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Tour Operators Concerned About Noisy Russian Tourists


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I was in Pattaya a few days in Jan and stayed in a hotel full of Russians , it was no problem, they don't speak much english but some of the Russian women were beautiful !!

Wow? many Russian women I meet in America are so pretty.

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Just a funny story - but related to the topic.....

When we visited Europe, my wife and i went to Tenerife.

We stayed in a hotel filled with british.

Comment of my wife:

oh? europe have issaan people too?

and no, my wife is not a racist, but after meeting me she developed a rather monty pythonesk sense of humour

survival strategy , no doubt......

I am sorry you met people who were mean and pick on your wife. I could not believe this. This is 21 TH century. luckily your wife has her sense of humor.

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I was thinking, I never had any problem with Russians. Actually we get along quite well.

But then I realized they are European, I'm an European, so of course we understand each other.

I guess most of the people who have problems with Russians are not Europeans.

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I would be more concerned about the going into a Big C and the malls on many occasions and having my ears drums being assulted and blown away by these advertising promotions with these young women blasing away on these microphones. I finally discovered these great ear plugs from Boots Pharmarcy (4 pairs for 100 baht), made out of wax for about 100 baht and worth every single bahut I might add. What a relief.

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I've never met a group of such arrogant, rude people in my life. I think it is normal for them to behave the way they do where they come from.

I think it is good that they keep to themselves. Let them stay in their own hotels and condos and away from the rest of us. Maybe they can have their own section of town. Anywhere but where I LIVE. :annoyed:

I hate to admit that my experience with Russians in Thailand has not been good. Many years ago it was loud, drunken Germans waking people up in the middle of the night as they came back from a night of boozing. But things have changed, and I liked those days better- sadly.

I wonder if Thais lump all us farang together like we do with Russians now. Russians are the polar opposite of Thais, IMHO.

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Yes, Mexico Norte, all areas along the US border, is/are DANGEROUS due to cartel presence, not worth the risk of visiting, and likely to remain so indefinitely. I wouldn't advise anyone to venture across (or even near) the border for a good time... But further south and into the interior is relatively safe, cheap and enjoyable, and actually could rival Thailand as a vacation destination. There's even a pretty lively mongering trade down there already.

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Been flying in to Cancun for 15yrs...Beautiful place. My Thai inlaws love going to Pattaya.

Never have a problem either place. But then we always go to bed by midnight.

My mother always told me...nothing good ever happens after midnight.

In my younger days I had alot of fun after midnight.:lol:

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....I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Actually, he's right on Mexico to Thailand comparisons. Today, Thailand ranks third in the world for gun related killings, after South Africa and Columbia. Thailand had 20,032 gun-related killings per year. Currently Mexico, even with drug cartel- related deaths, ranks sixth with 2,606 per year.

A little more Buddhism please.

2,606?? No way Jose. Mexico's drug related death toll alone was about 15,273 in 2010 and that doesn't include killings from crimes of passion, etc. and shows Mexico is fast becoming one of the most violent countries.


Edited by ronz28
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Let the Russians have Pattaya, its ok, it was lost a long time ago anyway.

Just make sure that we can have the rest of Thailand for ourselves. Yes Im a Scandinavian. No I dont hate Russians , just their behaviour.

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....I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Actually, he's right on Mexico to Thailand comparisons. Today, Thailand ranks third in the world for gun related killings, after South Africa and Columbia. Thailand had 20,032 gun-related killings per year. Currently Mexico, even with drug cartel- related deaths, ranks sixth with 2,606 per year.

A little more Buddhism please.

2,606?? No way Jose. Mexico's drug related death toll alone was about 15,273 in 2010 and that doesn't include killings from crimes of passion, etc. and shows Mexico is fast becoming one of the most violent countries.


The gun murder statistic on Thailand is total BS anyway, an error that keeps being repeated. 20,000 per year is the number of guns seized by police, not the number of gun murders per year. Total murders last year in Thailand was 3,658 with no statistics on what weapon was used. http://statistic.police.go.th/dn_main.htm

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Well he may have tagged the wrong city, but Russians have been rated the #1 worst tourist in the world.


To all of you 'bigots' I have just one thing to say: "It only takes One (1) decent Russian, to totally destroy your statement that "All Russians" are 'bad' ! !

There is something "good" in everyone; the trick is to find-out what it is ! !

Stop discriminating and perhaps take a good hard look at yourself first, hey ?


I'm certainly not perfect either ! !

Edited by jaapfries
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Plenty of other places in the world where Scandinavians can discover local culture? Or does Pattaya have some special local culture? ;) To honest Pattaya is probaly the last place in Thailand i would want to visit to discover Thai culture.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex [..]

I totally agree with you, that's why I never went to Pattaya...

not that I don't like sex whistling.gif but, for what I heard about the place I'm rather sure that it's not the kind of tourist site that I would love to stay in.

sorry but that's a really stupid remark. If you don't know a place yourself, how can you judge it?

Thais themselves come to Pattaya in very large numbers and enjoy the party atmosphere (actually Thais are the largest group of tourists in the city), so you are 'better' than the Thais? It is hard to bear listening people who think they are on moral highground. I would recommend you to take a look yourself and enjoy this colorful city which is much more interesting, lively and colorful than many others in the world. Of course it has downsides - but then, others have as well, especially Bangkok or many over-regulated Western cities.

Back to topic: the Russian tourists - well they have their own culture, and it is about time that our Northern European friends learn to deal with them. If you meet them on a person-to-person basis, most of them are very nice and warm people, and many much better educated than the average European tourist, let alone Americans.

just my 2 cents,


The Thai's I have seen in pattaya are families and off duty "ladies" who frequent the beaches in the Day time and go home at sunset! I won't mention the "professionals" who prey on the ignorant tourist at night!
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This article, like most others, does not make sense, albeit the Russian peoples do have their downsides. But who doesn't?

There are simply too many contrasts surrounding the issue to make the reasons given reasonably justifiable. There are many more issues with Russian that could have been centered upon rather than mere "noise".

And by drawing attention to the "noise" issue here in Pattaya without mentioning Karaokes, G#d#mn dogs, the decibel level of any Thai conversation, roosters, construction workers and on and on, then one must be mad to single out the Russians over such an issue as "noise".

I think the issue of xenophobia could have received better attention; but then again, what do you expect from a people who have just been released from the manacles of communist rule, and then had their country taken over by the same crooks now wearing Armani?

The biggest issue with Russians, in my experience with them, is trust! I can give more reasons why they do not trust and come across as rude and immature, than the "journalist" can support the argument about "noise".

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"About russian tourists: true, they are noisy, but also colourful and they are an attraction on themselves!!!...."

I don't know where 'Romanoba' was (or what he was on) when he drew the above coclusion but if he had of stopped after "Noisy" he would have been bang on.

They are the most dour, illmannered race I have come across in Thailand.


This guy has it 100% bang on.

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Ding Dongs can come from any country. I had a hotel room in C.Mai with a Japanese man across the hall. He brought 2 or 3 chicks to his room that night. From 1 am to 4 am, all I could hear was a very loud and deep man's voice going "haka judzi mayakaza sukimeyumizee...." and some such Japanese gibberish, followed immediately by compulsory girlish giggling. On and on for hours.

As for Mexico, Cancun is still a huge tourist destination regardless of the problems in the rest of the country.

Not to mention Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, and numerous other popular travel destinations. The border cities are to be avoided these days (Tijuana, Juarez, etc), but the beach cities further south are still super popular and largely untouched by drug violence.

Agree. Mexico and Latin America have a lot of good destinations on offer. Plus Mexican food is (for me) much better than Thai, in taste and in healthiness, and they don't use MSG. Mayan and Aztec ruins are as impressive as any ruins anywhere. If you haven't sat and meditated at the top of one of the giant pyramids in Guatemala or Belize or Mexico, you've got something to look forward to.

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There are already in Pattaya some places exclusively made for Scandinavian , so I propose they stick to it , if they cannot accept that other people have different way of being on holidays ,they should stay home.

Russians can be noisy but they pay like any body else , dont forget that Russian only travel not long ago and they have to learn many things. Do you want to lock your tourists in some "ghettos" to have peace ? Ridiculous ..... I been in many hotels full of Russian tourists , they are not more noisy than some drunk English or Germans. And without those Russians , many hotels would have already closed in Thailand.

I dont like Chinese tourists , they have no manners at all , shall I ask the hotels to change their policy ? :angry:

Yes, I have to agree with the comment about the Chinese...they can be obnoxious in groups.

however, we have to get used to the fact that the "third world" is now travelling abroad for their holidays thanks to cheap fares and cheap destinations like Thailand.

They perhaps don't have the same levels of refinement that we are used to and we have to share hotels with them.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Yes I got a laugh out of the Mexico comment also. There is a war going on there. My sister used to go to Mexico frequently from Texas but now they even avoid the road that runs along the border. So if this author is so far off in that respect than how accurate is his other info?!

Yes and last year there were many photos of rampaging arsonists, burning tire barricades in downtown Bangkok and grenade launchers going off near skytrain stations. Didn't keep the tourists away for long though, did it?

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<br />I happen to be a Russian and I find this conversation strange to say the least. I run a business in Thailand, quite obviously, I get my living from Russian tourists. I work legally and I pay all the taxes. Before I moved to where i am now, i used to live on Koh Lanta. Many would agree, that Lanta is mostly scandinavian island (speaking of scandinavian tour operators) and I can tell that some of the tourists on Lanta are as noisy and annoying as maybe some Russians in Pattaya. But that's the way they are and I am not blaming anybody for the way they like to spend their holiday. In the end of a day, everyone has the right to spend their holiday where they want to and the way they like to and if some tour operators are annoyed by other nationalities, well, maybe they can look for opportunities to provide better services for their customers rather than whining in media.<br /><br />Now the only thing I wonder is why some users so absolutely sure that all russians in Pattaya are 'Mafia'? Have they ever met any real russian mafia or is it just soviet stereotype? It's been more than 20 years since USSR and things has changed slightly, so maybe you guys should go out and get some education instead of sitting on the webforums posting stuff that you have no idea about ?<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I understand your bias but you are mistaken about the Russian Mafia they are alive and well in Pattaya. I can't speak for Phuket. Edited by Markaew
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"I totally agree with you, that's why I never went to Pattaya...

not that I don't like sex but, for what I heard about the place I'm rather sure that it's not the kind of tourist site that I would love to stay in."


I always get a kick out of stupid comments like this! Usually you read "I have never been there" or "I read this in so and so" or "my friend told me" that Pattaya is no good, etc.

Maybe you ought to visit first before you condemn something you have never seen first hand! If you ever visit you won't be out any money, it is easy to get to Pattaya for peanuts on a bus. Since the hotels and restaurants are cheaper you may even save money on your little expedition into the jungles of Darkest Pattaya! (And don't worry - nothing you see or experience will scar you for life and there will not be any Scarlet Letter painted on your back!)

Do you think they made all of those new huge modern malls just for sex tourists? Visit one in the evening - they are full of women tourists shopping, female tourists alone or in small groups, family groups, etc. Many tourists visit Pattaya just for a cheap holiday, a place to relax and perhaps take tours and shop. Many of these tourists are couples and family groups returning again and again.

There are many tourists that visit Pattaya often and rarely ever even go to any bars. There are retirees living in Pattaya who never go to bars. Hotels are cheaper in Pattaya, transportation is cheap at only 10 baht, supermarkets are clean and modern, decent medical and dental facilities and the life is easy going. No one is forced to go into a bar against his or her will!

Well said, I agree 100% with you about people commenting on a place they have never been.I gave up trying to explain the good points about Pattaya a long time ago.I love the place , good or bad.

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I gave up trying to explain the good points about Pattaya a long time ago.I love the place , good or bad.

You're entitled to love whatever and whomever you want. Some people love little dogs that bark incessantly, and poop everywhere. To each his own.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham

I totally agree with you, that's why I never went to Pattaya...

not that I don't like sex whistling.gif but, for what I heard about the place I'm rather sure that it's not the kind of tourist site that I would love to stay in.

So you have never been to Pattaya - but you can comment about it.tongue.gif

You sound like the girls in Oz that said as I was about to leave to come here (Thailand is full of prostitutes)cool.gif

You know the story - opinions are like a*sholes - everybody has onebiggrin.gif

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I live in near Pattaya Park which seems to be ground zero for the Russian tourists on holiday. Or the Red Zone as we refer to it.......So I have daily contact with them. In my opinion they are not bad people, just a bit like country bumpkins visiting the big city. I only get pissed off when there is a bunch of them in 7 -11, and they are are yelling at the poor clerk in Russian trying to get her to refill their phone simm card.. &lt;deleted&gt; ?? Either learn ten words of English, or at least learn to pantomime politely.... Also they seem to walk down the middle of the street with their back to traffic. Is this some sort of Russian thing?

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Now since Russian influx to Pattaya is becoming annoying to many western expats, let me (being Russian) to speculate a bit to help you to deal with it better.

It all starts with not knowing English language. I don't know why Russian schools are doing such a poor job teaching English - but this is the fact - most Russian can't get any information except the bull the Russian media feeds them. Not that I'm saying that western media is better ;-) - but unfortunately most Russians can't even talk to people to have any other point of view.

I do believe that many Russians coming to Pattaya would be thrilled to communicate with westerners and learn something from them - they just don't know how. As result they behave like they don't care.

This is really weird but many Russians get lost even at the airport. They see foreign language signs they don't know how to read and start to panic. Then they become aggressive.

Add to this that Russian tour agencies are trying to force them to buy everything through those agencies - so they feed customers pure nonsense like "all Thais are crooks - don't even think about buying anything from them directly or you will be conned". This cultivates paranoia resulting in angry behavior over 10 baht. Not that 10 baht are so important – they just don’t want to feel like they were conned.

So my advice – just be friendly to them ;-) Most of them don’t really want to be bad. Of course there are some bad types it is better to avoid (in Russian we call them bydlo ;-) but as it is rightfully mentioned you will see them in most nations.

Edited by zhaffsky
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I have to say that in my position as a bi lingual teacher i have had to deal with all sorts of parents,the Russians are the most demanding and threatening.One father demanded that his offspring of 9 years old be able to speak English in 4 weeks.When he just happen to let it drop that he knew "the Russian mafia" i told him that i knew them also and suggested he take his chlld to another school.Yes,i would agree that some Russians have the idea that they will control Thailand in the future,in fact i was told this by a big mouthed inebriated Russian parent,he also told me that Russia would do this with the help of the Thai government,who were so greedy for money that they would willingly sell Thailand and their own arshol--es if the price was right. As for noisy,well, yes but then isnt any child on its first trip to a theme park?But then let us also look at our own less than lovely tourists,obese,bald,gap toothed,tatooed thugs,who,when all wearing their wife beater t shirts and unwashed shorts that end at calf level(just like clowns pants who are normally found walking the sois,carriying bottles of Chang,6.4 brain damage and sauntering across the roads daring the Thai drivers to run them over and then yelling untold filth at said drivers when they beep them beep them.Well i dont suppose Thai people get to see a herd of escappees from a Millwall game every day.

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What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

Sorry but ur post is a crock. TUI is a package tour company that cosset their guests from the seedier side of Pattaya, they don't have planes full of sex tourists as the generally travel independently.

As for Mexico, Cancun is still a huge tourist destination regardless of the problems in the rest of the country.

Jeez, gotta love Thaivisa, old crones with no knowledge of the subject tapping away on their keyboards like the fountain of all knowledge. I heard a guy in a bar a few days ago tell another old crone 'you've got nothing to say, and you are saying too much of it'. Rather fitting don't you think....

Armchair tourist you know nothing of Mexico or anything else.

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