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Pheu Thai Ahead Of Democrats: Opinion Poll


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what happenned to the PAD no vote or are they in the undecided group - or did i miss something???

i think that the problem with PAD is that right now they don't have nothing better to do( the reason for the creation of the PAD, was to protest against Thaksin, i believe), but their leaders wants to continue making some noise so they started this campaign, but i believe that the popularity of PAD is deacreasing day after day, since many of my friends who were yellow shirs supporters now are with the PT.

But i most to point out that i like the posters that they has putted all over BKK, i think that the monkey and the dog are great :D

Edited by caribbeanman
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Has there been an opinion poll with less than 30% undecided?

There was one about a week ago which had 10% undecided.

I think a lot of undecideds will remain so until they get into the polling booth, then it will be just a decision based on emotional rather than logical/reasoned factors.

Just like voting in the West, then?

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what happenned to the PAD no vote or are they in the undecided group - or did i miss something???

PAD is pretty much a defunct organization. I imagine they represent less than 5% of the population. That said, as far as being anti-Thaksin they are aligned with about 65% of the electorate.

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And on a third hand, maybe if the price keeps rising there will be a positive outcome. Here's hoping for the day when the price of a vote is higher than anyone can afford ;)

Not ever likely for the one Party that has a billionaire as its financier.

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My guess is that underlying patterns of support across the Kingdom have remained broadly unchanged over several years, despite the best efforts of some to frustrate the will of the electorate. It has long been my suspicion that most TV posters have very little sense of what is happening outside the expat bubble, but I accept that my view may be distorted by the fact that I spend most of my time in Thailand in the NE. Soon we shall have a better idea.

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the 300 baht has been paid out to each person old enough to vote in wifes village, that gets a vote for a guy who is an independant but joined Abhisit Vejjajiva in the coalition, although all the village stongly support Thaskins old party. money talks.

I think all those little Red Flags waving around should carry the slogan... "I may be stupid & not understand national problems, but at least I've got a free iPad & WiFi coming! "

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Has there been an opinion poll with less than 30% undecided?

Clutching at straws. Now that has been made public that the army forced the smaller parties to join the Democrats; Are you really still going to support this party? Looks like everyone else has realised, probably time that you left the sinking ship with the other rats. Or will it just be you & Abhisit left standing after the July 3 massacre?

i will be there too

it will be a cold day in hell when i kow tow to the red revoltionary bully boys.........

Brave talk. Should the Democrats be swept aside, not much will change and you will still be doing what you did on any given day before Mme. Yingluck takes her place as PM (should she win).

Foreigners in Thailand are always making threats and big statements, but it's usually hot air.

hardy a threat, more of a lifestyle choice

i do not bow to bullies of any colour

check my posts, my position has not changed since songkran one

foreigners in Thailand, yes do make many big statements when attempting to re-invent themselves

i guess you would not be surprised by how many ex SAS/Navy Seals turned out to be green collar workers........

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Baiting and inflammatory posts and their responses have been deleted. Lets drop the hyperbole, the unsubstantiated rumors the baiting and the flaming and TRY to have a civil debate.

Posts containing unsubstantiated and defamatory comments have been removed. Defamation is a criminal charge in Thailand and we'd hate to have to turn over your email and IP to the authorities. So,I would highly recommend as site admin, that kind of thing be dropped immediately.

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hardy a threat, more of a lifestyle choice i do not bow to bullies of any colour

check my posts, my position has not changed since songkran one

foreigners in Thailand, yes do make many big statements when attempting to re-invent themselves

i guess you would not be surprised by how many ex SAS/Navy Seals turned out to be green collar workers........

I do not doubt your views. That's not the issue for me. Rather, it's the position of "standing firm". Standing firm against what? An election result one disagrees with? What exactly is the typical foreigner going to do except leave? Ok, so a foreigner leaves. It happens every week, but a new sucker foreigner arrives to take his place. A foreigner that has a large investment or a family in Thailand can't just up and leave as it would most likely result in financial hardship or family problems.

If your view is to stand firm against corruption, then good luck at that the next time you need expedited services and are obliged to "thank" someone or are stopped at a police tea money collection point. I too loathe corruption and refuse to support it, but there are times when it is better to render unto Ceasar his due than to preach the gospel. Foreigners that cause a scene, no matter how honest and decent these foreigners can end up dead or be harassed by an onslaught of inconvenient enforcement actions. The fact of the matter is that the election is yet to be decided, and even if Mme. Yinglick becomes PM it will take some time for the results to be seen and felt. Even if Mr. Thaksin returns, it will not impact the daily life of a foreigner. Thailand has had its share of military rulers, some more brutal than others, and yet the foreigners gleefully moved to Thailand.

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And on a third hand, maybe if the price keeps rising there will be a positive outcome. Here's hoping for the day when the price of a vote is higher than anyone can afford ;)

Not ever likely for the one Party that has a billionaire as its financier.

Less likely if a ruling party is supported and financed by the owners of the nation's largest enterprises and large numbers of the nation's super wealthy. What's a few million baht when you have a financial interest in keeping some people in charge of a government that oversees investment rules, regulations and enforcement?

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I don't care about the election, but I am interested if there is a list of " constituencies " that are refereed to in the pathetically written Nation story.

A link would be nice thank you. There seems no shortage of Thai election experts around here. rolleyes.gif

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Whatever Thaksin is or isn't, he is a product of Thai society. Perhaps he is the superman of corruption, but is only a creation of/ reflection of, the very same society. If his party/ clone wins and is able to hold on to power, it is simply the society's reflection, the society's child, returning.

Granting amnesty is really no different from the "Zero accountability" or "impunity" stuff that already exists.

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I don't care about the election, but I am interested if there is a list of " constituencies " that are refereed to in the pathetically written Nation story.

A link would be nice thank you. There seems no shortage of Thai election experts around here. rolleyes.gif

The list of constituencies seems to be a well-guarded secret; I could not find it on the web. There being one representative per constituency there are obviously 400 constituencies (http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/asiapacific/news/article_1601448.php/Thai-parliament-passes-constitutional-amendment-on-constituencies). Let's see if anybody else can find the list, and perhaps also a map showing the borders of the constituencies.

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I just come back from a rally of Yinluck in Thoen. 8000 people, most not from the amphoe. She looked tired. Short speaking and than disappeared. (A misused woman by her brother, my impression).

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Whatever Thaksin is or isn't, he is a product of Thai society. Perhaps he is the superman of corruption, but is only a creation of/ reflection of, the very same society. If his party/ clone wins and is able to hold on to power, it is simply the society's reflection, the society's child, returning.

Granting amnesty is really no different from the "Zero accountability" or "impunity" stuff that already exists.

Bravo! And the opinions of those who would recreate Thailand in their prayed-for image matter not at all. Perhaps we should contemplate our significance here

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I just come back from a rally of Yinluck in Thoen. 8000 people, most not from the amphoe. She looked tired. Short speaking and than disappeared. (A misused woman by her brother, my impression).

8000 people, most from elsewhere? How can you know that?

Misused by her brother? Your impression was also shared by the few people from the amphoe?

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Whatever Thaksin is or isn't, he is a product of Thai society. Perhaps he is the superman of corruption, but is only a creation of/ reflection of, the very same society. If his party/ clone wins and is able to hold on to power, it is simply the society's reflection, the society's child, returning.

Granting amnesty is really no different from the "Zero accountability" or "impunity" stuff that already exists.

Bravo! And the opinions of those who would recreate Thailand in their prayed-for image matter not at all. Perhaps we should contemplate our significance here

I apologize, I know I shouldn't write this, but please excuse me I have to.

Writing 'granting amnesty is not different from the actual situation' is BULLSHIT, repeat BULLSHIT !

Granting amnesty would be a 'de facto' recognizion of double standards, an acceptance of all many are fighting against. Many are opposed and fight against anyone who tries to escape his/her responsability. Remember the 17 year old girl who caused 9/10 deaths on the expressway? One of k. Chalerm's son's who stayed away till papa had 'cleared' things?

No bravo, only a well meant think again

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Has there been an opinion poll with less than 30% undecided?

Clutching at straws. Now that has been made public that the army forced the smaller parties to join the Democrats; Are you really still going to support this party? Looks like everyone else has realised, probably time that you left the sinking ship with the other rats. Or will it just be you & Abhisit left standing after the July 3 massacre?

i will be there too

it will be a cold day in hell when i kow tow to the red revoltionary bully boys.........

Brave talk. Should the Democrats be swept aside, not much will change and you will still be doing what you did on any given day before Mme. Yingluck takes her place as PM (should she win).

Foreigners in Thailand are always making threats and big statements, but it's usually hot air.

Not much will change immediately, that is true.

And as long as their push for amnesty falls flat, very little will change at all. If they look like they are going to be successful absolving the square faced fugitive of his crimes though???

Look out for falling bodies and stray bullets. Thaksin won't be returning, and elections are irrelevant to this. The sooner the red brigade accepts that their savior is truly a scumbag, the sooner reconciliation can begin.

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hardy a threat, more of a lifestyle choice i do not bow to bullies of any colour

check my posts, my position has not changed since songkran one

foreigners in Thailand, yes do make many big statements when attempting to re-invent themselves

i guess you would not be surprised by how many ex SAS/Navy Seals turned out to be green collar workers........

I do not doubt your views. That's not the issue for me. Rather, it's the position of "standing firm". Standing firm against what? An election result one disagrees with? What exactly is the typical foreigner going to do except leave? Ok, so a foreigner leaves. It happens every week, but a new sucker foreigner arrives to take his place. A foreigner that has a large investment or a family in Thailand can't just up and leave as it would most likely result in financial hardship or family problems.

If your view is to stand firm against corruption, then good luck at that the next time you need expedited services and are obliged to "thank" someone or are stopped at a police tea money collection point. I too loathe corruption and refuse to support it, but there are times when it is better to render unto Ceasar his due than to preach the gospel. Foreigners that cause a scene, no matter how honest and decent these foreigners can end up dead or be harassed by an onslaught of inconvenient enforcement actions. The fact of the matter is that the election is yet to be decided, and even if Mme. Yinglick becomes PM it will take some time for the results to be seen and felt. Even if Mr. Thaksin returns, it will not impact the daily life of a foreigner. Thailand has had its share of military rulers, some more brutal than others, and yet the foreigners gleefully moved to Thailand.

you expand on my post rather too much for my taste and are using it as a promotional vehicle for your views not mine

i said nothing about corruption, or anything like it

my lifestyle stance is against bullies of any colour or creed

so please do not attempt to put your words in my mouth

thank you

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you expand on my post rather too much for my taste and are using it as a promotional vehicle for your views not mine

i said nothing about corruption, or anything like it

my lifestyle stance is against bullies of any colour or creed

so please do not attempt to put your words in my mouth

thank you

If they're his views, then he's not putting words in your mouth.

The rules say he can't change your quote. What he says in his own post is up to him.

If you don't agree with his views, why don't you try to comment on the content, rather than crying about where he posts it. Or just ignore it.

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you expand on my post rather too much for my taste and are using it as a promotional vehicle for your views not mine

i said nothing about corruption, or anything like it

my lifestyle stance is against bullies of any colour or creed

so please do not attempt to put your words in my mouth

thank you

If they're his views, then he's not putting words in your mouth.

The rules say he can't change your quote. What he says in his own post is up to him.

If you don't agree with his views, why don't you try to comment on the content, rather than crying about where he posts it. Or just ignore it.

Quite right. I think timekeeper's too busy not getting bullied to notice.

Edited by hanuman1
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you expand on my post rather too much for my taste and are using it as a promotional vehicle for your views not mine

i said nothing about corruption, or anything like it

my lifestyle stance is against bullies of any colour or creed

so please do not attempt to put your words in my mouth

thank you

If they're his views, then he's not putting words in your mouth.

The rules say he can't change your quote. What he says in his own post is up to him.

If you don't agree with his views, why don't you try to comment on the content, rather than crying about where he posts it. Or just ignore it.

why don't you become a moderator then it might be any of your business to pass comment on a post not even remotely conected to you

for sure i do not need posting advise from the likes of you..........

Edited by timekeeper
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you expand on my post rather too much for my taste and are using it as a promotional vehicle for your views not mine

i said nothing about corruption, or anything like it

my lifestyle stance is against bullies of any colour or creed

so please do not attempt to put your words in my mouth

thank you

If they're his views, then he's not putting words in your mouth.

The rules say he can't change your quote. What he says in his own post is up to him.

If you don't agree with his views, why don't you try to comment on the content, rather than crying about where he posts it. Or just ignore it.

Quite right. I think timekeeper's too busy not getting bullied to notice.

not too busy to notice busy bodies sticking their whore (sic) in where its not wanted............

Edited by timekeeper
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Whatever Thaksin is or isn't, he is a product of Thai society. Perhaps he is the superman of corruption, but is only a creation of/ reflection of, the very same society. If his party/ clone wins and is able to hold on to power, it is simply the society's reflection, the society's child, returning.

Granting amnesty is really no different from the "Zero accountability" or "impunity" stuff that already exists.

Bravo! And the opinions of those who would recreate Thailand in their prayed-for image matter not at all. Perhaps we should contemplate our significance here

I apologize, I know I shouldn't write this, but please excuse me I have to.

Writing 'granting amnesty is not different from the actual situation' is BULLSHIT, repeat BULLSHIT !

Please re-read the statement above (highlighted in red) Simply means Thai society can forget easily and granting amnesty to the reds and yellows is essentially no different from the usual "impunity and zero accountability" I do not say it is right or I agree with it, That is simply "the way it is"

Granting amnesty would be a 'de facto' recognizion of double standards, an acceptance of all many are fighting against. Many are opposed and fight against anyone who tries to escape his/her responsability. Remember the 17 year old girl who caused 9/10 deaths on the expressway? One of k. Chalerm's son's who stayed away till papa had 'cleared' things?

No bravo, only a well meant think again

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Whatever Thaksin is or isn't, he is a product of Thai society. Perhaps he is the superman of corruption, but is only a creation of/ reflection of, the very same society. If his party/ clone wins and is able to hold on to power, it is simply the society's reflection, the society's child, returning.

Granting amnesty is really no different from the "Zero accountability" or "impunity" stuff that already exists.

Bravo! And the opinions of those who would recreate Thailand in their prayed-for image matter not at all. Perhaps we should contemplate our significance here

Than you for your kind words.

I have not pondered much at all about my / your / our significance in this country. I have set some goals and try to keep my head above water in accomplishing them. I stay busy with studies, music, enlightened, open minded national and international friends, and sports.

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Has there been an opinion poll with less than 30% undecided?

Clutching at straws. Now that has been made public that the army forced the smaller parties to join the Democrats; Are you really still going to support this party? Looks like everyone else has realised, probably time that you left the sinking ship with the other rats. Or will it just be you & Abhisit left standing after the July 3 massacre?

No - ill be with him too - i dont particularly want to see a criminal ex prime minister back to drain the country more!!

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