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UN announces record number of children displaced by Israel's demolitions


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UN announces record number of children displaced by Israel's demolitions

2011-06-10 00:43:41 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on Thursday released it latest monthly figures in which it was registered a record number of children displaced by Israel's demolitions in the West Bank.

"Demolitions saw 67 children displaced in May, the highest monthly figure so far this year," said UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness, "64 in Area C and 3 in East Jerusalem."

Under the Israeli zoning policy in the occupied territory, Palestinians are allowed to build in only 13 percent of the occupied East Jerusalem and 1 percent in the Area C in the West Bank, which is already heavily built.

"Palestinians are refused permits and are forced to build illegally. They then suffer the humiliation either of having the Israeli authorities destroy their homes, or are forced to destroy their homes themselves and foot the bill," added Gunness.

The most affected are children who witness with their parents how their homes are demolished. UNRWA data showed that 304 adults and children were displaced or affected by demolitions in the West Bank.

"Under international law, Israel must ensure that persons under its jurisdiction enjoy the fulfillment of their human rights, including the right to housing, health, education, and water. UNRWA calls on Israel to respect its legal obligations," said the UNRWA spokesman.

UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for some 4.8 million registered Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory. The UN agency provides education, health care, social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, community support, microfinance and emergency response.

On May 22, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved the construction of 294 housing units in the West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit as well as a facility for the elderly and a commercial center in the settlement of Efrat.

Israel resumed settlement constructions even though they were labeled as a violation of international law by the international community after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in occupied Palestinian territory in September 2010.

In addition, the Israel-Palestine talks have been stalled since the resuming of settlement construction in the occupied territories. Palestine demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area for continuing peace negotiations.

On February 18, the UN Security Council held a vote on a resolution to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem area. Fourteen Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution but the U.S. voted against it.

The U.S. vote vetoed the resolution as it has the power to block draft resolutions due to being one of the five permanent council members. State Secretary Hillary Clinton said that the U.S. opposes new Israeli settlements but the UN Security Council resolutions are not the right vehicle for advancing negotiation between Israel and Palestine.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-10

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Israel"s treatment of Palestinians has reached a new low.

The daily harassment,intimidation, and murder is an act of terrorism by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.

Western Jewish dominated media will give little or no coverage of Israel inhuman treatment of the Palestinians.

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Israel"s treatment of Palestinians has reached a new low.

The daily harassment,intimidation, and murder is an act of terrorism by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.

Western Jewish dominated media will give little or no coverage of Israel inhuman treatment of the Palestinians.

I guess just being shot or beaten to death is a much better treatment. Israel should really follow Syrian policy's :blink:

Using little bit of a common sense would sure go a long way. If you do not build illegally then the house does not get demolished.

The so called "Western Jewish dominated media" sure gives enough coverage to even most ridiculous events including this one, especially with statements like ""Palestinians are refused permits and are forced to build illegally. They then suffer the humiliation either of having the Israeli authorities destroy their homes, or are forced to destroy their homes themselves and foot the bill," added Gunness."

I also like this statement ""Under international law, Israel must ensure that persons under its jurisdiction enjoy the fulfillment of their human rights, including the right to housing, health, education, and water. UNRWA calls on Israel to respect its legal obligations," said the UNRWA spokesman."

I guess as long as its the arabs who kill the arabs, then such law does not exist :rolleyes:, not to mention Palestine having one of the highest education levels in the region, even higher then Egypt and enjoys better living standards then its neighbors according to the report from the very same UN agency.

and there is no need to point out that over 1 million arabs live in Israel without having their houses demolished, but rather their houses build, kids educated, and first class medical care provided(at least kids do not die in Israel hospitals because parents do not have money to pay), furthermore some 15 000 Palestinians get FREE medical treatment from Israel hospitals.

and MOST IMPORTANTLY, I guess it is ok to report on Israel just not ok to report truth about their own government:unsure:

'PA bans journalists from reporting human rights abuses'

Palestinian journalists say PA forbidding to publicize findings of ICHR report on torture, arrests, arbitrary detentions by PA, Hamas.


Edited by kuffki
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The children described as displaced, are not homeless. They returned to their original homes. Technicality, I know, but its the reality.

The builders of these homes received warnings and advisories as to the consequences of their construction activity. The owners made the decision to take the risk. The demolitions just didn't occur spontaneously. There were judicial orders, appeals, additional orders and more appeals. The builders lost their appeals. Others have succeeded and have been living for years in illegal structures.

There is also another perspective with the arabs being accused of benefiting from favourtism.


Although it is easy to blame Israel, the Palestinian Authority does not enforce building codes or environmental standards in the areas where it has such authority. The result is a plethora of dangerous businesses sitting next door to high density residential structures.

I would anticipate that within a couple years, many of these displaced people will be living in former Israeli "settlement" buildings anyway. At least they will have toiets.

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Well, here we go again. Most of the posts have been deleted. When you read a post that is pretty clearly flaming another poster, then it's best not to quote that post--since your post will be deleted as well.

Feel free to comment on the OP, not the personality or intelligence of other posters.

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Israel resumed settlement constructions even though they were labeled as a violation of international law by the international community after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in occupied Palestinian territory in September 2010.

Of course, the UN must be wrong because a couple of anonymous Israel sympathisers say so.

Edited by Wallaby
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The children described as displaced, are not homeless. They returned to their original homes. Technicality, I know, but its the reality.

The builders of these homes received warnings and advisories as to the consequences of their construction activity. The owners made the decision to take the risk. The demolitions just didn't occur spontaneously. There were judicial orders, appeals, additional orders and more appeals. The builders lost their appeals. Others have succeeded and have been living for years in illegal structures.

There is also another perspective with the arabs being accused of benefiting from favourtism.


Although it is easy to blame Israel, the Palestinian Authority does not enforce building codes or environmental standards in the areas where it has such authority. The result is a plethora of dangerous businesses sitting next door to high density residential structures.

I would anticipate that within a couple years, many of these displaced people will be living in former Israeli "settlement" buildings anyway. At least they will have toiets.

*edited out*

*edited out* So what if the buildings are dangerous, if you don't like them, don't live in them. If they are happy then that is a matter for them and not anyone else. Some may want toilets and some may not care. Not everyone wants to live like you.

It is not a smug attitude, but one based upon the reality that GI related illnesses kill millions of people annually. The Palestinian controlled areas have a significant problem with sewage. Proper sewage systems are vital in areas where people live in high densities. A great many of the illegal buildings constructed are not hooked up to sewage systems or running water. They usually are not connected to the electricity grid either. The end result is a lot of sick people, particularly children with dehydrating diarrhea.

Where do you propose the residents put their feces and urine? Should they just dump it in the street like they used to do so that people have to walk and live amongst human waste? Buildings that do not meet fire code put other people at risk when they catch on fire. You do realize that the buildings are in areas where there are other Arabs. As a result, it would be Arabs getting sick or losing their homes as fire spreads.

I am shocked that you think it is acceptable that the children classified as displaced were expected to live in unsafe structures bereft of basic sanitation.

You know, I have a mental image now of poor Scott sighing and saying to himself, why, oh why am I the one that must moderate this part of the forum. What did I do in my past life to merit such torture? :D

Edited by Scott
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I agree with Geriatrikid, the aspect of 'what' is built is as important as 'where' it's built. Prior to the onset of Jews arriving in Israel at the start of the last century the place was sparcely populated and the indigenous communities suffered high instances of malaria. The Jewish settlers brought sanitation and developed the land. If you have no standards and no regulation you never progress. In recent years an earthquake flattened much of Cairo whilst the four thousand year old monuments in the valley of the kings were scarely touched, there's progress, or not.

Finally the so called right of return collapses under the weight of logistical considerations such as water and sanitation, not to mention a viable self-supporting economy as oppose to a giant Haiti style welfare sponge.

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The children described as displaced, are not homeless. They returned to their original homes. Technicality, I know, but its the reality.

The builders of these homes received warnings and advisories as to the consequences of their construction activity. The owners made the decision to take the risk. The demolitions just didn't occur spontaneously. There were judicial orders, appeals, additional orders and more appeals. The builders lost their appeals. Others have succeeded and have been living for years in illegal structures.

There is also another perspective with the arabs being accused of benefiting from favourtism.


Although it is easy to blame Israel, the Palestinian Authority does not enforce building codes or environmental standards in the areas where it has such authority. The result is a plethora of dangerous businesses sitting next door to high density residential structures.

I would anticipate that within a couple years, many of these displaced people will be living in former Israeli "settlement" buildings anyway. At least they will have toiets.

*edited out*

*edited out* So what if the buildings are dangerous, if you don't like them, don't live in them. If they are happy then that is a matter for them and not anyone else. Some may want toilets and some may not care. Not everyone wants to live like you.

It is not a smug attitude, but one based upon the reality that GI related illnesses kill millions of people annually. The Palestinian controlled areas have a significant problem with sewage. Proper sewage systems are vital in areas where people live in high densities. A great many of the illegal buildings constructed are not hooked up to sewage systems or running water. They usually are not connected to the electricity grid either. The end result is a lot of sick people, particularly children with dehydrating diarrhea.

Where do you propose the residents put their feces and urine? Should they just dump it in the street like they used to do so that people have to walk and live amongst human waste? Buildings that do not meet fire code put other people at risk when they catch on fire. You do realize that the buildings are in areas where there are other Arabs. As a result, it would be Arabs getting sick or losing their homes as fire spreads.

I am shocked that you think it is acceptable that the children classified as displaced were expected to live in unsafe structures bereft of basic sanitation.

You know, I have a mental image now of poor Scott sighing and saying to himself, why, oh why am I the one that must moderate this part of the forum. What did I do in my past life to merit such torture? :D

Perhaps he was Palestinian. :D

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It is not a smug attitude, but one based upon the reality that GI related illnesses kill millions of people annually. The Palestinian controlled areas have a significant problem with sewage. Proper sewage systems are vital in areas where people live in high densities. A great many of the illegal buildings constructed are not hooked up to sewage systems or running water. They usually are not connected to the electricity grid either. The end result is a lot of sick people, particularly children with dehydrating diarrhea.

Where do you propose the residents put their feces and urine? Should they just dump it in the street like they used to do so that people have to walk and live amongst human waste? Buildings that do not meet fire code put other people at risk when they catch on fire. You do realize that the buildings are in areas where there are other Arabs. As a result, it would be Arabs getting sick or losing their homes as fire spreads.

I am shocked that you think it is acceptable that the children classified as displaced were expected to live in unsafe structures bereft of basic sanitation.

You know, I have a mental image now of poor Scott sighing and saying to himself, why, oh why am I the one that must moderate this part of the forum. What did I do in my past life to merit such torture? :D

Just who is Israel to decide or determine the fate of them?

Perhaps the UN determined that if they were happy enough to live in those conditions, and just maybe it isn't as bad as you portray, then they (the UN) preferred those conditions ahead of them being displaced.

It isn't Israel's call to determine such things.

Again, I'll prefer the UN's report over anyone's biased view on here.

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I agree with Geriatrikid, the aspect of 'what' is built is as important as 'where' it's built. Prior to the onset of Jews arriving in Israel at the start of the last century the place was sparcely populated and the indigenous communities suffered high instances of malaria. The Jewish settlers brought sanitation and developed the land. If you have no standards and no regulation you never progress. In recent years an earthquake flattened much of Cairo whilst the four thousand year old monuments in the valley of the kings were scarely touched, there's progress, or not.

Finally the so called right of return collapses under the weight of logistical considerations such as water and sanitation, not to mention a viable self-supporting economy as oppose to a giant Haiti style welfare sponge.

Just why do you think you know what's good for a people? Progress? Why would you think they want progress.

So how about Israel doesn't decide what is good for another people and just leaves them be.

Edited by Wallaby
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Wallaby, your post is off-topic. This thread isn't about Aborigines in Australia.

Living 'live as one with the land' is not something that is generally permitted in a settled area.

Everyone, please stay on-topic.

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I agree with Geriatrikid, the aspect of 'what' is built is as important as 'where' it's built. Prior to the onset of Jews arriving in Israel at the start of the last century the place was sparcely populated and the indigenous communities suffered high instances of malaria. The Jewish settlers brought sanitation and developed the land. If you have no standards and no regulation you never progress. In recent years an earthquake flattened much of Cairo whilst the four thousand year old monuments in the valley of the kings were scarely touched, there's progress, or not.

Finally the so called right of return collapses under the weight of logistical considerations such as water and sanitation, not to mention a viable self-supporting economy as oppose to a giant Haiti style welfare sponge.

Just why do you think you know what's good for a people? Progress? Why would you think they want progress.

So how about Israel doesn't decide what is good for another people and just leaves them be.

Israel does not tell anyone what to do in their own country! However any building in Israel and under Israel governance is to comply with Israel's building codes.

Any developments erected without an approval get removed, just like in any other country in the world.

Before anyone starts to go off topic and claim this is an occupied land etc, it is under Israel's control and therefore must comply with Israels laws. The moment peace agreement is signed and should the land be handed over, they can do what they like, but until then they have no right to do as they wish.

In some countries, people are not even allowed to paint their house without prior approval from the local authority

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Perhaps the PLO should not be making alliances with a terrorist organization sworn to destroy the country of Israel (that makes decisions on who can build where). You catch more ants with honey than with vinegar ...

slightly off topic i know but since your post has not being removed i assume it is reasonable to discuss it.

It needs to be remembered that the PLO also used terrorism and didn't recognise the state of Israel until 1993 when Arafat met with Rabin for the Oslo Accords and renounced terrorism.

It seems to me that the sooner there are some negotiations between these parties, the sooner there is a chance that some of these issues can be dealt with.

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Have you done or involved yourself in any way but "internet chatter"?

Not really, I'm agreeing with the UN, they are a bit more substantial an organisation that some semi educated people on an internet forum.

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I agree with Geriatrikid, the aspect of 'what' is built is as important as 'where' it's built. Prior to the onset of Jews arriving in Israel at the start of the last century the place was sparcely populated and the indigenous communities suffered high instances of malaria. The Jewish settlers brought sanitation and developed the land. If you have no standards and no regulation you never progress. In recent years an earthquake flattened much of Cairo whilst the four thousand year old monuments in the valley of the kings were scarely touched, there's progress, or not.

Finally the so called right of return collapses under the weight of logistical considerations such as water and sanitation, not to mention a viable self-supporting economy as oppose to a giant Haiti style welfare sponge.

Just why do you think you know what's good for a people? Progress? Why would you think they want progress.

So how about Israel doesn't decide what is good for another people and just leaves them be.

Because Israel controls the land due to historical reasons which are off topic. Some resources are however shared between Countries and what goes on in one has a direct bearing on it's neighbours in respect of water supply and air quality to name two instances. If you poison a water source at the point it exits your Country it has an impact on your neighbours as does building an unsafe building next to your neighbour when for example an explosion from a gas mains may impact them.

Like it or not Israel calls the shots with land under their jurisdiction, this applies to Jewish settlers as well as Palestinians and incidentally more illegal Jewish buildings were demolished than Palestinian ones last year.

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I agree with Geriatrikid, the aspect of 'what' is built is as important as 'where' it's built. Prior to the onset of Jews arriving in Israel at the start of the last century the place was sparcely populated and the indigenous communities suffered high instances of malaria. The Jewish settlers brought sanitation and developed the land. If you have no standards and no regulation you never progress. In recent years an earthquake flattened much of Cairo whilst the four thousand year old monuments in the valley of the kings were scarely touched, there's progress, or not.

Finally the so called right of return collapses under the weight of logistical considerations such as water and sanitation, not to mention a viable self-supporting economy as oppose to a giant Haiti style welfare sponge.

Just why do you think you know what's good for a people? Progress? Why would you think they want progress.

So how about Israel doesn't decide what is good for another people and just leaves them be.

Because Israel controls the land due to historical reasons which are off topic. Some resources are however shared between Countries and what goes on in one has a direct bearing on it's neighbours in respect of water supply and air quality to name two instances. If you poison a water source at the point it exits your Country it has an impact on your neighbours as does building an unsafe building next to your neighbour when for example an explosion from a gas mains may impact them.

Like it or not Israel calls the shots with land under their jurisdiction, this applies to Jewish settlers as well as Palestinians and incidentally more illegal Jewish buildings were demolished than Palestinian ones last year.

Israel's actions are unconscionable and immoral.

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I agree with Geriatrikid, the aspect of 'what' is built is as important as 'where' it's built. Prior to the onset of Jews arriving in Israel at the start of the last century the place was sparcely populated and the indigenous communities suffered high instances of malaria. The Jewish settlers brought sanitation and developed the land. If you have no standards and no regulation you never progress. In recent years an earthquake flattened much of Cairo whilst the four thousand year old monuments in the valley of the kings were scarely touched, there's progress, or not.

Finally the so called right of return collapses under the weight of logistical considerations such as water and sanitation, not to mention a viable self-supporting economy as oppose to a giant Haiti style welfare sponge.

Just why do you think you know what's good for a people? Progress? Why would you think they want progress.

So how about Israel doesn't decide what is good for another people and just leaves them be.

Because Israel controls the land due to historical reasons which are off topic. Some resources are however shared between Countries and what goes on in one has a direct bearing on it's neighbours in respect of water supply and air quality to name two instances. If you poison a water source at the point it exits your Country it has an impact on your neighbours as does building an unsafe building next to your neighbour when for example an explosion from a gas mains may impact them.

Like it or not Israel calls the shots with land under their jurisdiction, this applies to Jewish settlers as well as Palestinians and incidentally more illegal Jewish buildings were demolished than Palestinian ones last year.

Israel's actions are unconscionable and immoral.

Building without permits with no regard for others is unconscionable and immoral.

Removing those is the ONLY right thing to do.

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The UN needs to start off with a "No Fly zone" over the West Bank and Gaza to protect the civilians from aggressive dictatorship just like they have done in Libya.

Perhaps over Syria would be more appropriate considering the death toll there as opposed to the displaced toll in Israel. :rolleyes:

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The UN needs to start off with a "No Fly zone" over the West Bank and Gaza to protect the civilians from aggressive dictatorship just like they have done in Libya.

Perhaps over Syria would be more appropriate considering the death toll there as opposed to the displaced toll in Israel. :rolleyes:

No death toll in Israel?

The conflict resulted in between 1,166 and 1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths. In September 2009

Much more actually as this is but one example....Just google "death toll in israeli palestinian conflict"

Actually MrChangers could be onto something....after all why is one case the UN's business & the other is not?

( disclaimer....I do not personally believe either is our (USA's) business )

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The UN needs to start off with a "No Fly zone" over the West Bank and Gaza to protect the civilians from aggressive dictatorship just like they have done in Libya.

Perhaps over Syria would be more appropriate considering the death toll there as opposed to the displaced toll in Israel. :rolleyes:

No death toll in Israel?

The conflict resulted in between 1,166 and 1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths. In September 2009

Much more actually as this is but one example....Just google "death toll in israeli palestinian conflict"

Actually MrChangers could be onto something....after all why is one case the UN's business & the other is not?

( disclaimer....I do not personally believe either is our (USA's) business )

This is completely off topic, but belatedly even Hamas admitted over 700 of the cast lead toll were armed Hamas fighters and that's not even taking human shields into account. And if you want to use death toll as a yardstick the Jordanians killed between 10,000 and 25,000 Palestians when they booted out the PLO and if you want more examples, Assad Snr killed 25,000 in Hama in 1982, more recently we have East Timor and Sudan far more deaths than are down to Israel defending itself so by your own logic you might as well make most Arab states in the middle east no fly zones. :lol: Nice try though considering the uneven wicket you are attempting to play on.

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Israel"s treatment of Palestinians has reached a new low.

The daily harassment,intimidation, and murder is an act of terrorism by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.

Western Jewish dominated media will give little or no coverage of Israel inhuman treatment of the Palestinians.

Too True. But what's new there?

It will remain that way until either the isrealis kill all, or the vast majority of, the Palestinians, similar to how Americans killed most of the indigenous tribes off. Or America either chooses not too or is no longer in a position too, back israel in it's apartheid and the pendulum of Karma swings back against the occupiers. But my guess is that the rest of the world will just stand by while isreal kills the Palestinians off, backed by shucking and jiving zionist apologist US politicians, paid too much to man up and do the right thing.

I would rather the US ditch isreal and back the Gulf States in return for cheap oil. They would do it too. Like imagine if the US made a deal with just the GCC countries. something like Oil for military protection. Put it too a vote in the US, israel's friendship or $2 a gallon gas. See how many Americans would support israel then.

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Another dopey post. If Israel wanted to "kill all the Palestinians" they would have never allowed them to become citizens - the ones that agreed to peace - and would have chased them out after one of the many wars that the Arabs lost. Why even bother with such ridiculous claims?

If the Arabs want to be treated well, all they have to do is stop terrorist activities and finally sign the peace treaty that they have been offered over and over and over again. :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I do not know what is more scary?

Someone who thinks like this or someone who thinks it's ok to speak out in public showing his opinions.

Which part of unapproved construction is hard to understand?

Israel did not go into Palestinian controlled territory and demolished the houses. Israel demolished unapproved buildings on it's territory with warnings.

I reckon Israel should throw out all Arabs, take their possessions build a china wall and let them do whatever they wish.

Israel"s treatment of Palestinians has reached a new low.

The daily harassment,intimidation, and murder is an act of terrorism by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.

Western Jewish dominated media will give little or no coverage of Israel inhuman treatment of the Palestinians.

Too True. But what's new there?

It will remain that way until either the isrealis kill all, or the vast majority of, the Palestinians, similar to how Americans killed most of the indigenous tribes off. Or America either chooses not too or is no longer in a position too, back israel in it's apartheid and the pendulum of Karma swings back against the occupiers. But my guess is that the rest of the world will just stand by while isreal kills the Palestinians off, backed by shucking and jiving zionist apologist US politicians, paid too much to man up and do the right thing.

I would rather the US ditch isreal and back the Gulf States in return for cheap oil. They would do it too. Like imagine if the US made a deal with just the GCC countries. something like Oil for military protection. Put it too a vote in the US, israel's friendship or $2 a gallon gas. See how many Americans would support israel then.

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I donot know what is more scary?

Someone who thinks like this or someone who thinks it's ok to speak out lin public showing his opinions.

Which part of unapproved construction is hard to understand?

Israel dud not go into Palestinian controlled territory and demolished the houses. Israel demolished unapproved buildings on it's territory with warnings.

I reckon Israel should throw out all Arabs, take their possessions build a china wall and let them do whatever they wish.

Israel"s treatment of Palestinians has reached a new low.

The daily harassment,intimidation, and murder is an act of terrorism by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.

Western Jewish dominated media will give little or no coverage of Israel inhuman treatment of the Palestinians.

Too True. But what's new there?

It will remain that way until either the isrealis kill all, or the vast majority of, the Palestinians, similar to how Americans killed most of the indigenous tribes off. Or America either chooses not too or is no longer in a position too, back israel in it's apartheid and the pendulum of Karma swings back against the occupiers. But my guess is that the rest of the world will just stand by while isreal kills the Palestinians off, backed by shucking and jiving zionist apologist US politicians, paid too much to man up and do the right thing.

I would rather the US ditch isreal and back the Gulf States in return for cheap oil. They would do it too. Like imagine if the US made a deal with just the GCC countries. something like Oil for military protection. Put it too a vote in the US, israel's friendship or $2 a gallon gas. See how many Americans would support israel then.

I know what's more scary than either. Someone who thinks if you don't agree with him you should not have the right express your opinion publicly.

In the US we have the Bill of Rights, the first Amendment they spelled out was the Freedom of Speech. The Second, the right to keep and bear arms, so that we may defend that very first right from people of your mentality.

Either way untill it's deleted or I'm Banned or I change my mind, thats what I feel, and you don't have to like it, no more than I need to like whatever you have to say.

Its a forum of opinions.

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