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The wife and I are currently in Belgium; my wife talks about Thai tv via satellite.

Is this possible in Belgium? Sorry forgot to mention she had it in Bahrain.

Plus, if possible, does anyone know which company i can buy from?

Any help please.


Yes, Thai International is available in Belgium (we used to get it in Tervuren). It is (or at least was) on Hotbird 6 13.0E, a cheapo digital receiver and 90cm (maybe smaller) dish will make your lady happy, talk to your local satellite man.

Try a Google for frequencies etc.

If you have decent broadband many of the channels are available as streaming, which may be a more useful option.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thank you for the reply.

I will do a search.

If the streaming works, it will save me some cash. I already have the internet. There was only a couple of shows she watched anyway. Its a bit like Brit TV, I don't miss it but if i feel the need to watch rubbish I go on BBC iplayer or the itv one.


The Thai Global satellite channel may not carry the programmes your wife wants.

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