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Oh grilled chicken ! ? Is this why you considered KFC healthy ?

Fresh Chicken Marinated With Salt, Sodium Phosphate, and Monosodium Glutamate. Seasoned With: Maltodextrin, Salt, Bleached Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil, Monosodium Glutamate, Spice, Palm Oil, Natural Flavor, Garlic Powder, Soy Sauce (Soybean, Wheat, Salt), Chicken Fat, Chicken Broth, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Extractives of Turmeric, Dehydrated Carrot, Onion Powder, and Not More Than 2% Each of Calcium Silicate and Silicon Dioxide Added As Anticaking Agents.http://naturalbias.c...nk-your-health/

I think KFC still uses them but I'm not sure. I really don't eat anything there but the tarts and ice cream.

Pressure fryers!! That's why you can't get the same taste at home frying chicken.

Frying under pressure is quicker, and can be done at a lower temp and turns out a better product than a standard open fryer.

That and the marinating. The salt plumps an otherwise skinny chicken and some kind of acid (citric or whatever) makes tender it also kills bad bacteria in the chicken.

I marinate most things I cook at home because salt and lime or lemon juice kills bacteria and makes the product tender.

You can marinate vegetables too, vinegar and olive oil are good to use. Given the proper treatment you can make anything taste like chicken. :jap:

Well, sure, in theory that all makes sense. But then you actually try a piece of KFC chicken and.. It's just not very tasty stuff is it, compared to other fried chicken out there? (Say a good local Had Yai style fried chicken cart?)

Minimum wage fast food employees can mess up anything. Although bad management is the worst offender. There are a hundred things that they can do wrong to cut corners or be lazy. Perfectly executed KFC is hard to beat but that is not what you get most times.

On the contrary, I think that McDonalds do an excellent job in delivering an extremely consistent product around the world using a tremendous diversity of unskilled labour. I believe that their quality management is second to none (for the pedantic and obtuse amongst you, that is the opposite of 'next to nil').

If properly executed KFC is not what you get most times, then it is a poor fast food product delivered by a poor fast food chain. Fast food chains are about consistency, not cuisine.


By the way,I think pressure frying allows frying at a higher temperature, since the boiling point of the oil is increased; similarly to a pressure steamer. It may be that in a pressure fryer the oil is not allowed to boil; the heat transfer from liquid to food is much better than from vapour to food, and therefore if the boiling point is raised then heat transfer can be enhanced as well as reaching higher temperatures. Though of course the spurting and splashing when frying is actually due to the water in the food boiling off, since the boiling point of the moisture is well below the temperature of the hot oil. Oh, I'm really hankering for a good plate of home-cooked chips now, preferably made with those tasteless wet American baking potatoes, and smothered in brown sauce... or maybe it s the six pints first that I'm missing...

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Have you considered that a lot if not most of the posters on Thai Visa drink, smoke, have high risk sex and ride motorcycles in Thailand in the rain?

A lot of them work or have worked in combat zones or dangerous offshore oil rigs or deep mines?

A large percent date women who would not hesitate to go after them with a knife?

Do you really think they lose much sleep worrying about eating at KFC?

Kerry, there have been times in my life when i was quite possibly addicted to 2 out of the 4 vices mentioned in your first sentance.

Suffice to say, i have also been addicted to many other things you DID'NT mention....YET in all seriousness i can say I HAVE NEVER been addicted to KFC, or any other such "chew and spew" style, supposedly MSG-laden, restaurant food..

After reading this thread though,i can quite clearly see where i am going wrong and what i must now do.

In taking my next bargirl home i will be sure to season her with copious amounts of this dreaded MSG..

It will either cure me of my addiction to bargirls OR make her taste a helluva lot better!

Don't forget KFC marinates the chicken overnight in salt water.

In Nana Plaza You'd be struggling to find a bird who would agree to that, except maybe on the top floor.


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Oh grilled chicken ! ? Is this why you considered KFC healthy ?

Fresh Chicken Marinated With Salt, Sodium Phosphate, and Monosodium Glutamate. Seasoned With: Maltodextrin, Salt, Bleached Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil, Monosodium Glutamate, Spice, Palm Oil, Natural Flavor, Garlic Powder, Soy Sauce (Soybean, Wheat, Salt), Chicken Fat, Chicken Broth, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Extractives of Turmeric, Dehydrated Carrot, Onion Powder, and Not More Than 2% Each of Calcium Silicate and Silicon Dioxide Added As Anticaking Agents.http://naturalbias.c...nk-your-health/

My stomach is growling.

It just makes me fart , in Thai of Course.

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Wow, such a bunch of bitter opinionated complainers. It's such a simple thing, if you don't like KFC, go elsewhere. I happen to enjoy the food and I really don't care how they make it.

ADDED - You health food freaks are going to die the same as I am going to die. The difference is that I won't die from nothing. Life is short and I want to get as much pleasure from it as I can.

Edited by Gary A
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You are absolutely right : the topic is :

Why do KFC put the price of Dan Tan down when (I quote) " It is supposed to be the other way round" and get more expensive ?

Now that is a very interesting issue, that should keep us on our feet for days ...

Wild guess: Customers used to take just one or a couple and they want to push them to purchase more ?

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What you forget that when you go in a macshit place is that you spend more on a crappy meal than a Thai person gets paid in one day, It puts it in prospective does it not ,

No, but it might put into perspective. B)

you chose to live in there country. the real Thai people who do not live in Sin city live in the real Thailand, and 300baht is about there pay for a day. Very few Thais can afford to eat in resturants. or mac shit or. bluber king,My mother Inlaw works in a Thai hospital and she cannot afford to eat In any of these places. I have never see any Thais in Starbuks in Sahmut Sahkon, Because they dont build them in the Thai provinces, just the tourist places, so your view is distorted.

What, are we supposed to feel guilty because we were not born in a 3rd world shitehole, actually received an education and applied it to make our lives better?

If you want to go-native, empathize with the local nature color, beat to drum to the injustice under which they live, then please do so. Just do it elsewhere as it has nothing to do with the price of egg tarts at MickyD's. :jap:

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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What you forget that when you go in a macshit place is that you spend more on a crappy meal than a Thai person gets paid in one day, It puts it in prospective does it not ,

No, but it might put into perspective. B)

I think he means - its something to look forward to ...

I don't know why you guys so often assume someone has made a spelling mistake, and that he meant what you assumed he meant? WHy not try and figure out and understand what he actually wrote?


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It just makes me fart , in Thai of Course.

If you fart in Sin City*, is it truly Thai?

*(I guess that's Bangkok -- though I'm not aware that much, if any, of the sin present in Bangkok doesn't also exist in the authentically Thai provinces. BTW: shame you didn't reply to any of the responses to your previous post...)

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