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Proud Of My Wife

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I am realy proud of my wife. last week she got her English level 2 exam results and Passed.

Not having had a particulary good Thai Education, Left school at 14 due to her parents not having the funds to keep her at School.

She will have been in the UK 2 Years next month so ILR is now on the cards

So to all those who are in the same position It can be done. Good luck to you all

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Nice! How did she prepare?

She went to ESOL with citizenship class for 2 Hrs per week since she arrived in the UK got level one at the end of summer term last year. Took Level 2 at the end of spring term this year

started with very little English only what she picked up from me. I did help her as best I could with her homework.

I think it is a lot to do with her wanting to learn having not had the opportunity when she was a child. She realy did throw herself into learning something new.

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Well done, my wife was the same she studied the books day and night for her life I'n the uk test. She passed it after her ่5th time of trying however she kept going and finally got a pass, now we have been granted ilr so it's all worth it. So well done to all

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My wife could not speak English about two years ago , But she has passed her ESOL course level 1 and 2 for none English speakers,It also had Life in the UK material in the course ,I am not trying to do one up man ship , I have found that Thai people who want to learn are very astute , good for you and best of luck Chock dee.

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Nice one my wife passed at A2 level as well but she has a University education and any less would have met with my distain :-)

But I am sure you would have supported her after you got over your disappointment

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