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New Work Permit Requirements From The Labor Department

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The Labor Department has instructed Sunbelt Asia lawyers that starting from today there are new requirements for all new applicants for work permits and also new criteria for existing work permit holders for renewals. They have issued new forms for work permit applications in several classes.

New applicants for work permits will now be required to provide proof of their Education Certificate (eg: BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD) and a reference letter from the previous employer confirming employment.

The photo size has also changed from 5cm x 6 cm to 3cm x 4 cm.

Extensions of work permits (WP 5) will now also require a map to the office and a medical certificate. The medical certificate is valid for only 6 months so annual renewal of work permits will now require a new medical certificate including the exam for the usual diseases and the syphilis test. (Previously only new applicants needed to provide the medical certificate)

Additionally the medical certificate will also need to indicate the applicant's blood type.

New forms are now available and can only be used:

WP 1.: new applications for work permits

WP 3. (files include wp.3 and 3.1): petition treated as a pre-requisite while the applicant is outside the country applying for a non-b visa

WP 5.: extension of work permit

WP 6.: changes in the current work permit, such as adding a company, change in job title, change in office location (misc changes that do not require the issuance of a new work permit).

The new forms are attached.


WP.3 ???.pdf






Cancelled WP..pdf


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I would imagine "New applicants for work permits will now be required to provide proof of their Education Certificate (BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD) and a reference letter from the previous employer confirming employment." is going to be a big problem for bar and restaurant owners who don't have a university education.

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"New applicants for work permits will now be required to provide proof of their Education Certificate (BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD) and a reference letter from the previous employer confirming employment."

As far as I know a degree has always been a requirement. At my old company there was a guy from NZ applying and being hired (this was about 3 years ago). He had to show a degree in order to get he work permit. He didnt have one so didnt get a work permit and couldnt take the job.

All jobs I have been working in in Thailand (3 different companies already) have required me to show my degree to get he work permit.

And finally, last time I got my work permit was the first time they didn't even accept my university transcript (which they have always accepted in the past), this was a couple months back (this year). They wanted to see the original degree (the real graduation paper document). This was a problem because I never picked this up when I finished university :) So I had to call to my university right inside the immigration and had somebody talk to the person at immigration to proof I have studied there. It worked out in the end but was quite scary. I was afraid it will not work. In the meantime I went back to my university and had the degree issued to me again. They were all laughing at me when they saw it took me over 7 years to pick it up since graduation :)

Anyway, just o share mu experience as I don't think the degree requirement is anything new.

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It's pretty obvious that they want us here if we can 'prove our worth' so to speak but don't want us here if we can't!! Also, maybe fewer people will bother to get a work permit and this will lead to extra 'revenue' to the usual suspects when finding Aliens working without said permit!!!

Thailand, still proving to be ultra Nationalistic, inward looking and backwards, just what one should expect from a 3rd world mentality with an old elite in control. :(

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The work permit process here in Thailand has long been cumbersome at best. After careful examination of the situation, I see no evidence that the government here really wants me or anyone else to teach little Thong and little Noi. Then too, what's up with all of the various institutions here (the tourist police, among them?) who expect one to volunteer/work/teach without a work permit? Such would be unethical, and primarily so on the part of any employer encouraging that. And I don't really care to work for any institution that would start the relationship via unethical behavior. Why would anyone?

Shenanigans across the board. I see no reason to be a part of it, and encourage others to avoid employment here, to the maximum extent such is possible.

If the Thai government ever gets a workable process in place (like a non-immigrant O/B visa automatically including the right to work at those things foreigners are permitted to do here, whether retired or otherwise), I'll pay attention again. But I'm not too optimistic about that. More likely will be continued reports describing how little Thong and Noi continue to be unable to speak English as well as children in other SE Asian countries.

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Honestly, this is bordering on the ridiculous!

I have applied for my work permit since the 21st of March '11 and until now, I have still not received it! I have no idea why and the labour office are not giving out any reasons. Funnily enough, when I asked them if I don't get my work permit before my visa runs out in a few days, i was told that my visa is not their problem. I suspect they will ask me for all this new information, cause delays and then I'll have to start the whole process again. More money in the Thai systems pockets.

I have to ask, how many of us expats have copies or access to our education certificates? I know I didn't carry them with me to LOS! I don't have a degree and my previous employer here in Thailand has closed his business and moved away some years ago, so where does that leave me?

It feels like another "tea money tax" coming in for all of us expats that don't fit the criteria. As some of the replies state, it seems that Thailand is constantly making it more difficult for us to live here, work here even after police visiting me for "monetary gifts" or free products. I am sure we will be able to pay if we don't have the qualifications but I have to ask, I am 40+ year old and cant think what my educational qualifications have to do with setting up a business here.. ...anyone?

"Extensions of work permits (WP 5) will now also require a map to the office and a medical certificate. The medical certificate is valid for only 6 months so annual renewal of work permits will now require a new medical certificate including the exam for the usual diseases and the syphilis test."

Really!! what has my health got to do with this and the diseases they check for are a joke too! We all know it is easy to go to a doctor and get a med cert without any testing done. Just another money making scam for us expats to dance to. Is it not enough that we pay through the nose to set up our business's? It's like a we're in a living circus with us jumping through very small hoops of fire whilst doused in petrol!

I can understand why more and more expats leave Thailand but then again, isn't this what "they want" because if it is not, some one is doing a sure fire job to make it feel this way.

Isn't it enough that us business owners that go through all the correct motions, spend money, employ thai staff, travel back and forth for visas, pay tea money, pay our taxes to make business get so much red tape when their attention should be on those that don't have work permits and just seem to be left quietly alone - what gives????

"Drop you wallets off at the airport and go back home ." is the motto of LOS.

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I don't see what all the fuss is about. I always had to flash my degree and transcripts when applying for a job and when renewing my work permit. Actually no -- I always had a copy of my degree when renewing my work permit but they threw it aside with the rest of the 'we don't need these' documents.

So this doesn't affect me one bit.

UNLESS the fuc_ktards don't consider a BDES (bachelor of design) a degree. Now that would be scary. Of course 7 years of teaching and designing teaching materials for other teachers and schools probably won't count.

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Hmmmm one of my employees dropped off my WP renewal stuff today and I go back in on Friday to pick up the 2 year extension. I wonder if I should bring along a blood test?

BTW --- Chiang Mai MoL has always been quite nice about the WP thing.

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"New applicants for work permits will now be required to provide proof of their Education Certificate (BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD) and a reference letter from the previous employer confirming employment."

As far as I know a degree has always been a requirement. At my old company there was a guy from NZ applying and being hired (this was about 3 years ago). He had to show a degree in order to get he work permit. He didnt have one so didnt get a work permit and couldnt take the job.

All jobs I have been working in in Thailand (3 different companies already) have required me to show my degree to get he work permit.

And finally, last time I got my work permit was the first time they didn't even accept my university transcript (which they have always accepted in the past), this was a couple months back (this year). They wanted to see the original degree (the real graduation paper document). This was a problem because I never picked this up when I finished university :) So I had to call to my university right inside the immigration and had somebody talk to the person at immigration to proof I have studied there. It worked out in the end but was quite scary. I was afraid it will not work. In the meantime I went back to my university and had the degree issued to me again. They were all laughing at me when they saw it took me over 7 years to pick it up since graduation :)

Anyway, just o share mu experience as I don't think the degree requirement is anything new.

Are you applying in a specialist field or something.. I mean for teaching I pretty much understand it etc.

But if Joe bloggs opens a restaurant.. Are they really saying he has to have a degree to do so.. In his own owner / operator business.

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I have just registered a business in Thailand and have put my working visa on hold. I do all my business in Australia so no need to hurry. I thought it would be nice to expand my business in Thailand. But lately I have been thinking ..... WHAT IS THE POINT!!!! I think I will expand my business in another country that is a lot more sensible. And friendly for business. I am fortunate that I can work anywhere in the world. And it aint gunna be here!!!!

So, no Thia employees, no tax to the government and no other graft and corruption I have to pay.

Happy Days!!!

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so i'm wondering if you're married to a Thai and don't have a uni degree, you'll never work here legally? is that right?

This is what I am baffled about.. And would like Sunbelt or someone to clarify.

Are they really saying they dont want anyone to invest in Thailand who doesnt have a degree ??

I am totally unaffected by this, but am baffled if thats what they are asking for.

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This all sounds like a lot of bureaucratic crap to me.

What if you don't have any kind of degree or you're straight out of Uni and don't have a previous employer ?

...or if a person has never worked for another... entrepreneurs (business owners) must be exempted from this by sheer logic.

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This whole thing is only valid for teachers, because there are too many Johnny Nobrains coming to Thailand because they can get a job here as an English teacher.

If you have the right qualifications, you won't have any problems.

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This whole thing is only valid for teachers

Do you know this or are you speculating..

All in all its kind of silly to post a thread like this, send it out as an email alert.. and then leave everyone to speculate without confirming the essential obvious detail in it that everyones asking for.

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There is no requirement for a degree to get a WP.

If one however claims to have a degree then one has to be able to show the proper certs showing it.

Easy as pie.

So if its not a requirement then just dont show one..

If true hardly worth the urgent thread and breaking news email alert.

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