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Brit Cops First Victims As Hackers Unite Against Governments

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Brit cops first victims as hackers unite against governments

San Francisco - An alliance of the world's two most notorious hacker groups, LulzSec and Anonymous, claimed Monday that it took down the website of Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA).

The high profile cyber-attack came just a day after the groups announced on Twitter that they were launching Operation Anti-Security to target government websites across the world to protest attempts to regulate the internet and curtail the privacy of net users.

Within 24 hours the group demonstrated its prowess when LulzSec tweeted that the SOCA Web site was offline "in the name of #AntiSec" and warned that worse was to come.

The group said it executed a distributed denial of service attack - a well-known method of taking down websites. DDOS attacks use rings of hijacked computers to overwhelm web servers.


-- The Nation 2011-06-21


Aren't these the same people who published peoples emails and passwords online???

Target government websites across the world to protest attempts to regulate the internet and curtail the privacy of net users.


The band of hackers that claims it is trying to make cybersecurity more fun released on Thursday a database of what it said was 62,000 e-mail addresses and stolen passwords. But hosting service MediaFire quickly removed the data for violating its terms of service.

LulzSec, whose name suggests the hackers are laughing at the cybersecurity of their victims, has been on a month-long binge attacking game sites, government agencies -- including the CIA -- media outlets, and others and posting what it says is stolen data.


That is the real goal - to ensure restricted internet - look at the governments they target. Not China, not North Korea Not Iran - no - they attack the more open countries among us. If transparency is so important tell us who you are then. :whistling:


That is the real goal - to ensure restricted internet - look at the governments they target. Not China, not North Korea Not Iran - no - they attack the more open countries among us. If transparency is so important tell us who you are then. :whistling:

Good points


Suspected LulzSec “Mastermind” Arrested

Channel 4 News is reporting that a 19-year-old has been arrested in connection with the hacking group LulzSec, a collective associated with hacks on Sony, Nintendo, the CIA and possibly acquiring records from the UK 2011 Census.



Yeah... ever since pron.com got hacked my email box has been filled with spam. Luckily i use random passwords on every site. Thanks guys!


If there's to be a "restricted internet", it's because of policy makers in government, not groups like LulzSec or Anonymous. Internet censorship is nothing new and will only intensify as alternative media continue to expand. Stop blaming the hackers already. :rolleyes:


Yep the US is inventing and implementing portable internet packages that have the ability to transmit signals within any country, to either operate in there own freq range or to assimilate into an existing freq.

Maybe wireless internet isn't such a good idea.


If there's to be a "restricted internet", it's because of policy makers in government, not groups like LulzSec or Anonymous. Internet censorship is nothing new and will only intensify as alternative media continue to expand. Stop blaming the hackers already. :rolleyes:

There is a very large difference between denying access to a website and actually hacking it.

Let's say the you have pissed me off (which you haven't btw) but I don't have the keys to your house and I don't know the combination for your safe, but I do know how to call Ready-Mix and have two tonnes of concrete dropped on your driveway.

I agree with you completely. Real hackers are seldom seen and don't brag about it.

These guys are just a bunch of attention seeking idiots.

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