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Jeez, is that your gaff??

I had not been exposed to that usage of ‘gaff’ so I had to look it up. Learn something everyday. :) Yes, that is our little gaff in the field, 50km outside of Chiang Rai. :)

I thought it was just the garden shed.

Much bigger and nicer than mine. :thumbsup::P

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You need some hobbies. You will need some hobbies eventually when you retire, so you might as well figure it out now.

Honolulu said it best. A person needs outside interests to keep the mind and body active. I enjoy fishing, but I would get bored if I had to fish the same place all the time. I enjoy sports, but only for so long. I write books and magazine articles and take photos. I draw and paint and create whenever I can. I do a little creative gardening. I build things. It all keeps me busy. Someone said that isolation is the worst thing there is, and somewhat like prision, and I would agree if you don't have other interests.

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And he's got his own private lake outfront!!!

Thank you so much for quadrupling my jealousy factor in one.


No probs!! Actually, i don't know if it's his own private lake - I've only seen pics in the Housing Threads.

Edited by Patsycat
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And he's got his own private lake outfront!!!

Thank you so much for quadrupling my jealousy factor in one.


No probs!! Actually, i don't know if it's his own private lake - I've only seen pics in the Housing Threads.

Come on it isn’t a lake. It is just a one rai pond at the back of our property. It is five meters deep and has a little wall around it so the fish can’t get out when it floods.

There are many nicer places on that Housing Thread, so go have a look. Perhaps add your own place to our long running Topic. :)

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I hope to settle FT in Thailand at some stage... but I am a realist and know i couldn't live in a small village in Issan ....Perhaps a visit for a week or two. I am always surprised when i hear that some farang, after 50 years of western city living, feels like they will adjust to a small town or village life..

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I hope to settle FT in Thailand at some stage... but I am a realist and know i couldn't live in a small village in Issan ....Perhaps a visit for a week or two. I am always surprised when i hear that some farang, after 50 years of western city living, feels like they will adjust to a small town or village life..

For me it wasn’t until I turned 50 that the thought of a more rural existence began creeping into my thoughts. Unlike most I had already been living in Bangkok for 30 years before I made the move. Sometimes things change with age, making a change in lifestyle doable.

Hopefully if you ever get around to settling in Thailand, you will be one of the few who actually do it well. Knowing yourself is a good start. Big city, resort or village, many don’t do a very good job of it as reading these pages will verify. It is not for everyone and it takes work as well as a temperament of tolerance.

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I have met many foreigners living in small villages in Thailand.

Almost all of them have gone insane.

Those that have not gone insane have become chronic alcoholics.

Been up here for almost 10 years now, still relatively sane and by no means a chronic alcoholic. Enjoy a drink at weekends but that's it.

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I have met many foreigners living in small villages in Thailand.

Almost all of them have gone insane.

Those that have not gone insane have become chronic alcoholics.

Been up here for almost 10 years now, still relatively sane and by no means a chronic alcoholic. Enjoy a drink at weekends but that's it.

I normally drink 3 Sang Som, soda and ice a night starting around 6.30 and am usually finished by around

8 and in bed around 9 to 9.30.

The problem is that I am usually up around 5 am beating all the chickens except the stupid ones who can't tell the time.

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Jeez, is that your gaff??

I had not been exposed to that usage of 'gaff' so I had to look it up. Learn something everyday. :) Yes, that is our little gaff in the field, 50km outside of Chiang Rai. :)

Haha, sorry. It's an inner London thing.

Nice, it's like a bloody palace though, must be a nightmare to keep clean and keep cool (although not a bad problem to have!)

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After more than thirty years in Bangkok, I now live the happy life of a country squire. Life is wonderful more than fifty kilometers from Chiang Rai.

It is more the person than the place but surrounded by nature and beautiful views, yet in touch with the world through the internet, I want for nothing. :)

As anyone who's not Insane or a Chronic Alcoholic can clearly see. This Guys House is not in a Village .

I suspect he lives on the edge of a Village , as I do. with the nearest neighbour at a convenient distance; and has virtually no personal interaction with said Village.

A happy life of a country squire indeed. hey, I'm not knocking it but it ain't life in the middle of a Village in Deepest E-insane :D

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After more than thirty years in Bangkok, I now live the happy life of a country squire. Life is wonderful more than fifty kilometers from Chiang Rai.

It is more the person than the place but surrounded by nature and beautiful views, yet in touch with the world through the internet, I want for nothing. :)

As anyone who's not Insane or a Chronic Alcoholic can clearly see. This Guys House is not in a Village .

I suspect he lives on the edge of a Village , as I do. with the nearest neighbour at a convenient distance; and has virtually no personal interaction with said Village.

A happy life of a country squire indeed. hey, I'm not knocking it but it ain't life in the middle of a Village in Deepest E-insane :D

When we built our house back in 2003 our nearest neighbour was about 200 metres away. since then there have been 2 resorts built and a friend is building on the last open space left.

What amy start out on the outskirts of the village sometimes gets overwhelmed by new buildings.

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When we built our house back in 2003 our nearest neighbour was about 200 metres away. since then there have been 2 resorts built and a friend is building on the last open space left.

What amy start out on the outskirts of the village sometimes gets overwhelmed by new buildings.

That is something always in the back of our minds and if the opportunity presents to purchase additional land around us as a further buffer we are prepared to do just that. For now nothing is for sale.

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I have been living in the sticks part time since 2003 due to offshore work commitments and full time since I retired and I don't regret a thing. Amen !

Now every time I go to a big city such as BKK I go there for a specific reason and get out as soon as I possibly can. I personally feel my blood pressure rise as I approach BKK

Most cities are dirty, full of pollution, too crowded, too much traffic and far too expensive. Amen !

I have a motorbike that I can go out riding on and unlike BKK I am on a clear road from just outside my front gate. I ride for hours sometimes with hardly seeing a car. And never worrying about getting pushed off the road or hit

My wife has 10 rai that we live on which backs onto a national park, fresh air in plenty and room to move. Sounds like a dream :rolleyes:

Granted that my Thai is poor but I have to improve it and part of my problem is that sometimes there is not enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do. 18 year in Hawaii I did not have a TV, I was just too busy with things to do. I find that here too. So much to see, so much to do . . .

I know of 15 or so farangs who live much the same way that I do and are not interested in living in a gated ghetto in Pattaya or Phuket, surrounded by razor wire and broken glass on the top of the 2 metre high wall around the property.

I wave and smile at the kids going to and from the schools and also to their parents and 95% or more of the time I get genuine smiles back. every day I look forward to taking my wifes daughter to school on my motorbike.

I can leave my car or motorbike in the village with the key in it while I go shopping or get a haircut and it will still be there when I get back. I can laugh and joke in fractured Thai and Thinglish with the people at the markets where I pay the same as the Thai next to me. :DBy keeping my key in my bike I always know where it is and never lose it !

Pain, not really, but pleasure and enjoyment. I will second that !

There are many people like me living a happy and contented life in rural Thailand that you rarely hear about because good news doesn't sell and there are far more unhappy farangs in Thailand who are miserable and unhappy and they are the sort of people who open threads on TV moaning about Thailand and Thais.

To be honest, if you have your own teeth( I have some), your own hair (I have less) and you are healthy Thailand is a great place to be, even the rain is warm most of the time. I was happy to leave behind my home country where people don't even talk to each other any more. Tellerless banks, self service gas stations, even grocery stores you scan your own purchases. I had enough of the Rat race and got out. Love it here and they don't understand back home, and never will. They truly live the lie and life with blinders on.

So happy to be here with all it's wonder and adventure !

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Each to their own as they say.

I lived in Bkk for 6 years and thank god we moved out.

We live in the mountains now, no TV, no landline, no aircon and the nights are as dead quite as you could ever expect.

I love the place and will for a long time I would hope.

We go to Bangkok for a few days and I look forward to leaving and despise the filth.

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Building yourself a big house in the Thai countryside is asking for trouble. Why don't you just up a big sign in Thai saying 'A rich farang lives here, please come and rob me'. While all your neighbours and extended family may appear to be nice, you can be sure several of them will be thinking how they can get some wealth out of you. Not to mention everyone who passes by and sees a big house. Then you have to worry what happens when you are not there, etc.

Better to build something simple and small that blends in with the neighbours. Then only visit for holidays. There is alot to be said for not showing you are wealthy.

Then all the other inconveniences: no 7/11, power cuts, slow internet, no bars, no entertainment, no cinemas, no farangs to make friends with, mobile signal dropping, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Countryside is nice to visit from time to time.

If I retired, variety is what I would want. That means not being stuck anywhere for too long, not the least in some upcountry village in the middle of nowhere. Backpacking through Asia is what appeals. Quite happy renting a condo, to be honest.

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Building yourself a big house in the Thai countryside is asking for trouble. Why don't you just up a big sign in Thai saying 'A rich farang lives here, please come and rob me'. While all your neighbours and extended family may appear to be nice, you can be sure several of them will be thinking how they can get some wealth out of you. Not to mention everyone who passes by and sees a big house. Then you have to worry what happens when you are not there, etc.

Better to build something simple and small that blends in with the neighbours. Then only visit for holidays. There is alot to be said for not showing you are wealthy.

Then all the other inconveniences: no 7/11, power cuts, slow internet, no bars, no entertainment, no cinemas, no farangs to make friends with, mobile signal dropping, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Countryside is nice to visit from time to time.

If I retired, variety is what I would want. That means not being stuck anywhere for too long, not the least in some upcountry village in the middle of nowhere. Backpacking through Asia is what appeals. Quite happy renting a condo, to be honest.

I suspect 711 or copys will be everywhere in the next couple of years. Lots of places you can get a drink in the countryside too (bars) . actually Too many farangs to make friends with but they are all insane or chronic Alcoholics.

Did you ever Visit the countryside :D

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Building yourself a big house in the Thai countryside is asking for trouble. Why don't you just up a big sign in Thai saying 'A rich farang lives here, please come and rob me'. While all your neighbours and extended family may appear to be nice, you can be sure several of them will be thinking how they can get some wealth out of you. Not to mention everyone who passes by and sees a big house. Then you have to worry what happens when you are not there, etc.

Better to build something simple and small that blends in with the neighbours. Then only visit for holidays. There is alot to be said for not showing you are wealthy.

Then all the other inconveniences: no 7/11, power cuts, slow internet, no bars, no entertainment, no cinemas, no farangs to make friends with, mobile signal dropping, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Countryside is nice to visit from time to time.

If I retired, variety is what I would want. That means not being stuck anywhere for too long, not the least in some upcountry village in the middle of nowhere. Backpacking through Asia is what appeals. Quite happy renting a condo, to be honest.

Well I have lived up here for over 7 years and nobody has broken in yet and we haven't closed the gate in years.

I see you subscribe to the same sad old story that every Thai, especially family are out to rip you off. Sorry not happened so far.

What happens when we are not here is that my mother-in-law who lives in a small house behind ours looks after it and friends pop in as well to keep MIL company.

You may not have noticed but most villages now have a 7/11, certainly ours does.

Power cuts now and again but not as bad as before.

I haven't been to the cinema in more than 10 years and I'm not sure if I know anybody in Thailand who does go.

I know about 15 farangs within 20 km of my place and more further away but we don't live in each others pockets.

Why the need to drink in bars? I used to do that for a long time when I was young and now I don't have the need though there are bars about.

Granted the internet is slow but I have my whole life to go yet (I am only 67) and I am patient.

If you were retired you would want variety.

From this is assume that you are not married and have no children and so you can travel and backpack in Asia.

In my lifetime I have lived and worked in 38 countries from inside the Arctic Circle in Norway to down in the North Island of New Zealand, Europe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, USA, Egypt, The Arab Gulf,South Africa, Angola and several other places I have probably forgotten as well.

I have lived in big and small cities, towns and villages and after all that lot I am happiest with my wife and son living way out in the sticks with my wife's family visiting us at times.

I have a motorbike and if I want to wander off somewhere for a couple of days I just tell my family and off I go.

Life's Great and even more so in the village where the pace is slower, the people are nice and the food is good. No pollution, no crush of people, no traffic jams, just a good life.

Well it is for me and a lot more like me.

Edited by billd766
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I have met many foreigners living in small villages in Thailand.

Almost all of them have gone insane.

Those that have not gone insane have become chronic alcoholics.

Been up here for almost 10 years now, still relatively sane and by no means a chronic alcoholic. Enjoy a drink at weekends but that's it.

I normally drink 3 Sang Som, soda and ice a night starting around 6.30 and am usually finished by around

8 and in bed around 9 to 9.30.

The problem is that I am usually up around 5 am beating all the chickens except the stupid ones who can't tell the time.

Made oi laaf biggrin.gif

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I have met many foreigners living in small villages in Thailand.

Almost all of them have gone insane.

Those that have not gone insane have become chronic alcoholics.

Been up here for almost 10 years now, still relatively sane and by no means a chronic alcoholic. Enjoy a drink at weekends but that's it.

I normally drink 3 Sang Som, soda and ice a night starting around 6.30 and am usually finished by around

8 and in bed around 9 to 9.30.

The problem is that I am usually up around 5 am beating all the chickens except the stupid ones who can't tell the time.

Made oi laaf biggrin.gif

Back home the RSPCA would be after him for beating the chickens.


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I have met many foreigners living in small villages in Thailand.

Almost all of them have gone insane.

Those that have not gone insane have become chronic alcoholics.

Been up here for almost 10 years now, still relatively sane and by no means a chronic alcoholic. Enjoy a drink at weekends but that's it.

I normally drink 3 Sang Som, soda and ice a night starting around 6.30 and am usually finished by around

8 and in bed around 9 to 9.30.

The problem is that I am usually up around 5 am beating all the chickens except the stupid ones who can't tell the time.

Made oi laaf biggrin.gif

Oi comes from Darset. Where do 'ee come vrum?

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I have met many foreigners living in small villages in Thailand.

Almost all of them have gone insane.

Those that have not gone insane have become chronic alcoholics.

Been up here for almost 10 years now, still relatively sane and by no means a chronic alcoholic. Enjoy a drink at weekends but that's it.

I normally drink 3 Sang Som, soda and ice a night starting around 6.30 and am usually finished by around

8 and in bed around 9 to 9.30.

The problem is that I am usually up around 5 am beating all the chickens except the stupid ones who can't tell the time.

Made oi laaf biggrin.gif

Oi comes from Darset. Where do 'ee come vrum? Zummerzet?

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