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The Front Page Pig Story


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Quite surprised to find nothing about this in the news clippings here on TV.

Seems that a family alerted their neighborhood that their pig was missing, so many turned out to conduct a search. Hearing a pig screaming, they found that said pig had been kidnapped for rather unsavory purposes.

Now the pig is a celebrity and is showing up on the news and front pages. Not sure of the newspapers, but on Thai TV the pig's eye's are black-boxed out to protect its identity............



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feel sympathy on Miss Piggy ... she was on tv , and people saw her without censor :D ... how can she lives in Piggy Society ...shame on her !!

piggy people will make a rumour and gossip as .." look ..!! ..that's piggy girl was raped by a skanky man"

need some organization for protect her right !!


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Apparently the guy was caught in flagranti delecti and was asked what he was doing.

He replied.

“I’m tupping my gal’

When asked, but your gal is a pig, you are supposed to ‘Tup’ pigs from behind, why have you got her laid on her back?

He replied.

“When I’m tupping my gal, I likes to kiss her as well’.

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