP is already attempting coercion of the political process. Note that Chalerm doesn't suggest that the governor is doing anything other than meeting with local headmen etc ... (If he had something more he'd likely be screaming about it ....)

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Did someone say 'serve the people, no revenge', another one for 'amnesty' ?

"Senior Pheu Thai Party member Chalerm Yoobamrung said yesterday that if Pheu Thai wins, it will not exact revenge against all parties, except Abhisit and Suthep Thaugsuban who he believed were responsible for the deaths of 92 people in April and May last year."


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Got to be one of the most amazing manifesto's for any political party anywhere in the world.

Not education, health etc but amnesty for criminals. TIT

Better you don't have an accident here. And the educational system needs to show better results than Russian Nuclear reactors.:ph34r:

Let all criminals in and out of this country, open the prisons. Amnesty for all is the new keyword.............:(

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