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I'm Beginning To Really Resent My Life...


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I know how you feel but I'm going to stick it out another 5 years then retire at 49. I really like to retire now but I did some soul searching and decided in 2010. Thailand will be there and I'll be ready with the rest of board members.

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Life can be <deleted> at times :o . Things change though, if you feel your at your lowest ebb then there is only one direction to go and it aint down. I found that feeling low/high is all in the mind. Try and take the positives from everything, dont dwell on the negatives, it just eats you up.

Feel glad to be breathing in the air (even the shit on Sukhumvit), feel happy about being able to do what you want, when you want and in the wake of whats been going on througout the world over the last few years br gratefull that you are who you are and that you are still here.

Life is the greatest gift, enjoy it, dont squander it. :D

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This sounds like a heavy case of post Thailand depression. Coming back to reality can be very dispiriting at times. If you are feeling unhappy with your situation then making other plans is a good idea, but don't rush things too fast, give yourself a little time to think things through. I agree with those who suggest a career break and travelling for a year, and not just in Thailand, but all over asia and/or other continents if you have time. This might give you a greater perspective on where you want your life to go in the future.

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Thanks to each and every one of you, all your comments, advice and support will be taken on board to sort myself out.

My toys are up for sale but I will keep my main house and one other (investment) property to keep my foot in the UK.  I intend to be there by March if all goes to plan.  One of the careers I've always had in mind if I was ever to make a career move was teaching.  Hence I've decided to have a go at TEFL in Bangkok.  I'm sure I will be suited to the job and will enjoy it.  It will also be quite a contrast to what I've been doing and earning over the past several years but I intend to scale down my life a little by doing this and get a bit more "back to basics" - too many of life's excesses can't be too good for you either as I have seen!

I value all of the comments highly and appreciate everyone's feedback greatly, the TV community, for me, has really shone brightly on this one and I congratulate everyone for being so supportive.

I've been thinking about what I need to do and agree that it's best to sort my self out and clear my head before I leave and that's what I intend to do.  I know the Thai bug has been a significant influencing factor in how I feel.  It's almost been a case of "I want a bite of that cherry too" syndrome and I've never been able to get it out of my head.

And why should I fight it?  I may have sort of lived life to excess recently but I've also denied myself of what really counts - inner peace, happiness and THE most important of all - and I really really really miss this - love.  There's a lot of it in my heart and I want to share it with someone before the fire goes out.... :o

Hey Zaz wehn we having that coffe or was it ice tea. Fact of life is the hardest thing in Thailand is leaving.

But pay your dues so you can really enjoy your freedom here, it will come. The other thing to keep in mind is yes sometimes it is magic here some times it is just as tough a being where you are now. So you will have your ups and downs here to. It takes total comittment to make here but it is worth it.

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Zaz mate....everyone is in the same boat...no-one on this planet is 100% happy 24/7...it is natural to get bored or depressed sometimes...i find this time of year in the UK coming into the shorter days has alot to do with depression..ie...S.A.D syndrome...

Thailand is great, but now way perfect.....be careful not to totally build all your hopes and dreams on it, cos the dream in our heads usually turn out to be totally different to when we get it....

the grass is always greener....i totally believe this.

we all get bored with everything after a while....bored with doing nothing...bored with bar girls...bored bored bored..lol...but thats life mate...

my plan is to live in thailand 6 months of the year and 6 months in the UK just to keep in touch with reality....alot of people knock the UK for their own personal reasons....but in reality it is a stable realistic society on which u can build your dreams in freedom. NEVER forget where you come from...thats the place that made u...

have you thought about charity work? i dont wanna preach...but when i start to feel self pity...which if i might say, sounds like your situation to me...i always think of the people and kids worse off than me....

there are alot of people in thailand u could help...maybe do some voluntary charity work...that will make u feel good and in return you will be bettering a childs life.... :D

thats what i plan to do anyhow....

so remember zaz...the grass IS always greener....and you are fortunate to have your own health, family & friends...etc....if u remember these 2 things when u feel down, it will kick your ass into gear.....

good luck mate

and remember monty phyton...Always look on the bright side of life... :o

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That's really a great thread (many answers).

I perused. The key words i like : freedom, grass greener, life too short...

The key words i don't buy : "earth quake victims..."

From a ethical and intellectual point of view, yes Earth is full of poor people who suffer tremendously. Ok so it's difficult to put your own good western life in the balance.... But, regarding our friend question... well it doesn't solve anything.

We are speaking here about "mal etre"... Emotions.

So I would just repeat my previous post (and other) : DO IT.

And even if you don't, just thinking about it, it's already something interesting.

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I know this may sound corny,but as I said I was getting a bit down with Thailand and have moved back to the UK for a while.

I downloaded Tony Robbins Peronal Power 2,(free from P2P,sorry)and really listerned to it, and followed the advice.It changed my atitude greatly,and I would recommened it to anyone feeling a bit "lost"career or life wise.

It is a 30 day program listerning to one lesson a day.

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I'm in the "If all this in Thailand goes wrong, What the **** am I going to do after syndrome" I've lost all skills of work back home, not having qualifications does'nt help. :D

You just got to find yourself one of those nice honest genuine local ladies that we keep reading about on this forum.

You know the ones they don’t want any money just love their man and would do anything to take care and look after him.

There seem to be lots of them about, a simple thing to find one to take care of you when the money runs out.


Got one of those already :D

HA, HA, HA. You have heard the story of looking for a needle in a haystack??

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Hi all,

Yep recognise a lot in story's from different posters.

Altough I am succesfull in life I also have the kind of feelings of what am I doing on this planet. I was a drop out from school because I was not challenged enough. Started working at the age of 15. Did all kind of jobs from housebuilding to working in the slaughterhouse, joined the army. Then I decided to follow my fathers footsteps and became a carpainter (car refinishing). Within 8 months I became the foremen of the paint shop, went back to (evening) school to get my diploma's. After 8 years doing that work I joined a big multinational as a trainer and slowly moved up to become senior consultant. After 7 years working for that company and staying/working in more then 60 countries I decided to look for another challange. So I went to my manager and asked him if he could help me find a job in Thailand. After 1 year they offered me a job in Asia, based in Singapore as Technical services manager Asia. Last year they told me they want me in Thailand (same position). So here I am. I know it does not stop here and perhaps I will move up in my working career but am I happy?

What I really would like to do is produce music but I know it will never give me enough money for the for the first two or 3 years. So what I do is I make music in the weekends sometimes, and just think about the succes I had while I was a parttime DJ and producer.

I have been very poor and also very rich and enjoyed both experiences but I never forgot to be good for people. I think if you are good for others good things will come back for you and it seem to work, at least for me.

You can be anything you want, you just have to believe in it!



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Hiya Zaz

I lived in Thailand for a number of years and enjoyed all of its emotional joys to the full. However alot of that was mispent until I met someone that presented more affection and love for me than anything I could of imagined. However without stabilty and spending cash like it was going out of fashion I returned to mould a life for myself to my home country. I will always be returning to Thailand and will settle there again eventually but one must find stability in oneself before embarking on any rash decisions.

I f you need to go for it do, but just dont think that the cash can buy real smiles, those are for free. :o:D

Edited by lopburiguy
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