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While I've never been to the US, they are too prone to: rightiousness, piousness, vindictiveness, spite and vengence for me to risk it, I believe that tipping is demanded is demanded in that country no matter the quality of the service.

Why would I tip staff in a wealthy country and not tip staff in a less well-off country ? This isn't really about the country I'm in or the nature of the service I get. It's about me and whether I'm willing to recognise being treated with respect and generosity by another. In a service based relationship, one way of illustrating this recognition is leaving a tip.

I would not leave a tip unless I can afford it, but would give as much as I could in other kind; such as a genuinely thankful response.

Tipping in Thailand is kinda funny for me. I do tip in my home country and the other countries I've visited, but usually only for staff I 'guess' are usually poorly paid, and who I feel have done me good. These 'pay guesses' include most service staff, whether in a building or on the side of the road.

I've wondered about 7-11 staff a few times, but haven't left a tip yet. I've had wonderful and terrible service in those shops. I always feel appreciative when I feel well treated by 7-11 staff and as a consequence of this thread, have decided to tip staff in these stores from now on. When I tip, I do it because I can afford to. It is one way that illustrates how I care for and consider others.

However, it takes all kinds of alien nationals to populate the Soi's of Thailand and thankfully, the staff of the 7-11's don't need us all to be generous or considerate in return for good service, for them to survive.


Why in the world would anyone eat one of those nasty 7-11 hot dogs is beyond me....bah.gif

Whilst I wouldn't ordinarily seek them out - I have, on occasion, found them to be a proverbial "life-saver" on the way home after an evening out, when all I need is some Western stodge and the prospect of either an "Indian" a kebab or a chip butty is non-existent.

I usually buy two. One for me and one to share with the lethargic mutts lying outside who then perform the courtesy of escorting me to the end of our Soi (but nervously retreat prior to being eaten alive by the Soi hounds for crossing into their turf).:blink:

  • 1 year later...

Why tip a 7/11 cashier? Would you tip the cashier in your bank? The checkout girl in Walmart? The checkin girl at the airport?

They are all doing the same job, effectively - stood standing in place and doing what they are paid to do (no more, no less). Tips are for going "over and beyond" what the job is paying you to do. For simply doing the job you simply get paid for doing the job - IMHO.


Anyone who tips 7/11 staff is a moron stoking the fires of riot and insurrection, if you ask me (OK. Maybe that's taking it a bit far - but it is short-sighted and bang out of order).

I said I would tip If I felt they went way out of their way to help. I've never tipped a Sleven employee though that I can recall.


I think it is a good idea. From my memories, 7-11 staff make about 25 baht per hour. wink.gif

I know they get around 7K a month.


To answer that question directly…..No I have not been leaving a tip, truth is I don't think I've had service that would make me feela tip was in order, I've always picked me stuff, plonked it on the counter….and paid. I do leave tips, just not every time I take my money out!

'WinnieTheKhwai' you hear some say; "anything smaller than 20 baht, less than $1 is simply not worth carrying around" It's no wonder that Thais think farang are dumb!

:thumbsup: Kwai. Keep your american habits where it belongs. Nobody gives tip in Thailand. sleep.gif

no american in his right mind would tip at a 7-11. this is not an american habit.


I will tip them the same amount as a Thai would tip them. I prefer to do as the locals do with regard to tipping rather than trying to contribute to a foreign guilt complex.

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I never even thought to tip at 7/11 or even saw the tip jar. I'm usually so fast in and out of there that we barely exchange a word. I've learned to tip more since being in Thailand as being from Australia and having worked in the hospitality industry before I never expected tips - but had a very good wage for a waiter (something like $16/hr AUD on weeknights and $30/hr on weekends back in 1993). If I got tips it was just a bonus.

Over here I always tips at my regular places, I always tip for good service and I always tip mealsonwheels4u because more often than not they are delivering food to me in the pouring rain. 7/11 though...that's a new one for me, I feel like I'd get more service (time-wise) at mc donalds and I've never tipped there so 7/11 just seems a bit weird.


I will tip them the same amount as a Thai would tip them. I prefer to do as the locals do with regard to tipping rather than trying to contribute to a foreign guilt complex.

Especially the ones that pull up in the Mercs, Lexus, Audi's etc.


I will tip them the same amount as a Thai would tip them. I prefer to do as the locals do with regard to tipping rather than trying to contribute to a foreign guilt complex.

Especially the ones that pull up in the Mercs, Lexus, Audi's etc.

I would tip where it is the general custom of Thais to tip and an amount that would be the norm. I wouldn't get into a tipping competition with any customers in order to show the 7/11 cashier that I am the big man and good hearted farang.

The Thais that pull up in the big cars, don't tip anymore than Thais with small cars. Maybe they do if they are in a place where they are trying to show the Farangs around that they are the Big Man


I clicked on this thread thinking "Do You Tip At 7-Eleven?" was the opening line for a joke.

What's up next? "Do you wai the ladyboys as you drive by?"

  • Like 2

Op, 7-11 takes 10 baht per bill (same as the bank, do you also tip the bank?), they are not doing anything strenuous or beyond what they are supposed to do, they actually earn a decent wage (relatively), and Thais don't tip. If perhaps you remain sat in your car and they come out to serve you, then it could be worth something, but it's a shop for Pete's sake.

Please leave yankee traits in yankee-land. tongue.png


I will tip them the same amount as a Thai would tip them. I prefer to do as the locals do with regard to tipping rather than trying to contribute to a foreign guilt complex.

Especially the ones that pull up in the Mercs, Lexus, Audi's etc.

I would tip where it is the general custom of Thais to tip and an amount that would be the norm. I wouldn't get into a tipping competition with any customers in order to show the 7/11 cashier that I am the big man and good hearted farang.

The Thais that pull up in the big cars, don't tip anymore than Thais with small cars. Maybe they do if they are in a place where they are trying to show the Farangs around that they are the Big Man

1. Agree

2. That was exactly my 'tongue in cheek' point. wink.png


i actually don't tip at all but instead when i walk around every minute or so i grab a handful of 20's mixed in with an occasional 100 or 500 and just toss it over my left shoulder.unless of course there are some really deserving prolos right in front of me then i let if go ahead of myself



Do you tip at a noodle shop?? petrol station?? cashier at a super store?? or any of the many other shopping venues here in LOS?? I never see Thais tip and I follow their practice. I do tip my telephone and internet service man in the hope pf better and faster service or a taxi driver that doesn't try to rip me off or a mechanic that undercharges and my contractor when he does extra jobs above the pre agreed price.....but never 7/11.


As hard/difficult as I sometimes find it, I do try and integrate into Thai society and as such I follow their lead when it comes to things like tipping, like the majority of Thai's I don't.

My wife worked in a Thai restaurant where if she was lucky a couple may leave 5 Baht tip along with a mess. I would be embarrassed to leave 5 Baht so I simply do not bother.

As for tipping in 7/11 never in a million years!

For regular service in restaurants I try not to tip.

In the restaurant trade, tips are essentially part of the salary. So that makes you a tightwad, innit?


I never tip in restaurants so why would I tip in 7 Eleven ?

Only Americans do that .

  • 2 weeks later...

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