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Pheu Thai Fears '3rd Party' Attack During Democrat's Ratchaprasong Rally


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Pheu Thai fears '3rd party' attack



The Pheu Thai Party has asked its members, supporters and red-shirt groups to remain silent and stay away from Ratchaprasong Intersection today when the Democrat Party takes to the stage to explain its version of the May 2010 bloodshed.

Pheu Thai leaders fear that violence by a third party could take place in the area, carried out to make it look like it was instigated by the opposition.

Pheu Thai electoral candidate Nattawut Saikua yesterday said he had received information from a confidential source that there would be problems during the Democrats' campaign rally at Ratchaprasong in central Bangkok.

"I received confidential information that some men from the lower Northeast had been instructed to engage in violence, such as bombing and arson, on that day," he said. "Should this happen, I say it would have nothing to do with Pheu Thai and the red-shirt groups.

"People from all parties, no matter what colour they are, must be careful, and the reds will not make any movement [during the Democrats' rally]. It's too dangerous for our democracy," he added.

Red-shirt leader Thida Thawornset said she would later respond to whatever points the Democrats make about the events of May last year.

"Let them say what they want to say, and I will clarify and answer all issues later," she said.

"At this moment, let me tell the Democrats' Khun Korbsak [sabhavasu] that it is wrong to believe that the red shirts rejected negotiations because [ex-prime minister] Thaksin Shinawatra instructed them to do so," she said. "Thaksin cannot order the red leaders."

Metropolitan Police deputy commander Panu Kerdlabpon said the major concern for police today would be traffic congestion in the Ratchaprasong area.

Forty police officers have been allocated to help facilitate traffic flow this evening, said Panu, who oversees traffic in the capital.

The pedestrian area in front of CentralWorld shopping mall is big enough to accommodate 5,000 people, so a large crowd attending the campaign rally would not necessarily have a major effect on traffic, he said.

However, he suggested anyone planning to attend should use the mass-transit system rather than travelling by personal vehicle.

Democrat leader and Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday insisted that his party's action today is intended to explain what had actually happened in May last year, and to tell voters how the party would lead the country out of conflict if it won the election on July 3.

"We have no intention of deepening the rift, and will talk about the [future] direction of the country," he said. "Those trying to obstruct our plan are the ones who created the conflict."

Asked whether today's campaign rally could help lead the country out of conflict, Abhisit did not answer directly but simply called on people to listen to what he had to say.

Chaturon Chaisang, former leader of the now-defunct Thai Rak Thai party, yesterday held a news conference urging the Democrats to think twice about their plan to take to the Ratchaprasong stage, since their action could fuel more conflict, rather than end it.

The issue is too sensitive for those who were affected by the bloody incident 13 months ago, he said.

"The Democrats intend to score points from the national rift," he said, adding: "It is a mistake for the party to use the issue for political campaign purposes.

"Abhisit should think about the interests of the whole nation, as he is not just the leader of the Democrats but still holds the position of prime minister," he added.

The PM should not be a person who makes people hate one another and exploits the hate for political gain, Chaturon said. "I think this issue will damage the Democrats and Abhisit in the long run."

Democrat deputy spokesman Boonyod Sooktinthai said his party would provide evidence and the truth about the May 2010 bloodshed.

Party strategist Korbsak will explain how the plan to negotiate with the red shirts to end the protest collapsed on May 19 last year, leading to the bloodshed, he said.

A Democrat source yesterday expressed confidence that the tactic of "opening the wounds" of the red shirts and Pheu Thai over last year's incident would attract the attention of undecided voters, who still lacked information about what had actually taken place.

"The tactic will definitely work," the source said.


-- The Nation 2011-06-23

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So who might that "3rd Party" be? Surely not the Army, whom every self respecting Red Shirt believes only exists to support yellow factions and the Democrat Party. Certainly not any of the Democrat's coalition partners.

Lower Northeast? Why that sounds like BJT territory. They are current coalition partners of the Democrats and PTP has vowed never to form an alliance with them. It all sounds like bullshit to me. Not just normal campaign bullshit, but that extraordinary kind that mocks credulity, that only PTP seems to able to come up with.

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Wouldn't it be a real bitch slap to the face if the Dems actually managed to pull more people to Ratchaprasong than the Reds did. Explain that Thida !!! But in all seriousness lets hope it is peaceful and all sides get to hear all sides of the story.

BTW on a slight detour, an i correct in my assumption that Thida (and her husband and by association the party she heads) follow a Maoist/communist ideology. Can anyone explain to me how that ideology fits with having a monarchy?

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Khun Thida says she'll respond to any points PM-Abhisit may make, after the rally, "I will clarify and answer all issues later".

But she isn't actually one of the Red-leaders favoured with selection, to stand as a candidate for party-list or constituence MP, perhaps she might instead encourage the party-leader to respond to anything Abhisit says, as most democrats might expect ?

Or does the "amazingly fresh and hot" Ms Yingluck not actually 'do' politics, preferring just to take part in photo-opportunities, rather than lead her clone-brother's party ?

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SO a thinly veiled threat on honest, working Thai people attending a political rally!! Will it be abuse, physical attack? or a grenade?? Red Democracy at its bullying threatening back stabbing best!! If the Democrats said they fear a third party will attack red shirt rallies they would be criticised and rightly so. See you all there tonight?? If you re going to walk the walk on TV.com then lets help swell the numbers at least!! Wonder what the reply will be to this post from the red fraternity? "Were going to get you? " What a marvelous Governbment they will form!!

Edited by ianbaggie
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Wouldn't it be a real bitch slap to the face if the Dems actually managed to pull more people to Ratchaprasong than the Reds did. Explain that Thida !!! But in all seriousness lets hope it is peaceful and all sides get to hear all sides of the story.

BTW on a slight detour, an i correct in my assumption that Thida (and her husband and by association the party she heads) follow a Maoist/communist ideology. Can anyone explain to me how that ideology fits with having a monarchy?

they only follow thaksin and everything he says. 'coz he's the suggar daddy.

thaksin's ideology is: i'm the one and only and that means what it means in the present constitutional monarchy i.e. if he comes back to power, we won't be able to remove him (except with tanks).

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Khun Thida says she'll respond to any points PM-Abhisit may make, after the rally, "I will clarify and answer all issues later".

But she isn't actually one of the Red-leaders favoured with selection, to stand as a candidate for party-list or constituence MP, perhaps she might instead encourage the party-leader to respond to anything Abhisit says, as most democrats might expect ?

Or does the "amazingly fresh and hot" Ms Yingluck not actually 'do' politics, preferring just to take part in photo-opportunities, rather than lead her clone-brother's party ?

everybody knows she's just a puppet! like somchai and samak before. even samak said he was thaksin's puppet!

everybody knows they can't face AV in a debate 'coz they can't think for themselves! they need thaksin to write the script.

this is just a complete farce! mark my words: we are in for a long long struggle. thaksin knows his time is coming and he will take as much money as he can while he can and frankly, nobody can do anything about it.


when he comes to power, the first thing he's gonna do is put his cronies on the top military posts and make sure the army can't depose him anymore.

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Paraphrasing, "I have in good source that ugly things may happen to the people that join the rally". Terrorism-little, that's what that is; a plausibly deniable threat to people not to gather at that rally.

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Why is anyone seeing this as anything other than a very sensible statement by Phue Thai, aimed at keeping the peace in the face of this cheap and awkward provocation by the "Democrat" party?

One comment I have is that it's not really needed to slander BJT. (In veiled terms of course, but such are the laws in Thailand)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Why is anyone seeing this as anything other than a very sensible statement by Phue Thai, aimed at keeping the peace in the face of this cheap and awkward provocation by the "Democrat" party?

One comment I have is that it's not really needed to slander BJT. (In veiled terms of course, but such are the laws in Thailand)

The red shirts also "provoke" people a couple of times a month at this very location.

The red shirts and PTP keep on blaming Abhisit for the protester's (and amazingly army personnel's and others) deaths at a location where actually no deaths occurred (except for one looter dying in the fire).

It seems fair that Abhisit is able to defend himself of these accusations, and at a location so people can get an idea of what actually happened.

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Why is anyone seeing this as anything other than a very sensible statement by Phue Thai, aimed at keeping the peace in the face of this cheap and awkward provocation by the "Democrat" party?

One comment I have is that it's not really needed to slander BJT. (In veiled terms of course, but such are the laws in Thailand)

A very sensible statement by pheu thai aimed at keeping peace..............

You must be kidding...Since when are they aiming at anything keeping peace? Look at their records

Provocation by democrat party ? Again you must be kidding... Again look at the UDD = PTP records, and just see where the provocation always come from....

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Wouldn't it be a real bitch slap to the face if the Dems actually managed to pull more people to Ratchaprasong than the Reds did. Explain that Thida !!! But in all seriousness lets hope it is peaceful and all sides get to hear all sides of the story.

BTW on a slight detour, an i correct in my assumption that Thida (and her husband and by association the party she heads) follow a Maoist/communist ideology. Can anyone explain to me how that ideology fits with having a monarchy?

It doesn't, but does dovetail to the Lese Majesty case of late.

Thaksin harnessed whom every was anti-government and had a following. He needed numbers and not ideology up front. But he may have well opened Pandora's Box shut since the 70's

He is an Equal Opportunity Misanthrope vis a vis the government and getting his power back

This is clearly a pre-emptive Fake Reds scream, knowing something is likely to happen, they try to pretend in advance it isn't their side.

But they seem quite informed about this... too informed.

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It wasn't us it was them.

Who are they?

Not us.

Are you sure?


If there is any violence at this rally the blame falls entirely on caretaker PM Abhisit for being so provocative> I hope this time he will be held accountable.

So let me gt this straight

Reds rally at Ratchaprasong - result violence and death = PM responsibility

Dems rally at Ratchaprasong - result violence and death = PM responsibility

Whats next - Aliens invade down town Bangkok = PM responsibility!!

To be honest the responsibility for deaths last year is shared. If both sides had sat down, talked, negotiated and not been so f**king pig headed and obtuse none of the events would likely to have occured. So stop all this <deleted> trying to pin the blame onto a single man. It takes two to tango.

It will (hypothetically) be interesting to see a PTP government response if the dem supporters barracked themselves into Ratchaprasong for 3 long months. Clearly they would be unable to send in the tanks as they would just be hypocrites. Their constant complaining about how the dems handled things is making a rod for their own back. If anyone thinks PTP / UDD would do things differently if the shoe was on the other foot, well they need to remove their head from their backside. (Hypothetically of course!!)

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It wasn't us it was them.

Who are they?

Not us.

Are you sure?


If there is any violence at this rally the blame falls entirely on caretaker PM Abhisit for being so provocative> I hope this time he will be held accountable.

Contrary to the provocations of the Red side last year which caused hardship for millions? This is hardly a serious provocation. But people with ill intent are trying to spin it that way, in advance to avoid the blame when the rally gets attacked.

Oh please! Don't go there, we might not be able to hold back 'unknown people from the northeast'. Oh gee wiz you co-opted our site of provocations, how dare you, it must be a horrible provocation.

Reds are sniffing too much glue lately.

Edited by animatic
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Why is anyone seeing this as anything other than a very sensible statement by Phue Thai, aimed at keeping the peace in the face of this cheap and awkward provocation by the "Democrat" party?

One comment I have is that it's not really needed to slander BJT. (In veiled terms of course, but such are the laws in Thailand)

Awkward is the right word! Let it go ahead as they have no right to stop it, and have actual footage of Party List candidates spewing hatred and inciting violence, or try to disrupt it and prove the accusations to be made, that they are just a mob of thugs.

No! Go for a tried and true formula "Fake Reds!", better get in early and announce it before it happens. They could have picked someone with a little more credibility though. I suppose the problem is finding someone stupid enough to be associated with such an obvious CYA. Jatuporn would do it, but most people know he couldn't lie straight in bed.

No sign of the usual red defenders, Rocky. the Rat et al. Did you you pull the short straw?

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It wasn't us it was them.

Who are they?

Not us.

Are you sure?


If there is any violence at this rally the blame falls entirely on caretaker PM Abhisit for being so provocative> I hope this time he will be held accountable.

Yet again, the same old blaming of one man for a situation that could have been so easily avoided if everyone involved had wanted to avoid it.

None so blind.

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It wasn't us it was them.

Who are they?

Not us.

Are you sure?


If there is any violence at this rally the blame falls entirely on caretaker PM Abhisit for being so provocative> I hope this time he will be held accountable.

Contrary to the provocations of the Red side last year which caused hardship for millions? This is hardly a serious provocation. But people with ill intent are trying to spin it that way, in advance to avoid the blame when the rally gets attacked.

Oh please! Don't go there, we might not be able to hold back 'unknown people from the northeast'. Oh gee wiz you co-opted our site of provocations, how dare you, it must be a horrible provocation.

Reds are sniffing too much glue lately.

It is entirely caretaker PM Abhisit's fault if there is violence at this rally as he could and still can choose not to hold the rally in such a sensitive area, believe me this man knows what he is doing and is quite happy to see Thai people killed or injured again for his own self gain and some of you call K Thaksin selfish!!!

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If there is any violence at this rally the blame falls entirely on caretaker PM Abhisit for being so provocative> I hope this time he will be held accountable.

Except of course that it will be covered, under the PTP's blanket-amnesty on political-case, just as their own possibly-criminal acts are covered. Now PM-Abhisit is against that amnesty, he wants the rule-of-law to apply to all, including himself. Quite right too !

If only Thaksin/TRT/PPP/PTP/Ms-Yingluck/Red-Shirts could take the same principled stand. <_<

And the rally is only provocative, because it may remind the voters of just what the Red-Shirt leaders, many now on the PTP slate, were doing last year. This may indeed hopefully provoke an appropriate reaction at the ballot-box. B)

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It is entirely caretaker PM Abhisit's fault if there is violence at this rally as he could and still can choose not to hold the rally in such a sensitive area, believe me this man knows what he is doing and is quite happy to see Thai people killed or injured again for his own self gain and some of you call K Thaksin selfish!!!

So, red shirts are allowed to hold rallies in this sensitive area to blame Abhisit for the deaths of 91 people (only 1 of which died in this area), but the Democrats aren't allowed to hold a rally here to explain their side of the story.

Yay for red shirts against double standards!!

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It is entirely caretaker PM Abhisit's fault if there is violence at this rally as he could and still can choose not to hold the rally in such a sensitive area, believe me this man knows what he is doing and is quite happy to see Thai people killed or injured again for his own self gain and some of you call K Thaksin selfish!!!

Why will people be killed and injured again?

Will red shirts turn up to try and stop an election rally?

Yay for Red Democracy!!

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It is entirely caretaker PM Abhisit's fault if there is violence at this rally as he could and still can choose not to hold the rally in such a sensitive area, believe me this man knows what he is doing and is quite happy to see Thai people killed or injured again for his own self gain and some of you call K Thaksin selfish!!!

So, red shirts are allowed to hold rallies in this sensitive area to blame Abhisit for the deaths of 91 people (only 1 of which died in this area), but the Democrats aren't allowed to hold a rally here to explain their side of the story.

Yay for red shirts against double standards!!

I was going to mention the glaring hypocrisy of their much-vaunted-but-never-adhered-to "double standards" in this situation, but as others pointed it out, I'll just say ditto.


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It wasn't us it was them.

Who are they?

Not us.

Are you sure?


If there is any violence at this rally the blame falls entirely on caretaker PM Abhisit for being so provocative> I hope this time he will be held accountable.

Contrary to the provocations of the Red side last year which caused hardship for millions? This is hardly a serious provocation. But people with ill intent are trying to spin it that way, in advance to avoid the blame when the rally gets attacked.

Oh please! Don't go there, we might not be able to hold back 'unknown people from the northeast'. Oh gee wiz you co-opted our site of provocations, how dare you, it must be a horrible provocation.

Reds are sniffing too much glue lately.

It is entirely caretaker PM Abhisit's fault if there is violence at this rally as he could and still can choose not to hold the rally in such a sensitive area, believe me this man knows what he is doing and is quite happy to see Thai people killed or injured again for his own self gain and some of you call K Thaksin selfish!!!

You are confused. PM Abhisit is not K. Thaksin. You make a mixture. You transfer the character traits of K.Thaksin to PM Abhisit, and worse you believe it.

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