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China acknowledges developing its first aircraft carrier


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China acknowledges developing its first aircraft carrier

2011-06-10 05:59:58 GMT+7 (ICT)

BEIJING, CHINA (BNO NEWS) -- A Chinese military officials on Thursday acknowledged that China was developing its first aircraft carrier.

Chen Bingde, Chief of General Staff of the People's Liberation Army said the aircraft carrier was currently under construction, but it had not been completed, the Shanghai Daily reported.

Deputy Chief of General Staff Qi Jianguo, meanwhile, said the most important countries around the world had their own aircraft carrier, and as China continues to face threats around its seas, the country should also count with its own aircraft carrier.

However, Qi underlined that the aircraft carrier would never sail into other countries' territorial waters.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-10

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Ain't that the truth. Your lucky to have some appliance made in China. Mine were all scrapped within months of being purchased.

The first test for the carrier will be to see if it floats. If not, it will be a submarine carrier.

Edited by Credo
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All this talk back and forth about Terrorism, Arabs, israel, Muslims, ect... Personally I think thats nothing, yesterdays news compared to the threat that China is growing more and more into.

China controls too much manufacturing and is claiming more and more resources by the day. You don't want China as a superpower, The US, even Imperial England will look down right benevolent compared to the cold blooded, bigoted, communist monster that China would be.

I think we are focusing on the wrong enemy in the media these days. We really should be more forward thinking.

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I do not want China to have too much influence on the rest of the world either, but they are - pretty much - doing things in a civilized way so all the rest of the world can to is try to compete.

Radical Islam - on the other hand - is all about hate and violence and needs to be resisted by the enlightened world in the strongest way.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If they build it to the same standard as my appliances, I don't think anyone has anything to worry about.


It's first assignment might be to go and harass fishing boats around the Spratly Islands which, in case anyone's interested, are twice as close to Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam - than they are to China. Yet China claims the entire South China Sea as it's own.

China can build some carriers, but it's still a pipsqueak when it comes to world class stature. It did nothing to assist the Bosnians, the Ethiopians, the East Timorese, the Sudanese, the Lybians, or the Syrians. In other words, it doesn't lift a finger to help the oppressed in the world, but it's adept at secretly negotiating mineral contracts with their thug leaders. It's reason? To not interfere in the affairs of others, regardless of thousands of civilians getting killed. Yet it interferes like a hurricane with Tibet, Taiwan and the South China Sea islands.

A little historical perspective: About a century ago, the Austrians (then allied with Hungary, which had access to the sea) built one of the the largest and best naval ships of its day. Right at the time of its christening, it was bombed and sunk by rivals worried that Austria might become a strong naval power. I'm not advocating bombing China's new carrier before it gets christened, but I bet a few people in high places have privately considered the idea.

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I do not want China to have too much influence on the rest of the world either, but they are - pretty much - doing things in a civilized way so all the rest of the world can to is try to compete.

Radical Islam - on the other hand - is all about hate and violence and needs to be resisted by the enlightened world in the strongest way.

Thats foolish, history shows us that the US always has a Bad Guy Du Jour, yesterday Vietnam and the Russians. Communisism was a dirtier word then Terrorism. Before That the North Koreans and our "civilized" Chinese friends, Before that The Nazis. We need to look beyond our self manufactured bad guy and be a bit more forward thinking. China is by far the biggest threat to democracy and the economies of the world then any other entity or ideal we face now.Gen Macarthur saw it back in 51 when he requested 38 nukes just for China.

Bet we wouldn't be relying on one twisted merciless, selfish ( you see China anywhere on this list? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_charitable_countries) communist country for 75% of the manufactured goods we use today had he got his request.

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Thats foolish, history shows us that the US always has a Bad Guy Du Jour, yesterday Vietnam and the Russians. Communisism was a dirtier word then Terrorism.

Maybe you should do a little reading about Stalin, Ho Chi Mien and Mao slaughtering their own people - Communism was a real threat at the time. They were not "invented" bad guys.

As far as your beloved Islamic radicals, they have killed numerous innocent civilians in New York, Bali and all over the world and are looking for a much bigger score. Anyone who thinks that radical Islamic fundamentalism is not very dangerous to the rest of the world is deluded indeed.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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China is by far the biggest threat to democracy and the economies of the world then any other entity or ideal we face now. Gen Macarthur saw it back in 51 when he requested 38 nukes just for China.

General Macarthur thought they were a threat because they were COMMUNISTS. How does that fit in with your "self manufactured bad guy" theory. :lol:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Like it or not, China is a product of the West.

It was "US" THE West who moved all manufacturing to China-hence building Chinese economy.

All major and small players from socks to computers have moved to China for cheap labor.

Is China a physical threat? i do not think so.

Is China an economical threat?absolutely.

The development of an aircraft, i have no doubt will be a success and faster than any other nation and no doubt it will be fully operational and in working order. China does have access to all best technology, does have the resources and the ability to make it.

Just like Russia has its own which works just fine, China will not be any different.

You also need to keep in mind that the appliances are private enterprises, where quality control and durability is NOT really the first priority. It is much better for appliances to break rather than to last.

However the aircraft is government project, and i am sure should job be "dodgy" those responsible may end up in jail or shot, so the quality will be there.

In my opinion, if West is so worried, all they need to do is move all the factory's out of China and while China will not starve, it sure will take away loads of money and power from there.

Edited by kuffki
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I do not want China to have too much influence on the rest of the world either, but they are - pretty much - doing things in a civilized way so all the rest of the world can to is try to compete.

Radical Islam - on the other hand - is all about hate and violence and needs to be resisted by the enlightened world in the strongest way.

Thats foolish, history shows us that the US always has a Bad Guy Du Jour, yesterday Vietnam and the Russians. Communisism was a dirtier word then Terrorism. Before That the North Koreans and our "civilized" Chinese friends, Before that The Nazis. We need to look beyond our self manufactured bad guy and be a bit more forward thinking. China is by far the biggest threat to democracy and the economies of the world then any other entity or ideal we face now.Gen Macarthur saw it back in 51 when he requested 38 nukes just for China.

Bet we wouldn't be relying on one twisted merciless, selfish ( you see China anywhere on this list? http://en.wikipedia....table_countries) communist country for 75% of the manufactured goods we use today had he got his request.

Please do tell how and why China is by far the biggest threat to democracy and the economies of the world then any other entity or ideal we face now.blink.gif

I do not recall seeing or hearing China trying to convert the rest of the world into Chinese, nor have i heard of China trying to conquer the world. Economically, perhaps yes but they have done that long ago.

Edited by Scott
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I simply see Economical threats to be more dangerous than random minor physical threats. Yes, terrorists, of all varieties, (I'm not so bigoted to just blame it all on Muslim terrorists, plenty of people in Oklahoma, Ireland, Spain, and Palestine that could tell you a few things about Terrorists who are not Muslim.) are a true and real threat to America and need to be dealt with strongly and by any means necessary.

Why, because a physical threat simply kills people randomly and gets them shook up. The numbers they usually kill are relatively low but the fear is high, the fear is a awesome by product for the govt to use to bring people together in blind nationalist fervour against a perceived foe. Then while everyone is looking the other direction, the govt erodes away at the privacy and freedoms the citizens had fought to obtain.

While this is heinous it's controllable. Economical threats from a nation like China who gives less than a F about anyone at all, can be devastating. That's the game ender right there, look at the empires before the US, England & The Ottoman Empire for example. Economics was the main factor for bringing those guys down. it's rare that simply a Physical Threat brings down a empire, sure it happened with Germany & Japan but you see how much effort that took. Normal it's the economics that do it.

Further economic dominance puts other nations on life support, dependent on China's exports to survive, having allowed their own industries to atrophie and die. Then any threats against China have to consider the impact of loosing over half of your imports..or more.

It's far better to crush China now and let cheap manufacturing be split up amongst a group of developing nations to keep it more of a buyers market, rather than to let China get into a position where they are the only real threat to the world.

Remember China thinks long term, In the US our leaders change often, as dose our policy, we are flexible but not renown for our long term planning.

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I do not want China to have too much influence on the rest of the world either, but they are - pretty much - doing things in a civilized way so all the rest of the world can to is try to compete.

Radical Islam - on the other hand - is all about hate and violence and needs to be resisted by the enlightened world in the strongest way.

Thats foolish, history shows us that the US always has a Bad Guy Du Jour, yesterday Vietnam and the Russians. Communisism was a dirtier word then Terrorism. Before That the North Koreans and our "civilized" Chinese friends, Before that The Nazis. We need to look beyond our self manufactured bad guy and be a bit more forward thinking. China is by far the biggest threat to democracy and the economies of the world then any other entity or ideal we face now.Gen Macarthur saw it back in 51 when he requested 38 nukes just for China.

Bet we wouldn't be relying on one twisted merciless, selfish ( you see China anywhere on this list? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_charitable_countries) communist country for 75% of the manufactured goods we use today had he got his request.

Hmm, China - the middle Kingdom, which does hint at their sinocentric view of the world. My brother lived there and concluded that communism is actually a fraudulent control mechanism and underneath it the Chinese are capitalist to the core, with all the social inequalities that brings when not balanced by human rights and social provision. Being built on a lie does mean China is vunerable to outside influence destabilizing it and in my view China may well implode before it takes over from the U.S as number 1 power.

As for Islam, briefly, you are discussing your experience based on the U.S, if you look at the UK and Europe things are very different, there is a very noticable trend that successive generations of Muslim immigrants are actually becoming less integrated to their host societies than previous generations of immigrants. This change has coincided with their increasing numbers so in my view the U.S will do well to keep an eye on what's going down in Europe. Finally, the Chinese helped build the railroads, they may well end up owning them if the U.S doesn't get a handle on it's ballooning debt.

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Economical War is more powerfully that Physical war, Russia is Deliberately doing the same. By controlling The Earths natural resources, Oil, Gas, Minerals. Russia is now flexing its Muscles again , maybe we should be looking In there direction not China. Russia has had a taste of power , China has not.

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I do not see China invading the one country after the other, nor is it involved in perpetual warfare, killing and maiming on a daily basis. I do not see China trying to impose its political system on the rest of the world, even though it has been around for milennia longer than most countries. What I do see is a hard working, intelligent people, that are spending billions on building infrastructure, high speed trains, roads, bridges, both at home and abroad. Chinese universities delivering engineers, doctors and scientists at an astonishing rate.

China does not has to conquer the world with cruise missiles and "shock and awe" campaigns. It will work hard, save money and simply buy the rest of the world, cash in hand.

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As much as China is ridiculed for producing inferior quality products, it is quite capable of manufacturing to the highest possible standards if so motivated, after all they've sent men into space. An aircraft carrier is small fry in comparison.

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However, Qi underlined that the aircraft carrier would never sail into other countries' territorial waters.

Unfortunately for China's neighbors, China's definition of their territorial waters is quite different from anyone elses definition


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If they build it to the same standard as my appliances, I don't think anyone has anything to worry about.

You mean like the Ipad and the Kindle?

The Ipad had some assembly quality issues and serious labour problems. As a result, the decision was made to relocate some manufacturing and assembly from China to Brazil. Most of the components are sourced from Taiwan and South Korea.

The Kindle has its most valuable components sourced from Taiwan, Singapore, Korea. Although some of the glass screens are sourced in China, the major contribution of the Chinese suppliers is that of labour in the assembly process.

I am sorry, but I am of the view that much of the "technology" found in Chinese hi-tech products is based upon foreign innovation. The Chinese acquire the technology by a variety of means, including industrial espionage. It is no secret that the Chinese have one of the world's most extensive state sanctioned industrial espionage networks on the planet. I do not doubt for a minute that other nationalities engage in such practices, but only China has demonstrated such a blatant approach to the activity. As such, while Chinese technology may indeed be top of the line, it will almost always be one step behind because it is derived from the work of others. While China is relying on such technology, and even improving upon it, the foreign originators will have debugged and perfected the technology by the time the Chinese delpoy it. The differences are not noticeable on many gadgets and electonic gizmos, but I do note that the electronic devices on the market with the highest defect rates are usually sourced from China. I therefore suggest to you that the reliability of the components on a Chinese built vessel will not be up to the same level as that of a Korean or Japanese or American built vessel. I would also suggest that countries with a long history of naval construction quality such as Norway and Italy will demonstrate higher reliability and quality as well. The Chinese manufacturing process is heavy on flash and appearance, whilst its Asian and European counterparts build items that last.

Simply put when the Norwegians build a vessel they understand that the lives depend on a well built ship. American naval vessels are built to ensure survivability and a limitation of crew casualties in the event of an attack. The Chinese approach to casualties is quite different. One need only look at the manner in which the Korean war was waged. Thousands of Chinese soldiers were sent in waves to attack UN positions. When you have hundreds of millions of people to draw upon, such a strategy is possible. One can use the "flooding" method. However, if you are Korea, Japan or the west, personnel are limited so steps must be taken to protect the personnel. I'd rather be on a American or Japanese vessel in an attack than a Chinese vessel. At least I know the lifeboats will be available. ;)

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I think they can and will or rather the Russians could!:D

But what will they need this ship for?

"A senior Chinese general has for the first time officially confirmed that the country is building an aircraft carrier. According to experts and media reports, the vessel is the half-built Soviet warship Varyag, which China bought and is completing."


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I think they can and will or rather the Russians could!:D

But what will they need this ship for?

"A senior Chinese general has for the first time officially confirmed that the country is building an aircraft carrier. According to experts and media reports, the vessel is the half-built Soviet warship Varyag, which China bought and is completing."


Great, so its Chinese technology added to Russian shipbuilding quality.

Hope they have the bodybags ready.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe that China is a threat--not it's people, but it's governmental policy of aggressive policy both economic and military. OK to be biggest country and so forth. Not OK to have an economic system which cannot play fair--and never will. Their state run businesses cannot loose. Sooner or later, they will come into direct conflict with the United States. What could possibly be the outcome for Westerners here in Thailand? What will the government do to appease China? Bridge Over River Kawai will then need another paint job.

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Like it or not, China is a product of the West.

It was "US" THE West who moved all manufacturing to China-hence building Chinese economy.

All major and small players from socks to computers have moved to China for cheap labor.

Is China a physical threat? i do not think so.

Is China an economical threat?absolutely.

The development of an aircraft, i have no doubt will be a success and faster than any other nation and no doubt it will be fully operational and in working order. China does have access to all best technology, does have the resources and the ability to make it.

Just like Russia has its own which works just fine, China will not be any different.

You also need to keep in mind that the appliances are private enterprises, where quality control and durability is NOT really the first priority. It is much better for appliances to break rather than to last.

However the aircraft is government project, and i am sure should job be "dodgy" those responsible may end up in jail or shot, so the quality will be there.

In my opinion, if West is so worried, all they need to do is move all the factory's out of China and while China will not starve, it sure will take away loads of money and power from there.

100% agree and we will pay for it. ;)

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I do not see China invading the one country after the other, nor is it involved in perpetual warfare, killing and maiming on a daily basis. I do not see China trying to impose its political system on the rest of the world, even though it has been around for milennia longer than most countries. What I do see is a hard working, intelligent people, that are spending billions on building infrastructure, high speed trains, roads, bridges, both at home and abroad. Chinese universities delivering engineers, doctors and scientists at an astonishing rate. China does not has to conquer the world with cruise missiles and "shock and awe" campaigns. It will work hard, save money and simply buy the rest of the world, cash in hand.

You and I see things differently. I do see China invading other countries. It invaded Tibet in the 1950's and annexed it as a province. It rattles sabers all the time at Taiwan. China has been pushing it's military weight around the South China Sea - regarding islands which are closer to seven countries than they are to China. Its people: Hard working, I can agree with. However, "intelligent" I don't see it that way, when they're so easily brainwashed in to monolithic thinking by their imperialistic politburo. I just saw an interview on BBC with a respected Chinese U professor who declared, in essence, that although Chinese students are good at getting passing scores on tests (most of the time the answers are given to them beforehand) - the same students are abysmal at innovative thinking. These are the sons of daughters of the crazies of the Cultural Revolution, who rampaged throughout China and Tibet, destroying anything to do with culture and intellect.

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I do not see China invading the one country after the other, nor is it involved in perpetual warfare, killing and maiming on a daily basis. I do not see China trying to impose its political system on the rest of the world, even though it has been around for milennia longer than most countries. What I do see is a hard working, intelligent people, that are spending billions on building infrastructure, high speed trains, roads, bridges, both at home and abroad. Chinese universities delivering engineers, doctors and scientists at an astonishing rate.

China does not has to conquer the world with cruise missiles and "shock and awe" campaigns. It will work hard, save money and simply buy the rest of the world, cash in hand.

Think they are already well on the way to buying the rest of the world. Pretty much own America, dollar wise. Bought the British gold reserves when that financial genius Gordon Brown flogged it to them for 250 dollars an ounce. What is the price today? Over 1000 dollars? Libya has plenty of gold though. Thats why NATO are flattening Tripoli. Ghaddaffi was in the process of setting up a gold dinar currency, whereby oil would be purchased using gold as the currency, bypassing the almighty dollar. Libya owes not one cent to the IMF and the World Bank. Were completely in control of their own resources. That cannot be tolerated!

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