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Red-Shirts Commemorate 13-Month Anniversary Of Rally Crackdown With 'Planking'

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Today's news in brief (TIC)

Following a mass-debate by live video link to red shirt leaders the orders were given to deploy as many plankers onto the the street as possible. This action has come as a complete surprise to the general public and the incumbent government who expected no debating to take place from the PTP leadership.

In an interview with local press, K. Somchai, 34, a participating planker, said "I'm so relieved...... they should have thought of getting us all to plank in public as a way to get things off our chests a long time ago..... it certainly beats last year's craze of hankering, when we all had to hang around for weeks on end. Now, we are free to plank even for just a few minutes at a time as our way of contributing to the movement".

In response, a yellow shirt representative was quoted as saying "these guys need to get a grip. They've all got no balls but expect us to take their planking stunt seriously"

When asked, a democrat representative refused to comment, however we did get a response from BJT representative who predicted that the latest red shirt actions "would only end in a sticky mess".

That's just wrong ... but funny!

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An artist creates a fake wound for an anti-government "red shirt" protester playing dead in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011

And in the same breath the Red Yobs claim the dem's choice of using Ratchprasong on Thursday fort heir demonstration as disrespectful to those who died there last year. I suggest they all go mass planking off a boat in the Chao Phraya river! A test to see if they float or not.


It's all so fun! After they finished planking did they threaten to burn Bangkok to the ground again?

Yes maybe a symbolic burning of Central World again to remember the reasons they demonstrated ?

I can just hear the conversations of the mindless Reds " Uh!!!! Why did we demonstrate ? What are politics ?................................Are I know we got money from Mr T .

If we can get more money from Mr T maybe we can set fire to more buildings "

Trouble is the red shirt rice farmer mob don't give a hoot about public or private property, since they don't have anything themselves. They would prefer to take the 500 baht a day from Thaksin and do his bidding, even if it means holding their own babies up in line of fire, or burning and destroying things that are not theirs.

I would feel worse for them if I didn't know many rural families that actually invested a bit in ensuring their children stayed in school and helped themselves to rise out of poverty. Many more though, I have discovered from first hand experience, don't want to make the effort to improve their own lives, but are content to sit around idly and if they can latch on to a patron massah, and will whore themselves out and do just about anything for one of them fancy purple bills.

As long as the hierarchial system is deemed acceptable in Thailand, this will go on. Maybe several decades down the line things will change. Of course by then Thailand will be part of Vietnam, so it won't matter.



Glad to see they have embraced the fact that the Black shorts were a part of the red mob/army. In fact though, it was the black shirts that killed most of the reds, so it's kind of funny that they are lying there besides them. :rolleyes::lol::blink:


I live in Thailand and read this post every day to have a laugh. I have never seen so many pompous and ignorant people making fun of poor people trying to make a better life, ever. How many of you live in the party towns, or close to them, pay off cops, officials or whom ever? You are the problems, you perpetuate the corruption and you keep the corrupt in power. Most of you sit on your fat rears swilling beer or whisky and trying to look like some educated whatever.

I live in the north and teach orphans and poor people, I volunteer my time, and live and help these people. Yes the head of their party is a criminal but so are the rest, did he do some good? Maybe. Did he get richer, yes. Does the current do the same? If you say no you are bigger idiots than I thought.

I have some very wealthy friends in BKK and have heard them laugh about the "reds" they all want to keep them down and uneducated to keep their pool of labour under their thumbs.

I do not agree with violence or burning property, but if you kick a dog long enough, it will bite the hand that feeds it. Take a look at your wife's family and cousins in the village, how they live, what the schools are like, what they eat. Do they sleep on the ground while scorpions run around? Try their life before you make fun of them, maybe, just maybe you might understand why they want things to change.


Maybe it's a good thing they haven't heard of "streaking". Did I say "streaking"? hello!!!


Wish they would pick up on streaking rolleyes.gif

It would certainly boost the tourist trade

The sight of lots of naked Thai girls streaking would be heaven and I am sure there would be no shortage of farangs willing to pay the police their fines ( more tea money ? )


Maybe it's a good thing they haven't heard of "streaking". Did I say "streaking"? hello!!!


Wish they would pick up on streaking rolleyes.gif

It would certainly boost the tourist trade

The sight of lots of naked Thai girls streaking would be heaven and I am sure there would be no shortage of farangs willing to pay the police their fines ( more tea money ? )

most in the red crowd are hardly what one would class as young and nubile.... but if that rocks your boat....


I suppose the forum idiots wanted the reds to stage a 3 month sit in, burn buildings (although I am yet to see proof they did it last time) and wait for the army to turn up and shoot them.

Dont think thats going to catch on here, Wonder how much they were paid for planking? :whistling:

they pay for it? im up to it! where to sign? how muvh can i gain for a month of planking?


I live in Thailand and read this post every day to have a laugh. I have never seen so many pompous and ignorant people making fun of poor people trying to make a better life, ever. How many of you live in the party towns, or close to them, pay off cops, officials or whom ever? You are the problems, you perpetuate the corruption and you keep the corrupt in power. Most of you sit on your fat rears swilling beer or whisky and trying to look like some educated whatever.

I live in the north and teach orphans and poor people, I volunteer my time, and live and help these people. Yes the head of their party is a criminal but so are the rest, did he do some good? Maybe. Did he get richer, yes. Does the current do the same? If you say no you are bigger idiots than I thought.

I have some very wealthy friends in BKK and have heard them laugh about the "reds" they all want to keep them down and uneducated to keep their pool of labour under their thumbs.

I do not agree with violence or burning property, but if you kick a dog long enough, it will bite the hand that feeds it. Take a look at your wife's family and cousins in the village, how they live, what the schools are like, what they eat. Do they sleep on the ground while scorpions run around? Try their life before you make fun of them, maybe, just maybe you might understand why they want things to change.

Whilst I agree with many things you say here I feel you are being very patronizing to Thai people.

I built a house for my ex wife's family BUT they still sleep on the floor because that is how they want to live.

And as far as food goes If you took the trouble to ask a Thai if they liked eating bugs and insects they would all say " yes, because they are delicious".

I am a Full time paid teacher in Esaan and require the normal documentation from the Thai authorities.

This includes a Work Permit which is compulsory even for volunteer work or any unpaid work.

If you do not have a Work Permit and some jealous Thai decides to shop you to the Authorities you could face immediate deportation. .



3 giant fallacies re; the Red riots of 2010:

1. 91 people died by the actions of gov't security forces. Of course, those people died directly or indirectly as a result of the Red movement. If they hadn't come to Bkk to riot, noone would have been harmed.

2. It was planned to be a peaceful rally. Uh huh.

3. Thaksin and the Shinawatre family were removed from it. Right. Mr. "I'm through with Politics' Thaksin was a half a world away, but had his bloody hands all over the failed riot.

Most of the red-shirt supporters in jail are garbage collectors, homeless people, and the mentally ill who cannot seek legal help or find enough money for bail. The People's Centre for Information (PCI) revealed its initial investigation on the April-May crackdowns yesterday.

It collected information about 169 red-shirt protesters who are now under detention in the provinces of Maha Sarakham, Ubon Ratchathani, Udon Thani, Khon Kaen, Mukdahan, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai over charges of taking part in illegal gatherings as well as arson or terrorism.

PCI discovered that most of the detained red shirts could not find lawyers or enough money for bail. Most of the detainees are garbage collectors, homeless people, and people with mental health problems.

The Nation / 2010-11-19


Even if they were the 'little people' that the Shinawatres exploit to build their money empire, they still broke the law. If a garbage collector hits somebody in the face with an iron bar, he can still be found guilty of assault. I agree though, that it's the elite financiers of the Red riot, like the Shinawatre family, who are the real criminals.


Can there be a more stupid, asinine fad as planking?!! Any suggestions on a new fad to create? It has to be as "cool" as planking...that is the only criteria.

They are very smart. They talked about and it spread.

And no soldier come out and shoot at planking activity.


I live in Thailand and read this post every day to have a laugh. I have never seen so many pompous and ignorant people making fun of poor people trying to make a better life, ever. How many of you live in the party towns, or close to them, pay off cops, officials or whom ever? You are the problems, you perpetuate the corruption and you keep the corrupt in power. Most of you sit on your fat rears swilling beer or whisky and trying to look like some educated whatever.

I live in the north and teach orphans and poor people, I volunteer my time, and live and help these people. Yes the head of their party is a criminal but so are the rest, did he do some good? Maybe. Did he get richer, yes. Does the current do the same? If you say no you are bigger idiots than I thought.

I have some very wealthy friends in BKK and have heard them laugh about the "reds" they all want to keep them down and uneducated to keep their pool of labour under their thumbs.

I do not agree with violence or burning property, but if you kick a dog long enough, it will bite the hand that feeds it. Take a look at your wife's family and cousins in the village, how they live, what the schools are like, what they eat. Do they sleep on the ground while scorpions run around? Try their life before you make fun of them, maybe, just maybe you might understand why they want things to change.

Whilst I agree with many things you say here I feel you are being very patronizing to Thai people.

I built a house for my ex wife's family BUT they still sleep on the floor because that is how they want to live.

And as far as food goes If you took the trouble to ask a Thai if they liked eating bugs and insects they would all say " yes, because they are delicious".

I am a Full time paid teacher in Esaan and require the normal documentation from the Thai authorities.

This includes a Work Permit which is compulsory even for volunteer work or any unpaid work.

If you do not have a Work Permit and some jealous Thai decides to shop you to the Authorities you could face immediate deportation. .


I notice you say EX wife, and say I am patronizing to Thai people .Could it be that you have a bit of internal anger?? I came here and I take the culture, not try to bring foreign culture to another country. I have a work visa also, although I have no idea why one would assume otherwise. If one is helping the people, their own children, why would one "shop" them out. You have a very skewed view. My question to you is, do you work in a Govt. school or a private one? Do you only teach the rich? You also assume that I talk about eating bugs, they are tasty, but I talk about eating rice and some picked plants and a bit of "meat". And yes I do "go to the trouble" of asking Thai people all kinds of things. That is why I choose to live here. I do not agree with the way the "Red's" are being manipulated, and I wish there was some honest leader, but corruption is part of Asian Culture and will be for a long time. These people see what is on TV and with the internet, views of westernized culture, the culture the wealthy Thai have taken. They have no idea how this kind of lifestyle will destroy all that was. We are the ones, if we care, to help them understand that they are walking a fine line. That the choices are to worship money and all that comes with it or to take care and keep their culture. Yes it is the 21st century and there is globalization but if you watch the news, you will notice that "our" way of life is starting to self destruct, I am sure you see the signs. So what is your choice? Force our beliefs and all that goes with it, or try to find some middle path. You are a teacher, so you say, or do you just do mindless endless lesson plans to teach kids that just want to play with their new Blackberries.


13 month anniversary...

maybe they got their solar and lunar calendars confused???

actually, how does this anniversary fit into the buddhist calendar?


actually, how does this anniversary fit into the buddhist calendar?

Actually exactly the same, they still have years (2553, 2554, 2555 etc). They even align with ours ;-)

So a Buddhist anniversary to an event would fall the same as a Gregorian (most foreign calendars) anniversary.


Agree. The poor in any country run by rich elites deserve a chance to be heard.

Yes, they do. Even the poor who are tools of another group of rich elites who want to run the country and don't truly give a da*n about them...like these lot.


I thought there were only 12 months per annum.

me too - bad luck or good luck ?

Such trivial nit-pick crud you guys choose to go after. Needy. :sick:

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