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Testosterone Testing And Injections


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I am not sure, but reading online I may well have low testosterone levels. But how the hell does one know? lol

Anyway, anyone been in my situation in Thailand and been to a doc and/or used one of the new gels or something?

Care to give a recommendation or share how things turned out?

I am tired too much for a guy that does so little. Refractory period extending to embarrassing levels. Often feel a bit "down" But other than that I feel fine, lol

Anyone get the injections and turn from Mr 3 times a week to Mr 3 times a night? hehehe

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Yours is a very interesting question that I am sure a lot of men think about.

I myself have been tested but I turned out not to be low. If you test not the total testosterone but the free testosterone men of ages 60, 70 and 80 will turn out to be low 40,70 and 90% of the time. So being "low" would actually be "normal"

I am sad to report though. There have be to date 5 good (double blind placebo controlled) studies. But none of studies find that men with low testosterone after they are treated report better quality of life or sexual funtion (by subject survey). They do get more muscle mass (but not more strenght).

I think if the treatment worked better more of us would use testosterone.

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There are many benefits to better testosterone levels. Check out Lef.org under male hormone modulation therapy read the article. There are also several threads in this sub-forum about testosterone therapy. Be your own Dr. and start reading

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While undoubtedly there are many testosterone therapy success stories, mine is not one.

Back about 15 years ago, in my early 40's, a US doctor (in Las Vegas) reported that my testosterone level was that of a healthy 72-year old man. He recommended testosterone therapy.

First was a shot of testosterone in the buttock. A bit painful, but no noticeable affect at all. After several days (maybe a week?) a re-test of my testosterone level indicated no improvement.

Next he prescribed a testosterone ointment. It was only available at a vetinerary (!) pharmacist. After several weeks of application (maybe a month?) I developed a "zit" on my buttock. A very large and painful sub-dermal pimple that eventually required slicing into my flesh with a scalpel to drain it. This was done at a clinic in Tokyo by a doctor who, after digging deeper than the anaesthetic, kept on slicing and digging -- EXTREMELY PAINFUL with involuntary screaming on my part. Side note: Japan's medical system can be medieval at times. He even laughed when I later complained and said the pain was only short-term and probably less than what I experienced before the "surgery."

I never again tried to supplement my testosterone levels. I assume they are even lower these days, and the online checklists for "Do you have low testosterone levels?" are a checklist for my life.

I've actually been mulling over giving this another try. Back when I attempted testosterone therapy, it was before the days of testosterone patches. However, if I read correctly, they still don't have patches in Thailand?

I wish you the best of success if you attempt testosterone therapy. Just be aware that one of the listed potential side affects is acne. Just don't be surprised where it shows up!

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There is loads of info about, for men and women....have a look at this clip.. testosteronecream.biz/content/testosterone-video.html . Now we get cream from Australia. Google harmone solutions.

As for testing any hospital will do it for you. However if you say you got your family doctor to take you blood and then you took it yourself to somewhere like National Healthcare Systems, the test would cost you about 350Baht.

You might also want to check Albuim and SHBG, then you could google and find out how to calculate the free and bioavailable testo.

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A little over 3 years ago I was in End-stage-liver disease. The doctor ordered a blood test to check for my testosterone level and it turned out about zero. I was given a perscription for a cream (got it at the pharmacy, not the Vet!) and was told to apply it to my shoulders and upper arms once a day.

According to a subsequent blood test, it brought my testosterone levels back up.

The only downsides were that it smelled horrible, and you had to be absoulutely careful not to let any female get it on them. That included any towels, wash rags, faucet knobs, etc. that you may have touched when applying or cleaning up your hands afterward.

I hope this helps.


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In 2009 while visiting Thailand for the first time, I got a testosterone injection in Bangkok, at BNH. The only reason I visited Thailand was because a female friend of mine invited me, she thought I would enjoy Asia, I was there 6 weeks the first time. I wasn't looking to meet women, just went because I wanted to take a trip somewhere really different.

Testosterone makes a huge difference in my mood, energy level and libido. That was clear.

How you perform in bed depends on your age, your general level of physical health and your emotional triggers. I am 59 and work out almost daily, mostly cardio for an hour.

It is difficult to accurately tell how it affected my ability to have multiple orgasms in one day, That is because for me I have to have an emotional attachment to a women to really enjoy sex many times in one day. I have only slept with one bargirl in Thailand, we were together over 2 weeks. While I liked her, we didn't have sex all that often. Even after I got the injection. Mostly because it seemed to me she really wasn't that into me as a person. So while in BKK and while the bargirl was staying with me, I signed up to one of the online dating services.

I came back to BKK in May 2010, my plan was to see the bargirl again to see if things would improve, and I had some regular women who I wanted to test drive. I had stayed in touch with the bargirl, and was chatting with the online women as well.

Once I landed in May 2010, I really clicked with the first online women, and we had sex 4 times in a day. We stayed together for the next couple of weeks, we had sex at least daily, sometimes more.

Then I flew from BKK to Hong Kong to see a Chinese woman I had met online. I stayed with her 5 days, but she wasn't willing to jump into the sack right away. I returned to BKK and back to the first Thai women. However, the Hong Kong Chinese lady flew to the USA to see on my return, so we were together the second night I got back to Chicago.. But after getting to bed, we only had sex once, she had a nice body, but I just didn't have a huge desire for her, it was more what I could do for her in bed Vs what she could do for me.

I am not at all sure if I went to bars and got multiple bargirls how I would perform, since I have only been in the one bar the first visit in 2009, and I was only in that bar for 4 days. It was a tiny place in Hua Hin. The bargirl followed me to Bangkok, which is another story. Point was, I have only been in that one bar.

So testosterone gave me the ability to have sex 3-4 times in a day with the right person, while someone I don't click with I really can't screw more than once. No idea if I went whoring for a month how that would play out, likely not well, but I would have to give it a try to really know for sure.

But that is me, I am sure others are emotionally built differently. It's not like testosterone is going to make you into someone different than you were before the injection.

A word on testing, some Docs use a range for normal, average levels for a 70-year-old is far different for a 20-year-old. Most everyone falls into the range, since it includes 20-80 year old men. The idea however, is to restore your levels back to the 20 year old, so it's best to get the actual numbers and look on the internet to see what the test and doc is really saying.

The type of testosterone you get is also important. I got Nebido, which is expensive, 10,000 baht at BNH, but it only has to be injected 4 times a year. Something like testosterone enanthate has to be injected at least once a month, and I believe your blood levels will fluctuate more than with Nebido. But testosterone enanthate is far cheaper. I believe injections are the best, but many use creams, they are expensive and have to be applied every day.

Without a Doc, I think you can go to most drug stores and get pills, they don't work well, creams you can probably also buy, but injectables most drug stores won't want to sell them without a doc. I am sure you can find someone willing to sell, but most won't want to.

Go to a doc in Thailand, give it a try, and see how it works for you.

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  • 6 months later...

I have had consultations with a mature and experienced urologist at Bumrungrad. I had very low T levels and other symptoms (both sexul and non-sexual) that profiled someone with 'hypogonadism' (low testosterone). In brief, it is not at all cheap but it is effective. I rate long-lasting Nebido as improving specific factors 20-50%. A few factors saw negligible or no improvment. Almost all important ones all improved. It did not return me to being 16 again, but I feel (and 'perform') much better than my slipping in my fifties trend. My only recommendation is to see someone who is familiar with this field and to buy an extra vial or two for when you will be out of nations where Nebido is legally for sale. Oh, and monitor your blood levels with the usual recommended tests. You might want to do like I did, and get a baseline test done *before* you begin testosterone therapy. Blood tests are cheapest in PNH (some have to be sent to Vietnam), about twice that in Bangkok, and about the same in the Philippines. The more exotic the test the higher the price.

Warning - there could be some startling changes - shrinkage of testicles (the pituitary sends a signal to the gonads: "stop producing T, we're full!'") and that 'oh, I am no longer 'bothered' by sexual urges a million times a day, isn't it great to be old and able to easily concentrate on a book' might disappear. I for one, noticed more cardiac irregularity (actually more from shorter acting Andriol and also from Testosterone Depot injections).

The product not stood the test of time. Maybe all patients penises fall off after 20 years on the stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't use any of the referenced manipulative medications--as much as I enjoy sex! I want to live a natural life and not interfere with my biochemistry. Most of the above stories are definitely about intervention/interference, not normal self-care. I am 69, I get erect when my wife engages me in foreplay, but I cannot stay erect long enough to pleasure her, though she claims she is content and obtains pleasure even from receiving a softie. She loves me, authentically. That is most important to us. As as health pro I see way too much side effect damage by chemicals too freely provided by money-hungry docs. Beware! One writer urged us to be our own docs! I thought that was the wisest contribution of all. lef.org is very useful and dependable for giving you the facts in any inquiry. The most beneficial product with least side effect has been MIRACLE Energy Brand Coffee. Also called "Golden Bull." No cardiac palpitations, no other nervous reaction. My source in my small Thai city has dried up, so I'm searching for a new source...

[email protected]

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  • 6 months later...

At the age of 63 because I was losing muscle mass, had low libido, and a general malaise, I was tested in 2007 at the Emory Clinic in Atlanta and had a total level of 270, which is low. I started self injecting 1cc of 100 units Testosterone cypriate and within three months the changes in my mood, energy levels and interest in sex had increased substantially.

I moved to Chiang Mai in September of 2011 with a supply of the hormone. I recently ran out and went to see Khun Maw Bannakij in the Urology department at Ram who lists as one of his interests "the aging male." Thai law does not allow for self injection of Testosterone (I also ran into that problem in the states, but overcame it). He recommended Nebido, a new longer acting Testosterone therapy. While this has been on the market world wide for years, the FDA is still making rules and it is not available in the U.S. Instead of every two weeks with the Cypriate version, injections are needed only 4 times per year. It is expensive at RAM (Tb 9,000), and I will look around to see if anyone is charging less.

First thing to do is get a blood test for total testosterone and free (the labs here may not do free levels). If the total value is under 300 and you have the symptoms of low T, then I would give it a try for 6 months.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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