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Jittra in new attack on Abhisit

By Kornchanok Raksaseri

The Nation

The woman who coined the phrase "good only at giving big words" has launched another attack on caretaker prime minister and Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Abhisit sought to rebut the original claim by listing his government's achievements in his Facebook series "From My Heart", and said the phrase was a discourse invented by his opponents to turn public sentiment against him. This prompted an open letter on Facebook from his accuser, Jittra Kotchadej.

She said Abhisit should not assume that everything was politicised and that the poor could not think for themselves.

She referred to an event in March commemorating International Women's Day, where both she and Abhisit were guest speakers, and recalled what she wrote on that day:

"Today, I confronted a man. I was angry. I shouted: 'Murder, murder!' Nobody heard my voice, as they were glad with the event. That was totally different from my mood. I wanted to cry when I thought of the red shirts who were killed. I shouted again: 'Blood-stained hand!'

"I grabbed a pen and wrote on a blank piece of A4-size paper: 'Whose hand?'

"He was talking about the policies on International Women's Day. I raised the paper sign. He answered immediately that that day was Women's Day, and not related to politics. [He said] I should have listened to the House debate on whose hands were blood-stained.

"I showed my masterpiece sign: 'Yeah' I followed with 'good only at giving big words'."

Jittra said she was then taken into police custody and held for almost half an hour until Abhisit left the event.

Jittra's open letter quoted 16 of Abhisit's remarks made on different occasions since 2008, including his call for the Somchai Wongsawat government to accept responsibility for the clash on October 7, 2008, between protesters and the military.

She said Abhisit's government had not slowed down layoffs caused by the economic crisis, as it said it would, while its job-training scheme had failed to respond to the skills gained by the workers involved.

Jittra led workers who were protesting against the loss of their jobs in 2009 when their company, Triumph International, planned to relocate its factory. A warrant was issued for her arrest for causing public disorder during a street protest in the same year. The group of workers later launched a new brand of lingerie called Try Arm.

She said in her Facebook letter that the policy providing 15 years of free education was not true because the government's subsidies failed to cover the increased expenses parents were having to meet for their children's education.

She attacked the government for failing to solve the problems of the restive South over the past two years, and then moved on to increases in the minimum wage.

"You first said that a minimum wage of Bt250 would be enough to cover the cost of living. It was only in May that the wage was raised to Bt215," Jittra wrote. "Why [is it that] a prime minister's remark, once said, [is unable to] be done? Is this not 'good at giving big words'?

"When the House was likely to be dissolved, the Democrat Party then said it would lift the minimum wage to Bt300. We heard that and thought: 'You are the government. You couldn't even keep the previous promises. Why are you saying this to draw votes'?

"In writing this, I would like you to think ... while writing anything. Don't say what you can't do. Don't write what is not true. And you have to accept criticism. People must be able to criticise and examine you as a public figure; a politician who can use people's taxes. [if you do not wish] to be criticised or examined, you must stay away from administering people's taxes, and must not offer yourself as a politician or a country administrator," Jittra wrote.

Although Jittra was wrong about a Bt300 minimum-wage policy, which did not come from the Democrats, her letter illustrated how some people think of Abhisit and his party, and how his clarifications fail to change their minds.


-- The Nation 2011-06-22

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She made some good points there....What Abhisit and his administering government couldn't do when in power is impossible for them to do if they are elected. He's indeed good at giving big words....Abhisit the "good words" talking machine..


Speaking of big words:

War on drugs solved within a single year?

Tablets computers for everyone?

Why is it these Red Shirts conveniently IGNORE the retarded and OUTRAGEOUS policies put forward by their own puppet leaders?

And she says they can think for themselves. Money talks.


She made some good points there....What Abhisit and his administering government couldn't do when in power is impossible for them to do if they are elected. He's indeed good at giving big words....Abhisit the "good words" talking machine..

At least the PM Abhisit government gave it a good try under difficult circumstances. In 2008 we had the governments of the late k. Samak and k. Somchai mainly busy with trying to get back Thaksin. From 2009 we had k. Abhisit having to cope with both the global financial crisis and the UDD / red-shirts. The economy seems to be doing quiet well even compared with nations in the region. Of course not all Thai are rich yet, for that you have to wait for PTP to rule and dictate <_<


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.


She made some good points there....What Abhisit and his administering government couldn't do when in power is impossible for them to do if they are elected. He's indeed good at giving big words....Abhisit the "good words" talking machine..

You know your right because all of the turmoil and distractions that were ordered by the leaders of the Red/PTP people to distract the DEMs from doing there mandated job so that mindless people that can't think for themselves will WHEN THE DEMS RETAIN THIER POWER will be ordered and will do the bidding of the collective ego -destructive minds of their fearful leaders. The Red/PTP are so sure of a victory. Wait and see like a responsible people do.


I predict a landslide lose of face by the PTP/RED leaders and mindless followers who would rather believe false propaganda than to open their eyes to the truth. bah.gif You might ask what is that truth? Manipulating the un-educated masses with money, hate speeches of lies, and electronics.

By the way I took a look at the interview done by Aljizzera (Sorry for the mis-spell) and it is pretty obvious that the world outside of the Kingdom isn't being fooled by the PTP/red faction. Even now as PTP try to distance themselves from the reds the rest of the world can see that they are one in the same.


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.

"Madame"?? :huh:

Where I am from only a certain kind of woman is referred to as "Madame." :o


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.


That is the real reason behind the layoffs.

I will add also PPP and Somchai never even visibly noticed the 'world economic crash' while in office.

Devakula and Korn did and commented in the papers, but neither Somchai nor Samak said a word, nor acted on the problems. Korn did once he had controls to use. PPP dropped the ball completely and made it MUCH worse for the Thai poor in the bargain.


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.

"Madame"?? :huh:

Where I am from only a certain kind of woman is referred to as "Madame." :o



I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.

"Madame"?? :huh:

Where I am from only a certain kind of woman is referred to as "Madame." :o


Jiminey. I was raised in a proper home. I always addressed older women as Madame or Madame. Not every female is a bar floozie. I use Madame/Madame as a polite gesture, the same way I address Khun Abhisit as PM Abhisit. If I am in a meeting and neglect to address someone properly I get the evil glare especially the Herr Drs. Surely in a country where everyone has a white uniform with badges and ribbons, some of you caught on that the Thais of the netherworld called the bureacracy like to be addressed formally. Try it at immigration next time - address the person at the desk as officer or Sir or Madame or by their formal Thai position.


The poor can think for themselves is that the reason the PT has to buy them. No other way to get there vote.

What ever other reason would they then have to vote for a convicted criminal. A man who financed a uprising in which many honest people lost there means of lively hood over 90 died. His armed employes invaded a hospital and then attempted to burn Bangkok down. And to top it all of when finally defeated left a garbage dump for people who really care about Thailand to clean up.

If they can think for themselves and back it up with there actions the PT will not get a heck of a lot of votes.

If they can think for themselves where do they think the money is going to come from to buy a computer for every school kid.

If they can think for themselves would they not know that Thailand has done very well economically in the midst of a world economic crash. I have no link to it but I do believe there is not a lot of countries who have done so well.

And the list goes on. Higher wages less tax.

The PT remind me of a president in the US many years ago. He talked about a car in every garage and a chicken in the pot. Then the stock market crashed.

I personally think when day is done and she picks up her check it will have Thaksin's signature on it.

All of course just my opinions.


If Yingluck gets elected and admits her brother Thaksin is an ass she will save the country.

Unfortunately that won't happen.

And even more unfortunately Aphisit is turning out to be one big ass himself- no longer an Aphisit fan


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.

"Madame"?? :huh:

Where I am from only a certain kind of woman is referred to as "Madame." :o


Nice try but nooo.... I think the operative word there is "mamasan" B)


Let's see what Jittra has to say when Yingluck starts talking and doing in stead of smiling.

No talk, no do, just sob into her wet tissue and curse her brother for letting her down the canal without an oar....


If Yingluck gets elected and admits her brother Thaksin is an ass she will save the country.

Unfortunately that won't happen.

And even more unfortunately Aphisit is turning out to be one big ass himself- no longer an Aphisit fan

I never was a fan of his.

How ever I am a fan of Thailand and from where I sit he is the best man for the job.

Hence if I could vote he would be my choice.


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.

"Madame"?? :huh:

Where I am from only a certain kind of woman is referred to as "Madame." :o


Jiminey. I was raised in a proper home. I always addressed older women as Madame or Madame. Not every female is a bar floozie. I use Madame/Madame as a polite gesture, the same way I address Khun Abhisit as PM Abhisit. If I am in a meeting and neglect to address someone properly I get the evil glare especially the Herr Drs. Surely in a country where everyone has a white uniform with badges and ribbons, some of you caught on that the Thais of the netherworld called the bureacracy like to be addressed formally. Try it at immigration next time - address the person at the desk as officer or Sir or Madame or by their formal Thai position.

A connotation in French language means : Mama san (Madame of a brothel)


I sympathize with Madame Jittra, I really do, and she does have some legitimate grievances, howver, PM Abhisit cannot be blamed for global economic conditions. Many of the layoffs and cutbacks in Thailand were a direct result of foreign markets contracting. A PM does not have a magic wand.

"Madame"?? :huh:

Where I am from only a certain kind of woman is referred to as "Madame." :o


Nice try but nooo.... I think the operative word there is "mamasan" B)

Pattaya is a big place, perhaps the biggest.


Surely in a country where everyone has a white uniform with badges and ribbons, some of you caught on that the Thais of the netherworld called the bureacracy like to be addressed formally. Try it at immigration next time - address the person at the desk as officer or Sir or Madame or by their formal Thai position.

examples plz.



If Yingluck gets elected and admits her brother Thaksin is an ass she will save the country.

Unfortunately that won't happen.

And even more unfortunately Aphisit is turning out to be one big ass himself- no longer an Aphisit fan

I never was a fan of his.

How ever I am a fan of Thailand and from where I sit he is the best man for the job.

Hence if I could vote he would be my choice.

Well, that's nice, but you CAN vote in this party preference POLL for non-Thais ...


If Yingluck gets elected and admits her brother Thaksin is an ass she will save the country.

Unfortunately that won't happen.

And even more unfortunately Aphisit is turning out to be one big ass himself- no longer an Aphisit fan

I never was a fan of his.

How ever I am a fan of Thailand and from where I sit he is the best man for the job.

Hence if I could vote he would be my choice.

Nicely put :thumbsup:


The poor can think for themselves is that the reason the PT has to buy them. No other way to get there vote.

What ever other reason would they then have to vote for a convicted criminal. A man who financed a uprising in which many honest people lost there means of lively hood over 90 died. His armed employes invaded a hospital and then attempted to burn Bangkok down. And to top it all of when finally defeated left a garbage dump for people who really care about Thailand to clean up.

If they can think for themselves and back it up with there actions the PT will not get a heck of a lot of votes.

If they can think for themselves where do they think the money is going to come from to buy a computer for every school kid.

If they can think for themselves would they not know that Thailand has done very well economically in the midst of a world economic crash. I have no link to it but I do believe there is not a lot of countries who have done so well.

And the list goes on. Higher wages less tax.

The PT remind me of a president in the US many years ago. He talked about a car in every garage and a chicken in the pot. Then the stock market crashed.

I personally think when day is done and she picks up her check it will have Thaksin's signature on it.

All of course just my opinions.

Sur the poor are listening for people who "seems" to want to take care of them...take money for voting....but they take this money maybe because they are poor...

If they were rich sure they will not vote for the guy who wants to take care of the poor...

PAD and democrats never listened to them...why vote for them too?

By the way if the past rulers wanted to have the vote of the grassroot thay had to educate them, now they cry because poor don t understand.

Democrats created a Thaksin, they even offered him the country on a golden plate....He just had to speak to people nobody wanted to speak with....unfortunatly this guy is Thaksin and not a guy who wants to serve the country...


The poor can think for themselves is that the reason the PT has to buy them. No other way to get there vote.

What ever other reason would they then have to vote for a convicted criminal. A man who financed a uprising in which many honest people lost there means of lively hood over 90 died. His armed employes invaded a hospital and then attempted to burn Bangkok down. And to top it all of when finally defeated left a garbage dump for people who really care about Thailand to clean up.

If they can think for themselves and back it up with there actions the PT will not get a heck of a lot of votes.

If they can think for themselves where do they think the money is going to come from to buy a computer for every school kid.

If they can think for themselves would they not know that Thailand has done very well economically in the midst of a world economic crash. I have no link to it but I do believe there is not a lot of countries who have done so well.

And the list goes on. Higher wages less tax.

The PT remind me of a president in the US many years ago. He talked about a car in every garage and a chicken in the pot. Then the stock market crashed.

I personally think when day is done and she picks up her check it will have Thaksin's signature on it.

All of course just my opinions.

Sur the poor are listening for people who "seems" to want to take care of them...take money for voting....but they take this money maybe because they are poor...

If they were rich sure they will not vote for the guy who wants to take care of the poor...

PAD and democrats never listened to them...why vote for them too?

By the way if the past rulers wanted to have the vote of the grassroot thay had to educate them, now they cry because poor don t understand.

Democrats created a Thaksin, they even offered him the country on a golden plate....He just had to speak to people nobody wanted to speak with....unfortunatly this guy is Thaksin and not a guy who wants to serve the country...

There is definitely more than a scrap of truth in what you say.

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