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who cares?

they were there illegally, involved in a violent, anarchic attempt at a red revolution

they knew why they were there

they knew the risks

som nom na.........

Who cares ???

Apparently a significant proportion of the population.

Som non na may soon be coming to you.


Thaksins priorities if and when he returns:

1: Abolish the LM law.

2. Grant the amnesty to all on his side including LM prisoners.

3. Sack the current army general.

4: Run Abhisit out of town.

5: Restock his bank accounts.

Apart from point 5...................looks pretty good


Thaksins priorities if and when he returns:

1: Abolish the LM law.

2. Grant the amnesty to all on his side including LM prisoners.

3. Sack the current army general.

4: Run Abhisit out of town.

5: Restock his bank accounts.

Apart from point 5...................looks pretty good

Do you think he's taken enough that he doesn't need to restock it?


The other English language paper has a newsflash on bail for two UDD members rejected anew in Ubon Ratchathani.

It has a Ms. Ubonkan (aka DJ Sao Fang Khong) say something like 'We do not want to bother or worry about the disagreements between Pheu Thai politicians here, as we look at the longer-term goal of winning, so as to bring our master (Thaksin) back home.'

Don't believe me, check it out yourself :)

As Arnie said, Thaksin said, "I'll Be Back" :jap:

I can understand comparing Thaksin to Mother Theresa or Gandhi, but comparing him to Schwarzenegger is going too far.



you need to understand that these aren't campaign promises, these schemes exist NOW and were not related to Thaksin

the old folks have had over 2 years of payments, thaksin never gave them a bean

the farmers have never had it so good under Korns scheme, many say so

you simply do not want to see beyond your RED tinted glasses

so i would be wasting my time highlighting other good things

there are non so blind as those who do not want to see...........

If you would be in Thailand and would have a at least a little touch to reality you would know that the democrats are not more than just nice words but nothing real.

The Democrats are going to lose the election. Guess why?

you have accused me of this before Samurai

i have lived here over ten years

i was here for Thaksin #1

reality?, i lived it, not just talk about it like you...........

spot on most posters here dont even live here or just listen to their shall we be polite issan wifes and lot their brian when they arrived only later ot understand how stupid they were


timekeeper said:

who cares?

they were there illegally, involved in a violent, anarchic attempt at a red revolution

they knew why they were there

they knew the risks

som nom na.........

Who cares ???

philw said :

Apparently a significant proportion of the population.

Som non na may soon be coming to you.

timekeeper said:

i am ready for them and for the likes of yourself .........


you need to understand that these aren't campaign promises, these schemes exist NOW and were not related to Thaksin

the old folks have had over 2 years of payments, thaksin never gave them a bean

the farmers have never had it so good under Korns scheme, many say so

you simply do not want to see beyond your RED tinted glasses

so i would be wasting my time highlighting other good things

there are non so blind as those who do not want to see...........

If you would be in Thailand and would have a at least a little touch to reality you would know that the democrats are not more than just nice words but nothing real.

The Democrats are going to lose the election. Guess why?

you have accused me of this before Samurai

i have lived here over ten years

i was here for Thaksin #1

reality?, i lived it, not just talk about it like you...........

spot on most posters here dont even live here or just listen to their shall we be polite issan wifes and lot their brian when they arrived only later ot understand how stupid they were

Lets re-check what is reality after July 3 and find out who is the stupid. Those who believe in a landslide victory for the Democrats or those who know that it will be a disastrous loss for them.


Lets re-check what is reality after July 3 and find out who is the stupid. Those who believe in a landslide victory for the Democrats or those who know that it will be a disastrous loss for them.

Has ANYONE said it would be a landslide victory for the Democrats?


Lets re-check what is reality after July 3 and find out who is the stupid. Those who believe in a landslide victory for the Democrats or those who know that it will be a disastrous loss for them.

Has ANYONE said it would be a landslide victory for the Democrats?

The reality might very well be

1..a victory of the Pheu Thai, but not large enough to form the government. So the current coalition forms a government again, and the reds are back in the streets,triggering a new round of violence...leading to a disaster

2..a large victory of the Pheu Thai, allowing them to form a government. Then the truth about their actual plans will come out, leading to a disaster.

3..the Dems win a very short victory, and are allowed to form the government with some other parties. Reds are back in the streets, triggering a new round of violence...leading to a disaster


One post removed as the quoted text had been altered.

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.


Lets re-check what is reality after July 3 and find out who is the stupid. Those who believe in a landslide victory for the Democrats or those who know that it will be a disastrous loss for them.

Has ANYONE said it would be a landslide victory for the Democrats?


Said by someone who claims that he lives here for over ten years and pretends to know what the "reality" is. One of the soi-disant Thaksin expert here.

<snipped timekeepers posts>

OK, maybe you should have said "that person who believes in a landslide victory for the Democrats ... ".


Lets re-check what is reality after July 3 and find out who is the stupid. Those who believe in a landslide victory for the Democrats or those who know that it will be a disastrous loss for them.

Has ANYONE said it would be a landslide victory for the Democrats?


Said by someone who claims that he lives here for over ten years and pretends to know what the "reality" is. One of the soi-disant Thaksin expert here.

<snipped timekeepers posts>

OK, maybe you should have said "that person who believes in a landslide victory for the Democrats ... ".

He is not alone. There are other who agree with him and believe it too.


He is not alone. There are other who agree with him and believe it too.

The link above is to a comment almost a year ago, and i think at that time, had there been an election, i think the Dems would have polled much stronger than they would today - landlside victory? not sure about that - but strong turnout for the Dems, yes, if for no other reason than to show disgust for Bangkok burning business. From the Dems point of view, shame then they didn't go to the polls at that time, but i think they were right when they said at that time that the country needed a period of calm before attempting to hold free and fair elections - well as free and fair as is possible here.

There is no doubt that since then though, PTP has gained momentum, partly due to Thai people's seeming ability to forgive and forget past "misdeeds" of the reds, who now make up much of the opposition, and partly due to the economic situation. This has really hit the Dems hard, much as i think it will Obama when his time comes. And then of course there is the Yingluck factor. Fresh faced and new on the scene, it's normal for the electorate to see this as more interesting and exciting than what they are used to. It's the honeymoon period, but i think it will be short-lived, once the lack of substance i suspect Yingluck offers becomes apparent.

Anyway, getting back to the landslide business, i think anyone who is predicting today - not months ago - that there will be one, for either of the two main parties, is going out on a limb, as all indicators suggest it will be tightly fought.

Samurai, seeing as you are helpfully keeping tabs on other people's predictions, what about your own? Are you or have you predicted a landslide victory yourself, for your "team"?


I neither understand a 'forecast' of a 'landslide' for the 'Democrats' (other than they're not 'redshirts'). or how this has to do with how long someone who will always be of 'temporary status to status' other than a 2 week tourist, has to do with it.

I did care, now I don't give a flying one.


Thaksins priorities if and when he returns:

1: Abolish the LM law.

2. Grant the amnesty to all on his side including LM prisoners.

3. Sack the current army general.

4: Run Abhisit out of town.

5: Restock his bank accounts.

Except for #5, you are in serious dream land

Taksin will never abolish the LM laws. He will continue to fully support the monarchy and the prosecution of those that are tying to abolish it. If you think different, you really have no idea who Thaksin is and what his grass root supporters think.

The only amnesty Thaksin is interested in his own. Da Torpedo is going to rot in prison no matter who forms the next government.

The last thing Thaksin needs is Abisit outside the country. What he wants is Abhisti safely in Parliament without enough votes to even start a censure debate, just like after the 2005 election.



I neither understand a 'forecast' of a 'landslide' for the 'Democrats' (other than they're not 'redshirts'). or how this has to do with how long someone who will always be of 'temporary status to status' other than a 2 week tourist, has to do with it.

I did care, now I don't give a flying one.

Three reads and still can't decipher your point.

Friday afternoon, three Changs to the wind, by any chance?


Taksin will never abolish the LM laws. He will continue to fully support the monarchy and the prosecution of those that are tying to abolish it. If you think different, you really have no idea who Thaksin is and what his grass root supporters think.

Have no idea what Thaksin really thinks about the monarchy, and i doubt anyone besides his nearest and dearest does, but one thing i will say, with regards him supporting prosecution of others, whoever they may be, is that it does seem strange for one who has himself already been prosecuted, and let's not forget, one who said before the outcome of that trial that he would respect the court's verdict, whatever that would be, to be taking any sort of stance on the prosecution of others.


Thaksins priorities if and when he returns:

1: Abolish the LM law.

2. Grant the amnesty to all on his side including LM prisoners.

3. Sack the current army general.

4: Run Abhisit out of town.

5: Restock his bank accounts.

Apart from point 5...................looks pretty good

You're not a stupid guy like so many of the other Thaksin supporters, so I'm going to ask you directly. Do you really believe the people who incited violence last year. Who fomented murder and arson, who stole the livliehoods of people they'd never met, who'd never done them harm, should really be given an amnesty? Is that what's really best for the nation?

And before you reply about the airport and the Yellow Shirts; let them burn too.


All his recent comments seem to smack of defeatism.The ignominy of it all if he is unseated by no more than a politically inexperienced young woman.

Obviously a concern as the job market here is not very good, even for ex pm's.

Whichever side wins hopefully it will be an outright victory as anything less will not be good for Thailand and that's what really counts.

He does seem to have adopted a defeatist attitude. That must inspire his "troops". As the saying goes: If you think you can't win, you will not win.


If all things were fair, logical and not grossly manipulated,

Abhisit 'should' win in a landslide. But TIT

You can look forward to something and not fully expect it to happen.

You can also lok forward to something good happen and know bad things will prevent it happening.

Neither side is positioned for a landslide,

just two approximately equal in popular vote minority parties,

and a smattering of special interest parties, that prevented either larger one from gaining supremacy.


Sister act means Thailand risks a return to dark days of Thaksinomics

Bloomberg - Just when we thought we'd seen everything from Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Thai prime minister has managed to clone himself. The genetic copy in question is Thaksin's younger sister, Yingluck Shinawatra, who is running for his old job. If you think this sounds like the political version of a cheesy horror film, imagine how Thailand's 68 million people feel. They've seen this one before and it doesn't end well.

Bloomberg - June 17, 2011

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/sister-act-means-thailand-risks-a-return-to-dark-days-of-thaksinomics-20110617-1g7p3.html#ixzz1PXzMJWop


Sister act means Thailand risks a return to dark days of Thaksinomics

Bloomberg - Just when we thought we'd seen everything from Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Thai prime minister has managed to clone himself. The genetic copy in question is Thaksin's younger sister, Yingluck Shinawatra, who is running for his old job. If you think this sounds like the political version of a cheesy horror film, imagine how Thailand's 68 million people feel. They've seen this one before and it doesn't end well.

Bloomberg - June 17, 2011

Read more: http://www.brisbanet...l#ixzz1PXzMJWop

Spot on and nicely quotable.

"His populist economic policies had more in common with Tammany Hall patronage than anything development economists would prescribe to raise living standards"

Most of us know that, seems many wish for some other reality.


Corruptiojn existed before they came on the scene, but Thaksin like Boss Tweed before him, took it to a whole 'nother level. I wonder if he'll die in prison as Boss did?


What seems to have gone under the radar a bit is the vote buying.

Relatives in Udon Thai just mentioned that the pt canvasser has just visited, demanded to know the full name, date of birth, and ID Card number of everybody at each residence, and where to put the X on the ballot paper all explained.

Next mornng there was a plain envelope in the letter box with 1,000Baht X the number of people at the house who are old enough to vote.


this is a Japanese joke as well as " did you have a nice fright ? " after landing......


From a real Q/A from a GED examination:

Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections?

A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election

(check this for more wisdom :)

http://www.inbetween...mination-q.html )


to bring any color to justice right now is like pouring oil on fire though slowly they have been caught why not non brutal Asian way take your time.........salt, pepper, chili and poison will be added in all the cases......

Perhaps Mr Abhisit's failure to bring any of the "yellow shirts" to justice, will come back to haunt him in the election results. Plus the contemptible minimum wage rise given to Thailands poorest, while MPs (amongst others), were given double digit percentage increases. I, too, think Mr Abhisit seems to be a decent man, possibly too decent for the task at hand. There can only be two ways forward for any country, evolution or revolution. Evolution requires a well educated population, a corruption free society, and a fairer distribution of the wealth a country creates. Thailands biggest problem is, that with each year that passes, these aims seem to get further away.


Is she the Thai Palin ? no way only a Thaksin young sister only and much younger than him by 18 years......

Lucky PM Abhisit to have her in his opposition as an exiled felon Representative.......pure hot air with a good looking face.

Not all people who vote for the PTP will be ardent Thaksin lovers.

Anyone who thinks the Dems haven't been effective, anyone who wants constitutional change, anyone who dislikes the army's current role in politics, anyone who thinks censorship is on the increase, anyone who thinks prior governments have been unjustly ousted etc etc may choose PTP simply as a protest vote showing their dissatisfaction with the current situation.

In a way I feel sorry for Abhisit because he's going to lose votes on issues over which he has had little or no control.

I'm not saying a PTP government will bring sweetness and light, but think back yourselves to times when you've voted in your countries for an opposition party. Were you 'pushed' away from the incumbent party because you thought they were crap, or were you 'pulled' by the promises of the opposition?

Hear, hear!

Of course in Thailand there are also some who simply think Ms. Yingluck looks nice enough to vote for. In a way as good a reason for voting as many others I've read about :ermm:

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