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Hi all

Have just had notification about being caught speeding by a mobile camera. Was doing 133 km/h in a 120 zone. So i think ok, where and how do I pay the 1000 Baht fine. Ask around the office which is all Thai and this sets off a major discussion. Turns out 1 of the Thais was caught a month or so back by the same method , was doing 136 km/h , but was only fined 500 Baht. There is a picture attached providing the proof but it's not too clear if they can see a foreigner is driving and wonder if this is why the fine was doubled.

Anybody else have a similar experience and what fine was you asked to pay ?

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You can pay at any 7-11. Couldn't be easier.

Fines are different depending on location, zone, etc. I doubt there are differences between Thai and foreigner rates.

I got caught going through a red light by one of those cameras once. I think the fine was 500 baht. I paid.


Absolute barstool paranoia...... The Police are simply not interested in 'Foreign Motorists'..... I've lost count of the number of Check-Points I've driven through without so much second glance from the Police. My windows are hardly tinted so it's not difficult for them to spot me.

The only time a Police man may show more interest in a western motorist is if they are doing something wrong. Their response to being stopped will often determine the degree of penalty or fine.

The idea that a charge is doubled because someone is a foreigner is simply daft. The variation in penalty is simply region dependent.

When will people get over the fact that depending on how we behave we are liked or disliked, tolerated or welcomed no more or less than the average Thai person...


Have you read the post??. He was caught by a camera, not in a police check point so your own experiences are not relevant.

Perhaps the office cleaner at Police HQ made the decision to ping the farang!.

Katabeachblob will be along shortly to inform us yet again that the max fine for speeding is 1000 Baht.

Its a reoccurring topic here on the motoring forum.


Nice to know you can pay at a 7/11, tie it in with some shopping.

Considerate lot the RTP


caught by laser or radar at proper Highwaychecks, it is usually 200 baht. Camera double 400 baht.

But if 1.000 baht, fine should state why they use the laws maximum penalty. anyway, 1.000 baht, I would pay it to avoid late fees ;)


Have you read the post??. He was caught by a camera, not in a police check point so your own experiences are not relevant.

Perhaps the office cleaner at Police HQ made the decision to ping the farang!.

Katabeachblob will be along shortly to inform us yet again that the max fine for speeding is 1000 Baht.

Its a reoccurring topic here on the motoring forum.


Nice to know you can pay at a 7/11, tie it in with some shopping.

Considerate lot the RTP

Yep - And your highlighted in red response is the particular type barstool paranoia I was referring to in my initial response.

And in this thread there now exists the suggestion that there is someone who 'picks out' the photo's and decides who is going to be charged and who isn't....And, this person 'picks out' foreigners......And doubles the fine because they are foreigners...

Some foreigners here really do need to stop falling over-themselves while believing they are more noticeable or special in some way than anyone else around them.

Regardless of Check point or Camera the rules and penalties are applied equally to Thai or Foreigner. The Op got caught because he was speeding, it has absolutely nothing to do with him being a foreigner any implication otherwise is irrational and unintelligent.


Absolute barstool paranoia...... The Police are simply not interested in 'Foreign Motorists'..... I've lost count of the number of Check-Points I've driven through without so much second glance from the Police. My windows are hardly tinted so it's not difficult for them to spot me.

The only time a Police man may show more interest in a western motorist is if they are doing something wrong. Their response to being stopped will often determine the degree of penalty or fine.

The idea that a charge is doubled because someone is a foreigner is simply daft. The variation in penalty is simply region dependent.

When will people get over the fact that depending on how we behave we are liked or disliked, tolerated or welcomed no more or less than the average Thai person...

I got stopped once before as they were checking the windscreen sticker, the windows are not that dark, the officer pointed at it and asked for my license, I gave him my license and looked with him at the sticker, it was okay, but suddenly a senior officer came over took my license, looked at it and gave it back to me, apologising using Mr. xxxxxxx, and asked to to drive on.


Is the fine related to how much over the limit you are, we have that here. 20kms/ph over and it's X but 40 over and it's Y or something?

It does not seem to be related to how much over the limit at manual laser or radar checks, as on 90kmh Highways I have only seen 200baht fines issued, not more than 161kmh tho.

amount fined is up to Police region and fining officer within laws limit, but Highwaypolice seem to fine same amount all over the country


No one looks at those camera stills -- they are spit out by a computer hundreds at a time. You really think someone is looking with a magnifying glass to see if a farang is behind the wheel? Paranoia is definitely setting in...


Absolute barstool paranoia...... The Police are simply not interested in 'Foreign Motorists'..... I've lost count of the number of Check-Points I've driven through without so much second glance from the Police. My windows are hardly tinted so it's not difficult for them to spot me.

The only time a Police man may show more interest in a western motorist is if they are doing something wrong. Their response to being stopped will often determine the degree of penalty or fine.

The idea that a charge is doubled because someone is a foreigner is simply daft. The variation in penalty is simply region dependent.

When will people get over the fact that depending on how we behave we are liked or disliked, tolerated or welcomed no more or less than the average Thai person...

no disrespect but ur talking <deleted>... Ive been stopped maybe 8 times in 2 years and had a fine everytime.... Once i didnt have my driving license but had a fine for it 2 days before and had the piece of paper to show him that my license was in another city at my home... so do you know what he said???. ok you where speeding it was that funny that i was just laughing... So dont tell me that farangs dont get treated the same as thais coz we dont


Got stopped a couple of week ago on the 9 the road round BKK was doing 150+ on a 120kmph rd several other peep's all Thai got stopped as well we all had to get out of our car's while several nice young ladies gave us a ticket. Everyone had different speed's. All were priced at 500bt. You could pay then or send the money off or the 7/11 bit. I cough up there and then. No double pricing and at 500bt bloody cheap.


Tip of the day:

Get hold of a Thai Army sticker, and wop it on the windscreen adjacent to the tax display.

Brother in-law is army, and says BiB and Army tend not to step on each others toes.

Obviously no good in a speeding case scenario, but handy for slow checkpoint/roadside drive-by.


Got stopped a couple of week ago on the 9 the road round BKK was doing 150+ on a 120kmph rd several other peep's all Thai got stopped as well we all had to get out of our car's while several nice young ladies gave us a ticket. Everyone had different speed's. All were priced at 500bt. You could pay then or send the money off or the 7/11 bit. I cough up there and then. No double pricing and at 500bt bloody cheap.

Personally I would have drove within the legal limit and kept the 500 for beer chits. Up to you!



No one looks at those camera stills -- they are spit out by a computer hundreds at a time. You really think someone is looking with a magnifying glass to see if a farang is behind the wheel? Paranoia is definitely setting in...

Another one without a frigging clue!. What do you think they do all day in those big Police stations?? -actual Police work?

Of course they look at the pics, they only have two camera's and they were a gift from the Swedes.

More are on the way once the deposit for those Gyrphon fighters has been put down and Svens (GE) villa on Samui paid off!.

I have it on good authority that B Tech work experience girls are used to strike out passengers faces on the pics with a marker pen, saves drivers from answering searching questions from wife No 1.

Advanced European countries brought that procedure in several years back.


Captain Darling

Increasingly Paranoiac Bar Stool Squatter



Yep - And your highlighted in red response is the particular type barstool paranoia I was referring to in my initial response.

And in this thread there now exists the suggestion that there is someone who 'picks out' the photo's and decides who is going to be charged and who isn't....And, this person 'picks out' foreigners......And doubles the fine because they are foreigners...

Some foreigners here really do need to stop falling over-themselves while believing they are more noticeable or special in some way than anyone else around them.

Regardless of Check point or Camera the rules and penalties are applied equally to Thai or Foreigner. The Op got caught because he was speeding, it has absolutely nothing to do with him being a foreigner any implication otherwise is irrational and unintelligent.

richard, I would think that you have been here long enough to know that your claim that foreigners are not subjected to greater scrutiny by police at traffic checks, be it routine or otherwise, is bogus. In the OP's case, I agree that it is a total stretch to imagine that they may have someone tasked with 'farang recognition' and cherry-pick the fine accordingly. At the same time, it is disingenuous to suggest that Thai's and foreigner's are treated equally when it comes to police scrutiny on the roads, be it city or in the 'burbs. We are, due to our rather insignificant numbers, a rather significant 'meal ticket' to more than a few of what passes for traffic law enforcement in LOS.


It would seem there are some inconsistencies between stations. I got done for, IIRC, 138 on the motorway. The police, in there letter along with photograph, asked for (discretionary) 500B fine, however, there was a photocopy of the relevant law attached that indicated that the maximum fine for that offence was 5000B.

Also, I could only pay at the post office, not at 7/11 or anywhere else.


I don't get it. 1,000 baht fine??

I have been caught three times by those cameras and was served a penalty via mail. each one was 400 baht.

One of which was for a 170 km/h speeding offence.


Simple test, you drive your car at the same speed and location where your Thai mate got booked and he drives his at the same speed and location you got yours and see what the fines are this time?


Absolute barstool paranoia...... The Police are simply not interested in 'Foreign Motorists'..... I've lost count of the number of Check-Points I've driven through without so much second glance from the Police. My windows are hardly tinted so it's not difficult for them to spot me.

The only time a Police man may show more interest in a western motorist is if they are doing something wrong. Their response to being stopped will often determine the degree of penalty or fine.

The idea that a charge is doubled because someone is a foreigner is simply daft. The variation in penalty is simply region dependent.

When will people get over the fact that depending on how we behave we are liked or disliked, tolerated or welcomed no more or less than the average Thai person...

It is obvious you have not done much driving on Sukhumvit in Bangkok, white face automatic fine.


Since I was last pulled in Bangkok and forced to pay 500 baht for no reason other than to get my license returned I normaly dont bother to stop now days unless I am forced to do so, stuff em

Best is start to slow down so they think you are going to stop then give them the nod and take off. :ph34r: even better is when you ride past them a hour later they wont even look at you or bother with tring to flag you down as they know you are just going to piss off. :lol:

As for different fine for farang and Thais with cameras I really cant see it happing but of course it happens at normal road stops


Yep - And your highlighted in red response is the particular type barstool paranoia I was referring to in my initial response.

And in this thread there now exists the suggestion that there is someone who 'picks out' the photo's and decides who is going to be charged and who isn't....And, this person 'picks out' foreigners......And doubles the fine because they are foreigners...

Some foreigners here really do need to stop falling over-themselves while believing they are more noticeable or special in some way than anyone else around them.

Regardless of Check point or Camera the rules and penalties are applied equally to Thai or Foreigner. The Op got caught because he was speeding, it has absolutely nothing to do with him being a foreigner any implication otherwise is irrational and unintelligent.

richard, I would think that you have been here long enough to know that your claim that foreigners are not subjected to greater scrutiny by police at traffic checks, be it routine or otherwise, is bogus. In the OP's case, I agree that it is a total stretch to imagine that they may have someone tasked with 'farang recognition' and cherry-pick the fine accordingly. At the same time, it is disingenuous to suggest that Thai's and foreigner's are treated equally when it comes to police scrutiny on the roads, be it city or in the 'burbs. We are, due to our rather insignificant numbers, a rather significant 'meal ticket' to more than a few of what passes for traffic law enforcement in LOS.

It appears as though there has been a significant difference in experience. Obviously I can only run with my experiences. Based on over 10 years of driving here I have not been treated any differently and suspect that sometimes being a westerner may have even played to my advantage.

I also have many friends here who have driven for a similar length of time, none of them appear to of the belief that they are ever specifically targeted or dealt with unfairly due to being foreigners.

Somewhat coincidentally (given the nature of this topic) a few days ago I was stopped at a police road block for being in the outside lane. I replied that "of-course I was in the outside lane, I was overtaking".... I was simply waved on without issue....

The evening before this there was an Alcohol check point: I was simply waved though....

Thus within the past week there has been two opportunities for the police to attempt some form of extortion, instead nothing has happened. Of course, on each occasion nothing could have happened as I was well within the law.

I have a large number of Thai friends - Their experiences of police in Thailand appear no different from that of myself and Western friends - This is my main reasoning for suspecting that the Police don't care if we are Westerners or Thai....

You mentioned that Westerner's are specifically targeted as a meal ticket, I would argue that the Thai Police would target anyone as a meal ticket - their laziness and greed is not confined by race.


Absolute barstool paranoia...... The Police are simply not interested in 'Foreign Motorists'..... I've lost count of the number of Check-Points I've driven through without so much second glance from the Police. My windows are hardly tinted so it's not difficult for them to spot me.

The only time a Police man may show more interest in a western motorist is if they are doing something wrong. Their response to being stopped will often determine the degree of penalty or fine.

The idea that a charge is doubled because someone is a foreigner is simply daft. The variation in penalty is simply region dependent.

When will people get over the fact that depending on how we behave we are liked or disliked, tolerated or welcomed no more or less than the average Thai person...

It is obvious you have not done much driving on Sukhumvit in Bangkok, white face automatic fine.

Your assumption is way off the mark. I live in Bangkok and have been driving up and down Sukhumvit and a large proportion of Bangkok and outside of Bangkok for many years.... White face = Automatic fine is definitely not my experience or that of the Westerners I know who have been driving for a while in Thailand.

However I wouldn't question the validity of your experiences. I am interested to know how many times you have been pulled over by the police this year, of those times how many would you say you were making a traffic infringement and how many times it cost you money.

For me: Driving a car, I've been stopped once in the past Twelve months, it cost me nothing. I'd guess that I've driven through approximately 30 check points.

It would be interesting to learn whether or not your experiences are while riding a motorbike or driving a car as it has been my experience (although I don't ride a motorbike) that motorbike riders get pulled over a lot, as do pickups....


One More Note - Related to Speeding.

On the Expressway heading East to Chonburi close to Bang Na and the Tollway heading North Past Don Muang towards Rangsit there are regular 'speed check' with the handheld speed camera... (this has been a topic on thai visa a few times)...

Has anyone noticed that when the jollies are out in force catching 'speeders' invariably some of the on coming traffic warns us by flashing their lights ?

At first I thought these 'flashers' were flashing at other vehicles traveling in their own direction, however I've seen this too many times when there has been no other traffic traveling in their direction.....

As someone who regularly drivers above 120 kph on the expressways this has saved me more than a few times.

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