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Lucky Dogs


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I want to give a big plug to Nienke at Lucky Dogs who took "GREAT" care of my two cats for a week.

Lucky Dogs offers a great service to those who need their pets (Cats & Dogs) taken care of in Chiang Mai. I highly recommend them.

Thanks Nienke


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I am very glad to see a service like Lucky Dogs, which can supply a much needed service to people who need to travel without their pets. Good going Nienke :)

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a102.gif You only miss seeing my dogs? c021.gif

Buddy is doing very fine. He has been rehomed to a home he totally adores. I still see him on a regular basis, when he and his companion, a bull-terrier, come in daycare. Each time when his owner come to collect him in the late afternoon he goes screaming mad (with the emphasize on both the 'screaming' and the 'mad'). Very happy that the current owners finally said 'yes' when I asked them if they were interested in adopting Buddy. a115.gif

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Used the facilities for some 8 years now when traveling.

Have every confidence in Nienke and her staff and all being well September may be the next time Bert & Gypsy take up residence for their annual vacation.

If you want to know more go to www LuckyDogs.info

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can second that!! It makes me happy that I have a safe place to leave my dog when I'm traveling, especially when back in the US. Lucky Dogs is also great for dog training and consulting on animal diets, etc. Highly recommend!

Another good one is The Happy Gambol out near Mae Rim. More expensive but also more like a boarding school for dogs.

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I only use Lucky Dogs for my little guy now, I have tried other places but he always seems happier at Lucky Dogs. Nienke is a great person who just loves animals and it shows in her work. I had my dog in over last weekend for the long holiday and as usual the service was great. Not sure the staff are so keen on my dog though, they scarpered when he was let out to come and join us again. Could be a way of keeping them in line though Nienke.....

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I only use Lucky Dogs for my little guy now, I have tried other places but he always seems happier at Lucky Dogs. Nienke is a great person who just loves animals and it shows in her work. I had my dog in over last weekend for the long holiday and as usual the service was great. Not sure the staff are so keen on my dog though, they scarpered when he was let out to come and join us again. Could be a way of keeping them in line though Nienke.....

Well, it's a Pitbull right.. They command some respect. ;)

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Thank you also very much, BB1955, Thailand and Thaimiller.

I'm doing my utter best in keeping the animals healthy and happy.

That it not always goes the way I, and the owners, would prefer turned out to be the case again today, and last week. Two dogs, different owners, developed tumors. One a fast-growing tumor on the leg, which just has been taken of today and a piece send for biopsy (just collected her from the vet) and the other a tumor in the abdomen and pretty bad blood cell count (is already doing better on the medication, luckily).

Owners immediately notified, and both dogs under very close observation now and on medication.

A third dog, that came in yesterday, with a gaping wound next to the penis (also a tumor removed), because the mup-head (and total sweetheart) bit of the stitches twice (at the owner's house). Daily treatment of the wound. And unfortunately has to be taken out on lead on a regular basis, and thus can't run free in the play camps, until the wound is closed.

Three dogs that developed tumors in such a short (for me) time period makes me a bit depressed. :(

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