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Thailand Elite Card Looks To Moscow And London


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Thailand Elite looks to Moscow and London

BANGKOK: -- Executives of Thailand Privilege Card Co Ltd, the issuer of prestigious Thailand Elite cards, flew to Moscow last week and are later to make a trip to London, trips deemed essential in boosting the number of membership cards to 2,000 by the end of the year.

More overseas trips and events are planned for next year, when card numbers are expected to rise by 4,000, thanks to road shows and the assistance of overseas partners.

But while the company is aggressively penetrating foreign markets to sell its cards, a main focus next year will be to improve the company’s image among Thais.

“We want to clear up the misunderstanding that by means of these cards foreigners can take over the Kingdom. We simply can’t expand the market while ignoring local people’s feelings. Our success lies in local acceptance,” said Thailand Privilege Card president Choksiri Rodboonpha in an interview with The Nation.

Originating as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the company was widely considered to have got off on the wrong track from the start with its promise to offer card members privileges previously reserved for Thais, including land ownership. This drew protests from Thai citizens. Thailand Privilege Card’s image was further battered early this year when it was embroiled in a scandal concerning overseas advertising.

Taking over the company’s management a little more than a year ago, Choksiri aimed to clear the company of these negative perceptions. He hopes now that wider recognition of the card’s benefits among foreigners combined with local people’s acceptance will help him expand the membership base.

Choksiri successfully clarified one thing: the identity of the card. Thailand Privilege Card launched three new cards that offer different privileges that should better suit the preferences of potential cardholders. Called Elite Living, Elite Connect and Elite Moment, the cards are respectively targeted at old people who want to spend a comfortable retirement here, businessmen who want to establish contacts, and pleasure-seekers.

He admitted that the poor tourism outlook would dent the company’s prosperity, given that high oil prices discouraged people from spending on travel. This had driven him to focus more on the Asian market, especially China, which

he said should generate over 50 per cent of total membership.

Next year new representatives will be appointed in China. That should increase the number of cardholders from about 100 now to over 1,300 next year, he said, and meanwhile the company will review the performance of its representatives in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, where, though they are key markets, reps have drawn fewer members than expected.

“We’ll reappraise targets,” said Choksiri.

Since the company was set up two years ago, TPC has named 17 representatives around the world, but only 10 are active in marketing and bringing in new members. Of the 1,050 existing members, Aktiv Thailand Co attracted 500.

Due to geographical proximity, Asians are expected to visit Thailand more often. That convinced Choksiri to relegate Europe to the second most important market and the United States to the third.

He hopes that once brand awareness and local acceptance are more established, Thailand Privilege Card will be in a better position to offer something back to Thailand by persuading card members to invest in the country.

Choksiri gave examples of members who had decided to invest in Thailand. An Australian firm spent more than Bt10 billion in ecotourism projects on the Gulf of Thailand, while a company from the Middle East is developing a residential project in Bangkok. An Indian company is finalising its international school in Bangkok. A company in Korea is studying the medical business in Thailand, while a Taiwanese firm is interested in building a villa resort.

More investors are coming, Choksiri hopes, if his company can beat the odds in attracting more buyers amid the hardships that surround the tourism industry today.

--The Nation 2005-10-11

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The government keeps spending money to promote this nonsense.

The public keeps on NOT spending money to purchase this nonsense.

This comedy of errors just plays on and on and on...

My favorite line in the latest of this long-dead horse:

"main focus next year will be to improve the company’s image among Thais"

priceless... :o


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Well, of course, we haven't heard the last of the Card. Someone will lose face and we can't let that happen, no matter what the cost.

It's scary to think they can't even get the idea to fly with Thai people.!

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We want to clear up the misunderstanding that by means of these cards foreigners can take over the Kingdom


Sorry?? Why on earth do Thai people think this? After all, it's now clear that there are absolutely no land ownership benefits offered with this card.

Perhaps it's the limited golfing privileges that worry people...

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“We’ll reappraise targets,” said Choksiri.

Seems to me, that's all they have done since the card's inception. :D

Absolutely :o

Just watch... sooner or later, they'll set their sales target so low that they can't help but to hit it. Once that actually happens, we'll never hear the end of how successful the Elite Card program is. :D

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" Executives of Thailand Privilege Card Co Ltd, the issuer of prestigious Thailand Elite cards, flew to Moscow last week and are later to make a trip to London "

- shouldn`t they sort out ALL their problems and actually have a tangible product to sell ( if they ever can that is ) BEFORE spending all this money like this - what a bunch of total amateurs ! :o

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We want to clear up the misunderstanding that by means of these cards foreigners can take over the Kingdom


Sorry?? Why on earth do Thai people think this? After all, it's now clear that there are absolutely no land ownership benefits offered with this card.

Perhaps it's the limited golfing privileges that worry people...

No, it IS the land ownership clauses. After 4 years of it's existence, the Elite Card is STILL being misrepresented to foreigners and Thais alike as a means to "purchase" land and that has some Thais concerned.

Clear, concise honesty have never been the card's strong suit.

Although, come to think of it, I suppose the only strong suit it DOES have is for the execs that keep get huge salaries (too bad for the Thai tax payers that the execs aren't paid on a per-card commission basis) and their all-expenses-paid trips around the world touting this worthless piece of plastic.

Lastly, as of my last count, they've actually had FOUR presidents try their luck on the wheel of deceipt, Dr. PP.... :o

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Executives of Thailand Privilege Card Co Ltd, the issuer of prestigious Thailand Elite cards, flew to Moscow last week and are later to make a trip to London, trips deemed essential in boosting the number of membership cards to 2,000 by the end of the year.

i thought they went by gravy train.

it seems that only the management of this farcical company receive any privileges.

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We want to clear up the misunderstanding that by means of these cards foreigners can take over the Kingdom


Sorry?? Why on earth do Thai people think this? After all, it's now clear that there are absolutely no land ownership benefits offered with this card.

Perhaps it's the limited golfing privileges that worry people...

No, it IS the land ownership clauses. After 4 years of it's existence, the Elite Card is STILL being misrepresented to foreigners and Thais alike as a means to "purchase" land and that has some Thais concerned.

Clear, concise honesty have never been the card's strong suit.

Although, come to think of it, I suppose the only strong suit it DOES have is for the execs that keep get huge salaries (too bad for the Thai tax payers that the execs aren't paid on a per-card commission basis) and their all-expenses-paid trips around the world touting this worthless piece of plastic.

Lastly, as of my last count, they've actually had FOUR presidents try their luck on the wheel of deceipt, Dr. PP.... :D

I stand corrected John. :D It sure ain't a job with longterm prospects :o

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...trips deemed essential in boosting the number of membership cards to 2,000 by the end of the year.

Can anybody remember the original targets the first year the card was launched? :o

The original target was to sell one million Elite Cards over a five year period. If this sales program was on-track relative to the original estimates, they should have moved a half-million of these cards by now. Actual sales have fallen just a little short of this. :D

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...trips deemed essential in boosting the number of membership cards to 2,000 by the end of the year.

Can anybody remember the original targets the first year the card was launched? :D

The original target was to sell one million Elite Cards over a five year period. If this sales program was on-track relative to the original estimates, they should have moved a half-million of these cards by now. Actual sales have fallen just a little short of this. :D

:D:D just a little :o

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...trips deemed essential in boosting the number of membership cards to 2,000 by the end of the year.

Can anybody remember the original targets the first year the card was launched? :D

The original target was to sell one million Elite Cards over a five year period. If this sales program was on-track relative to the original estimates, they should have moved a half-million of these cards by now. Actual sales have fallen just a little short of this. :D

:D:D just a little :o

Cheers Ovenman! :D :D :D

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Have you seen these new advertisements in some of the business magazines? Are these only in the local Thai copies? Or in all of Asia? Surely they're not world-wide! I wonder how much that cost!? :o


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Thailand Elite looks to Moscow and London

That should increase the number of cardholders from about 100 now to over 1,300 next year, he said, “We’ll reappraise targets,” said Choksiri.

Of the 1,050 existing members, Aktiv Thailand Co attracted 500.

--The Nation 2005-10-11


They've almost reached their goal then... only a mere 998,950 more customers to sign up and deposit their 998,950,000,000 BAHT in the treasury and Thailand will be in great shape.

PM's goal of a TRILLION baht.... has there been a bigger, more unreal, pipe dream in the entire collective history of Thailand???

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Thailand Elite looks to Moscow and London

That should increase the number of cardholders from about 100 now to over 1,300 next year, he said, “We’ll reappraise targets,” said Choksiri.

Of the 1,050 existing members, Aktiv Thailand Co attracted 500.

--The Nation 2005-10-11


They've almost reached their goal then... only a mere 998,950 more customers to sign up and deposit their 998,950,000,000 BAHT in the treasury and Thailand will be in great shape.

PM's goal of a TRILLION baht.... has there been a bigger, more unreal, pipe dream in the entire collective history of Thailand???

He just wants to be a legend in his own lunchtime, bless his little cotton socks.

We know what we think of him but what does the rest of the world think of him, the few that HAVE heard of him that is?

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Thailand Elite looks to Moscow and London

Choksiri successfully clarified one thing: the identity of the card. Thailand Privilege Card launched three new cards that offer different privileges that should better suit the preferences of potential cardholders. Called Elite Living, Elite Connect and Elite Moment, the cards are respectively targeted at old people who want to spend a comfortable retirement here, businessmen who want to establish contacts, and pleasure-seekers.

You what? "Successfully clarified"!!!!!! The Nation's reporting has just gone seriously down in my estimation. :D

When you've got one bad idea, why not just triple your (mis)fortune, by creating 3 bad ideas........ Seems to me the retirees, businessmen and pleasure seekers are not quite as gullible as the Prez and Tox bargained for. Can't decide if it's getting more like a condom ad or one of the most entertaining stories Thailand has ever produced, since the great Laos dried fish heist made my day twelve or so years ago. :o

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“We want to clear up the misunderstanding that by means of these cards foreigners can take over the Kingdom. We simply can’t expand the market while ignoring local people’s feelings.

They're smart. It's a cover to hide their own failure... To reduce (a little) the face losse.

Thai people don't know nothing about this card...

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