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Thailand is way out ahead of it's Asian competitors in virtually every single area. I challange anyone to provide facts that show otherwise.

I'm not current on every industry and country.. but here are a few I do know are FACT from personal observation.. not fantasy... I'm sure other members can add to this List...

Areas where Thailand is deficient -

Telecommunications :

Malaysia has had 4G for a while.. Thailand barely recently acquired 3G

(Lets not even mention S. Korea, Japan and Singapore)

English Proficiency:

Philippines - Almost truly Native Speakers

Malaysia - Even the cab drivers speak English, as well as all retail and restaurant employees.


Suvarnabhumi is clearly second rate when compared to Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.


Kuala Lumpor and Singapore are Far ahead of Bangkok... Even Hong Kong is Cleaner. I was in Vientiane, and even there the streets were clean and well maintained.

Bangkok too often smells like a sewer, the streets are filthy and the Air pollution is intolerable. Walking down a Sidewalk is an adventure in survival. Walking in the gutter sometimes is the only clear alternative.


Not one Building in Bangkok is built without serious defects and obvious lack of planning and forethought.. evidenced by the constant need to go back and add access, and fix safety concerns.

The construction safety standards would put builders in Jail in any developed nation.


Japan - Anime, Walkman, Compact Fuel-efficient Automobiles,....

Japan is so technologically advanced, that many of their innovations are generations ahead of anything available in other countries, that they are not even available outside of Japan.


The Mass transit System in Kuala Lumpur is incredible.. Efficient, comprehensive and not Over-Designed and Built.

Japan Has operating High-Speed Rails that they built themselves.. They didn't have to ask China to build one for them sometime in the hypothetical future.


Need I really comment here???


Scams and corruption, Rip-Offs, High Prices and Bad attitudes are making Thailand a very unattractive destination... Numbers may be high.. But how many are REPEAT Visitors? Not to mention over-development and dirty beaches.

I'm sure there are many more areas I'm missing...

The only areas where Thailand leads any global list is in the Export of Shrimps, Pineapples and Rice ... and Even in rice they are falling backwards as they price themselves out of the market... Oh.. I shouldn't discount the Beauty of it's Women.

Unfortunately I lay the blame for Thailand's base problems right on their Cultural Xenophobia and belief in Thai Supremacy. Until they Understand that "Culture" is a living and evolving thing, they will never accept that a Culture that doesn't evolve is doomed to Fail and Die. All problems can be traced here... The Thai peoples acceptance of a feudal class structure, educational deficiency and corrupt practices, and with GREED as a base attribute of the established Hierarchy in Thailand, has created a situation where they will NEVER allow any change that will reduce Hi-So dominance.. and the Controlling Powers don't have "Vision" enough to see that they are killing off the Goose.. and there will be far less Golden Eggs in the Future.

Enough Said!


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Many countries in the world claim to be the best at doing at least one thing, GERMAN beer, JAPANESE cars, PILIPPINES overseas workers, ect.

What does Thailand do?

Great food and descent beer.

I would easily agree with world class food. and at Tawandaeng Restaurant, made in Thailand (German) beer is excellent


How are foreigners going to take over the labour market in Thailand when it is xenophobically protected so vigorously?

ASEAN Community in 2015. Asian foreigners won't need work permits.

Filipino workers are wanted in the service sector elsewhere because of their English skills, while the Vietnamese are hardworking and patient, he said.

"My father is a doctor and she's gay." I've heard such sentences too often to agree.

Teaching English is a service then, right? Can't think of their own people to educate them better....:jap:

In Thailand might quite well be true and grammatically correct.

Father procreates before undergoing M-F SRS, then subsequently becomes gay post op female. All joking aside.


You forgot one,

Because it has nothing to do with the topic

Here's an idea. Why don't you rattle on about Latin America, by yourself.

You're debating skills are akin to those of Yingluck

I'll take that as a complement since she doesn't need to debate, she's already winning.

Do you seriously believe that Thailand is in danger of invasion by people from Brazil and Argentina looking for vocational jobs?

The Philippines National census results show that there are very few native speakers of English in the Philippines, a few percent from a small stratum of wealthy and highly educated families, and this is not increasing very rapidly. On the other hand, Filipino, Cebuano, and Ilocano continue to grow vigorously,

I stand on my position that Thailand will not be overtaken by Vietnam or the Philippines in the supply of vocational workers.

I think it comically ironic that those of you wanting to criticize Thailand for it's lack of intelligence and critical thinking skill seem incapable of using objective facts to make a point, or even to make a point at all.

Must be a slow balloon day.

FYI: An objective fact is census data showing the small number of English speaking citizens in the Philippines. Subjective information is "I took a taxi ride in Malaysia with a driver who spoke English"


You forgot one,

Because it has nothing to do with the topic

Here's an idea. Why don't you rattle on about Latin America, by yourself.

You're debating skills are akin to those of Yingluck

I'll take that as a complement since she doesn't need to debate, she's already winning.

Do you seriously believe that Thailand is in danger of invasion by people from Brazil and Argentina looking for vocational jobs?

The Philippines National census results show that there are very few native speakers of English in the Philippines, a few percent from a small stratum of wealthy and highly educated families, and this is not increasing very rapidly. On the other hand, Filipino, Cebuano, and Ilocano continue to grow vigorously,

I stand on my position that Thailand will not be overtaken by Vietnam or the Philippines in the supply of vocational workers.

I think it comically ironic that those of you wanting to criticize Thailand for it's lack of intelligence and critical thinking skill seem incapable of using objective facts to make a point, or even to make a point at all.

Must be a slow balloon day.

FYI: An objective fact is census data showing the small number of English speaking citizens in the Philippines. Subjective information is "I took a taxi ride in Malaysia with a driver who spoke English"

Is that "objective" as in the guy that showed innovation by standing on your roof tiles??

He even stood on my roof placing his feet in the holes he created by sliding up the roof tiles. I saw more cleverness and thinking outside the box from this guy than I've seen from most engineers I know."

I visited Kuala Lumpur recently and the streets are clear, nobody needs to walk in the gutter (as I often do in BKK), mass transit is way more developed(multiple interconnecting train and bus lines, traffic flows smoothly) many equal or nicer upscale shopping malls that even interconnect at basement level in central KL so if it is raining you can follow paths under buildings to get to the train station at Petronas Towers, etc etc. For some reason many bkk sidewalks are simply obstructed by vendors, food sellers, dogs, beggars, flower pots, motorbikes, on top of which the walking style of many people is counterproductive to smooth flow. In KL people did not walk into me or stop to check sms and block others from walking without any apparent awareness of the existence of others needing to walk.

It appears KL actually had/has city planning.

There are actually some expats not blinded or deluded by their new-found feelings of being readily and relatively more able to find female company.

Again I have nothing against thailand nor am I blind or deaf.

  • 5 months later...

Anyone can cherry pick particular characteristics of Thai culture that are in opposition to western views, but the fact remains that Thailand enjoys significant growth that most western countries envy. The US will be lucky to break 1.5% growth in GDP this year and unemployment is 10% The US economy is worse than the great depression currently.

Thailand also has nearly 0% unemployment. Anyone who does have a four year degree is virtually guaranteed a job here. That cannot be said of many other countries.

Obviously there are bumps in the road as Thailand moves forward but for the time being they are an economic powerhouse who other countries in Asia will spend decades trying to catch up with.

Those are the facts and I welcome anyone to prove otherwise.

Excuse this rather late reply (maybe alzheimers is getting worse). How much creedence do you place in government released/produced statistics ???


Obviously things will improve only if the powers-to-be want to improve it. For generations this country of oligarch families made unbelievable fortunes on the back of the uneducated.

In a country where strings, water hoses, ropes and wire are sold by the kilogramme and - in 2011 - changes the sales unit of eggs from size/piece to weight as well, where people sleep on tables and eat on the floor, where drivers are fined for not wearing a safety belt yet the insurance covers 40 passengers on the back of an open pick-up; well, seriously, what do you expect.

Given that the entire education system would be changed today with educated teachers open to dialogue and critism, logical tutorials etc. it would take this country one, better two generations to see the different. Education is related to money, hence the poor smarty has no chance whereas the rich-kid idiot makes it all the way.

We will not see changes but Thailand is nose-diving backwards as some decision-makers have a shorter horizon than a one-day fly.

Being around for 1/4 of a century I can tell you, that the Thai labour force is divided. Some smart fellows, educated mostly overseas (and some staying there = brain drain) while the rest of the lot is a brainless crowd of materialistic, money-driven idiots believing in economical achievements like selling eggs by the kilo.

jap.gif - I do not complain as I have a nice life thanks to my parents attention to my education; I made lots of money legally yet am flabbergasted on what happens around me on a daily basis.......

have to agree,......nice post !


Many countries in the world claim to be the best at doing at least one thing, GERMAN beer, JAPANESE cars, PILIPPINES overseas workers, ect.

What does Thailand do?

Ever been to Pattaya?


Sounds like an off day for this writer.

Where does he get the idea that other Asian countries like Vietnam and the Philippines will overtake Thailand? Thailand is already blowing them out of the water for high tech jobs while they wallow in the stone age making shirts. If Thailand failed to progress beyond it's present stage it will still take these other countries 20 years to catch up.

The article should have said that Thailand will be overtaking Japan soon. Their already making cars and electronics as well as Japan.

Thailand is manufacturing all kinds of high tech stuff which is far better than China.

Hmm... Not so sure about what you've stated here.

Japan is prepared in Asia (along with Hong Kong, Singapore and, to a degree, Shanghai) to further transform its economy to a services economy much the same way other, old Western industrialized countries did. Education is the key. Japan has some of best education in the world.

China, too, is a completely different animal than Thailand. First off, China is MASSIVE with a population that is becoming rapidly educated. China has poured investment into education more so than almost any other country on Earth as present. Shanghai has recently had the highest math and science scores in the world. China, unlike Thailand, has always stressed education and industriousness; it's a part of their very long cultural history. It's a significant reason they've done so well as emigrants around the world and particularly in Thailand where it's arguable that they've done best (outside of China, of course).

The issue with Thailand (and I hope it can figure this out) is that it is not even in the ballpark in terms of having the institutions in place to properly educate (culturally and intellectually) its populace to be adaptable to the world economic needs.

1. Workers want to live better = more money

As Thailand does better for itself, there will be an increasing frequency of workers expecting (perhaps even demanding) better wages and a higher quality of life. All countries go through this. Even China is already going through this now. In Thailand, an example is the minimum wage hike which affects industry acutely.

2. Inefficiency of the workforce ('mai bpen rai') not to be confused with productivity

As the workforce demands higher wages, the old Thai method of Inefficient Productivity by throwing more people at labor (think of the very abnormally high number of Thai workers you see standing around at most any workplace) will cease to work because workers will be too expensive for their output. Companies will start looking for other countries who provide this very easy labor more cheaply. In fact, this process is already underway with manufacturing companies looking at (and some moving to) Cambodia, Vietnam and others.

Thailand has been kicking butt among some other SEA countries for a whole complexity of reasons, but it was not ever likely that it was because of inherent capability or hard work. With respect, Thais, by and large, don't like to work. It's not in their nature. I've read papers and books that point to shrewd diplomacy being a factor in Thailand's relative success. And also the early relationship with the US and Japan did much to help as well.


Anyone can cherry pick particular characteristics of Thai culture that are in opposition to western views, but the fact remains that Thailand enjoys significant growth that most western countries envy. The US will be lucky to break 1.5% growth in GDP this year and unemployment is 10% The US economy is worse than the great depression currently.

Thailand also has nearly 0% unemployment. Anyone who does have a four year degree is virtually guaranteed a job here. That cannot be said of many other countries.

Obviously there are bumps in the road as Thailand moves forward but for the time being they are an economic powerhouse who other countries in Asia will spend decades trying to catch up with.

Those are the facts and I welcome anyone to prove otherwise.

Excuse this rather late reply (maybe alzheimers is getting worse). How much creedence do you place in government released/produced statistics ???

And, I just want to add, this notion of growth envy really makes no sense at all. You can't find me a Western country where the quality of life is worse than it is for the overwhelming majority of Thais in Thailand. Of course there's much growth. There's much to do! And, before people start with some relativist notion of happiness and quality of life, I'm not interested. Don't ask poor people if they are happy because many will say yes. Take them to the US or Canada or any EU country or Australia, show them how average and poor people live in these societies and ask them which they prefer if they had the choice. Growth is arbitrary to some degree when it's compared to other nations and especially rich ones. My mother is considered not very well off, but she drives a relatively new SUV, eats most anything she wants, has excellent health care and a reasonable place to live with all kinds of amenities. Growth rates are simply meaningless without looking deeper.



It's quite clear that you either really love Thailand and/or perhaps you have thought much about your opinions regarding the Thai labor force.

The truth is that the smartest guy in the world (in this area) could not really predict with accuracy what will happen in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter. It is an equation which is too difficult to sort out. There's no reason not to love the Thais the way we'd love just about anyone else. People the world over, deep down, are much more alike than they different. (Btw, where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?)

Many of us are invested in Thailand and its future even though we aren't Thai, so we do have some valid reasons to be concerned with the direction the country is going in. It would be impossible for most Thais to understand that although we outsiders will be likely be perpetually so, we still do care. In many cases, because we are on the outside, we can take in and process what happens here (not truly objectively but) with some distance that a Thai who has lived here his or her entire life would not be able to achieve.

Thais, like Africans, Latin Americans, Russians, Eastern Europeans, Black Americans, etc are all very capable people. All cultures have flaws that make certain achievement difficult and advantages that contribute positively to certain achievement. Many things are Thai culture are ridiculously wonderful, and I think most people would admit it if asked properly.

I understand the need to defend Thailand and Thais esp if you are Thai.

But, unfortunately, Thais need to be willing to critique themselves or at least be open to criticisms if they are to benefit more from the rest of the world. I know all kinds of Thai people, but it's so rare that they are interested in discussing their flaws. People from other nations I've known (Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, any European Country, several African countries, etc) have all been interested and willing to discuss and point out the flaws in their people/country.

Do you agree that Thais seem to be uniquely (or perhaps not uniquely) incapable on a large scale of being open to cultural criticisms?

At any rate, the US not so long ago had some certain developmental challenges just like those Thailand is facing now. So did many other countries. The problem I'm hearing from most people with respect to their criticisms of Thailand are the following two things:

1. The Thai ruling class has in effect a complete locking on the wealth of the country and the a) power and b ) educational institutions which could change this.

2. As a result of certain Thai cultural traits, it would seem that the vast majority of people in Thailand are OK with the setup and in fact would rather fight against any outsiders critical of the 'Thai' system rather than to even accept the possibility that their system (and pride for it) could be what is keeping them from rising even further.

I would LOVE it for Thailand to continue to do better and for more Thais to get a piece of the pie so-to-speak, but surely there are some things that Thailand (and especially its powerful) can improve, right?



Many well thought out and accurate responses thank you.

I too have no ill will towards the country or any national, I only make observations.


Nazism in our brainwashed upbringing

for a fascinating article by a Thai national.

http://papayainthail...cation-one.html also very insightful

Thanks for the links. The article and blog are fascinating...


Every country is different, has a different history and a different pattern of development. Along with that each has different challenges.

The article made the claim that Vietnam and Philippines were positioned to overtake Thailand. I disagree and I pointed out why.

There is no question that Japan is a powerhouse in manufacturing. They are a very organized society and I have no doubt that employees show up on time. They also have had little growth over the past decade because they don't innovate they make products better. They also live on a fault line and have a reactor burning itself into the earth. Personally I think they are going to have some major challenges ahead of them. Japan was rebuilt by the US after WW2 which put them on a completely different development curve. Prior to WW2 their products were considered to be crap. It's seems they have peaked, their looking at negative growth -.9% for this year although inflation is low, .3%

Argentina is also a great country, but not anything like Thailand in terms of it's development and history. It also has 9% inflation and is ranked worse than Thailand on TI's corruption index (105) Public education is free all the way through university in Argentina.

Brazil is also a great country. It is the worlds 8th largest economy and has a different history and development curve. Both Argentina and Brazil were developed in the western model. It too is ranked worse than Thailand on TI's corruption index (69)

Back to the article; Vietnam and Philippines have a long way to go to catch Thailand. Their respective TI corruption rankings are (116) and (134) Both Vietnam and Philippines have high growth, but also high inflation Vietnam is almost 20% Philippines is 5% Thailand is 4%

I think any comparison of countries economies involves some detailed analysis which goes far beyond what I am interested in doing with my day.

What bothers me is people looking for any reason to degrade and insult Thailand when in fact like any country they have there good and bad qualities which in the end biol down to completely subjective opinions. Folks who live here do so for a reason and that reason must be good enough to keep them here. I personally would not have the least interest in moving to any other country for now.

I too don't want to go over every country's economy for lack of time,

But as an employer I employed Filipinos, Indians and Pakistanis.

I never look for Thais, because their English is poor and their reputation is poor as well.

Sure, I know the Thais don't need me (they don't need anyone :) ),

but the Filipinos, Indians and Pakistanis seem to need me, and appreciate my money.

And the Argentinian work force is excellent by the way, they have a good education system, European attitude, and generally easy to deal with.


You forgot one,

Because it has nothing to do with the topic

Here's an idea. Why don't you rattle on about Latin America, by yourself.

You're debating skills are akin to those of Yingluck

I'll take that as a complement since she doesn't need to debate, she's already winning.

Do you seriously believe that Thailand is in danger of invasion by people from Brazil and Argentina looking for vocational jobs?

The Philippines National census results show that there are very few native speakers of English in the Philippines, a few percent from a small stratum of wealthy and highly educated families, and this is not increasing very rapidly. On the other hand, Filipino, Cebuano, and Ilocano continue to grow vigorously,

I stand on my position that Thailand will not be overtaken by Vietnam or the Philippines in the supply of vocational workers.

I think it comically ironic that those of you wanting to criticize Thailand for it's lack of intelligence and critical thinking skill seem incapable of using objective facts to make a point, or even to make a point at all.

Must be a slow balloon day.

FYI: An objective fact is census data showing the small number of English speaking citizens in the Philippines. Subjective information is "I took a taxi ride in Malaysia with a driver who spoke English"

There are between 5-10 million Filipinos working abroad, many of them have a university degree (nurses, doctors, engineers, sales persons, etc)

Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos work at outsourcing centers in the Philippines (call centers, support centers, etc).

We don't have to wait - the Philippines is far ahead of Thailand in this aspect already.


Many well thought out and accurate responses thank you.

I too have no ill will towards the country or any national, I only make observations.


Nazism in our brainwashed upbringing

for a fascinating article by a Thai national.

http://papayainthail...cation-one.html also very insightful

Thanks for the links. The article and blog are fascinating...

Glad you enjoyed them. Below link is written by a Thai and is very objective and introspective, although it may not be a Thai from Trisailor's wife's village.


  • 3 weeks later...

For many years, my friend and I have discussed the fact that the average Thai, was possibly not blessed with particularly high quality genetic brain stock. Some nations, such as the Indians, the Germans, and the Chinese were. The Thais, I do not think so. Think of when was the last time a Thai person won a Nobel peace prize, or a Pulitzer prize, or any other international measure of creativity, or intelligence. I realize this is a terribly politically incorrect thing to insinuate, but the writing is on the wall. Just the other day I went to retrieve a motorbike that I had reserved for a friend of mine, from a bike shop. Turns out he did not hold the bike for us, as we showed up too late in the day. That was after I had left a deposit for it. I asked for the deposit back, and the guy started screaming at me. Very emotional. I have rented from him many times in the past, and planned to continue using him for years to come. I explained that to him, and asked him if he was prepared to sacrifice the years of patronage, for a measly 400 baht? He did not even hear me. The thought of parting with 400 baht today was paramount to him. The future meant nothing. Is this an intelligent business mind? How many like this have you run into? Where are the brilliant minds? Are they only at the universities?


If there is a future in playing computer games, Thailand's future is assured. Every internet shop I have been to up country away from Bkk and Pattaya has been full of Thai kids playing games for hours at a time.


Many well thought out and accurate responses thank you.

I too have no ill will towards the country or any national, I only make observations.


Nazism in our brainwashed upbringing

for a fascinating article by a Thai national.

http://papayainthail...cation-one.html also very insightful

Thanks for that informative article. Unfortunately too long ( and expensive ) to read fully in an internet shop.

I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that it takes more than mere "education" to make someone learned. I learned almost nothing in the formal school system where teachers taught with the cane and none cared about their students, unless they were good at football! However, I went on to make a reasonably good life in two different careers.

From my limited experience of Thai kids, unless it's a game on a computer, they couldn't give a rat's a***e about learning anything.

It will take more than learning to speak English to "fix" Thai education.


For many years, my friend and I have discussed the fact that the average Thai, was possibly not blessed with particularly high quality genetic brain stock. Some nations, such as the Indians, the Germans, and the Chinese were. The Thais, I do not think so. Think of when was the last time a Thai person won a Nobel peace prize, or a Pulitzer prize, or any other international measure of creativity, or intelligence. I realize this is a terribly politically incorrect thing to insinuate, but the writing is on the wall. Just the other day I went to retrieve a motorbike that I had reserved for a friend of mine, from a bike shop. Turns out he did not hold the bike for us, as we showed up too late in the day. That was after I had left a deposit for it. I asked for the deposit back, and the guy started screaming at me. Very emotional. I have rented from him many times in the past, and planned to continue using him for years to come. I explained that to him, and asked him if he was prepared to sacrifice the years of patronage, for a measly 400 baht? He did not even hear me. The thought of parting with 400 baht today was paramount to him. The future meant nothing. Is this an intelligent business mind? How many like this have you run into? Where are the brilliant minds? Are they only at the universities?

While I cannot disagree with your first paragraph, I think your example of the bike shop owner is not the best. While travelling in New Zealand recently ( not renowned for thickos ) in low season, a friend and I wanted to rent a room for the night at a remote hostel. However, his rate was too high, and he would not lower it, resulting in another night without ANY income. So, not just Thais............


Come 2015, Thailand is going to be left holding their bum. It is too late to just now start teaching them things.

Filipinos excel in the service industry and they are going to push a LOT of Thais out of jobs. If I owned a business here, a Filipino would get the job over a Thai 10 times out of 10, on their English skills alone. Secondly, you don't have that ridiculous "face" issue to deal with.

The good news for Thailand is, the world will always need ditch diggers and factory sweat shop workers. Unless of course, the Chinese come here to work in the factories.

  • Like 1

For many years, my friend and I have discussed the fact that the average Thai, was possibly not blessed with particularly high quality genetic brain stock. Some nations, such as the Indians, the Germans, and the Chinese were. The Thais, I do not think so. Think of when was the last time a Thai person won a Nobel peace prize, or a Pulitzer prize, or any other international measure of creativity, or intelligence. I realize this is a terribly politically incorrect thing to insinuate, but the writing is on the wall. Just the other day I went to retrieve a motorbike that I had reserved for a friend of mine, from a bike shop. Turns out he did not hold the bike for us, as we showed up too late in the day. That was after I had left a deposit for it. I asked for the deposit back, and the guy started screaming at me. Very emotional. I have rented from him many times in the past, and planned to continue using him for years to come. I explained that to him, and asked him if he was prepared to sacrifice the years of patronage, for a measly 400 baht? He did not even hear me. The thought of parting with 400 baht today was paramount to him. The future meant nothing. Is this an intelligent business mind? How many like this have you run into? Where are the brilliant minds? Are they only at the universities?

While I cannot disagree with your first paragraph, I think your example of the bike shop owner is not the best. While travelling in New Zealand recently ( not renowned for thickos ) in low season, a friend and I wanted to rent a room for the night at a remote hostel. However, his rate was too high, and he would not lower it, resulting in another night without ANY income. So, not just Thais............

Well, the difference is, that guy lost one night of rent, for his room. My motorbike guy lost a lifetime's worth of referrals. He knows me. He has seen the amount of business I have brought his way. Many people who rent 2 or 3 bikes at a time, for 10 day stretches. So, what he did was sheer idiocy. It was beyond reason. It was nothing more than panic, and getting lost in the moment. There was no logic, or business sense behind it.

  • Like 1

Weerawat Wannasiri, head of the Federation of Private Vocational Schools of Thailand, proposed making the Kingdom a regional hub for vocational education, with a large number of government schools and 66 private ones already available.

Does anybody have the latest list for what Thailand is a hub to???

Trink used to keep an updated list.

I just read that it's a hub to the illegal trade of endangered animal parts.


How are foreigners going to take over the labour market in Thailand when it is xenophobically protected so vigorously?

ASEAN Community in 2015. Asian foreigners won't need work permits.

Lordy ohmy.gif

maybe the best thing to happen to thailand EVER. Competition brings out the best plus I can't wait to go into shops with Filipino workers that I can actually speak with and will do their best to help me rather than hide or give the blanket answer of "don't have", good times ahead I think.


Come 2015, Thailand is going to be left holding their bum. It is too late to just now start teaching them things.

Filipinos excel in the service industry and they are going to push a LOT of Thais out of jobs. If I owned a business here, a Filipino would get the job over a Thai 10 times out of 10, on their English skills alone. Secondly, you don't have that ridiculous "face" issue to deal with.

The good news for Thailand is, the world will always need ditch diggers and factory sweat shop workers. Unless of course, the Chinese come here to work in the factories.

And don't forget the Vietnamese who are moving up very fast with a strong work ethic and will. Many Thais are full of excuses, won't admit when they are wrong and of course have issues with face so giving constructive feedback falls on deaf ears. i welcome this change and think it's going to be better for all because it may force Thais into the real world.


Skill is fine. Thai workers need to upgrade English Language first.

Will that make them better field workers or production line workers?

Or just easier for you to be understood?


Anyone can cherry pick particular characteristics of Thai culture that are in opposition to western views, but the fact remains that Thailand enjoys significant growth that most western countries envy. The US will be lucky to break 1.5% growth in GDP this year and unemployment is 10% The US economy is worse than the great depression currently.

Thailand also has nearly 0% unemployment. Anyone who does have a four year degree is virtually guaranteed a job here. That cannot be said of many other countries.

Obviously there are bumps in the road as Thailand moves forward but for the time being they are an economic powerhouse who other countries in Asia will spend decades trying to catch up with.

Those are the facts and I welcome anyone to prove otherwise.

Umm palease,,,If the US is in a worse state than it was during the great depression it could have fooled me. You're comparing apples to papayas man. Yes everyone is working here but what is the quality of the work? What is the quality of customer service in Thailand? How many times have you been in to a store to buy something only to find it 'finished" (will they ever figure out how to keep a par stock?) the list of the shortcomings here is beyond cherry picking, you could just bump into the tree and all the cherries would fall out.

One person summed it up in an interesting way saying "they don't know how to think", not an insult but a very profound statement.

They were never taught how to think. That is the problem. I would always call it brain exercise as just like muscles, if you don't use it, you lose it. Many people never had their brains exercised and as a consequence the path of least resistance is always picked.

I believe that this is also the reason why some people get headaches when asked to think about or discuss things. Their brains never had to do it before and now, like when you first start on a physical exercise program, it hurts.


Yes we need people who think do higher math speak and write English correctly work 80 hours a week and get paid 10 dollars a day not in Thailand but in Europe. This will make the Euro stronger

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