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hello everyone this is my first post i am going back to thailand in couple weeks and need some info about getting holiday visa for gf i have looked at forms and am completly lost as to wots needed any help or advice will be much appreciated ty , ps i will use an agent i think all the best paul by the way gr8 forum

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Unless I am mistaken, you are enquiring about a visa for your Thai friend who wants to abroad ( outside Thailand) , aren't you?

If that is the case , you are posting in the wrong section

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I am guessing you want to get a Visitor Visa for your G/f to go back with you to the UK ?

If so, the initial application can be done online, just fill in the blanks and answer the questions, then you make an appointment for her to go to the UK Passport/Border agency to pay & where she will be interviewed briefly and her doucments checked. The paperwork and application are then forwarded to the UK Embassy for approval or not.

Its all very straight forward and quite simple, assuming you or she meet the criteria.

If you are unsure about any of it and would rather someone else do it, then right next to the entrance of the border ageny is an office that will relieve you of your money and fill in the forms etc for her.

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I am guessing you want to get a Visitor Visa for your G/f to go back with you to the UK ?

If so, the initial application can be done online, just fill in the blanks and answer the questions, then you make an appointment for her to go to the UK Passport/Border agency to pay & where she will be interviewed briefly and her doucments checked. The paperwork and application are then forwarded to the UK Embassy for approval or not.

Its all very straight forward and quite simple, assuming you or she meet the criteria.

If you are unsure about any of it and would rather someone else do it, then right next to the entrance of the border ageny is an office that will relieve you of your money and fill in the forms etc for her.

With respect to CharlieH, this is completely wrong information. Visa applications are not as simple as filling in the form online and taking it to the " UK Passport/Border Agency". Applications are not submitted at "UKBA" or the Embassy, and a fair amount of documentation may be needed in addition to merely filling out the application form.

The last sentence of CharlieH's advice is not only wrong, it is potentially dangerous, as the agency he refers to ( next to the visa application centre, not the "border agency" ) is interested only in relieving you of as much money as they can. There are many posts on this forum advising you to be careful of them. If you are intending to use an agency, then please take advice on this forum before even approaching that particular agency.

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Well said visa plus, the agents next door from the vfs are dodgy and interested in money. They will tell you the will get u a visa. Total nonsense if your going to use an agent use the ones on this forum, they won't con you, goodluck

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She needs to have a reason to come back to Thailand and you need to satisfy UKBA of that.

You also need to demonstrate a relationship if you are going to be her sponsor.

Proof of both of these is paramount. If she has lots of money in her account/a house and a job where her employers give her a letter of leave confirming her job is safe then you don't need to be a sponsor.

You need to put in Photo's, online chats, details of any financial support from you, phone bills anything to show you have a relationship if your to be a sponsor your bank details will need to be submitted.

They don't accept copies either everything has to be originals and photo's ned to be printed. We submitted over 800 photo's with our application.

Overkill? maybe but we needed to get my wife into the UK. And weren't taking any chances.

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thank you for your replys who are the agents on this forum ???

There are two visa advisors/agents who regularly advise on this forum, with regard to visa for the UK, they are both sponsors of the forum, so have a look at the ads to the right.

In addition there is a wealth of experience available from regular posters.

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sorry yes gf is thia

A subtle point to consider when collecting evidence to demonstrate the genuine nature of your relationship would be to spell your girlfriend's nationality correctly. She's Thai, not Thia.

But seriously, you mention that this is your 2nd visit to Thailand. Can we conclude that you met your girlfriend on your 1st visit? How long have you known each other and of that time, how much have you spent together? If her stated purpose of travelling to the UK is to visit you, then one of the primary criteria in assessing the application will be whether or not your relationship is genuine. If your relationship is at an early stage (a few days/weeks together while you were on holiday), then it is more likely than not that her application will be declined.

If you have sufficient evidence to demonstrate that your relationship is genuine, then the other big hurdle is demonstrating that your girlfriend has sufficient reason to return to Thailand at the end of her visit to the UK. Family ties, immovable assets, employment, studies, an active business...all of these can help establish that she has reason to return and will not simply stay on the in UK.

As stated above, there is clearly a lot more to this than just filling out forms. At least there is if you desire a successful result - a completed application form with no evidence to support either the genuine nature of the relationship or a reasonable likelihood of her return to Thailand is bound to be rejected.

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We would need to qualify you first ?

  • How long have you been together
  • Has the applicant travel history
  • Employment ?
  • Age ?
  • Land assets/ house
  • Evidence of close contact phone email

A lot more to it than throwing a few forms in at Regent house.

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i will say what I said in a previous thread,

if you wish your girlfriend to come to the UK your girlfriend will need to apply for a visitor visa to come and see you. you can sponsor her, which means you must have the necessary finances to support her for her time in the UK. you will also need to provide her with suitable accomodation. are you working? your mum or dad could also sponsor her if you do not have the finances or accomodation.

you will need to show the ECO ( visa man ) your relationship is genuine. there is no minimum period of time you must be ''going out'' with each other. keep all your photos and plane tickets, hotel reservations for you and her, and keep your chat logs. take some photos with her family. How long have you known her? i would say do not rush into things, if she is the 'one' she will be patient. i applied for my gf's visit visa to the uk after 1 year. i would wait at least 6 months, to show the relationship is genuine

does she have a job in thailand? is her employer happy to give her a holiday? in the visa application your girlfriend will need to show she has reason to return to thailand. a job is a good reason, and also to study. or property possibly. her reason to return is an important part of the application.

Good Luck

Edited by kunash
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